rebirth of change

Chapter 1220 Gossip

"Master, why don't you come here to live? Brother Xi Rui's work can also be transferred here by the way," Chen Kangjie suggested.

"Hehe, you have a serious tone. You are the one who transfers jobs across provinces at will?" Tuo Zhihan joked humorously.

"It may be difficult if you come from other places, but you can still do it from Caiyun Province. Do you know? Liang Minkuan, who partnered with my father back then, is now serving as the vice governor of Caiyun Province, and has also joined the Standing Committee "It's not difficult to ask him to help release someone. Besides, Brother Xirui's rank is not high. He is at the first rank, so he is not conspicuous. Accepting it is not a problem. My godfather He Baoguo still said in the province. If you can talk, I have some relationship with the secretary and the governor." Chen Kangjie replied frankly.

"Hehe, little guy, is this equivalent to opening the back door?"

"How can it be regarded as opening the back door? Master, you are pedantic." Chen Kangjie said without hesitation, "In ancient times, there was a saying that the virtuous were not shunned relatives, and I am not seeking personal gain. I think so, Xi Rui Brother's down-to-earth style should have a stage to display. He is in water conservancy. Now the old one doesn't pay much attention to the development of water conservancy. Now the province is promoting two strategic large water conservancy projects. The time investment is nearly 3000 billion, and it is necessary to solve the problem of safe drinking water for nearly tens of millions of people. Moreover, water conservancy construction in other cities is also being intensively planned. He will come in handy. Besides, a few years ago, he was still What about the cadres on our side." Although Chen Kangjie is not a member of the government system, he is relatively clear about the planning, development and operation of various aspects within the government. Every time he goes to Hebao country, he can see his study. There are many documents in the province.

"Okay, okay, it seems that the development of Qianzhou is very promising. As long as the road and water problems are solved, it will not be a problem to catch up later. However, I dare not answer your suggestion. He decides on his own," Tuo Zhihan sighed.

At present, due to the promotion of Liang Minkuan, the cooperation between Caiyun Province and Qianzhou Province is very close and has made great progress.In terms of transportation, the construction of two expressways linking the two provinces has started and will be completed and opened to traffic in two years. The investor behind it is Chen Kangjie, and he is planning to build a high-speed railway between the two provincial capital cities to achieve close regional development. .The reason why Chen Kangjie is working hard in this direction, apart from the role of Liang Minkuan, is that Chen Kangjie feels that this is a major channel to enter Southeast Asia. In the future, the flow of logistics, people and capital in many provinces and cities in the central and southwestern regions can pass through this major channel. The channel is closely connected with many countries in Southeast Asia to promote the transformation and upgrading of the domestic economy, and it can also broaden the level of international cooperation.

The province and the Ministry of Transport have planned [-] kilometers of expressways. At present, this is the largest expressway transportation plan among local provinces and cities in China.It is not very difficult to make such a plan well. The key is to solve the source of funds. Without funds, everything will become a castle in the air.At present, the investment in highways is still dominated by state investment, but the central government does not have that much money.Some provinces and cities are watching with curious eyes, and some open-minded ones are beginning to study Qianzhou Province's financing know-how in expressway construction.

To be honest, there is no trick. Without Chen Kangjie's participation, the province would dare to formulate such a target plan at least ten years later, and it would take at least 15 years to implement it. All of this requires financial strength.Because of Chen Kangjie's participation, these arduous and huge projects could be advanced many years in advance.If there is no accident, these major infrastructure constructions will be completed in 05, with an annual investment of between 1000 billion and 300 billion.It was also because of Chen Kangjie's resistance to this big head that the province was able to free up its hands and make great efforts to solve the perennial and difficult problems of water conservancy projects.

After returning to school, Chen Kangjie put Tuo Peixi's question aside for the time being. He didn't want to provoke that "female man" for the time being, and he would come into direct contact with her when the opportunity was right in the future.

"Chen Wen, let's go, let's go see the rehearsal for the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the school." On this day, Chen Kangjie crossed his legs and read a book borrowed from the library, and Chen Jundong patted his leg and shouted.

"Isn't it just a rehearsal, what's there to see?" Chen Kangjie was not interested, and his eyes did not leave the book.

This kind of celebration of the founding of a school is basically held in every school, it just depends on the scale.Under normal circumstances, an integer multiple of ten years is Daqing, especially the iconic time of 100 years. However, due to historical and developmental reasons, there are only a handful of schools in China that can reach 100 years.As far as he knows, Capital University will reach its 1898th anniversary this year, and this has to be counted from the founding of the Imperial University in [-].The vast majority of universities were established after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the university that Chen Kangjie studied was also like this.

Logically speaking, 40 years is not a very prominent time node, and it is not worthy of big celebrations.However, the school does not think so. They feel that they need to find an occasion to show the development and achievements of the school in the past 40 years, especially the rapid development in the past ten years.With such an idea, the 40th anniversary of the school this year is a rare and justifiable opportunity.Especially in the case of loose funds, the school decided to celebrate it in order to boost the self-confidence and sense of honor of all teachers and students in the school, and at the same time expand the school's popularity and influence at home and abroad.

"You don't understand that, do you?" Chen Jundong got down, and said with a sneaky laugh, for fear that the secret he said would be heard through the wall, "Today is a song and dance rehearsal in the auditorium, and there are many beauties, and, I heard Said, Long will participate in this year's school celebration, let's go, if we are lucky, we may be able to meet him."

"What? What? What? I... Long will participate in this year's school celebration? Who did you hear that from?" Chen Kangjie threw the book aside in surprise, and asked puzzledly. Moreover, he almost said the wrong thing in a hurry.

Chen Kangjie was confused. As the person involved, he didn't even know that he was going to attend the school celebration party, but others knew. Isn't this an anecdote in the world.Before, Principal Yu Weimin discussed this issue with him, but he didn't agree to it at the time. How did it change in a blink of an eye?

"Yeah, you don't know yet, right? It's spread all over the outside world, and several people in our class are saying that they got the news from secret channels." Chen Jundong continued to whisper mysteriously.

"Since it's all spread, do you still need to be serious and cautious? Damn, you also believe the gossip?" Chen Kangjie said in a depressed voice.

"What are you talking about? Sneaky and cowardly." Chen Kangjie yelled, startling Chen Wenjie and Ge Zihao, and they approached and asked.

"Chen Jundong said that he received the news that Long will attend this year's school celebration party. Did you also receive the news? Did it spread outside?" Chen Kangjie sat up straight on the bed cross-legged, and asked solemnly.

"I haven't heard of it!" Chen Wenjie scratched his head and replied.

"I've heard about this. I also heard about it from the students in the next class during the big class in the afternoon. It is said that they got the news from the School of Management. I don't know if it's true or not. Why? Is it true? "Ge Zihao responded with crackling beans pouring out of the bamboo tube.

"Who knows? Anyway, it's a good idea, I think... This possibility is still very high, you think, when we entered the school, Long came here, and he told the whole world about him If you want to study here, it doesn't matter whether he is really in our school or not, anyway, with this nominal relationship, he may really show up." Chen Jundong analyzed.

"I don't think it's reliable. If he really participates, can the school officially announce such a big news? But have you seen any official news about it? It's only half a month away from the celebration, so we won't announce it at this time , when will it be announced? Can the school leaders understand the effect of this kind of propaganda?" Chen Wenjie held the opposite opinion.

"I personally think what Chen Jundong said is reasonable. The school's refusal to announce may be to create a sense of mystery. As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind. Since the waves are rising, it means that this is not groundless. Anyway, I hope he can come and show Show off your style." Ge Zihao stood by Chen Jundong's side.

"Damn it, you don't worry about him showing his demeanor anymore. Those beauties don't have your share? They're all wiped out, and you can only stare blankly." Seeing that he was "weak", Chen Wenjie simply gave up. Push Ge Zihao away and use his trump card.

"That's right, when the time comes, we'll be scum after comparison." Ge Zihao didn't get angry, but pinched his chin and said.

"Vulgar, what kind of mentality do you all have? You say that the girls in our school are so unbearable? Even so, is Long also such an unbearable person? Really, the heart of a villain is the heart of a gentleman, and there are no brothers. This confidence? Chen Wen, don’t you think so?” Chen Jundong said dissatisfied.

Chen Kangjie was in a daze, wondering what the hell was going on?Still haven't found a clue.

Called by Chen Jundong, he came back to his senses, "I support you, I don't think he will participate in this year's celebration."

Chen Kangjie's answer made Chen Wenjie's and Ge Zihao's waists almost bend with laughter, and they felt that Chen Kangjie's answer was simply a cute reply from God.

"Hey, hey, how are you supporting me? I'm asking if you, Long, are you that lecherous villain? When did I say he won't participate?" Chen Kangjie's inappropriate answer made Chen Jundong embarrassed and embarrassed abnormal.

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry, I was shocked by your news. Anyway, I don't think he will participate, so I don't think you should get your hopes up."

(I wish everyone a happy new year, all the best, 14 lines of great luck)

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