rebirth of change

Chapter 1250 Acquisition of Google

No one answered the phone, even if Chen Kangjie wanted to thank Tuo Peixi in person, he couldn't go, he had to wait until the time was right.Then he continued to deal with the strange letters in his hand.Someone wrote a song and asked Chen Kangjie to help it out for approval. Someone recommended himself that he was good at running. He wanted to worship Chen Kangjie as his teacher and compete in the Olympic Games with him. There were also beautiful girls who sent their own photos. I hope Chen Kangjie can be in the next movie Let her participate, the most interesting thing is that there is a child who told Chen Kangjie a dream and asked him to help interpret the dream.Chen Kangjie shook his head and sighed bitterly, this is because he regarded himself as Duke Zhou.For most of these interesting letters, Chen Kangjie didn't have much interest, some of them he would reply with a few words, and some of them were just thrown aside.

Of course, Chen Kangjie would also encounter letters that bothered him, for example, a letter from a little American girl made him very troubled.The little girl asked him a serious question in the letter, "Is there really a God in the world? Why are all the Gods in the church men, but you want to say that God is a girl?"

This kind of question reflects the child's innocence and innocence, but to answer this kind of question well is really a test of wisdom. You can't tell her science in it, and it can't be all superstitious nonsense, otherwise it will be misleading.Chen Kangjie thought for a long time before replying a large letter to this little girl with crooked handwriting. In the letter, Chen Kangjie was more about telling stories. Everything comes from the heart.To the question of why God is described as a girl, Chen Kangjie replied humorously, "I have never seen God, I really don't know what he looks like, whether it is male or female. When people think that God is a man, I think if God is really a girl, there seems to be nothing wrong, just like our mother in reality, father can be great and outstanding, but mother is also very good..."

After dealing with these letters, Chen Kangjie still has to deal with some official duties.Although his handling of official business is indirect, it is often final.

For example, Bob in the United States reported to him that he planned to acquire several American newspapers, such as Denver's "Rocky Mountain Post", "Seattle Post-Information" and "Philadelphia Daily News" and other paper media.These newspapers are now beginning to show a bad sign, that is, the advertising business and subscriptions have begun to decline, and some even have suffered losses.Facing the downturn in the market, some owners had the idea of ​​selling it.Aiming at this juncture, Bob thinks that these media should be bought. If they can be brought back to life by switching operations, it will be profitable. If not, they can also have a certain right to speak.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie was a little moved by Bob's idea.The key is not how much money can be made through newspapers, but the important thing is to have a certain right to speak in the United States.These newspapers are not big newspapers and do not have mainstream authority in the United States, but the addition of several newspapers will also generate a huge audience.Who's to say it won't create another "New York Times" or "Wall Street Journal" if a lot of money is invested in it.

However, the advent of the Internet age has made Chen Kangjie deeply suspicious. In the United States, the Internet is popularizing very fast.Under the sweeping impact of online media, future paper media will face great difficulties in survival.This is the trend of the times. In Chen Kangjie’s memory, after 2000, every year, several media outlets could not survive and went bankrupt.

In the end, Chen Kangjie followed the trend and rejected Bob's investment plan.However, although Chen Kangjie vetoed Bob's investment plan, he pointed out another way for him, asking him to find two people at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who had just established a company called Le's Internet company, Bob's goal is to acquire this company, and at the same time acquire the online search engine technology they developed.

Before that, Chen Kangjie thought about setting up such an online search engine company by himself, but he faced two difficulties. First, the domestic network environment was still very weak. Second, he did not have online search engine technology. At present, no one in domestic colleges and universities has efficient research in this area.And Chen Kangjie himself has no expertise in computer skills, which makes him have to temporarily suppress this idea.Although he can't do it himself, Chen Kangjie has a shortcut. He has a lot of cash, and he can get what he wants by relying on this cash.

Like other outstanding entrepreneurs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin believed in the online search engine technology developed by themselves at the beginning, and they were very optimistic.But they have to admit that they are not sure how far such a company based on search engines can go.

We must not think that those so-called successful people know how successful they will be from the very beginning. It is impossible. It is normal logic to have imagination and extravagant expectations. Reaching an unmatched height is really a legend, and it is completely self-deception.Just like Liu Bang's killing of the White Snake Uprising, is there really a son of the Red Emperor in the world?That's nonsense.It's just that he succeeded in the end, and people relished the purposefully processed story. If he failed, it was just a joke.

Chen Kangjie's price of 500 million US dollars and [-]% of the equity made Bob very puzzled, as if there was too much money to spend.However, Bob didn't think that Chen Kangjie was a stupid person. Even if he didn't understand it, he believed that there must be some mysteries that he didn't quite understand.It's just that in the process of specific handling, Bob made good use of his mature businessman's techniques.He didn't directly offer sky-high prices after finding two people, but proceeded step by step based on $[-] million.He was worried that asking too high a price would frighten the two young men, or make them feel that their items were rare and valuable, which would increase the difficulty and uncertainty of the acquisition.

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin were found by Bob, they were a little puzzled. Their company had only been in business for more than a month, and there was no turnover yet, so someone came to talk about acquisitions.The arrival of Bob boosted the confidence of Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Just like a product in the market, if someone asks, it means that the product is valuable. Merchandise is meaningless.

Bob offers $500 million and 5.00% of the equity. If Larry Page and Sergey Brin are not interested, it is unlikely.They have not yet graduated from Stanford University. Like Bill Gates, they took a leave of absence to start a business.This is not to say that their entrepreneurship is purely for money, but after all, money represents a kind of recognition, a kind of achievement.Before this, the two had never seen so much money. Their families were all middle class, but they had nothing to do with the rich.

As young people with ideals, the two resisted the temptation and temporarily rejected Bob.But within a few days, Bob came again, and the price was increased to 1000 million US dollars. After the two struggled fiercely, they still refused.

Bob didn't retreat because of their rejection, but they refused again and again, and he came back again and again.The price tag increases every time it comes.It may be that Bob's interruption and temptation increased their psychological fluctuations. The entanglement and resistance in their hearts prevented them from fully devoting themselves to work, which made the newly established LE not very effective, and the progress of the project was slow. The market's reaction was underwhelming.

Due to the slow reaction of the market, the confidence of the two was hit, and things did not develop in the direction they hoped for.At this time, Bob has increased the price of the acquisition to 4000 million US dollars and [-]% of the equity.

After constant discussion and hesitation, the two who could not hold their breath finally agreed to Bob's offer.What convinced them to agree was not only the bad reaction from the market and the high price given by Bob, but also a sentence that Bob relayed according to Chen Kangjie’s meaning, “What you really like is your research work, it’s like your children, it’s a bit Reluctant to give up. But even if it is sold, you will still be with it. You are not separated. I have equity, I hope I can solve your worries, so that you can spend as much as you want, so as to achieve a result we all want to see..."

Seeing the successful acquisition of the contract, Chen Kangjie smiled.Just this piece of paper, at least tens of billions, and more importantly, this piece of paper determines his right to speak in the online world.You must know that most of the news and content in the future will be generated through search engines. Whoever masters this thing will be able to grasp the pulse gate in the Internet world to a certain extent, so that he can stand in a more favorable position superior.

Without Bob's interruption and no worries, the two of them were very devoted to their work. In addition, Bob allocated 5000 million US dollars in operating and research expenses. are accepted by network users.

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