rebirth of change

Chapter 1303 Some Achievements

While Chen Kangjie was on the phone with Samidov, Nanguo's foreign propaganda began. They treated the shooting down of the American f-117 as a major victory, and displayed their victory through pictures and videos. They are usually arrogant The heroic F-117 Nighthawk fighter jet has become a pile of scrap iron lying in the rice field, and the serial number of the plane can still be clearly seen on the wing.

To put it bluntly, before this, the f-117 was the most advanced brand new stealth fighter, the so-called "unstoppable" Nighthawk. publicity?This is a good thing to boost the morale of the people, and it can also consolidate Lovech's control over the southern regime.

All of a sudden, the radio, TV, and newspapers were full of news that the most advanced stealth fighter jet in the United States had been shot down, which made Americans feel that they were being treated as a joke, and Nanguo also clearly pointed out that the one who shot down the F-117 was a An extremely backward Sam III surface-to-air missile.This makes Americans lose face even more.These two weapons are not comparable at all. One is the most advanced in the world, and the other is at least 30 to [-] years behind. The price difference is tens of thousands of times. What was originally impossible has become a reality.If wars are fought like this, no matter how rich the Yankees are, they can't stand it.

After the shooting down incident, NATO temporarily slowed down its bombing of the southern country, and high-tech fighters such as f-117 and b-2 suspended their operations.After being furious, NATO commanders and US air force commanders must figure out how this most advanced fighter plane was shot down. Did the southern country have advanced detection radars or did they get someone's help?If this problem is not clarified, and these advanced aircraft are blindly sent to the war, if there is any loss, no one can bear it.At the same time, these people have to find a way to rescue the parachuting pilot, and the wreckage of the plane cannot fall into the hands of the threat.

The shooting down of f-117 has given the world public opinion a good topic of discussion, especially friends who are interested in the military.That is, is it worth spending a high price to develop high-tech weapons?How should small countries exert their military leverage?Many military experts are still discussing, what kind of technology and method did the Southern Air Defense Force use to defeat this kind of stealth fighter that most countries have no way to do?Anyway, there are different opinions, and it is also because of the fall of this brand new fighter that anti-war voices began to appear in the United States.

All in all, the shooting down of the f-117 Nighthawk brought difficulties and pressure to both sides of the war.The pressure from NATO is self-evident. In fact, the South China side is also nervous after the propaganda.

When NATO analyzed that the shooting down of the F-117 by Southern China was only an isolated case, and it was not that they had any technical or equipment weapons to suppress the NATO air force, a larger scale retaliatory bombing would come.Moreover, how to deal with the wreckage of the f-117 stealth aircraft in hand is also a challenge.While saying that he is a rare commodity to live in, it is also a crime of being pregnant. If you use it well, it will help a lot, but if you don’t use it well, it will be dangerous.

Due to a mistake, Chen Kangjie missed the plane he wanted very much, and got nothing.Later, Samidov and the others went to the scene of the incident to see it again. Except for a small pit and some discolored soil, they didn't even get a piece of debris, and the battlefield was cleaned up.

Although it was a pity, Chen Kangjie could only sigh helplessly.Fortunately, this matter is not over yet, he still has a chance, at least the war is not over, at least the wreckage of the plane is still in the hands of Nanguo.

Chen Kangjie, who returned to China, also had his own affairs to be busy during this period. First, the candidate list for the student union chairman was confirmed by the student union chairman public election working group, and the name "Chen Wen" appeared on the list as expected. among.In this way, on the one hand, the candidates can announce their campaign platform and publicize their campaign on campus; on the other hand, the school will also elect student representatives in each class, and these student representatives will vote at that time.

Chen Kangjie's qualification as a candidate made the buddies in the dormitory a little excited. Before that, they more or less felt that Chen Kangjie would not be able to pass this test. After all, he participated in too few activities on campus, didn't he? Student cadres are not the organizers of the student club, or even members of the student club. If they think about it, such a person will not be able to pass the first test no matter what.Who knew that Chen Kangjie would pass.

Tan Jian's mood was a bit complicated. Chen Kangjie's qualification as a candidate meant that he had taken a step forward to become the chairman of the school's student union. This was a good thing, but for Tan Jian, it also meant that he was getting closer to the losing side. Some.But no matter what, he still acted very happy, not only went to Chen Kangjie's dormitory to celebrate, but also advised him with Chen Wenjie and others, how to put up big-character posters, how to hold seminars and so on.

The School of International Economics got two candidates, and they both appeared in Class [-] of International Economics and Trade, namely Chen Kangjie and Zuo Weisheng.All of a sudden, the enthusiasm of the whole class was high, and they were all enthusiastic. They wanted to help the two of them in the auxiliary election. In fact, they wanted to help Zuo Weisheng more. Who made him look much bigger than Chen Kangjie?

According to the arrangement of the Student Union President Open Election Working Group, the candidate has a month to build momentum, and the speech and the questioning of the student representatives are scheduled for May 5th, which is also the day when the student representatives vote for the Student Union President.

Perhaps because of Chen Kangjie's candidacy, the election for the chairman of the student union this year is much more open. In the past, most of the elections for the chairman of the student union were unknown. However, this time, the school has become more enlightened and open. It also allows candidates to express their opinions through big-character posters and dormitory visits.For a while, the campus seemed to have the election atmosphere of some countries and regions.Many student associations have become a tool for auxiliary elections. These associations will organize members to participate in a certain candidate's rally to build momentum.

There are more than a dozen posters in the school. There are many new big-character posters posted every day. Some people’s slogans are "The student union is the home of the students", "Build the student union together", "Your choice, your trust", Some people have a bigger slogan, "Student union, develop through reform." Some people's slogans are even confusing at first glance. For example, the slogan of a sophomore female candidate in the School of Journalism is "Choose me, choose you." In fact, what she wants to say is that if you vote for me, I can express your thoughts on your behalf. In other words, she regards herself as a medium for information transmission.

The slogans and propositions of those candidates were within the acceptable range of the school party committee, and they behaved well. Chen Kangjie's was bolder, just five words, "independent student union".Chen Kangjie also put up a big-character poster. He explained that he wanted to establish an independent student union that belonged to the students. He even shouted in the big-character poster that "the school should ask the school for the autonomy of the student union."

Because of his good calligraphy skills, Chen Kangjie wrote the big-character poster himself, and his friends in the same dormitory and Tan Jian were responsible for pasting it.Therefore, among all the promotional posters, Chen Kangjie's is the most beautiful, and many passing students were attracted to stop.In addition to the content that easily resonates with everyone, many people visit his big-character posters as calligraphy works, and many people praise the timeless and beautiful writing.

It's just that most people don't know who this candidate named Chen Wen is. The previous strategy of restraining his edge made Chen Kangjie really unknown on campus. Perhaps no one except his classmates knew who he was. who.

Of course, by running for the chairman of the student union this time, Chen Kangjie can show his face, organize a campaign like other candidates who want to become student leaders, or choose a few dormitory buildings to do "sweeping" publicity, even Chen Wenjie shouted In order to be a pioneer for him, that is to be responsible for knocking on the door.

If Chen Kangjie wants to do these things, he can be very handy. He has no shortage of ability, no lack of people, and Guan Mengyu is an internal support, so he will not lack policies.However, it is difficult for Chen Kangjie to devote all his time to this matter. Recently, due to the outbreak of the Ikoli War, some subtle changes have taken place in the international financial market, and there are many news from overseas that he needs to deal with.The other one is that the independence struggle of Bandaqi, the territory of the country of thousands of islands, has entered a critical stage, and there are many issues that require Chen Kangjie to help the staff to provide advice.

Under Chen Kangjie's suggestion, Hassan Rodi found the Timor Island side. With money tied up and Australia's deliberate promotion, Banda Qi and Timor Island formed an independent alliance and jointly proposed to the United Nations. Apply, and they'll hold a full-name referendum.More than a month ago, it was only the referendum negotiations between Timor Island and the government of the Thousand Islands. At that time, the Thousand Islands had no intention of making concessions. Now that Banda Qi joined in, they are even more unwilling to make concessions. As a last resort, the two split Powers can only collectively look forward to the participation of the United Nations.In this matter, Lawrence really helped a lot, but he didn't do too much. The Australian government just issued a statement, which is to support the reasonable demands of Timor Island and the independent choices of the local people. .

The west of Australia is adjacent to the east of the Thousand Islands, and it is the country with the most developed economy and the most perfect democratic system in the region. The significance of this statement is not trivial, that is, it represents the voice of the major countries in the region. It also represents an attitude of Western society.

Since China pursues a foreign policy of non-interference in internal affairs, it does not agree with this matter very much. On the contrary, some small countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America actively expressed their support, and some countries even moved out their own history of fighting for independence.The diplomatic campaign has finally seen some results.

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