rebirth of change

Chapter 122 What to Report

Chapter 120 What to report

"This is Deng Min?" Several girls muttered softly, harboring a lot of hostility towards Deng Min who just sat down.

The boys were so easy to get along with. I heard that they were Chen Kangjie's buddies. The boys immediately became old acquaintances.

"Deng Min, I heard that you are my brother's girlfriend?" Chen Jing asked maliciously.

Sitting down, Deng Min felt that they were not very friendly to her, and she was already in a hurry. She didn't know how to answer Chen Jing's question, and her little face turned red.

"Ju Yan, remember that I told you clearly," Chen Kangjie knew what Chen Jing wanted to do, and said aloud, looking a little displeased.Deng Min asked to sit down by himself. We are all classmates and friends, so he didn't want to make trouble.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was really angry, Chen Jing stared at him without giving in, but her sisters didn't want to make trouble, so they tugged at her sleeves, and then she looked at Chen Kangjie and Deng Min, bowed her head Go down, pick up the chopsticks and poke the table hard, and start eating by yourself.From time to time, a "hum" came out of his mouth.

Chen Kangjie really had nothing to do with this sister, so he could only smile wryly, greeted everyone, and started to eat.Deng Min was very embarrassed, didn't speak, and ate carefully. Chen Kangjie didn't want her to be too out of group, so he kept feeding her food. This little action made the other girls even more unhappy, especially Chen Jing.

In order to eliminate their anger and reduce his own troubles, Chen Kangjie directly became a nanny and served several ladies, which made them look better.

After eating for more than half an hour, everyone's stomachs were satisfied. Chen Kangjie paid the bill. This is just a snack, and he will have to eat when he gets home. If he is too full to go home, he will suffer from class.Zhang Qiang and the three of them went home separately, and the rest had to go home with Chen Kangjie to get presents.

"Ju Yan, do you want to help me or harm me?" On the way back, Chen Kangjie stopped Chen Jing and asked.

"Lao Wen, of course I'm helping you. The three of them are all good. I'm helping you tie down your girlfriend."

"Since when did I recognize them as girlfriends? How can you be like this?" Chen Kangjie said frantically.

"But you didn't object or refuse? Why else would you be nice to them?" Chen Jing's logic was very strong and domineering.

"You, you, what is this all about? We are still young, what do you know?" Chen Kangjie was really depressed about Chen Jing's enthusiasm in this matter.

Chen Kangjie's words behind him were a bit loud, and the girls overheard them, and they all stopped to look at the siblings.

"I'm still young now, but I'll grow up, do you understand?" Chen Jing whispered in Chen Kangjie's ear, then knocked him on the forehead, turned and left.

"I convinced you", Chen Kangjie conceded again. It seems that with his old sister around, those three people may really become his girlfriends sooner or later. Although they all had a good impression of them before rebirth, but that is completely different. What's more, Chen Kangjie, who was reborn, didn't want to fall into it so quickly. Besides, he also has a girlfriend in eastern Guangdong.

The unpleasant scene just now seemed to have never happened. Everyone who got the gift was very happy, and they chatted endlessly to compare each other.Ma Fangqin originally wanted to ask them to stay for dinner, but they skipped class in the afternoon. If they didn't go back earlier, they would probably be punished.However, the result was not that bad. When they found out that they were looking for Chen Kangjie, no one was scolded. Chen Kangjie almost became their protector.

After dinner, Chen Qigang called Chen Kangjie to his room alone.

"I didn't ask you yesterday, so you didn't report it?" Before Chen Kangjie sat down, Chen Qigang asked displeasedly, frowning.

"Dad, what are you reporting?" Chen Kangjie pretended to be confused and asked with a smile.

"What do you think?" Chen Qigang did not buy into Chen Kangjie's knowingly asking.

"Dad, I don't know what you want to ask?" Chen Kangjie still had a hippie smile on his face, he just wanted to see how long his father could hold back.

"Looking for a pump, right? Of course it's the result of your trip." Chen Qigang used threats if he couldn't use coercion, but he knew that it didn't work because Chen Kangjie had never been smoked before, so he had no choice but to say it himself come out.

"Hehe, generally speaking, it's okay, but the investment will have to wait for a while. All their funds have been transferred to Europe, and it will take a few months before they can be withdrawn." Chen Kangjie held back his laughter, half-truth Said falsely.

"Then how much did you help them earn this time?" Chen Qigang lit a cigarette, took a puff, and asked, as if he hadn't seen Chen Kangjie's 'sneer'.

It is difficult for Chen Kangjie to answer this question. When he went, Ouyang Zhenhua said to help them refer to investment, but even if he made money, he couldn't give Chen Kangjie all the credit. Moreover, the number was too big to say. I'm afraid to scare my dad, so it's hard to say.

"It's just a little bit, more than a billion dollars." After thinking for a while, Chen Kangjie replied cautiously. He knew that Chen Qigang's question was related to the investment project in Liushuipan, so Chen Kangjie said that it was just enough to spend in Liushuipan. Amount of water pan investment.

"That much?" Hearing this number, Chen Qigang almost couldn't hold a cigarette steadily.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie greatly compressed the figures. If he really said hundreds of billions of dollars, he still doesn't know how scared his father would be.

"I can't help it. Your twelve gold medals urged me to come back, otherwise there would be more." Chen Kangjie joked, boasting about Yue Fei.

"Isn't it? Our whole body is only less than 200 billion US dollars. What about them? Are they still in Europe?" Chen Qigang heard that he had made so much money. Although it was not his own money, he was still very happy, which made Hongyuan International Have sufficient funds to invest in Qianzhou?On the contrary, he still regretted a little bit, if he didn't let Chen Kangjie come back so early, then if he helped them, he might earn more, then he would have more power to speak, and it would be easier to persuade Ouyang Zhenhua to invest.

"Yes, they stayed to see if they could make more money." Chen Kangjie fell on the bed, feeling very comfortable.

"What kind of project is it? Then make money?" Chen Qigang asked a little worried.

"Dad, don't worry, it's not against the law. As for what project it is, they have told them to keep it secret. It's a commercial secret, and you can't tell it to you. If I tell you, you'll get a lawsuit." Strictly speaking, it's okay It's really not a crime, it's a normal financial exchange behavior, but no matter which country does not allow this kind of thing to happen, it's bigger than the general crime, Chen Kangjie naturally won't say it out to worry his family, anyway, he has already returned, What happens is none of your business.

"That's good." After finishing speaking, Chen Qigang stubbed out the cigarette butt and went out.

Chen Kangjie took out his books and began to study and write. The main purpose of his study is to learn foreign languages. For writing, he wanted to write and publish several famous movie scripts in advance, so as to seize the opportunity. In the future, he would sometimes make movies .

Chen Kangjie guessed that movie scripts should not have as much influence as novels.The scripts he wants to write include "True Lies", which was originally written by a French playwright, but I don't know if he has written it.Besides True Lies, there are Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park, 12, The Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Titanic, Saving Private Ryan and Hong Kong "Infernal Affairs", the reason why he wants to make these movies is not only to make money, but also to prove the ability of a Chinese.

Chong Kangjie was a person full of fantasy before his rebirth, but after his rebirth, he still didn't lose this fantasy and romanticism.

However, before he could start writing, he was interrupted by a phone call from Li Wendong. Fortunately, Chen Kangjie's room was equipped with an extension, so he didn't need to go to the living room to answer the phone, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome.

"Jie Shao, not only many media have approached us many times to interview you, but because we couldn't contact you, the British Literature Award Committee and the American Book Association also sent us a fax. They will award you the 1990 British Literary Award and the 1990 Book Award in the United States, I invite you to attend the award ceremony in July, when do you think you can arrange to go?" Li Wendong's voice was a little surprised and excited, he did not expect that publishing Chen Kangjie's book would not only make a lot of money, How can there be such a high literary achievement.

Chen Kangjie hesitated. It was obviously inappropriate for him to accept the award now, not only because of his age, but also because he didn't want to go in front of the public so early, but if he didn't go, it would be disrespectful to others.

"Well, you should know that it is inconvenient for me to accept the award right now. You can go for me and find a suitable reason. Also, I will write a thank-you speech, and you can read it for me." Chen Kangjie also said I couldn't find a way to get the best of both worlds, so I had to arrange it this way.

"What, I'll go for you? How can this work?" Li Wendong thought that Chen Kangjie couldn't go, after all, he was still in elementary school in China, but he didn't expect him to ask himself to go.

"What's wrong? You are my publisher. It's normal. It's okay. Let's settle it." Chen Kangjie didn't want to give him too many chances to bargain, so he decided on it first.

"Hey, oh, okay, then I'll make two trips for you." Li Wendong's publishing house is the only one that can write such a best-selling book, and this face seems to have to be given.

"I will write a few movie scripts in a while, you can find a suitable way to help me publish them, but first let me say that these scripts may not sell well, and I don't want them to sell too well, so you are helping me." , Chen Kangjie was about to write the script, and Li Wendong called, so tell him in advance.

"The script? You wrote it? No problem, you just need to write it." Indeed, according to Chen Kangjie's current reputation, it is estimated that no matter what he writes, he can sell it.Li Wendong couldn't wait for such help, and he wanted more good things.

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