rebirth of change

Chapter 1306 Nothing to Tell

At the beginning of 1999, the 54 Type 69-2 main battle tanks ordered by Karabi had been shipped to Boma, the port city of Zha, and then transported by rail to the capital, Leopoldville. After training, Zhaguo will be able to have a powerful armored group. When another 54 Type 69-2 main battle tanks arrive in May, an armored group will be formed. By then, these heavy weapons will be deployed on the battlefield , will become an important weapon to sweep away all hostile forces.

When he learned that Zhaguo had ordered heavy weapons for a tank regiment from China, Dias couldn't sit still. He was worried that Zhaguo's military strength would surpass that of Anguila, and it would become a factor that could determine the strength of the region. important weapon.After all, Anguila currently has no tank troops, only some old armored vehicles.Therefore, Dias proposed to Mei Jincheng to buy the same batch of weapons from China.

Mei Jincheng couldn't facilitate the completion of this kind of order, and he couldn't get involved in such an important military product transaction, so he could only move the issue up.As a result, the problem fell into the hands of Chen Kangjie. After Chen Kangjie returned from the United States, he had to coordinate the conclusion of the deal.

Chen Kangjie's coordination is actually not difficult. He just told Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua this information, and then reminded him of the aspects he thought should be paid attention to. They will arrange for diplomatic personnel to contact and negotiate with Anguila's diplomatic personnel. It is diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level, and embassies have been established between each other, so it is quite convenient to talk about.

For domestic diplomatic departments, they are very willing to do this kind of thing, and the military is also willing.There is a big difference between selling military products and selling civilian products. Not only can you get huge profits from selling military products, but Chen Kangjie wants to sell them at normal prices in the country. Anyway, all the money you earn comes from him, so there is no need to do those things again. discount.It can also increase the strategic influence on the arms-buying country, thus establishing a special bilateral relationship.Heavy weapons such as tanks, planes or missiles cannot be bought or sold without a good and stable bilateral relationship, because they are too sensitive. Moreover, these weapons need to be repaired, maintained, and provided with ammunition and parts, etc., especially Yes need training.After a lot of these links have been experienced, it is impossible for the two countries and the two militaries not to establish a good bilateral relationship.

The United States often uses this tactic to influence many countries. If the United States is offended, it will not provide after-sales service. Many countries will face difficulties in reloading their weapons. Therefore, these countries will stand on the same side as the United States. on-line.For example, if the f-16ab fighter jets sold by the United States to Taiwan are to be upgraded and turned into f-16cd fighter jets, not only will it cost tens of billions of dollars, but more seriously, if the Americans refuse to upgrade, then those fighter jets will It can only get old, and Baodao can only maintain a close relationship with the United States.

If providing after-sales services and upgrades is a hardware aspect, then establishing a suitable command system is a software aspect.Advanced heavy weapons all involve a command system and command data. Once we sell some heavy weapons to certain countries, we need to help these countries establish command systems and command data, even weapons like aircraft and missiles It is also necessary to establish a common and compatible data link, and the result is that they must know the military command of the country and know many military secrets.With the critical existence of this aspect, the relationship between the two countries cannot be compared with how many shoes and socks are sold.

The reason why China's influence in the world lags behind that of the United States is that apart from the gap in economic strength and insufficient cultural influence, another important factor is that the United States sells the most weapons and equipment in the world. They can rely on the sales of these Weaponry affects many, many countries.

Through Chen Kangjie's matchmaking, China can raise the already good relationship in West Africa to a new level by selling these two weapons. intimate partner.

In fact, this is also a diversion measure adopted by Chen Kangjie, that is, through arms transactions, the strategic relationship that should belong to the government to be maintained is handed over to the government, and his company only does specific things and makes legitimate business investments. , Earn the lucrative profits that the enterprise should have earned.Anyway, he has already done what he should do. The central government knows that Zhaguo and Anguila’s purchase of weapons comes from Chen Kangjie. It can be said that Chen Kangjie opened the door to in-depth cooperation with West African countries, and the government can drive in.Although no one said anything verbally, Wei Zhonghua knew that Chen Kangjie had made great contributions to the country's diplomacy.

Chen Kangjie was involved in all kinds of non-trivial matters, so he couldn't fully devote himself to the election of the student union chairman. At least his spare time was spent reviewing information and thinking of ways. Do those election rallies or dorm visits.What's more, the Ikoli war still attracts him now, and Samidov and the others will send some information every day.

According to the information sent back by Samidov and the others, Russian and Chinese diplomats are in in-depth contact with the Lovech government. The content of the communication is believed to be in addition to dealing with the current crisis in southern China. The F-117 Wreckage should also be an important part of the story.Even when he was under heavy attack from NATO's restorative artillery fire, Lovech went to the Chinese embassy in South China once.

Before rebirth, there were different opinions about the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Southland. An effective resistance, so the bombing by the US military was a beheading operation.Chen Kangjie doesn't quite believe this kind of statement. If Lovech needs to go to another country's embassy to ensure safety and command, then it means that he is at the end of his rope. But in fact, even after the war ends, Lovech There is no sign of the end of the road, there is a secret location in the southern country for him to use.

Before the bombing, NATO also gave an ultimatum for a few days.Even if Lovech didn't take precautions against NATO before the ultimatum, and had extravagant hopes, how could he not leave himself a way out after the ultimatum was issued?How could it be possible not to take precautions earlier?What's more, Lovech is not the kind of person who has extravagant hopes for NATO.Otherwise, under the heavy bombing of hundreds of sorties by NATO every day, the Southern Kingdom would not be able to maintain unity, and the army did not collapse. This must be because Lovech has established an underground secret command system.

There are also rumors that the reason why the United States bombed the Chinese embassy in southern China was because the American intelligence agency detected that the wreckage of the f-117 stealth fighter was transported to the Chinese embassy. It is hoped that China will get the secret technology of the United States.

Chen Kangjie didn't quite believe this argument either.If the wreckage of f-117 is really transported to the Chinese embassy, ​​it must be extremely confidential, and China will definitely dismantle it and ship it back to China as quickly as possible, and will not put it in the southern country where the bombardment is raging. To be bombed.Besides, although China assisted Nanguo to speak on international occasions, it did not provide any substantial help. How could Nanguo give such an important thing to China?So Chen Kangjie didn't really believe it.

There is another reason why Chen Kangjie doesn't believe it, that is, until he was reborn, the Chinese nation did not create its own stealth fighter.Assuming that China has obtained those confidential information, according to China's economy and reverse scientific research strength after 00, it is impossible not to produce a test machine in ten years.If it is said that there is still a great lack of motivation or lack of ability in the original creation of China, Chen Kangjie absolutely believes it, but if it is said that China does not even have this piracy ability, Chen Kangjie will not believe it.In the piracy market all over the world, China is "notorious", everything from VCDs to airplanes and missiles has been taken down, and there is basically nothing that China cannot copy.

According to the information provided by Samidov and the others, after the outbreak of the war, Lovech only went to the Chinese embassy in the local area once. In addition, he also went to the Russian embassy once, all at night going to.

It's a pity that Chen Kangjie didn't know what Lovech had talked with them.Just when Chen Kangjie was frowning, he thought of Wei Liang again.He believed that Wei Liang should obtain more important information.

On the night of April 4, Chen Kangjie went to his office to contact Wei Liang.

For Chen Kangjie looking for him again, Wei Liang didn't seem to be surprised at all, even as if he had been prepared for a long time.

"Little comrade, it's really rare to remind you of me again, ha ha." Wei Liang answered the phone with a very kind tone.

"Uncle Wei, you say that as if I have no conscience."

"Who dares to say that you have no conscience? Not long ago, you also helped to complete two transactions. I heard about them. Young man, you did a good job. It's amazing."

"You know this as well?"

"Hehe, have you forgotten which department I am in?" Wei Liang smiled calmly.

"Oh, yes, General Staff, basically you all know the secrets related to the military. If this is the case, then I will ask you for some advice!" Chen Kangjie is a person who will sneak in when he catches a crack, and then Wei Liang If so, he will be drawn in the direction of his attention.

"Hehe, I thought you were going to play tricks. In fact, I know what you are up to when you call, but I really have nothing to tell you so far." Wei Liang's laughter contained There is some helplessness.

"Since you know what I'm going to ask, why don't you tell me? Why don't you reveal a little bit, you won't regard me as a hostile force?"

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