rebirth of change

Chapter 1346 Shao Yi's Shock

"Xiao Chen, what are you talking about? You don't plan to meet their prime minister anymore?"

Shao Yi stared at Chen Kangjie in disbelief, and asked in surprise.

Chen Kangjie sat on the chair he was sitting at noon, calm and indifferent.

Shao Yi was very surprised. Why did Chen Kangjie go out for a while in the afternoon, and when he came back, his attitude took such a 180-degree turn. Is it because he didn't make an appointment with Lovech and felt that the Prime Minister was not qualified to make a decision?

Chen Kangjie and Ivan chatted on the banks of the Sava River until four o'clock. They communicated for two hours. When they left, Ivan was full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, which was completely different from the cautiousness and consideration of gains and losses when he came to the southern country.Chen Kangjie noticed that when he turned around, Ivan's steps were vigorous and big, and he swung his hands very powerfully, with the kind of momentum to deal with the world.

Ivan couldn't bear to be excited, and Chen Kangjie really shocked him too much. He never thought that a visit to the southern country would make his political ideal, which was almost impossible, close at hand.

All kinds of exciting possibilities collided fiercely in his heart all at once.With $300 billion in hand, there's just too much to do.Ivan himself can predict that he will soon jump out of the intelligence agency and take up an important position in the government department. As long as there is a slight transition, it will become possible to reach the peak of power.

Although the 300 billion US dollars was borrowed and needs to be repaid, this is already pie in the sky. Before this, Russia has sought many international institutions, but they have not been able to obtain strong financial support.Now it's all right, you have money in your hands, and you don't panic.

But, according to the consensus reached with Chen Kangjie, the 300 billion US dollars is divided into three steps, not in one step.

In the first step, Ivan went back this time, and together with the 33 million dollars he got from the wreckage, he brought back 100 billion dollars. In the second part, after his position was transferred to the first deputy prime minister, another 170 billion dollars was in place. Finally, When he becomes prime minister, the remaining $[-] billion will be allocated.

This step setting is Chen Kangjie's suggestion, mainly out of two considerations.On the one hand, doing so can prevent Chen Kangjie from taking risks.Although he knew that Ivan would reach the pinnacle of power in the future, some things have changed since his rebirth. What if history fluctuates violently?If there had been a change, then Chen Kangjie's loss would not have been that great.Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't tell Ivan about this consideration, the reason he told Ivan was another consideration.

Chen Kangjie told Ivan that in three steps, he could put pressure on the president above. If the above wants to get more money, he must give him more rights. Similarly, this can also be understood as a kind of temptation.Only by letting the higher-ups see greater benefits from one level to the next will they be given a "staircase" to ascend step by step.

Ivan accepted Chen Kangjie's proposal, and he took it very seriously.He was also worried that if he brought the funds back all at once, the "fruits of victory" would be "robbed".Only when he becomes the first deputy prime minister can he be qualified to sign the loan agreement on behalf of the government. After all, such a large amount must be undertaken by the government, and he has no direct personal entanglement.Although the money was spent on Ivan, Chen Kangjie would not lend it to him personally.It is meaningful only if he has strong rights, otherwise, he will not be of much use value.

In exchange, after Ivan ascended the throne of the first deputy prime minister, he will first push Chen Kangjie's oil fields to increase production, and will also allow the construction of an oil pipeline with the Russian National Petroleum Corporation.Prior to this, every year oil was exported to China, all relying on railway tank trucks. Not to mention the high cost of that method, the key is that the transportation capacity is not large.According to the current daily volume, only less than 400 million tons of crude oil can be transported a year. This is the result of Sinopec's efforts to negotiate and obtain two special trains of oil tankers per day.If oil pipelines are used for transportation, the transportation capacity can be increased several times, reaching a scale of 3000 million tons a year.

Of course, the scale of the investment for the oil transportation pipeline of more than [-] kilometers, coupled with the huge oil refining facilities, will be huge, but once it is completed, its economic benefits and national energy security benefits are also obvious.

As for why Chen Kangjie has so much money, Ivan is definitely very curious and puzzled.Any normal person would be full of doubts, which is perfectly natural, but Chen Kangjie didn't explain that much to him.At least for now, Chen Kangjie has no obligation to tell him that Ivan still understands the "rules". Although he thought very much in his heart, he didn't ask directly.

Chen Kangjie had no doubt that Ivan would try his best to find out Chen Kangjie's "truth", but it didn't matter, he wasn't worried at all now, even if Ivan figured it out, Chen Kangjie wasn't afraid, he now had a trump card.

After meeting with Ivan, Chen Kangjie took the time to visit the headquarters of the International Red Cross, and followed Bradbury to visit local hospitals and "refugee camps" set up in many gymnasiums in the city.

Although the capital of the southern country is not particularly large, it has many sports venues. There are hundreds of them in the whole city. Many large-scale international events have been held here. The local people also like sports very much, so so many venues and facilities have been born. .

In Chen Kangjie's impression, NATO's bombing created nearly a million refugees, some fled to neighboring countries, but more stayed in the country. According to Mayor Kirk Beach, the capital area has the largest number of refugees , There are nearly 30 people. For a city with a population base of nearly 200 million in the urban area and suburbs, 30 refugees are already a huge number. These people are now a heavy burden on the southern government.

The place to live can be solved, and they can be arranged to live in various sports venues. At present, NATO has not adopted concentrated bombing of ordinary sports facilities.But eating and drinking has become a big problem. Kirk Beach told Bradbury in an almost pleading tone, asking them to find a way to help with a few batches of food. At present, the Southland's reserves are about to run out. If they don't get rescue, could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe.

The goods brought by the International Red Cross this time can be said to be a drop in the bucket. To supply the basic life of these people normally, at least [-] tons of supplies are needed.

Looking at those war "victims" with gloomy eyes and frowning faces, Chen Kangjie felt "turbulent" in his heart. He understood why Lovech asked for so much money.Especially when Chen Kangjie held a little girl in his arms and asked him if he was hungry, the girl's flushed little face immediately dripped crystal clear tears.She told Chen Kangjie that she had not had bread and milk for three days.

At the Guerrilla Stadium, which is the home ground of a local football club, Chen Kangjie stated on the spot that he would donate 2000 million US dollars to the International Red Cross to solve the nutritional needs of children, and entrust the procurement and transportation of materials to the International Red Cross will be carried out.

The news of Chen Kangjie caused Kirk Beach to hold his hand tightly and shake it again and again. As soon as the news came out of Chen Kangjie's mouth, there was a "boom" in the stadium, and those "disaster victims" who were originally depressed It was like seeing the Guerrilla football team win the European Champions Cup at home, and the elated cheers suddenly sounded deafening in the stadium. $2000 million already buys a lot of milk.

People worshiped him as a savior. After all, almost every family has children. The reporters present recorded people's gratitude and enthusiasm for Chen Kangjie with their own cameras and pens.

In the southern capital, Chen Kangjie only participated in such a brief event with Bradbury and the others. According to the arrangement, he will leave for China on the morning of the [-]th.This time was strictly fixed. As long as Chen Kangjie departed in the morning on the [-]th, coupled with the time difference, Chen Kangjie would be able to return to school in the morning.

It was difficult for Chen Kangjie to come here. It will be much more convenient for him to go back this time. He can fly back directly from Nanguo Capital Airport.

The daily operation of Nanguo Capital Airport has been closed, and normal passenger flights have been stopped. The reason is that the airport was bombed once, which damaged two Airbus planes, killed 36 people and injured more than 200.After a short period of repairs, it can be put into use again, but the normal operation will not resume until the war is over, but Chen Kangjie has no problem at all after using it.

Being able to give Chen Kangjie special use of the newly renovated airport can be seen as the gratitude and courtesy of the South to him.After all, this time Chen Kangjie not only contributes his strength and heart, but also contributes money.Just based on what Chen Kangjie said temporarily in Nikola Pasic Square, it was enough for Nanguo to give him special treatment.Anyway, NATO has promised to suspend the bombing today, so Chen Kangjie's special plane can safely land and take off at Nanguo Capital Airport, which is [-] kilometers away from the city.

But before returning to China, Chen Kangjie had to talk and confirm with Shao Yi again.When he returned to the embassy, ​​the moon had already risen in the sky, but the whole city beside the Danube was not brightened by the moonlight, but was dark instead. The embassy relied on its own generator to generate electricity to maintain a certain amount of light.

"Yes, I'm missing, Uncle Shao. I entrusted that matter to the Russians. Four of my bodyguards are Russians. They know each other. I have already paid [-] million U.S. dollars. They took I will contact you when I get the stuff." Chen Kangjie's tone was calm and steady.

Chen Kangjie didn't take it seriously when he said it, but what he heard in Shao Yi's ears shocked him so much.

"So you went to join the Russians in the afternoon? Why didn't you tell me? ... What if they return after taking the money? By the way, I didn't hear that the country gave [-] million US dollars. How do you say it? Give it?" This sudden news made Shao Yi, who had been an ambassador for several years, unable to recover in a short time.

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