rebirth of change

Chapter 1320 Arriving in Athens

On the flight, in addition to drinks, there are also meals.Not long after serving drinks to Chen Kangjie and the others, the two stewardesses came again, this time to deliver meals.

This time the two stewardesses did not show surprise again, but were courteous and courteous. In addition to the egg rice, shredded pork rice, and sliced ​​meat rice with vegetables that Chinese people like, the food they provided also included bread and sandwiches that foreigners like.Since this flight was flying to Greece, some Greek foods were also specially served, such as cuttlefish risotto, olmades (meat and rice wrapped in grape leaves). Interestingly, this plane also served There must be a burger, but it is different from the chicken or beef burger in the United States. This is a local Greek burger called donersouvlakia, which is filled with ground lamb, tomatoes and onions in a round flat bread. Chen Kangjie called a Come and taste it, it's very delicious.Maybe Mao Xianping is not used to eating Western food, so he just ordered a rice with sliced ​​broccoli and pork.

Just when Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, the two beautiful stewardesses each took out a notebook and invited Chen Kangjie to sign it.Perhaps because they were worried about being criticized by Mao Xianping, the two girls mustered up their courage this time, and they pretended not to see Mao Xianping's deep expression during the whole process.They all knew that being able to meet Chen Kangjie once was already full of luck and fate. If they missed this opportunity, they would not know when they would have to wait.

Since Chen Kangjie wants to show a broad mind, he must be a good person to the end and send Buddha to the west.Very happy result notebook and pen, flamboyantly wrote a few words of blessing in their notebooks, and finally signed their names and dates, and even indicated that they were on the flight to Athens.

The two teenage girls who got the autographs were overjoyed and very satisfied. They felt that Chen Kangjie had no celebrity airs at all, and was very approachable.Maybe it was because Chen Kangjie was so easy to talk, and the two ladies even asked for a group photo.Now Mao Xianping couldn't help it anymore, and directly reprimanded the two flight attendants who were working for being rude and lack of professionalism.

"Mayor Mao, don't make a fuss. You are idle anyway. The journey is still far away." Chen Kangjie smiled leisurely, helped the two lovely stewardesses to speak, and immediately asked the two stewardesses curiously if they had cameras.

Not to mention, these two bold stewardesses really came prepared. The slightly shorter stewardess in the back grinned, and took out an Olympus fool from behind her like magic. camera.

Now Chen Kangjie could really only satisfy their wishes, how could he be so kind to the beauties' requests?Chen Kangjie took their cameras and handed them to Mao Xianping, "Mayor Mao, please take a group photo with us."

On the plane, Chen Kangjie chatted with Mao Xianping the most, and he was the closest to him. Although he was the deputy mayor, he could only do it for him.

No matter how unhappy Mao Xianping was, he still had to show Chen Kangjie face, so he stood up resentfully, and took two group photos for Chen Kangjie and the others.In the two group photos, Chen Kangjie was standing in the middle, with two stewardesses lined up on both sides.The slight difference is that in the first picture, the two flight attendants have serious expressions, and they are so nervous that they are not lively at all. They are afraid that they will not show their best side. In fact, the more they are like this, the harder it is to perform at their best.Chen Kangjie noticed it, so he encouraged the two of them not to be restrained, just treat him as a friend casually.So there was another photo. In the second photo, the two stewardesses really let go and became lively. One of them boldly held Chen Kangjie's arm in his arms.Now that it's summer, everyone didn't wear much at first, and their arms were pulled and pressed against their swollen chests, which made Chen Kangjie a little distracted.

Of course, Chen Kangjie is not that kind of nasty person, and his thoughts are only for a moment, and it is not enough to leave lingering thoughts in his mind.

When Chen Kangjie signed autographs and took photos with the two stewardesses, the people who were sitting in the first-class cabin kept peeking and observing.Seeing that Chen Kangjie was so easy-going, those who had always been interested in Chen Kangjie suddenly came alive, regardless of whether Mao Xianping was present or not, they all asked for Chen Kangjie's autograph and group photo. The first person to ask was Deng Ping, who was a sports star herself. .Although this trip was to promote the Olympic bid, it was actually similar to a trip. Many people brought cameras, and some of them were instant imaging cameras--Polaroids.

Chen Kangjie has already satisfied the two stewardesses, so it is even more impossible to refute the face of the fellow passengers. Anyway, the time is very long, so he generously satisfied their requirements one by one.For a while there was a queue in the first-class cabin. Many people knew that this opportunity was rare. After this time, it might be difficult to get these things.In the end, even Mao Xianping was not satisfied. Not only did he take a photo with Chen Kangjie, but he also asked for Chen Kangjie's autograph for his daughter.

In the original history, the direct route between the capital and Athens was only opened in 10. Generally speaking, Chinese people going to Athens need to spend ten hours and five minutes to fly to Frankfurt or Rome, and then fly to Rome. Transferring to Athens, the whole journey takes about sixteen or seventeen hours, which is quite tiring.I don’t know if it’s because Greece was chosen as the first stop for the Olympic bid promotion, but Air China actually opened this route eight years in advance. Chen Kangjie and the others are the third flight since the opening of the route.And there is no need to stop in Dubai like in history, saving an hour.Therefore, Chen Kangjie and the others arrived in the early morning of Labor Day on May 15st, [-] kilometers south of Athens, facing the Athens Heraklion Airport () in the Saronic Gulf, which is [-] kilometers southeast of Athens at this time. The Athens International Airport in the Daredevil region has not yet been put into use and is still under construction.

Athens is located at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the sea on one side. It is 8 kilometers away from Faliron Bay in the Aegean Sea in the southwest. It has a subtropical Mediterranean climate.The Kiphissos and Ilyssos rivers pass through the city.Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a recorded history of more than 3000 years.Athens is now the eighth largest city in Europe.Ancient Athens was a powerful city-state and a world-renowned cultural ancient city.Socrates, Herodotus, Pericles, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Euripides, Aeschylus and other famous philosophers, statesmen and writers were born or lived in Athens However, Athens is also known as "the cradle of Western civilization" and the birthplace of democracy.The cultural and political achievements of the 5th and 4th centuries BC had a major impact on European and world culture.

Originally, a visiting group like Chen Kangjie and the others would have a pick-up at the airport, but under normal circumstances, that is, the staff of the local embassy and officials from the local sports department and the city government can do it, which is reflected in enthusiasm and simplicity.After all, it is not a visit by a head of state or government, it will not be too enthusiastic, and there will not be so many red tapes.

However, when the plane landed, officials from the local embassy, ​​the sports department and the Athens city government boarded the plane before Chen Kangjie and the others got off the plane. At that time, Mao Xianping's first feeling was that such enthusiasm was a bit out of the ordinary, which made people flattered .However, when they explained their intentions, Mao Xianping realized that he was wrong.

It turned out that I didn't know which link leaked the news. The news that Chen Kangjie was coming to Athens was known by the media. If the media knew it, it meant that the local citizens knew it.Early this morning, thousands of fans poured into Heraklion Airport to welcome Chen Kangjie. The reception hall of the airport and the roads and squares outside the airport were all full of people. They could only enter when the police cleared the way. Inside the airport.They boarded the plane directly to discuss how to deal with this situation.

Greek is spoken in Greece, and Chen Kangjie knows nothing about Greek. He has never been here, nor has he published any works in Greek.He knew that he would have some fans in Greece, but he didn't expect to be so popular. It really surprised him that thousands of people ran to the airport to pick him up.

For this trip, Mao Xianping was the leader of the team, and it stands to reason that he needs to make up his mind in the face of emergencies.However, he is also a little panicked now, and there is no good countermeasure for a while.Originally, it was a good thing that someone came to welcome you, but if there were too many people to welcome, it would be troublesome, and if something unexpected happened, it would be a good thing and a bad thing.

After struggling for a long time, Mao Xianping had no way to protect himself, so he simply asked the local officials, "Is there any special exit passage at the airport? Since there are so many people, if there is, let's go out through the special passage, so as not to cause any unpleasantness." Come."

This cannot be said to be that Mao Xianping has no level. Normally, domestic officials have this kind of thinking, but they don't like to show off and are afraid of getting into trouble.What's more, this is still in a foreign country, and many situations are beyond one's control, so avoiding it becomes a relatively safe choice.

"There is such a passage, that is, you can go out from the side of the airport, but..." After the translator made Mao Xianping's words understandable, the deputy mayor of the Athens City Government who came to greet him said, but his words did not After speaking, he looked at Chen Kangjie and the Chinese ambassador there in a consultative manner.

"Of course it can't be like that. If we leave quietly like this, then maybe there will be big problems. Those who came to welcome them are basically young people. If they don't see Long, their emotions may lose control Yes, in that case, tragedy may happen. We are here to create a good publicity image, not to cause trouble. In addition, this is the first stop. If it is messed up, it will bring a lot of negative It will work.” While Chen Kangjie was still waiting for the translation, the Chinese ambassador to the local area shook his head and rejected this seemingly safest suggestion.

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