rebirth of change

Chapter 1360 Common Imaginary Enemy

The central theme of Chen Kangjie's speech was that the bombing at that time was aimed at him, and the purpose was to kill him.

Although it is a little far-fetched to say so, after all, the attitude of the Chinese government to confront the United States and China's participation in American secrets may be the key points, but this cannot be said.The Chinese side cannot say it out, let alone the U.S. side. On the surface, they still have to find an excuse of a "mistake" to prevaricate the world.

But Chen Kangjie didn't care that much, anyway, he was there at the time, so this was a conspiracy against her.If this point is not bitten to death, it will not be very good if something happens to the US side and the truth is announced.

This could be regarded as one of Chen Kangjie's means of revenge.Since you want to bully him, you have to be prepared to be bullied by him.This is called coming but not going indecently.

The reason why English is used instead of mother tongue is the result of careful consideration.

At present, domestic anti-American sentiment is already very high, and there is no need to "add material" to "this fire".Chen Kangjie knew the core content of Zhao Zhibang's speech. Although the implied purpose was to put pressure on the United States, he had to admit that they were really afraid of domestic chaos.

Civil strife is the "poison" for a country's prosperity. Don't put pressure on others to be ineffective, and instead be in a hurry, confused, and politically unstable, then the loss outweighs the gain. It's not completely unreasonable to say "to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down at home". If you are in chaos, you will not only reduce your own strength, but also disrupt your own aggressiveness, making others laugh at you is the next best thing.

Chen Kangjie was really not peaceful. During his speech, he was very emotional. He gnashed his teeth and lashed out at the "enemies", saying that they were executioners and war criminals, and even took Hitler out as a reference for them.All in all, the person who abused him has lost his conscience. He was only going to the southern country to carry out humanitarian activities, and he did some encouragement and help to the people of the southern country, but he was murdered. This is unforgivable anyway.

In a word, those people have lost the bottom line of being a human being, and their perverse actions will definitely be cast aside and criticized by kind people who love peace and care about life all over the world.

When others want to destroy him physically, he will destroy his opponent mentally.Let alone whether you can bring down your opponents, at least you must make them bad.

Chen Kangjie was not mentioned in the previous protest statement and press release issued by the Chinese side, and the West seems to have reached a certain "tacit agreement" that Chen Kangjie was also not mentioned.However, the acuity of journalists cannot be ignored casually. After careful analysis, many people feel that there is something missing in it.

Yes, there is no long news.It stands to reason that Long was in the southern country at that time, and what happened was so big, how could there be no news about him?

No, many journalists with sharp noses went to Feiyang Entertainment Company to inquire about news.

Sure enough, Chen Kangjie did not disappoint them. After being blocked for a day, he got such important news.

For a long time, Chen Kangjie has been one of the focus figures chased by the world's news media. In the words of a Japanese media, everything that happens to him has news value.

Who told him to be so famous that he is a legend in itself?

Fan Wenxuan explained to the reporters that Long originally wanted to hold a press conference in person, but since he was still in a restless mood, he only used this method to tell everyone the truth.

In such a catastrophe, who can calm down so quickly?

In the medium-sized conference room of Feiyang Entertainment Company, dozens of reporters watched the first video video with excitement and resentment, randomly took a copy prepared by the company, and left in a hurry, scrambling to release the "exclusive" The message went.Whoever can be the first will have the "exclusive" news, at least he can grab a lottery.

With Chen Kangjie's involvement, what was originally a serious diplomatic disaster was a little out of shape, but the attention and turmoil it aroused abroad has taken on a completely different form from before.

Regardless of whether what Chen Kangjie said is true or not, anyway, to the media, NATO dispatched fighter planes and missiles to eliminate Long, the most famous star in the world. This is a good gimmick.At least for now, no one has the heart to pay attention to the inside story, their eyes are firmly attracted by Chen Kangjie.

Following the release of the first batch of media news, this extremely eye-catching explosive news appeared in the media news of all countries in the world, and some TV stations even broadcast the original video of Chen Kangjie's speech.

Strange to say, the domestic media seemed to be ignorant of this news, and everyone was silent, without mentioning it at all, and they still criticized it at the national and national level, and the young people still shouted as always Protest with patriotic and anti-American slogans.

Before the news was released, Chen Kangjie had already talked with Zhao Zhibang on the phone.The domestic propaganda departments from the central government to the local government immediately took urgent action, unanimously requesting that this piece of overseas news should not be reproduced or rebroadcasted, and the top management regarded this as a political task.

In China, if it is just a general task, maybe no one will really care about it. Even if it is an urgent task, it may be delayed and sloppy.But when it comes to political tasks, no one dares to take them lightly. If they are not handled well, it is not impossible for them to be dismissed from office or rank, or even to go to prison.As long as he makes a mistake in a political mission, the person is basically doomed, and there is absolutely no possibility of turning over.

Since it was a political task, the propaganda officers from the Central Propaganda Department all the way to the villages and towns were all in high spirits.

In terms of control over domestic media, among all major countries, China is unrivaled.Apart from the fact that almost all media organizations are state-owned, it is also because they all have a unified management department—the Propaganda Department.This is very different from the Ministry of Information that exists in the governments of Western countries. In Western countries, whether it is the Ministry of Information or the Ministry of Media and Information, it is just a regulatory agency. They cannot extend their hands to specific media organizations. Our country's Propaganda Department is different. They not only control the content of news releases, but also control the "official hats" of the leaders of various news organizations.

Anyone who wants to make trouble, then get out.The news media must serve the overall situation and must be consistent with the spirit of the central government, and a slight deviation will cause big problems.

The country is quiet, but the world is turned upside down overseas.

As soon as the news appeared on TV and newspapers, the nerves of countless young people were immediately ignited.

As their "spiritual godfather", these young people who admire and love him very much don't even think about the authenticity of what Chen Kangjie said, and accept everything as they are ordered.

Their performance of accepting all orders was quickly reflected in practical actions.

As the stronghold of Chen Kangjie's relatively concentrated influence, American society was the first to move.Only two hours after the news was made public, protests and demonstrations began in Washington, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and other major cities.

Young people are relatively "simple" in their thinking, they don't care about major government affairs, and under normal circumstances, politics is not very attractive to them.But for the stars they like, it's different, it can definitely be said to be "die loyal".

Previously, the bombing of the embassy in Yugoslavia reflected the contradiction between the two governments, or the contradiction between the West and China.Ordinary people will pay attention to such news, but they will not regard it as having much to do with themselves.It's too far away, and it's not something that is within the scope of my interests. It's enough to know, why bother to find out?That's a waste of precious youthful time.

It's different now. It turns out that what the government wants to eliminate are longs that are inseparable from their lives every day, so of course it won't do it.

Young people's idols are not just killed if they are said to be killed.If we are killed by you, who do we like to go to?Who do you miss?Who can I find in the future to make so many beautiful music that haunts my dreams?Who do you want to make those fascinating films?Where did you see such vigorous and shocking sports competitions?

Drug use is addictive, and being infatuated with celebrities is actually addictive.Rehabilitation is difficult, and it is not easy to erase their idols from the minds of young people.

At first, the protests were initiated by a small group of leaders of the "Lobster Organization".Next, "a single spark can start a prairie fire." The protests were like a forest fire in a strong wind, and quickly swept across the United States, and then spread to major cities in Europe. Even Japan and South Korea in East Asia did not stand by. .

If it is said that the KLD government was still on the sidelines before, and only took appropriate measures to take the transfer of the Chinese army seriously, then now they have no way to sit quietly in peace.

No matter how chaotic it was before, it was also a domestic turmoil in China, and it couldn't get to the other side of the ocean.It's completely different now. Not only are the "chaos" on the other side of the ocean, but even those brother countries that are closely related to the United States have not been immune to it. Who told them that they all participated in the bombing of the southern country to some extent?Since there is a share, the responsibility must be "shared".

All of a sudden, in the century-old city halls in the West and the ancient squares that gave birth to modern history, there were dense numbers of young figures everywhere. They all held up posters of Chen Kangjie and appealing slogans, and raised their arms and shouted, hoping that those in the country The so-called politicians can hear their voices and thus protect their spiritual idols. Kld's handsome head portrait poster also appeared in the crowd, but unfortunately his treatment was a bit worse, a mustache was artificially added under his nose, and a big swastika was painted on his body.Apparently, the classy dude was being treated like Hitler.

In these self-proclaimed civilized countries, solidarity with Chen Kangjie has appeared for the second time. What is interesting is that they are the same as the protests in China. They are all protesting against the United States and opposing President KLD. The protest movement also regards KLD as an "imaginary enemy". It cannot but be said that this is a very interesting and intriguing phenomenon.

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