rebirth of change

Chapter 1223 Asking for Tickets

"Isn't it? I haven't heard that you have a girlfriend in the Normal University!"

"Damn, have you heard? Do you think you've heard about everything? You're from the Education Department of the Normal University. I just met you not long ago." Chen Kangjie is a former director. I have to be disbelieved by others.

"It's ok, brother. We thought you were not interested in women before, but we didn't expect you to start very quickly. Tell me, what level of relationship has it reached?" Boys and girls are very gossip on this issue, and their feelings for their friends Questions are always of keen interest.Chen Wenjie pulled Chen Jundong's stool to Chen Kangjie's bed and sat down, intending to listen to Chen Kangjie's detailed explanation.

What does Chen Kangjie have to explain and share? He is just looking for an excuse, "It is only in the initial stage, the initial stage, and the pursuit has not yet succeeded." Chen Kangjie said casually.

"Then when will you show us, my brothers will check for you, ah, how about it?" Ge Zihao bent over, with a flattering look on his face.

"Don't be too salty to eat radishes and be super hearty. I can take care of my own affairs. You should take care of yourselves." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie casually threw his head back on the pillow.

"That's true, let's not worry too much about it, Chen Wen can handle things by himself," Chen Jundong shook his head and finished speaking, then went back to his bed and sat down.

Chen Wenjie and Ge Zihao were obviously not very interested, but just got up and took two steps back, Chen Wenjie stopped, turned around with a lot of thoughts, "Brothers, I have something to do, you see who can do it?" help me?"

"What's the matter? It's rare for us to help you with your affairs!" Ge Zihao, who was standing next to Chen Wenjie, responded first.

"Wenjie, we are friends. If there is anything you need to help, you can just say it frankly, and you will do what you can." Chen Jundong said while sitting on the edge of his bed, looking at Chen Wenjie with his head tilted.

Chen Kangjie feigned sleep, pricked up his ears to listen, and didn't say a word, so he didn't express his opinion.

Chen Wenjie stared at Chen Kangjie for a while, seeing that he still didn't intend to open his eyes to speak, then looked around at Ge Zihao and Chen Jundong and said with a frown: "I have two classmates who are coming here from Short Sha, and I want to make two for you." Ticket, is there anything you can do?"

"Two classmates are coming here?" Ge Zihao asked.

"Yes," Chen Wenjie replied.

"October [-]th?" Chen Jundong asked.

"Yes," Chen Wenjie replied.

"I want you to get tickets for the entrance ticket?" Ge Zihao asked again.

"Yes," Chen Wenjie replied.

"You agreed?" Chen Jundong asked again.

"Hmm... that's right!" Chen Wenjie scratched the back of his head and replied hesitantly.

"We can't help you," Ge Zihao and Chen Jundong shouted at Chen Wenjie in unison.

"Is there no other way?" Chen Wenjie winked and asked unwillingly.

"What can we do? It's good if we can go in. If you dare to promise outsiders, you can do it." Chen Jundong gave a thumbs up as he said, "I heard that the seats are all assigned. Our school Students can enter by swiping their card with their student ID cards, and everyone else must have an invitation letter issued by the school. If you want your friends to enter, unless you give up, besides, you can only solve the quota for one person. How dare you promise to two people?"

"Chen Wenjie, let me tell you, you are self-inflicted, you are bragging too much, right? I told my classmates two days ago, they envied me to death, and they also asked me to buy tickets. I dare not agree. That's basically impossible, how did you get the invitation so well?" Ge Zihao also taught Chen Wenjie righteously that there are not many opportunities for this kind of uprightness, so he has to show it off once.

"Hey, by the way, I heard that someone plans to make money by selling their student ID card and student card on the forum, and the price has been raised to more than [-], or you can buy it for your two friends Two student ID cards and a student card." Chen Jundong had an idea and came up with a bad idea for Chen Wenjie.

"Isn't it? Is there such a thing? Is anyone really willing to give up this rare opportunity?" Ge Zihao asked in surprise.

"I think it should be true. Not everyone regards long as their inner idol. Besides, isn't there a temptation of money? 1000 yuan is a lot. Maybe the price will be higher after a while. If you want to make a move, you must sell it early , I guess the price will go up to two thousand sooner or later." Chen Jundong said.

"Wow, that's really a rare opportunity to make a fortune, but, I think these people are blaspheming Chen Kangjie, how can they trade this? But, come to think of it, Chen Wenjie, hurry up, it's only 2000 yuan, For you, it's a little kiss." Ge Zihao then teased with contradictory words.

Chen Kangjie closed his eyes, but he was not asleep, and he could clearly hear the words of the three roommates.Their conversation gave Chen Kangjie a warning, that is, there is a security loophole in this event. If this method is feasible, then if someone really enters the venue by purchasing a certificate, the consequences will be disastrous, and he himself will also be in danger.Don't look at him being liked and loved by the world now, but since he went to worship John Lennon last time, Chen Kangjie has become vigilant about his own safety. If he liked it too much, John Lennon was shot dead by his own fans. This was a bloody lesson, and Chen Kangjie had to use it as a guide for the future.

"I suggest you stop this method, otherwise, you will end up with no money and no money. Don't think things are simple." Chen Kangjie suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Chen Wen, what's the matter? Is there anything wrong with this? Some people buy it, some people sell it, there's no problem." Ge Zihao asked.

"There is no problem with buying and selling, but there are problems with the consequences. The school will not just review the student ID card and student card and let it go. It will definitely check the identity. If you instigate Chen Wenjie to buy two materials that are not available and cannot enter the venue, what should we do? ?” Chen Kangjie said.

Chen Kangjie planned to give feedback on this issue and make the security measures of the event more stringent, starting from the requirements for entering the venue, and absolutely not allowing casual people to enter the venue, especially those with ulterior motives.

"If the identity verification method is really adopted, it is really very likely that the bamboo basket will be in vain." Chen Jundong nodded in agreement.

"Then what should I do? I promised everything. If I break my promise, how can I face them face to face in the future?" Chen Wenjie looked sad and helpless.

"This is your problem. You have to pay for bragging, ha ha," Chen Kangjie glanced at Chen Wenjie and said leisurely.

"Chen Wen, you have a way, you have connections, please help! They are my children, I really don't want to lose face to the Pacific Ocean in front of them." After a long silence, Chen Wenjie simply asked Chen Kangjie for help.

"It's useless for you to look for me. I have no means or connections. You overestimate me." Chen Kangjie waved his hand and declined politely.

"You know Principal Yu. The last time Chen Jundong happened, you asked him to come out. Help me, please, please, just get two invitation cards from him." Chen Wenjie begged .

"Chen Wen, if you can figure it out, get me two." Chen Jundong also joined in.

"I want too, not many, just two." Before Chen Kangjie could answer, Ge Zihao rushed forward.

Looking at the three people staring at him, Chen Kangjie couldn't laugh or cry, "You think I'm a god? Where can I get you invitation cards? Really, if I could, I would have already made a batch and sold them. .”

"Big brother, big brother, dear brother, I know you can do it, so stop being humble and help me out. Your headquarters wants to see your brother scolded to death, right?" Ever since what happened last time, Chen Wenjie has concluded that Chen Kangjie has something wrong. For energy, the only thing he can count on now is Chen Kangjie.Although he asked for help from three people just now, in fact, he said it to Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, I really hope to see you being scolded to death. Who told you to run the train with your mouth full and brag everywhere? It's all right now, you've blown your bragging to the mountains." Chen Kangjie said with a laugh.

"'re so mean, I..."

At this moment, Chen Kangjie's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was the number of Chu Xiang's dormitory. He quickly reached out to stop Chen Wenjie, picked up the cell phone and went to the balcony.

"Chu Xiang, what's the matter?"

"Brother...can you do me a favor?" Chu Xiang Nuo Nuo's voice came from the phone.

"How can I help? It's rare for you to ask me for help."

"Well, this... I want... can you get me two admission tickets?" Chu Xiang muttered for a long time, and finally said his request.

"We know each other so well, wouldn't you be interested in me too? Hehe, do you want to come to our school to participate in the school celebration?"

"We have known each other for so long, but we have never seen your live performance, so I want to see it. Besides, Fenglan also really wants to go, but we can't think of a way."

"Maybe it's mainly your pony's request?" Chen Kangjie lay on the balcony window, crossed his legs and asked with a smile.

"That's not true, I really think about it myself." Chu Xiang quickly cleared up Chen Kangjie's misunderstanding, "How about it? Help me? I know you can do it."

For Chen Kangjie, Chu Xiang was [-]% sure. As the most important participant, if Chen Kangjie couldn't get a ticket, then no one else could.

"Hey, who told us that we have been good friends for many years? Well, I'll get you two VIP tickets for the middle seat in the front row." Chen Kangjie couldn't refuse Chu Xiang's request anyway. No matter what, he Can only agree.

"Really? Haha, that's great, thank you, thank you, that's it for now, let's not talk about it, I will tell Fenglan the good news right away, he must be so excited that he can't sleep all night", Chu Xiang was very excited.

Looking at the phone that was hung up by Chu Xiang, Chen Kangjie shook his head with a smile, closed the phone, opened the door of the dormitory and returned to the room.

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