rebirth of change

Chapter 1293 International Star He Wanrong

Many cutting-edge scientists and research institutions in the world are studying memory. They all want to understand the mystery of how memory is generated, stored and extended.Although some achievements have been made, the human brain is too complicated. So far, there has not been a clear and well-recognized conclusion report.

Through careful recollection, Chen Kangjie did think of many details that he read from newspapers and magazines at that time.However, after his deep thinking and reasoning, most of those details cannot be verified. In other words, there is no direct effect for the moment.

It seems that we still have to wait for Samidov and the others to send usable news.

In the early spring of 1999, there were many things to welcome Chen Kangjie, such as the National Two Sessions, the filming of the Olympic promotional film, the Billboard Music Awards, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, the Grammy Awards Ceremony, the Oscars Ceremony, and the Ikoli incident, etc.

The Chinese New Year has not yet started, and the organizers of the major award ceremonies have already sent invitations to Chen Kangjie, not to mention that Chen Kangjie still has works competing for multiple awards. For example, in this year's No.40 Grammy, Chen Kangjie won It received seven nominations, and the earlier Billboard Music Awards also had five nominations.Although Chen Kangjie won several awards in the end, such as this year's Grammy's annual record, best pop male singer, best contemporary world music album, best soul music male singer and other awards, but because the awards ceremony is It was held during the Spring Festival. In order to spend more time with his family, Chen Kangjie refused the opportunity to attend the award ceremony, and Fan Wenxuan accepted the award on his behalf.

Since Chen Kangjie didn't go to the Grammy Awards, he didn't even go to the Billboard Music Awards and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducting ceremony.In fact, Chen Kangjie is the biggest winner of the Billboard Music Awards every year.Different from the Grammy Awards and other awards where the winners are determined by voting, the Billboard Music Awards is based on Nielsen’s national sales, downloads, and playback data to generate a list, and the final winner is determined based on the performance of the year-end list.Awards are given to the winners in each musical genre.And every time Chen Kangjie's album is released, it will be a big hit in the market, and he will definitely account for at least one-third of the top ten on the annual billboard list.And almost all songs will enter the top [-].

In terms of Billboard's performance, Chen Kangjie is the worst this year. He only has three songs in the top ten, and he is not No.1.But this did not bring any frustration to Chen Kangjie, because No.1 was won by He Wanrong, and his award-winning song was "My Heart Will Go On". Chen Kangjie's three English songs won the third, fifth and eighth.His performance this year is not ideal, perhaps because half of the songs are non-English songs. Even so, driven by fame, those Arabic songs and Japanese songs have also entered the list, but the rankings are not very good. Just outside the fifty.

For ordinary singers, if even one or two songs enter the top [-], they are already very happy and proud.Especially for Chinese singers, it seems that except for Chen Kangjie, no one has ever received such an honor.

Although the sales volume of Chen Kangjie's album released last year in the United States has declined, but globally, his sales volume has not decreased, but has increased by 600%, with an increase of [-] million copies.The reason is that Chen Kangjie's album has achieved unprecedented success in South Korea, Japan and the Arab world.Moreover, the two songs he released at the school celebration party were not included in the statistics. In fact, "god is a girl" was already in the top ten of the billboard as soon as it was released as a single, and it is very popular among boys and girls , especially those girls, now this song is one of their favorite songs.

Prior to this, Feiyang Entertainment's sales channels in North Africa and the Middle East were somewhat weak.This is mainly because those areas are not the key sales markets for Chen Kangjie's music products. In the local area, many people don't like English songs, except some upper-class figures and educated youth.However, this year, with the two popular Arabic songs "wana_wayak" and "Hold Me in the Palm of Your Hand", the name "long" has really become popular in the entire Arab world.If you travel to countries in North Africa and the Middle East right now, you can be sure to hear these two songs being hummed everywhere.Also taking this opportunity, Feiyang Entertainment began to vigorously improve the sales channels in the African market and the Middle East market.

This is because Chen Kangjie doesn't have time to do publicity, otherwise, it is estimated that the popularity will expand a lot.

For these music awards, perhaps Chen Kangjie, an unprofessional "musician", is not keen to participate.Some people dare to assert that if their songs are nominated and invited by the organizers, no singer or musician in China will refuse to attend these important exhibition opportunities.This is really a good platform to expand your reputation and improve your grades. Some people just go to stand on the stage, walk back to the red carpet, and when they come back, they will make a big publicity, for fear that others will not know that they are on the international stage. What's more, Instantly branded himself an international star.

On TV screens at the turn of the century, many advertisements made by celebrities would have an identity statement. Many people were either "international movie stars" or "international stars". Anyway, the word "international" must be involved in it , making oneself different, and the price tag can also rise to a higher level.In fact, if you go to European and American countries and ask casually, perhaps not one of a hundred ordinary people will know who they are, and they will not be able to name their representative works.Even if some people have won some awards abroad, it is basically a flash in the pan and fleeting.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no international stars in the Chinese circle, at least besides Chen Kangjie, there are also Jackie Chan and other internationally influential artists.It's just that there is another one this year, and He Wanrong's career has entered another spring.

Prior to this, He Wanrong was already a household name in the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and her reputation was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In Southeast Asian countries, he also has a large number of fans.However, he is not yet an international star. Even though his previous two English songs have achieved good results, their influence has not been widely spread in the West.

In a broad sense, as long as other countries are involved, the word "international" can be used.From this point of view, those artists who are influential in the Mainland, Taiwan and Taiwan, or who are well-known in Southeast Asia can also be regarded as "international stars", and some even have certain fans in Japan or South Korea.But in a narrow sense, or from people's understanding habits, the word "international" mainly refers to Europe and the United States, so if an artist does not have certain influence and popularity in Europe and America, it is difficult to be regarded as an international star .Just like what many ordinary people often say, "We are not as rich and developed as foreign countries." The foreign countries mentioned here actually refer to Western developed countries. Otherwise, those countries in Central and South Africa are also foreign countries, but there are many of them. Poorer than us, backward than us.

He Wanrong's popularity in Europe and the United States was very limited, and her influence was not great. Except for the Chinese circle, few foreigners knew about him. Even when she sang the two English songs, it was only a flash in the pan.

It's different now. As the movie "Titanic" sweeps the film market and families all over the world, the theme song "My Heart Will Go On" sung by He Wanrong has entered thousands of households. Whether in the East or the West, this song Gedu has been regarded as a classic English song, and its melody can be heard in the streets and alleys.As long as "Titanic" reaches, "My Heart Will Go On" will leave an indelible mark on the local music world.

In the original history, the global box office of "Titanic" was as high as 18 billion US dollars, becoming the first film ever to break the billion-dollar box office.However, under the influence of Chen Kangjie, this result has been raised to a higher level, reaching 23 billion US dollars, becoming the first film in history to break through one billion US dollars at the box office and the first double crown with a box office breaking through 20 billion US dollars. The achievement, presumably the next ten years will be difficult to break.It is against this background that He Wanrong's "My Heart Will Go On" became the No. [-] song on the Billboard charts, and it is also the best achievement achieved by a Chinese female singer in the world music market.With this song alone, she became a well-deserved international singer.

At the No.40 Grammy Awards Ceremony, it turned out that Lauren Hill was the best newcomer in history. However, Chen Kangjie was reborn, and this title was taken away by He Wanrong, except for the best newcomer﹝he year﹞ jackpot.Knowing that He Wanrong and Chen Kangjie are from the same company, and that the songwriters of this song are both long, Michael Jackson, who won the Legend Award at this Grammy Awards, chatted with her and asked her to convey Her regards to Chen Kangjie, and hope that Chen Kangjie can visit his estate soon.

It can be said that He Wanrong was able to climb to the top of the billboard, in addition to benefiting from the super high influence of the movie, but also benefiting from the name "long" on the songwriters of the songs.

Chen Kangjie always does things domestically and then abroad. Apart from his patriotism, he also feels that his reputation is already great, so there is no need to care so much about awards.Even if he didn't go to the awards ceremony, no one would dare to erase his awards, otherwise, his fans would protest like before.At most, it will make those fans who are keen on him a little bit disappointed.As for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, Chen Kangjie probably won't go back when he has time.He has never regarded himself as a rock singer. At least, the rock spirit in him is not perfect. If others want to give him an award, he will not refuse it, but if he is asked to accept the award, he will not go.Love how to drop how to drop.

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