"I'm afraid they won't agree," Hassan Roddy said in a low voice with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"If it takes another one or two months, they may really not agree to let Bandaqi affect their great cause of nation-building. Now, I think you still have a chance. Although Timor Island is in the country of Thousand Islands The government is negotiating a referendum, but the new government of the Thousand Islands has no intention of letting go. At least for the time being, they have to show toughness and not give up the sovereignty of the country. If they really reach an agreement after a while, the chance It's slim." Chen Kangjie helped analyze from the side.

"Yes, yes, yes, it makes sense. However, even under such circumstances, the difficulty is still not small." Hassan Luodi was very pleased with Chen Kangjie's decomposition, but he still looked hesitant.

"The difficulty is not small. It depends on how you do it. After so many years of hard work, Timor Island has made great progress in fighting for independence, and has won the support and sympathy of many people. But they There are also troubles, such as large poverty, insufficient funds, backward facilities, and even the main leaders of the country to participate in international conferences in Europe, they have to provide assistance to pay the bill. From this point of view, I think you have an opportunity to find This is the most difficult period for them, and also the most critical period," Chen Kangjie said slowly with a bright heart.

Hassan Roddy shook his right hand almost like a conditioned reflex, and kept tapping the fingertips of the other four fingers with his thumb, just like those so-called fortune tellers with magical skills.Chen Kangjie knew that he was not really planning the future through the gods, but more likely he was calculating the money that he had not received from Chen Kangjie.

What Chen Kangjie meant is very clear. They can use money to buy Timor Island and stand on the same political side as them.

"Money is for spending. In fact, when we rent such a piece of land, we are providing you with a large amount of funds in disguise, but it's just like doing business. An ancient man named Li Bai in our country once said, Qianjin Come back after all the money is gone. It means that when the money on the body is spent, there will always be other benefits, even more than the thousands of dollars spent. Take us for example, investing so much money seems to be squandering and waste, but if it can really help you achieve success, won’t you be able to return more profits in the future. The same is true for you, as long as you have land, people, and international status, and want to have more, isn’t that a matter of course.” Chen Kangjie played the role of a persuader in a disguised form, alleviating Hassan Rody's concerns and enhancing his confidence.

"I understand. I will personally participate in the handling of this aspect, and I will definitely reach an agreement with the Timor Island side." Hassan Rodi gritted his teeth with bright eyes, and said rigorously, "You said 'two-pronged approach', first-hand It is to form an alliance of political interests with Timor Island, so what is the second hand?"

Chen Kangjie stood up, left the dining table, walked to the white chair in the rest area next to him and sat down, and said, "The second song is about strong foreign aid. It is to have some big countries that can speak for you, and it is best to be able to be influenced by them." Some other countries stood up and spoke for you." Hassan Rodi followed closely behind and sat next to Chen Kangjie.

"Big country? Do you mean your motherland?" Hassan Luodi was a little excited. He thought in his heart that Chen Kangjie would have a way to persuade China to help them stand up. If the neighboring China is willing to do so, There will undoubtedly be a huge outpouring of solidarity.

"No, no, no." Chen Kangjie waved his left hand inscrutablely, "It is not suitable for China to stand up. Besides, our country does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, let alone such a sensitive topic. It doesn’t have that much energy to influence the country to change its foreign relations policy, you think highly of me.”

"Then... what other great powers will speak for us?" Hassan Rody's emotions were affected, as if he had fallen from a high mountain to a trough, or like a pot of fire being thrown into a bucket of cold water.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this, I will help you. The Chinese side will never publicly stand up to express support, but..." Chen Kangjie changed his tone suddenly, "Hiddenly busy Should help."

"Hidden favor? How do you understand it?" Hassan Roddy's interest was aroused again.

"Don't forget, there are also a bunch of poor brothers in China. If it doesn't speak out, it doesn't mean that no one will shout from the sidelines! What's more, as a permanent member of the council, it has veto power, which is very useful at critical moments." Well, Chen Kangjie didn't explain the details very clearly, but the meaning he wanted to express was already very clear.

"Long, tell me the truth, which major country can you ask to take the lead in supporting us?" This is a key question that is very entangled with Hassan Roddy.

"I don't know yet, I haven't started working yet. Anyway, I will find a country that is not too bad." It's not that Chen Kangjie has no idea, but he can't talk to death, lest there is no room for maneuver. .

The next day, Chen Kangjie left the Lion City, but instead of returning to China immediately, he went to Australia.

Australia is the big country mentioned by Chen Kangjie that can help speak out.In a practical sense, there is no more suitable choice than this country.

First of all, Chen Kangjie has a good personal friendship with Prime Minister Lawrence, as well as a great interest link, which makes it easier for him to talk about that sensitive topic.Secondly, the distance between Australia and the country of Thousand Islands is not far, so it can be said that they are countries in this large region, and the relationship between these two countries is a bit special, with close cooperation and great differences.Third, Australia belongs to Western democracies. They have similar values ​​and standards for judging things. What they say is easier for the West to accept.Fourth, Australia is a half-ally of the United States. His position on this issue is of great significance.

Of course, Chen Kangjie is not worried that this will really affect the relationship between Australia and the United States, just like the European allies have not maintained close ties with the United States on every issue, as long as it does not involve principled strategic issues, A little incongruity, but nothing serious.

Furthermore, the United States does not have to support the country of a thousand islands.For a long time, this largest MSL country has not completely stood with them, don't the Yankees have no idea?The U.S. government unanimously has more or less views on MSL. Don't they really want to weaken the strength of a big MSL country?Chen Kangjie was always skeptical about this.As for the two diplomats who disappeared, they were nothing at all. The United States would suffer some losses from time to time on the secret communication front, some were diplomats, some were intelligence personnel.As long as it is not made public, there will be no uproar. Moreover, at the critical moment, Hassan Roddy and the others can take the initiative to discuss this topic. As long as they prove that the Americans have had direct contact with them, the country of Thousand Islands will still Do you trust Americans?

Chen Kangjie thought of the last point, but he couldn't take the initiative to mention it, otherwise it would be hard to explain.On the contrary, after Hassan Rody knew Chen Kangjie's identity, he took the initiative to mention it frankly, and Chen Kangjie didn't get entangled in the content, but just told him insincerely that he could use it.

When Chen Kangjie arrived in Australia, the battle for Yang Dali and others to infiltrate Zhaguohedong area started.They failed all the way and succeeded all the way in the colorful two-way raid.

The one that failed was the team responsible for the sneak attack on Bubba himself.Since launching the mutiny, Babu has been on high alert for his own safety, and has always lived in the barracks instead of choosing a certain official residence.Under the leadership of the guide assigned by Calabi, the hundred-member team, whose faces were all painted black, traveled all the way at dawn and night, avoiding checkpoints one after another, until they arrived at the outskirts of Goma City, Babu's base camp.

Through a cowardly mistake by their guides, they were spotted and a violent firefight ensued on the banks of Lake Kivu just south of the city of Goma.Although the 100-man squad killed and injured more than [-] members of Babu's guards, it was obvious that they had lost the best opportunity and had no choice but to retreat in a roundabout way.Under Babu's large-scale enhanced security, it is almost impossible to succeed in another attack. On the contrary, there is a high risk of unnecessary casualties.

The route to the north failed, but the route to the south did not embarrass Chen Kangjie. They successfully attacked the Buganda Supreme Command stationed in Kolwezi, resulting in the death of the Supreme Commander and several staff members.At this time, the Anguilla border guards stationed in Masibi launched an offensive against the Buganda garrison, which made the situation more complicated, and this kind of complexity was what Chen Kangjie and Karabi both wanted to see.

The Anguila border guards will attack the Buganda garrison by accident, thanks to Yang Dali's masterpiece.

After Yang Dali and the others went south along the border between Zhaguo and Anguila, they divided their troops into two groups and went to attack the headquarters of Buganda. Marsibe, a small border town.

In the past, there would be some sporadic small conflicts between the newly arrived Anguilla army and the Buganda garrison. The Buganda army did not know the border situation between the two countries. Seeing that Anguilla strengthened the border garrison, they also stepped up their guard. This will inevitably lead to contradictions.However, it is still controllable, and there has not been an incident in which three people died.

However, this time was different. Yang Dali and the others all changed into Buganda military uniforms and attacked a company in Anguilla without saying a word. The opponent suffered heavy losses, with 33 casualties and three cars were blown up.

Under the circumstances of not knowing what is going on, based on basic intuitive judgments, Anguilla will naturally have to blame the Buganda army. On the one hand, Anguila is regarded as the "murderer", and it seems impossible for both sides to fight.

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