rebirth of change

Chapter 1363 Secretary Liu Vetoed

"Speaking of which, we also have to make concessions...the military is weak, and they can't hold on. Although we have put forward a suspicious strategy, it seems that we are going to fight. In fact, in the face of absolute strength, any strategy is useless. In vain. In the past two days, we have been patrolling an aircraft carrier battle group in the open sea, only a thousand kilometers away from the coastline, and another aircraft carrier has set sail from Pearl Harbor and is heading west. To be honest, as long as Without a land war, we have no hope of victory for the time being, even if the U.S. military base in Okinawa is razed to the ground..." Chen Kangjie put the teacup on the small square table next to him, and said helplessly with his legs crossed.

This is also an important reason why Chen Kangjie didn't continue to make troubles. He was also worried that the matter would become too big and there would be no way to end it.

Now we still have to avoid the sharpness of the United States, and we must not be arrogant in the game of great powers.Sun Tzu said: Soldiers are the most important affairs of the country, the way of death and life, the principle of survival, must be observed.

The top leaders of the central government are also worried that the United States will really be heated up, especially if there is a misjudgment of the situation, which will really cause conflicts, so they just accept it as soon as it is good.

"What is power? What is unstoppable?" Chen Kangjie accidentally blurted out some internet buzzwords from a few years later, which made He Baoguo stunned.

"Hehe, as the saying goes among young people, hard work means hard work... and hard work means that if you can't hold it, you can't hold it." Chen Kangjie scratched his head and explained indiscriminately.

"Who told you these news?" He Baoguo thought about Chen Kangjie's explanation, but he didn't get entangled in the "new verbs". He quickly returned to the topic and asked curiously.

"Wei Liang of the General Staff, the General Staff has been closely monitoring every move of the U.S. military recently, but only one of the two aircraft carrier battle group satellites was found, and the other one is still unknown. It's just news from Hawaii, Carl. The Vinson has left Pearl Harbor and is sailing west."

"How could he tell you such a secret?" He Baoguo was a little surprised. This kind of news is a military secret, and it is generally not known to outsiders.

"Hehe, don't you want me to understand the situation clearly? Besides, I already know enough secrets, and I don't care about knowing more." Chen Kangjie laughed at himself and smugly.

Only Chen Kangjie had the confidence to say such a thing.

The reason why Wei Liang told Chen Kangjie these things was his own behavior or someone else's preference, that's unknown.

He Baoguo leaned forward slightly, leaned his left arm on the desk, raised his eyebrows, and said with a solemn expression, "Xiaojie... I heard that you went to Nanguo this time for other purposes?"

He Baoguo stared at Chen Kangjie intently, and asked cautiously.

"Godfather, who did you listen to?" Chen Kangjie suddenly turned his head and asked in surprise.

Not everyone knows the inside story of Chen Kangjie's trip to the South with a "heavy responsibility", and even those who know will never talk nonsense.This is not something that can be easily discussed. Officially speaking, this is a leak of state secrets, and privately speaking, it will affect Chen Kangjie's safety.

"Your father mentioned something when he communicated with me two days ago, but he didn't say it very clearly... I'm just concerned about asking. At that time, you hadn't come back, it was a few hours after the embassy was bombed." He Baoguo's heart tightened, and he explained in a low voice.

Are there really other special missions?From Chen Kangjie's "quick reaction", He Baoguo made such an inference.

Chen Kangjie let out a breath, and his body relaxed, "It's true, hey... I thought I could change everything, but... it's still the same..."

Chen Kangjie stared blankly at the opposite bookcase, but he didn't seem to see anything in his eyes. He felt that he was recalling something very uncomfortable, and his brows were furrowed, showing pain and sadness.

For Chen Kangjie, going to the southern country this time, engaging in US military secrets can only be regarded as incidentals.This is not to say that the thing is not important, of course it is, otherwise he would not be willing to pay a high price.But technical things, even if they can't be obtained, can be overcome by domestic scientists and engineers with a little more time and money.

It's just that relatively speaking, it is more important to prevent the staff in the embassy from being burned.After all, life is priceless. Everyone has only one life. Once lost, it will never come back.

Before leaving, Chen Kangjie was full of ambition, thinking that he could really resolve this disaster crisis, but in the end, history was repeating itself, and the three living people who were loyal to the country still left their relatives. Thinking of this, Chen Kangjie was still very annoyed.

Although Chen Kangjie couldn't be said to be at fault on this matter, he did his best, and he even comforted Shao Yi afterwards.In fact, deep down in his heart, Chen Kangjie was a little unable to forgive himself, and the deep self-blame always existed.This is the main reason why he took sick leave after he came back, and he was unwilling to go to the streets with Chen Wenjie and the others to protest.He felt that he was not "qualified" to express anger passionately, nor did he feel that way.

The melancholy in my heart lasted for several days, until President KLD stood up and bowed to apologize, and it was not relieved a little bit.In those few days, he lay in bed all day thinking about things, his appetite was not that good, and he even suspended his morning exercises that he had maintained for many years.

Originally, when he came to He Baoguo today and had a sumptuous dinner prepared by Zhao Yuexiang, Chen Kangjie "recovered" and now, after He Baoguo's "reminder", he was troubled again. The tragic scene seemed to reappear before his eyes.

"Xiaojie... what's wrong? Did something happen?" He Baoguo asked with a shudder when he saw Chen Kangjie's bewildered and empty eyes.

Didn't something happen, and the whole world knew it.

Chen Kangjie shook his head, put the "unbearable" past out of his mind for the time being, and smiled reluctantly, "Hehe, it's nothing...Godfather, how is your work recently? Didn't you mention the bid for a large-scale sports event last time?" , why didn't you hear anything?"

Chen Kangjie deliberately changed the topic.He Baoguo thought he was just remembering the unpleasant things of the past few days, and he hadn't recovered from the shock, so he didn't mention anything about Nanguo.In his mind, Chen Kangjie had encountered such a disaster at such a young age, and it was indeed not easy to sweep away the shadow.

"Hey, don't mention it, it was rejected by Secretary Liu." He Baoguo said with a depressed sigh, his tone light and light, and it could be seen that he was not too impressed with the new Provincial Party Secretary Liu Hongjun.

"Liu Hongjun vetoed it? Why?" Chen Kangjie's "preconceived ideas" made him not interested in Liu Hongjun, so he called him by his first name.

"Little Jie..."

"I know what you are going to say, godfather, that I can't call him by his name directly, right? You are an official in the system, you have to follow the rules, but I am not, I am just an ordinary person, I can call any official directly Call him by his name, besides, this is not at home, why do you have to be so strict?" Before He Baoguo could say what he wanted to stop, Chen Kangjie chattered and found a bunch of excuses.

He Baoguo was so overwhelmed that he couldn't say what he wanted to say, so he could only laugh dryly in the end.

"Godfather, tell me, why do you want to veto it? Doesn't Governor Sima agree?" In Chen Kangjie's mind, if He Baoguo and Sima Kuo were both on the same line, Liu Hongjun couldn't possibly veto it when he first arrived. ah.

Weird and weird.

"Xiaojie, you, you are becoming more and more outrageous." He Baoguo finally criticized Chen Kangjie for adding the title of "old man" to Liu Hongjun, but he could not see any displeasure on his face.On the one hand, of course it is because of doting on Chen Kangjie, it is impossible to really sink his face, on the other hand, there should be some dislike towards Liu Hongjun, saying it, but actually acquiescing to Chen Kangjie's impoliteness, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth .

"Governor Sima, of course, agrees. He also hopes to increase our popularity, improve our investment environment, and promote our urban layout and economic development by holding a large-scale sports event. It's just... Secretary Liu just took office. We shouldn't be too stubborn, and we can't let others think that we can't tolerate the new secretary." Seeing Chen Kangjie curling his lips and completely disapproving, He Baoguo smiled wryly, and could only continue talking.

"Then what is the reason for his disapproval?" Chen Kangjie asked directly.

"Extravagance and waste, wasting a huge amount of money, saying that we should not steal the limelight of the Beijing Olympics, and we must be consistent with the central government." He Baoguo lit another cigarette and said with a frown.

"Nonsense, he... just wants to use this to establish prestige and become the top leader. He is a newcomer, but he has to use something to show his existence and establish the authority of the top leader. This kind of person can't do business. He just knows how to play tricks , that is, you, who were strangled to death by those so-called officialdom rules." Chen Kangjie pondered for a while, and immediately figured out the joints inside.

Chen Kangjie has dealt with officials in the system since he was a child, from the lowest level to the highest level, and now his family can be regarded as a "official family", so he is still clear about the way in the system.

"Xiaojie, you are still in school. Sometimes at work, you can't do what you think is right. Around us, there are inevitably many rules and regulations that are difficult to overcome. If you act recklessly, you may Become everyone's enemy." He Baoguo took a deep breath of cigarette, and said slowly and patiently.

He Baoguo was partly explaining for himself, and partly was educating and giving advice to Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie sometimes does his own way, it's fine now, if he keeps doing this all the time, then obviously it won't work.

Think about it too, just like on the sports field, some rules are not very reasonable, but if you participate, you can only abide by them.The height of the hoop on the basketball court cannot be lowered just because the Orientals are shorter. Whoever does that will indeed be attacked by all the members.

Of course, if you have enough strength, it doesn't mean that the rules are immutable. You can overthrow the existing rules and re-determine the rules.It seems that He Baoguo's strength in the province is not strong enough to ignore the "first brother" in a province. Liu Hongjun can come all the way to "pick peaches", and there are people on the top.

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