According to the arrangement, the floor where Chen Kangjie lives is on the ninth floor of the hotel. This is a VIP room, all of which are suites. They are often reserved for entertaining important guests in the city. Chen Kangjie and the others have three separate rooms on this floor. .

As a government reception hotel, there is an unspoken privilege known to everyone, that is, it will not be investigated.Under normal circumstances, the public security department of a city will never go to a government hotel for inspection, whether it is out of the need to maintain privileges or to protect the interests of some people.Even, sometimes when receiving illegal reports, the public security department will ignore them unless some important figures come forward.Smart people understand that this is not a place to promote their fairness and strictness. Otherwise, if they are fair and strict today, they will be in bad luck tomorrow.

The hotel where Chen Kangjie stayed belonged to the municipal level, and it was different from the reception point of the district government.During the two sessions of the country every year, this place will also receive some deputies to the National People's Congress or members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and some provincial and ministerial officials will also live here.Just such a place is very high in terms of safety factor.Under normal circumstances, the public security department would not come here to enforce the law even if they were killed.

However, on the night that Chen Kangjie stayed, dozens of people came to the hotel in the middle of the night, including security police and anti-riot members. action.What is even more puzzling is that there are actually two cameras and reporters from the city TV station cooperating with the action.Since it was a temporary surprise operation, how could he still notify the city TV station in a slow manner?

Strange to say, when these policemen arrived at the hotel, they didn't go anywhere else. They all flocked to the ninth floor, which was the floor where Chen Kangjie lived.On that day, apart from Chen Kangjie and the others, there were only a few members of the Japanese Association for Friendship with China staying on this floor.

In order to show equal treatment, all the doors on this floor were forcibly opened by the hotel staff with keys.After Chen Kangjie and the others opened the room, there was no one there, it was empty.On the contrary, a young girl who should not be here appeared in the room of two members of the Japan Friendship Association with China.Now the leading police officer in charge of this task is embarrassed, take him away for investigation?Obviously impossible.Turning a blind eye and hearing but not listening seems inappropriate.In the end, after the police officer made a phone call, he hurriedly apologized in embarrassment. If there was no mistake first, according to the Japanese practice, the police officer would most likely be slapped in the face.

Chen Kangjie didn't know about it until he returned to the hotel with Jackie Chan the next day. It was too late that night, so Chen Kangjie entertained Jackie Chan in his small courtyard in the alley.It was also because of this reception that Jackie Chan's understanding of Chen Kangjie was completely different from before.As a top figure in the entertainment circle, Jackie Chan also uses bodyguards, don't think that he doesn't need security personnel because he has a bit of kung fu.However, based on his own discovery and understanding, he believes that there is still a certain gap between his bodyguards and Chen Kangjie's. This gap is not only reflected in the skills he perceives, but more importantly, a temperament and work The way.

Then through the chat, Jackie Chan felt that Chen Kangjie was wiser than he imagined.The two talked about everything while drinking tea that day.Every time he talks about a topic, Chen Kangjie will have some words that make him think deeply.For example, when talking about charity, Chen Kangjie told Jackie Chan that he would not give alms to beggars on the side of the road.The reason why he didn't do that, Chen Kangjie's explanation, is that people's simple and overflowing sympathy has raised a group of lazy people, and even created a group of liars who use the simple sympathy of the public to deceive.Chen Kangjie believes that if he really has a heart of charity, it is better to use a little money to subsidize the tuition of a poor child a year, even if he donates a few books, at least for such a person. Behavior may change a person's life, but that kind of charity that overflows with love can't change anything.I gave this beggar a few dollars today, and he will still be here tomorrow, maybe next year, and the next year. Life has not changed a little bit because of someone's charity, and these people even say "thank you" They won't say it, they will take it for granted.

Maybe Chen Kangjie's consciousness is a little bit extreme, which has something to do with him being a result-oriented person.As the saying goes, "teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish", so Chen Kangjie has devoted himself to education and improving the living environment of the poor. He has never given even one or two yuan to those beggars while shopping.The only one who gave a sum of money to a black busker at Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles was that, after all, he also relied on his craft for a living, and that person's singing moved Chen Kangjie.

When he knew that the hotel was searched last night, Chen Kangjie immediately became vigilant. After analyzing that the police only searched the ninth floor, Chen Kangjie knew that it was aimed at him.

It's just that these people searched for pornography, and their ideas are really a bit bloody. Could he, Chen Kangjie, be such a person with no taste?It's a good thing they figured it out, they wouldn't do that, even if they were in the room during the investigation, what's the use?

Sitting on the sofa, pondering for a while, Chen Kangjie slowly sorted out the details and key points inside.After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie came to a conclusion that this matter was done by Secretary Chen, which is basically certain, but it must not be ordered by Secretary Chen. He did not believe that such a high-ranking politician would be so shallow.Since it wasn't Secretary Chen's instigation, but he had to be able to enter the hotel to search, and he could also mobilize a group of people. Such people could easily make Chen Kangjie think of Chen Xiaoqiang, the number one son of the capital.

Indeed, this is Chen Xiaoqiang's masterpiece.When he got home at night, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became.Thinking about it, he became a little mad, determined to give Chen Kangjie a little color.

Chen Xiaoqiang's city mansion is not deep, but he is still a relatively courageous person when he does things, basically he does it when he thinks about it.Holding this belief, he immediately came out of the house and quickly made contact and mobilization.Due to his status as the son of the municipal party committee secretary, what seemed impossible to others was easy for Chen Xiaoqiang.For example, in the Municipal Public Security Bureau, without his father being involved, he has some so-called good friends. In fact, those people hope to maintain a good relationship with his father through him.City TV station, he called a certain deputy director, and the other party immediately expressed his support.

There are many entertainers in Chen Xiaoqiang's life circle, and those glamorous stars in the media are not good people in private. From this, he infers that Chen Kangjie, who is young, is not much better.In his mind, it would be great if Chen Kangjie's tainted evidence could be caught. Even if he didn't, he could still make news to make him bad. Anyway, as long as pornography-related behaviors were involved, ordinary people would trust the public security organs.

Before taking action, Chen Xiaoqiang called the hotel to check, and the answer he got was that Chen Kangjie had not left the hotel.It was this point that made Chen Xiaoqiang make up his mind to deal with the ignorant Chen Kangjie.However, Chen Kangjie did not leave the hotel gate, they walked through the side door, and others thought that Chen Kangjie returned to the hotel room from the garden.In addition, the ninth floor of the hotel is special, and there is no monitoring device installed, so the hotel deduces that Chen Kangjie is still in the room.

Chen Xiaoqiang, who had been in vain, was really annoyed. He really wanted to see the embarrassing scene of Chen Kangjie being pinned down by the police and knelt on the ground for interrogation. Unfortunately, some mistakes made his dream come to nothing.The thing that made him even more sad was still to come. Secretary Chen only found out about it after midnight. The first thing this politician did was to have someone drag Chen Xiaoqiang in front of him, and slap him without embellishment. Swinging it over, Chen Xiaoqiang's face was immediately imprinted with a Five Fingers Mountain.

From Secretary Chen's point of view, his precious son's behavior can only be described as stupid, not stupid, but very stupid.Chen Kangjie is the first Olympic bid ambassador hired by the city, and also serves as the director of the Olympic bid promotional film. Speaking of which, he is a guest in the city. If Chen Xiaoqiang succeeds, it means that this Olympic bid ambassador will no longer exist. The director of the promotional film will also change.The success of the Olympic bid is the goal Secretary Chen wants to achieve no matter what. This will add a lot to his record book. Without Chen Kangjie, it will have a certain impact on the Olympic bid. Moreover, if this matter gets out, it will affect The image of the capital has detracted from Beijing's bid for the Olympic Games.

Furthermore, even if Chen Kangjie is really messed up, and Chen Xiaoqiang can grasp the real evidence, does that mean that such news can be exposed at will?It is obviously impossible. No matter what, the higher-ups must keep Chen Kangjie as the flag that shows the image of China and promotes the understanding and integration of Chinese and Western cultures. The existence of Chen Kangjie and Chen Kangjie's influence on young Westerners have made many Westerners change. How could Chen Xiaoqiang be allowed to ruin it so despicably?

In other words, no matter whether it is successful or not, it is impossible for Chen Xiaoqiang to achieve his goal. Instead, it will make Secretary Chen bear the reputation of being disregarding the overall situation. Can a person who is disregarding the overall situation be a leader of a political party or a country? ?Anyone with common sense can figure this out.

Chen Xiaoqiang picked up a stone and smashed himself in the foot. Not only was he slapped, but he was also scolded bloody. Secretary Chen was so angry that he even scolded, "I am a hero, how could I raise you?" This pig-headed pig-brained son?"

Chen Xiaoqiang wasn't the only one who was unlucky. Early the next morning, the leaders of the Municipal TV Station and the Municipal Public Security Bureau were called to a meeting by Secretary Chen.As soon as they met, Secretary Chen didn't care about 21, and first yelled and cursed.At this time, those who knew the situation knew that it was Chen Kangjie who Chen Xiaoqiang ordered them to deal with. In their hearts, everyone scolded Chen Xiaoqiang's ancestors for eighteen generations. They thought they were just punishing a certain Hong Kong artist. Do you know it will be Chen Kangjie?

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