rebirth of change

Chapter 1263 Wrong Thinking

In terms of development, Chen Kangjie also casually said seven or eight things.In the end, it was Zhao Yuexiang who came downstairs, and their "work talk" was suspended.

Chen Kangjie did not sort out any documents, nor did he do any special research, but he was very concerned about the news in the province, whether it was TV media or paper media, he would read it often. People often pass some special information to Chen Kangjie from a different angle.Since I majored in economics, in the classroom, in the cafeteria, and in the self-study room, I can often hear students discussing these issues. Whenever they encounter them, Chen Kangjie will listen quietly.

In addition, Chen Kangjie came from rebirth, he knew many problems a long time ago, some were solved after several years, and some were not solved when he was reborn, so he was naturally catchy when talking about it.

Due to Zhao Yuexiang's soft pressure, He Baoguo, who was not yet enjoying himself, had no choice but to call Chen Kangjie to his office, in name to discuss his studies, but in fact he continued He Baoguo's work.

"Very good, you can name so many ways, very good, some I have considered, some I have not really considered, such as promoting the implementation of social insurance, further new development of tourism and tea industry, etc., it is indeed better than ours. You can see clearly that you are indeed a consultant for a big company. Fortunately, you chose an economics school, otherwise you really lost your brain." As soon as he entered the office, He Baoguo seemed a little excited and praised Chen Kangjie repeatedly. With boast.

"Those are my superficial views. I believe that there are many places that have not been considered maturely, but he is what you need to investigate and consider as a whole. Anyway, there is an advantage in consulting, that is, you can say it casually, you don't have to It’s very suitable for me to do it myself. Fortunately, I’m not an official, but a personal representative. I can use my pen and my mouth, but you officials have to do it.” Chen Kangjie doesn’t know himself when he praises Whoever it is, he is relatively sober, and he also understands the difficulties in doing things realistically.

There is always such a kind of people in the society, who say they are invincible in the world, but they are powerless when they do it.It's not that Chen Kangjie feels that he lacks the ability and courage to implement it, but that many things to be done in the government are not as easy as those of enterprises, and the aspects to be considered are much more complicated, and there are many people involved in the interests I have dealt with officials a lot, and I am more able to understand it.None of Chen Kangjie's achievements were achieved by bragging. They all need to be done by hand, otherwise he would not be where he is today.

"You, you are really good at talking!" He Baoguo smiled and pointed at Chen Kangjie, took out a cigarette and lit it himself, "I have always known that you attach great importance to environmental protection, and you also focused on environmental protection just now. Environmental protection is the first priority. But I still don't understand one thing. You see, we don't have an advantage in natural and geographical conditions. If we are too stuck in the environment, we will not be able to promote industrialization at all, because Almost all industries are polluting. You also suggested that the entire industrial park be a whole. If there are more industrial parks, the pollution will be more serious. Not many companies are willing to invest as much money in the field of environmental protection as you do. , the current strength of domestic enterprises is generally not strong." He Baoguo asked suspiciously.

"It is because our geographical environment is too harsh that we should pay more attention to environmental protection. Yes, industrialization will be more or less polluted, but we should focus on developing high-tech industries. The higher the technological content, the less pollution and economic benefits. It is also obvious. Especially after a certain industry is found in a certain area, the industrial chain can be expanded, which is very likely to be driven by a large leading enterprise to form an industrial train. Just like Shun’an, there are now Take the lead of Tengfei Automobile Company, there are dozens of spare parts companies that have been driven back and forth, and dozens of companies that serve these dozens of spare parts companies have emerged. Those parts companies carry out research and development, and spend tens of millions of dollars to support them every year. Although these parts companies are not very large, they have also become a small high-tech enterprise. The provincial tire factory did not pay much attention to scientific research before. , how is it now? In order to win the big customer of Tengfei Motor Company, their research funding has grown from 200 million a few years ago to more than 3000 million now, and they have developed eight tire varieties suitable for different models. It is said that they Now we are still increasing investment, and we need to develop a sports car tire that can adapt to the speed of 350 kilometers. Also, you may have misunderstood what I mean by industrial park. The industrial park I am talking about is not a coastal city as you know. Those rudimentary industrial parks have low technological content, backward manufacturing methods, and rely heavily on peasant labor. Now it seems that the area is very popular, but in a few years, they will be very painful. We are a mountainous area. There are no large tracts of flat land to take out, so it is not suitable to take the extensive industrial park development path, and we must rack our brains to find another way. In my opinion, many places in the western region are not suitable for the development of heavy industry and primary The processing and manufacturing industry, our environmental tolerance is too weak, once it is destroyed, it will take hundreds of years to recover. A kind of thinking in the minds of your government officials is wrong..."

"What kind of thinking is wrong?" He Baoguo asked curiously.

"Governance after development is a bit of a stupid idea. I think that if Western countries have followed this path, we can also follow this path. If that is the case, then there should be no such term as "late-mover advantage". The late-mover advantage is What, just don’t take the detours of the predecessors, but find a way to take shortcuts. Now many places in the central and western regions see that the coastal processing industry is very lively and prosperous, so they are eager to learn. As a result, the processing industry has no Too much, those coal, metallurgy, cement, mineral mining, these polluting projects have been done a lot, and some places that do not produce coal or iron ore have set up steel factories. Isn’t this nonsense? And because of them, the government almost turned a blind eye to watching them discharge a large amount of sewage. Apart from saying that those cadres are low-sighted, I also want to say that they are eager for quick success and murder for money." Chen Kangjie said angrily.

The reason why China has been able to develop so many processing industries has something to do with our abundant labor force, which can undertake the transfer of industries from the West and produce daily necessities with strong market demand at extremely low prices.This is a correct path for our development to accumulate strength and solve labor employment.For this, Chen Kangjie supports it. What he opposes is that it should be carried out in various places without long-term consideration of the actual situation in the local area.There is a saying in the world that Chinese people are smart and good at imitating, that the coastal areas imitate foreign countries, and the interior imitates the coastal areas.In the past, it sounded like this kind of evaluation was a kind of praise, but after being reborn a few years later, Chen Kangjie felt awkward when he heard this. It didn't seem to have anything to do with praise.The subtext of what others say is that "Chinese people have no creative spirit", and they follow behind others in everything.

In Chen Kangjie's view, the country now needs a mixed development approach, which not only encourages high-tech innovation and development, but also supports the development of labor-intensive processing industries.Only by walking on two legs can we maintain a high-speed development situation for a relatively long period of time, and it can also promote the country's great rejuvenation as soon as possible.Only a country that constantly masters high-tech output can be a great revival country.Chen Kangjie doesn't want this country to develop richly but without core competitiveness. In the end, the hard-earned money can only be returned to other people's pockets.

"Everyone wants to develop the high-tech industry, but where is it so easy? First of all, there must be talents, which also require huge investment and long-term accumulation. Currently, among the [-] domestic enterprises, are there ten who are willing to invest heavily in In terms of production and R&D? I believe not, not to mention private enterprises, even state-owned enterprises." He Baoguo said with some frustration.

He had to admit that what He Baoguo said was true.Let alone now, ten years from now, out of a hundred companies, not ten will be willing to invest heavily in research and development. Although the benefits are high, it is also accompanied by the problems of too high risks and too long time.For example, Chen Kangjie's free semiconductor company, although it has purchased some equipment from the Lion City, still has a hard way to go to catch up with its international counterparts in production and R&D. This is still under the condition that R&D funds are fully guaranteed. It requires a process of technology accumulation, and there are many current international advanced technologies that need to be digested.

Chen Kangjie took a soft breath, "I know it's difficult, but we can't stop taking this path because of difficulty. It's not our national spirit to shrink back when encountering difficulties. In fact, I think the government has a big job to do. What we have done is to reduce administrative approval and give more policy support to private entrepreneurs, especially technology entrepreneurial enterprises, such as tax relief, R & D funding subsidies, factory rent-free for one or two years, professional title evaluation and public institutions and state-owned enterprises Simultaneously, the establishment of research and development incentive funds, etc., can encourage some people to carry out industrial struggles in this area. Our foundation is planning a thing called '21st Century Future Plan'. When we strive for the year 2000, in The western provinces selected [-] universities for cooperation, and encouraged the graduates of these universities to start technological entrepreneurship locally. As long as they have feasible ideas, the foundation will provide them with funds and guidance, which can be regarded as a disguised loan. If they succeed Yes, entrepreneurs only need to return the principal and a certain amount of expenses after three years. If it fails, the foundation will bear the losses independently. I believe that with such incentives, there will be many young people who will use their ingenuity to start their own businesses. On. Although this is a philanthropic cause, we still hope to inspire a group of young people to embark on this path in this way, especially those young people who have inventions. We want them to feel that science and technology Not just productivity, but wealth."

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