rebirth of change

Chapter 1299 The Uninvited Guest

For a while, Chen Kangjie didn't find the answer by himself.When He Wanrong and Fan Wenxuan came back from their morning walk outdoors, Chen Kangjie hadn't finished the breakfast in front of him.

"What time is it? You're still staring at the jam and milk in a daze. Didn't you say yesterday you're going back early this morning?" He Wanrong just walked into the round arched door of the restaurant, and she began to tease the pensive Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie quickly withdrew his thoughts, and pushed the plate in front of him aside, "I drank too much last night, and my appetite was a little bit bad. I originally planned to leave at dawn today, but who knew that I was so drunk that I went to bed late."

"Drinking so much at such a young age, it's true!" He Wanrong scolded in the tone of a sister, "Don't you know that drinking too much can hurt your health? It took two people to get you back to the room last night. I thought You can still get up when you are drunk, if we had known this earlier, we would have slept a little longer." He Wanrong gracefully stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and yawned.

"Don't talk about it. You drank a lot last night. This morning you were woken up by a phone call from home." Fan Wenxuan took a small step forward and revealed to He Wanrong.

"Mr. Fan, you're just a hindrance, can't you let me teach him a lesson?" Being exposed by Fan Wenxuan, He Wanrong showed embarrassment and said coquettishly to Fan Wenxuan.

"Haha, old lady, you can teach me a lesson whenever you want, I'm all ears." Chen Kangjie stood up and smiled, "Who called you this morning?"

"You godmother, when you found out that I won the prize, you called me early in the morning, which disturbed my good sleep." He Wanrong complained.

"Hehe, the godmother is really biased. I won the prize too. Why didn't she call me? I'm going back. I really have to keep talking." Chen Kangjie expressed his jealousy with a joking smile.

"No, Aunt Zhao also called you this morning. I think you haven't woken up yet, so I didn't ask you to answer the phone." At this time, Xiong Ziqiang cut in and said.

"You called me too?" Chen Kangjie turned his head and asked.

"Well, at 07:30." Xiong Ziqiang replied.

"Are you still talking about being partial?" He Wanrong taunted, "Being partial is also partial to you. She still called you first, and then called me when you didn't answer."

Chen Kangjie chuckled cheekily, "Godmother is good, by the way, are you all ready? If you are ready, we will set off." Chen Kangjie quickly changed the subject.

"We are all ready, you are the only one missing." He Wanrong said with her hands spread out.

"Mr. Fan, please take care of the publicity on our behalf. The media shouldn't be too indifferent. We will go back now. You can return to Hong Kong in two days!" Chen Kangjie confessed to Fan Wenxuan before leaving.

Both Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong won awards, and "Titanic" is the most awarded movie in history. There must be a lot of media who want to interview some news. It is inconvenient for Chen Kangjie to come forward, so I can only entrust it to Fan Wenxuan.As for He Wanrong herself, she will have her own press conference when she returns to Hong Kong, so she can handle it by herself. Anyway, she already has a strong ability to deal with reporters. The last time she won the Grammy Award, she was the reporter held by herself. Yes, I accepted everyone's attention, but the next day all the media in Hong Kong focused on her news.

Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong took their entourage and rushed to Los Angeles International Airport. They were told by the airport that because they did not take off on time according to the flight plan, they had to wait until there was a flight space. As for the specific time, it is not yet known. I know, it can only be confirmed 10 minutes before takeoff.

This is also inevitable. Los Angeles International Airport is a world-renowned large international airport. It is very busy. Its passenger business is the fifth largest in the world, and its cargo business is the sixth largest.In 1998, it served more than 4 million passengers and 150 million tons of cargo.Los Angeles International Airport is not only the busiest passenger airport in California, but also the third largest airport in the United States (but if you only count the number of international passengers, Los Angeles International Airport ranks second, second only to New York's JFK International Airport , which ranks No. [-] globally).Faced with such a busy airport, there are planes taking off and landing almost every minute. Of course, Chen Kangjie's special plane does not mean that it can take off at any time if it can take off. It needs the airport to arrange a schedule.

As the largest city on the west coast of the United States, Los Angeles has gathered a considerable number of rich people and the largest number of stars. Many of these people have private jets. In order to ensure their needs, this adds some difficulties to the work of Los Angeles International Airport.Under normal circumstances, the special planes of the rich and famous also need to apply in advance to get the navigation service at the airport.

Chen Kangjie can understand the difficulties of the airport, he can only wait for the arrangement of the airport, and he can't show his identity to intercede. In that case, not only may he not be able to get fast service, but it may also cause unnecessary confusion. Delay their normal formation.

After waiting at the airport for more than an hour without getting permission from the tower to take off, Chen Kangjie became a little anxious, especially in a small space.

"Sister Wanrong, why don't we sit in the restaurant." Chen Kangjie made a suggestion.

"Go to the restaurant? Are you hungry?"

"It's a little bit, I didn't eat enough in the morning. I mainly sat here and waited, bored, how about it? Go out for a walk?"

"If you look like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back if you go out." He Wanrong stared at Chen Kangjie's face for a while, and said slowly.

Chen Kangjie touched his face, and only then remembered that he hadn't changed his face yet. If he just went out like this, it would definitely cause crowds and crowds.It is really not easy to come back smoothly. If a large number of reporters are recruited, they may not be able to leave today. Whether it will cause chaos at the airport is still unknown.

After smiling awkwardly, Chen Kangjie got up and went to the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom, except for the clothes on his body, his whole appearance was completely different.

He Wanrong, who knew that Chen Kangjie had the ability to make up and disguise, didn't feel too surprised. Since Chen Kangjie wanted to go out for a walk and eat something, she was willing to accompany him.So I changed into plain clothes, put on sunglasses and a top hat, and went out with Chen Kangjie.

In order to keep a low profile and avoid arousing suspicion and misunderstanding, Chen Kangjie and He Wanrong left most of their escorts, except Xiong Ziqiang and a female guard.

Los Angeles International Airport deserves to be a world-renowned busy airport. There are people everywhere in the terminal building. They wandered past several high-end restaurants and found that there were no good seats inside. Most of the seats were occupied. <Only at the entrance of the Hamburg fast food restaurant did he stop.

"You don't think of eating hamburgers, French fries, and junk food in it, do you?" He Wanrong asked, frowning while holding Chen Kangjie's arm.

"It's okay to eat once in a while. Anyway, I haven't eaten hamburgers and fried chicken wings for a long time. What? Are you afraid of gaining weight? Hehe, I'm not afraid of gaining weight." Chen Kangjie teased.

He Wanrong is really worried about this, and she often reads the news that such junk food is not good for her health, so she basically excludes these foods from her diet.Another point is that with the change of identity, the conditions in all aspects are getting better and better. In terms of lifestyle, He Wanrong has also undergone considerable changes.For roadside stalls and fast food restaurants, she has basically stopped patronizing. Even if it is not for the figure, she has to take some image into consideration. If she is photographed by the paparazzi, it will cause a lot of gossip.

The reason why Chen Kangjie chose this restaurant was not that he really wanted to eat hamburgers or other fried foods, but that he felt that there were not many people and there were many vacant seats.

"Women love beauty and pay attention to their figure, don't you know?" He Wanrong said coquettishly, "I can accompany you in, but I won't eat."

He Wanrong said that, Chen Kangjie really wanted to go in.So I pushed open the door, went straight in, and sat down by a window.

After sitting down, Chen Kangjie found that the location here is really good, spacious, not to mention there are few people, sitting by the window, you can also see half of Los Angeles Airport in your eyes, and you can clearly see all kinds of things outside the window without much effort. Various large airliners.Especially when the plane lands and takes off, you can basically appreciate the whole process of landing and taking off.

"Jie Shao, Ms. He, what do you want to eat? I'll get it." Since no one else was brought along, only Xiong Ziqiang was responsible for the service.

"Two chicken leg burgers, a glass of iced Coke, one grilled wing, and one serving of French fries." Chen Kangjie reported what he wanted to eat without much thought, and then stared at He Wanrong, waiting for his order.

In the end, He Wanrong really didn't want anything, she just watched Chen Kangjie eat.

Chen Kangjie was really hungry. He picked up the double-layered hamburger and took a big bite. The cream squeezed out from the gap.He Wanrong didn't blink her eyes, and swallowed her saliva.Chen Kangjie, on the other hand, smiled, took a sip of Coke as if no one else was around, and started to eat again.

Perhaps because she couldn't bear to see Chen Kangjie's unattractive appearance, He Wanrong stood up and said that she was going to the bathroom to avoid it.For the sake of safety and care, the female guard who ordered a drink and a serving of French fries and Xiong Ziqiang sitting at another table could only stand up and accompany He Wanrong.

After He Wanrong left, Chen Kangjie asked Xiong Ziqiang to get him two Mexican chicken tacos.

Before He Wanrong and Xiong Ziqiang came back, a white girl with straight blond hair, big eyes, dish face, fair complexion, and wearing a long black dress walked past Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie thought it was just an ordinary guest, so he didn't pay much attention.

Unexpectedly, this girl took a step from beside Chen Kangjie, and sat down on the seat opposite Chen Kangjie where He Wanrong was sitting just now.

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