rebirth of change

Chapter 1201 Novel University

"Well, how should I put it? It should be worrying. If our two countries become one, then they will be the most powerful in West Africa. In addition, Buganda is a country with a very aggressive character. For Anguilla Naturally, it will be a hidden threat." Calabi was not [-]% sure, but Chen Kangjie got the key information from his words.

From the perspective of international relations, no one wants to have a strong man by his side.If one's neighbors are too powerful, one will be unstable. To use our common saying, it is "how can others snore on the side of the couch".From this point of view, Anguila is naturally unwilling to see Buganda extend its tentacles to Zha, let alone let them merge together.

From another point of view, this is also a relationship of "death lips and teeth cold". If Zha Guo is gone, the chaos in Anguila will not be far behind.

Later, Chen Kangjie talked with Karabi about many other situations, but he didn't promise that he would come in for help.Chen Kangjie did not express his position in this regard, so it was difficult for Calabi to make specific requests accordingly.

Chen Kangjie's idea is very simple, that is, this issue can be discussed, but it must wait until the meeting with the leader of Anguilla - President Dias.It is best for the three parties to discuss this issue together, so that he can get the most out of it.

However, Dias seems to be very calm. Chen Kangjie has been in Sao Paulo Andadu for two days, and he has not seen the figure of the president. The information he got from Calabi is that Dias is very busy these days. Take it easy.

Chen Kangjie didn't quite believe this reason. If he was busy, was there any other field of state affairs that attracted more attention than the wars in neighboring countries?Obviously there is something famous here, but Chen Kangjie doesn't know what it is.It is obviously illogical to say that he is dragging Chen Kangjie so that he can stand on the initiative side of the negotiation, because Chen Kangjie is not the one with the most urgent interests and the most at stake.If this is excluded, it can only show that Dias is deliberately dragging Karabi.

So why is Dias dragging Carabi?Chen Kangjie couldn't figure this out.According to Chen Kangjie's previous knowledge of this area, the relationship between the Calabi father and son and the current authorities in Anguilla is good.Anguilla reached a domestic settlement agreement on April 1997, 4. This agreement quelled years of turmoil in the country. It was also under this situation that Dias was able to come to power.

Before 97, Dias and Calabi and his son could be said to be an alliance. Regardless of the fact that they are located in two different countries, they seem to be irrelevant.In fact, they used to be very close comrades-in-arms. The revolution led by Karabi and his son started from the east of Zha, and the domestic struggle led by Dias also started from the east of Anguilla. Except for Zha, these two countries In addition to bordering on a large area in the north of Anquila in the south, the southeast of Zha also borders on a considerable area in the east of Anquila. The southern part of the Mitumba Mountains extends into the territory of Anquila, Kolwe Qi is very close to the border of Anguilla. The old Calabi once organized a strike in this area. When he was rounded up by the authorities, he would flee to Anguilla to escape. Dias will provide considerable assistance , On the contrary, Dias also fled to Zhaguo twice, and both times he received the full support of the old Karabi.

It was the huge influence of this alliance that made them all gain leadership in their respective countries, and at the same time established a deep "combat friendship".Otherwise, Calabi would not be the first to think of coming to Anguila for help in the current difficult situation.In his mind, Dias should immediately help him with all his strength, but after arriving in Sao Paulo Anda, he realized that the difficulties inside were not easy to overcome.

Chen Kangjie was actually quite impatient for not being able to finish the affairs here.Of course, what he is anxious about has nothing to do with the situation in Zha country. He is anxious about domestic affairs. First, of course, the day when he starts school has come. Privately donated Southern University is the first year of enrollment this year and will hold an opening ceremony. As the actual funder of this university, he really wants to take a look.Now he can't go, so he can only draft a speech for the principal to consider as appropriate.The first president of Southern University was hired from Fudan University. This physicist has a clear teaching philosophy and educational ideas that keep pace with the times, especially his international vision is commendable.The academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was originally hired to be the president of the world-renowned University of Nottingham after leaving Fudan University. However, after working hard in many ways, he finally agreed to be the president of such a newly established private university. .

The last time Chen Kangjie went to Mingzhu, apart from visiting Fan Xuexi, another more important purpose was to meet with the scientist who was about to leave office and make a final decision on the matter.The ability to attract such a high-ranking scholar does not rely on generous remuneration, nor does it rely solely on the superior conditions of the new university. The most important thing is that he can have a lot of autonomy and can follow his own I want to run a school.Before being reborn, Chen Kangjie had heard his speech on domestic education issues, and that speech left a deep impression on Chen Kangjie, and even Chen Kangjie's understanding of many educational issues, especially higher education, was similar to that of this educator There is not a shallow relationship.It is a pity that many of his advanced ideas are impossible to realize in universities within the system, and there are too many rules and regulations restricting him.

When Chen Kangjie saw Principal Yang, he only went to visit him the next night after he arrived in Mingzhu, after sending Fan Xuexi back to school.Knowing that Southern University was funded by Chen Kangjie and other people of insight, President Yang was surprised and moved.Based on the educator's suggestion, the university established nine directorships, three from the school's management, three from the school's outstanding professors, and three from the funders (including future endowing alumni).These nine people jointly decide the major decisions of the university. Since each represents the interests of different groups, the consensus reached will be very coordinated. At the same time, the nine people can remove the principal.Of course, the principal will be responsible for the specific aspects of teaching, such as the appointment of professors, the formulation of management systems, the introduction of teaching plans, and so on.Under the nomination of the principal, there will be a degree committee within the school. In other words, in addition to one degree recognized by the Ministry of Education, the other degree awarded by the school will be issued by the school. more stringent.Such a strange setting, with the growing reputation of Southern University and the higher and higher teaching quality, in the end, only the degree diploma issued by the academic degree committee of the school is recognized by the society.At the same time, the school also has a huge advisory committee. In addition to some scholars and retired officials, there are also students of the school and media reporters in the advisory committee.The Advisory Committee will meet to provide their views and opinions to the school's management and board of trustees.At the same time, this advisory committee has another function, which is supervision. In addition to supervising the school management, they will also supervise the qualifications of teachers hired by the school, so as to ensure that the teachers hired by the school are of high level. They find that a teacher or professor has academic fraud or is not competent for his duties, and they have the right to ask the board of directors to remove them.

And the school’s nine-member board of directors is not a constant layer. Three management directors and three professor directors will be elected from all management and all professors. They are elected every five years. As for the three investor directors , it will be assigned for the time being, and will be selected from all the alumni who have donated to the school in the future. These people graduate from here and can repay the school, so they must really hope that their alma mater will develop in a more excellent way , it is very beneficial for the long-term development of the school for the outstanding ones to participate in the major decision-making of the school.

Such a special management method of Southern University is unique among domestic universities. They interweave, restrict each other, manage together, and use each other's strengths, which is extremely difficult in public universities.Since there is no need to obtain school funding from the government, it is difficult for the government to reach in.Principal Yang's ability to put forward this kind of thinking shows that he has a very broad mind. If it were anyone else, he would wish that the principal could become the emperor of the country with a large sum of money and hold all the power in his own hands.But then again, if this scholar was that kind of person, Chen Kangjie wouldn't look for him either.

Of course, some other private universities did not receive funds from the government, but it is still difficult for them to completely get rid of the influence of the government.The difference between them and Southern University is that their strength is much smaller and their background is not so deep. The most typical point is that Wei Zhonghua will attend the first opening ceremony of Southern University. The number one leader of the country will attend a university This is a gesture, and his attendance will at least make the unique status of Southern University unshakable for 15 years.With 15 years, it is enough for this university to develop the muscles to resist all pressures.This is the reason why Chen Kangjie called Wei Zhonghua to attend, not to mention, Chen Kangjie will invite Zhao Zhibang to attend the graduation ceremony in the future, which will bring at least ten years of stable development opportunities.

Although it is necessary to avoid too much government intervention in the field of education, in this particular country, Chen Kangjie feels that the political resources that can be used should not be wasted.Regardless of whether it is peddling dog meat or bullshit, as long as it is useful, it must not be let go.

It's a pity that Chen Kangjie himself couldn't be there to witness in person, even if he couldn't appear in public, he regretted it.

On the fourth day after Chen Kangjie arrived in Sao Paulo Anda, President Dias finally summoned Karabi and Chen Kangjie.

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