rebirth of change

Chapter 1332 We Know

In order to encourage the local people's confidence in the future and life, Chen Kangjie did not continue the chat with them on the sad topic, but quickly changed the topic to other aspects.

Children are always pure, and they usually don't have the sadness and depression of adults in their hearts.Although they can't go to class normally now, these children don't seem to be depressed. It seems that the summer vacation has arrived earlier, giving them enough time to play innocently.Even though their living environment was greatly damaged, it didn't seem to affect them.

In the afternoon, Chen Kangjie organized several interesting activities with these children who did not have to go to class, and first took them to play several motivating games.Before rebirth, Chen Kangjie often participated in the training and development activities organized by the company. At that time, he was in sales, and the sales staff were under a lot of pressure. These activities organized by the company can not only provide a wealth of knowledge, but also relieve pressure and improve fighting spirit. Make it fun and educational.Although the local equipment is not very rich, the activities organized by Chen Kangjie are relatively simple, and only some newspapers and tapes are needed.

After getting tired of playing with the children, Chen Kangjie sat down to listen to their ideals and wishes, and Chen Kangjie promised that as long as it is achievable, he will help them realize it.Now these children turned into cheerful little birds one by one, rushing to talk about their ideals and wishes, for fear that it would be too late, Chen Kangjie seemed unable to help, so Chen Kangjie could only make up the order of them dumbfounded, the youngest The first to say, and so on.

The younger you are, the simpler your mind, the purer your thoughts, and of course, the more varied your wishes.Some asked Chen Kangjie for candies, toys, and bicycles.Some people asked Chen Kangjie to show them magic tricks and sing songs for them.When it comes to those older children, their ideas are much more realistic. Some want to go abroad, some want to be writers, some want to learn singing and acting from Chen Kangjie, some hope Chen Kangjie can help his family repair the destroyed house, Others hope to design a power plant that can't be blown up or destroyed.

Chen Kangjie took out these various thoughts and carefully memorized them one by one in a small notebook, and asked the other party's name after marking them.If this matter is replaced by other people, then there will be more elements of deception, and at most pick a few people who are easy to satisfy and deal with it.However, Chen Kangjie is very serious. Maybe he can't satisfy everyone's wishes. For example, Chen Kangjie is a little helpless for those who want to design power generation equipment that will not be damaged or destroyed, but he will definitely do his best to provide help and guidance.What's more, when the children were talking, those reporters were also remembering. He didn't want to bear the reputation of a liar, and he didn't want to hurt the innocent hearts of these children.

After the children finished speaking, Chen Kangjie's small notebook was almost full.

The parents of these children watched with a smile when Chen Kangjie and the others were playing games. When Chen Kangjie asked the children to mention their ideals and aspirations, the adults surrounded them again. Debury and the others were distributing supplies on the other side and didn't even bother to receive them.After the children finished speaking, some parents even wanted to express their wishes. This time, Chen Kangjie didn't remember it, but just listened, because he had never made a promise to the adults.

The wishes of the adults are more realistic, such as those who want a car, or help them immigrate, and some even want Chen Kangjie to help them leave the southern country now.Or it is too idealistic, such as wanting the war to stop now, family members who are dying to be able to come back to life, and asking Chen Kangjie to make a touching movie with their stories.Hearing all these things, Chen Kangjie sometimes couldn't help laughing.

Chen Kangjie couldn't control the demands of the adults, but he sent the wishes of those children to Liu Deyi on the same day, asking him to satisfy them as much as possible, especially those who only need to provide materials, and start preparing right now, and then airlift them over , entrusted to the International Red Cross.Others should also be given help as appropriate. For example, the person who wants to learn singing from him can arrange a visit and training at Feiyang Entertainment to see if there is potential in this area. The person who wants to be a generator set designer, if conditions permit , can help to study abroad in China, and those who want to be writers can mail some Chinese and foreign literary works to him.As for doing magic tricks, Chen Kangjie doesn't know how to do it. If he wants to sing, he is satisfied on the spot.

That night, Chen Kangjie and the others lived in Zrenjanin, but instead of living in the school, there was no suitable space there. They were arranged to live in a relatively intact hotel.Although there is no water or electricity, at least there are comfortable beds and independent space.Anyway, NATO promised that there would be no air strikes in the past two days, and some residents living in the school also returned to their homes.

In the evening, Bradbury and the others, accompanied by local officials, inspected and understood the damage to the local infrastructure, and the medical team brought medicines to the hospital for help.Only Chen Kangjie lay down on the bed with his eyes closed, and there was a lantern at the head of the bed that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Just when Chen Kangjie was about to fall asleep, there was a knock on the door.As soon as Chen Kangjie got up from the bed, Xiong Ziqiang led Samidov in.

Under the dim light, Samidov looked a little thinner, and his clothes were still neat, but his beard grew a lot.The reason why Chen Kangjie didn't follow around at night was to wait for Samidov's arrival.Because before setting off to enter the southern country, Samidov sent him a message that he would come to Zrenjanin to meet him and have important information to report.

"Man, it's hard work, please sit down, are you just here?" Chen Kangjie rubbed his eyes, sat on the corner of the bed, and asked Samidov to sit on the sofa opposite him.

Samidov took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack, sat down, picked up a bottle of mineral water on the small table next to him, and took a big sip before speaking, "I drove here overnight, and I want to drink it at night. Be safe, and I also know that you don't have much time when I come during the day."

"Hehe, you know me quite well, how is it? Are you all okay?" Chen Kangjie asked with a smile and concern.

"The health is all right, but life is getting more and more inconvenient. At the beginning, you can still buy what you want with money. Now, some things are not easy to buy unless you steal it. After more than a month in the capital of the Southern Kingdom The saturation bombing has changed beyond recognition. The bridges above the Sava River and the Danube River have been bombed. The presidential palace, the Ministry of National Defense, and the police headquarters have been bombed more than once. Those barracks that were heavily guarded before are now in ruins. , Even civilian facilities such as power companies, water plants, and radio stations have not been spared. The current southern capital is basically a city where work, school, and business are suspended. The landlord of the house we rented ran away a week after the war Well, I haven't showered in two weeks, and the fighter jets are whining overhead all day long. At first, I also set off the air defense alarm. Now, the locals don't bother to set off the air defense alarm. Anyway, NATO fighter planes will It’s useless to patronize many times.” Samidov said melancholy.

"As long as you are all right, this will pass soon." Chen Kangjie has not yet entered the capital of the southern country, and he can already feel the local difficulties from Samidov's mouth.

"Now I don't see that NATO intends to cease the war." Samidov misunderstood Chen Kangjie's meaning and thought he was talking about war.

"The war should not be over for the time being. Lovech hasn't surrendered yet, but you don't have to stay here for a long time, you will go back after a while. By the way, you said you have important information to tell me. What kind of information is it? If you come here at night, I'll be there tomorrow morning."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, I have important information to report to you." Samidov put down the mineral water bottle, sat up straight, and said in a repeated voice, "Russia also wants the same thing as you very much. And they have already sent people to the southern capital."

"Hehe, what did I think, I already knew that." Chen Kangjie laughed teasingly.

"You already know?"

Chen Kangjie nodded, "This doesn't seem to be too important information."

"But it's Ivan who came." Said in a low voice, Samidov lowered his head strangely.

Chen Kangjie wanted to smile again, but in the middle of the laugh, he froze, and then he recalled Samidov's words, "What did you say? Ivan is here? Which Ivan?"

"Vladimir Ivan," Samidov replied in a low voice.

This name immediately brought to Chen Kangjie's mind the slender face and muscular figure of that Russian political strongman.Chen Kangjie almost forgot about this person. The main reason is that Vladimir Ivan has not yet stepped into the political stage. He has not been appointed by the president as the deputy prime minister, so he rarely appears in the news, and he is not very well known to outsiders.

Chen Kangjie paced back and forth twice in the room, and finally stopped in front of Samidov, staring at him.At this time, Chen Kangjie had a doubt in his mind, even if Ivan had arrived in the southern country, it would be normal. He was in charge of Russia's intelligence work, but why did Samidov say this was important information?

Now Samidov lowered his head, as if something was on his mind, and why?Recalling Samidov's rhetoric and demeanor after he came in just now, Chen Kangjie seemed to have grasped something.

"Do you know Vladimir Ivan?" Chen Kangjie sat down, fixed his eyes on Samidov, and asked calmly.No emotion could be heard from Chen Kangjie's tone, as if it was just a curious guess.

Samidov raised his head, met Chen Kangjie's bright eyes, took a deep breath, nodded without much hesitation, and said word by word, "Well, we know each other."

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