rebirth of change

Chapter 1374 Zuo Weisheng's Depression

The division of labor between the student union chairmen was originally a very simple and simple matter. However, such a division of labor laid the groundwork for the subsequent struggle.

Although the division of labor of the student union has been determined, it is reasonable to say that each of them can perform their own duties, but the other several departments are managed and organized.For example, Ding Xiaoyang led the art department, and even one month before the end of the semester, he even organized a large-scale art performance and a concert. The art groups from various colleges gathered together and made a big splash.As soon as the Discipline Inspection Department started, under the leadership of Vice Chairman Geng Bin, they arranged and checked the discipline of students in each class, and checked the expenditure of various groups in the school. They also actively participated in the large-scale performances organized by the Art Department to maintain order on the scene.The Propaganda Department carried out standard inspections on the blackboard newspapers and posters in the school, and provided guidance on the promotion of the blackboard newspapers for the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Only the four departments in charge of Chen Kangjie were in disarray.

The leaders don't pay much attention to it, and it's impossible for the people below to work hard and get promoted quickly.The Information Resources Department was originally a supporting subsidiary department, and it only prints and summarizes the information of various departments.The Ministry of Health, as the name suggests, checks and grades the hygiene of all classes in the school. It is not very popular. Chen Kangjie does not take the lead, so everyone can just muddle through. Anyway, the hygiene in the school is taken care of by the cleaners. As for the hygiene of the dormitory, it is managed by the home The Ministry of Health is in charge. Speaking of which, the Ministry of Dorm Management has more power than the Ministry of Health.Among the departments that Chen Kangjie was in charge of, only the sports department took some action. Those "cadres" in the sports department were all real sports enthusiasts, so they "spontaneously" played a few basketball games, which was a little bit of duty.

Among the departments that Chen Kangjie was in charge of, in terms of power, the foreign aid department was relatively large, and it was easy to make achievements.The scope of work is to be responsible for contacting the student unions or other student organizations of other schools, concierge reception for on-campus activities, seeking sponsorship, etc.However, this job is stressful and demanding, and there are still many barriers in front of it. It is a bit complicated and not easy to do.

For example, the student union responsible for contacting other schools, frankly speaking, this is not something that the external relations department can do by itself, and the chairman of the student union often comes forward.As for the concierge reception of school activities, the school "officials" often have a unified arrangement. If there are really leaders here, will these little shrimps have their turn to come forward?Even if you come forward, you're just doing odd jobs, and you don't have any autonomy at all.As for seeking sponsorship, it's a pretty good job. You can travel around outside the school and get in touch with those companies extensively, and you can learn a lot during the process.However, finding sponsorships can be said to be a thankless task. You have to look at the faces of the company bosses and executives outside, and you have worked so hard to get some sponsorship fees, which are also spent on other departments, especially the Department of Literature and Art, Sports Department, Propaganda Department, Learning Department and News Department.Regardless of the fact that the school allocates a large amount of club funds every year, it can only maintain the daily activities of each club. If the activities are really bigger, the funds will be insufficient. Therefore, the student union organizations of each college have their own The External Relations Department just hopes to get more sponsorship from outside the school in order to make their activities more exciting.

Chen Kangjie remembered that before rebirth, a club in their department held a Halloween party, which cost more than 3000 yuan.Even based on the current funds of 5000 yuan for the departments and associations, there is still a shortfall of 8000 yuan for such an event.Besides, it is impossible for an association to organize such an event throughout the year, and the gap will only become bigger.

Perhaps the two former vice-chairmen felt that the External Relations Department was a "thankless" department, so they left this "chicken rib" to him.

The reason why Chen Kangjie didn't have time to take care of those miscellaneous things was, of course, because he had more important things to do, and he was busy arranging them for "revenge".

Because of Chen Kangjie's "dereliction of duty", the work enthusiasm of these four departments that were not so popular in the first place plummeted.Until the end of the semester, Chen Kangjie did not hold a meeting with the heads of these four departments or make a report and summary.This made the ministers of the four departments feel that there is no such position as the executive vice chairman in the student union. If there is, why can't they meet the executive vice chairman?

In order to urge Chen Kangjie, Zuo Weisheng approached Chen Kangjie twice.They were originally classmates in the same class, and it was not easy to find Chen Kangjie, but Chen Kangjie never had an in-depth exchange with him on the work of the student union, and even Zuo Weisheng felt that Chen Kangjie was completely unqualified and cynical.Later, he simply stopped talking to him.

It's just that Zuo Weisheng didn't take himself too seriously. He knew that Chen Kangjie had something to do with him in the school. As for what kind of relationship it was, he couldn't figure it out.

It was Zuo Wei who recommended Chen Kangjie as the vice chairman of the student union at the beginning, but he was also entrusted by someone, and the person who entrusted him was the secretary of the youth league committee of the school.

To be honest, whether the chairman of the student union of the school lives comfortably or not, and whether the work is carried out smoothly or not, the key depends on the support of the secretary of the youth league committee.The student union is under the management of the youth league committee. If the chairman of the student union does not get the support of the youth league committee secretary, it will be lame, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is difficult to move forward.

Zuo Weisheng can be considered a sensible person. He immediately understood what to do after a few pointers from the Communist Youth League secretary.Otherwise, how could Chen Kangjie, the so-called candidate who did not participate in the last round, be called the executive vice chairman with dignity.The nomination of the chairman of the student union was strongly supported by the youth league committee, so it was impossible to think about it.

It's just that Zuo Weisheng's handling of interpersonal relationships is still not good enough. A truly seasoned person can give favors in a subtle and safe manner. He can't always remind others that he has given a big favor.

Every time Zuo Weisheng met with the secretary of the Youth League Committee, he always tried to beat around the bush to find out what kind of relationship he had with Chen Kangjie.

I always follow orders, how do I know what is the relationship?

As expected of a person who has already entered the officialdom, the Secretary of the Youth League Committee is relatively more reliable in doing things.They simply assumed that such a thing had never happened, and they didn't inquire about it, and even didn't mention it in front of Zuo Weisheng.

Why are you bringing this up?As long as Principal Guan knows that he has done such a thing in line with the instructions, and spread it everywhere, isn't that self-destructing the Great Wall?Headmaster Guan takes care of the related households, is it necessary to make it known to everyone?Only Zuo Weisheng, a "baby bird", would show off.As long as the leader knows, the benefits that should be given will be given, so why "much ado about nothing"?

After coming and going, Zuo Weisheng gradually became unpopular with the secretary of the Youth League Committee. He felt that this guy was not smart enough and had some tricks, which could only be used to deal with those innocent students.

Zuo Weisheng also noticed that the Secretary of the Youth League Committee didn't want to see him, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was, so he couldn't just ask him, why don't you like me?

That's a bridge that only appears in love, not to mention that the person who answered can also say: What do you like about me?Can I change it?

Now that he knew he wasn't liked and couldn't figure out the reason, Zuo Weisheng had to think about something else.He knew that the secretary of the Youth League Committee was something he couldn't deal with, not only couldn't deal with it, but he could only swallow his anger.

Can't deal with the superiors who are officials, can't they also deal with the subordinates?Zuo Weisheng put his mind on Chen Kangjie.

Are you not a related household?Then we will look for a breakthrough from you.In Zuo Weisheng's mind, as long as Chen Kangjie suffered under his hands, the Communist Youth League Secretary would definitely take the initiative to communicate with him and comfort him.The county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

Because of this, Zuo Weisheng played such a game of chess in terms of the division of labor among the various departments of the student union.In his mind, Chen Kangjie, as the vice chairman of the student union with a background, would definitely be dissatisfied with such an assignment, and would definitely "complain" to the secretary of the Youth League Committee, and then his chance would come.

Unexpectedly, Chen Kangjie had no opinion at all, and accepted everything.

When the first move failed, Zuo Weisheng thought of the second move. He wanted to directly intervene in the work of several departments that Chen Kangjie was in charge of, but in the end, this move was still a miscalculation.

Chen Kangjie doesn't care about the life and death of those departments at all, you can mess around as you like, and it has nothing to do with me.

Chen Kangjie's "not cooperating" made Zuo Weisheng's careful planning feel like punching cotton, making him extremely depressed.

Zuo Weisheng not only failed to get "benefits" from Chen Kangjie, but had to "wipe his ass" for Chen Kangjie.

During this period of time, Chen Kangjie didn't take care of the specific work of those four departments, and those ministers really had to report to Zuo Weisheng. We can only help Chen Kangjie take care of it.The dignified chairman of the student union ended up doing what the vice-chairman was supposed to do.

Zuo Weisheng had to do this, after all, he was the "top leader" anyway, and he was the first person responsible for the poor work of the student union.The Secretary of the Youth League Committee didn't like him at all, if he didn't take care of it, wouldn't he be afraid that he would wear small shoes?

Originally, there was a one-and-done solution, but Zuo Weisheng didn't dare to use it.The solution once and for all is to directly divide the four departments that Chen Kangjie is in charge of, and let the other two vice chairmen add more burdens. What's more, they can hold a meeting of the bureau and report to the top to expel Chen Kangjie.

The method is good, but unfortunately Zuo Weisheng dare not use it.It's okay to play tricks, it's an under-the-table trick, but if it's really this drastic, he doesn't know if Chen Kangjie has been kicked out, anyway, he knows that he is very likely to be kicked out by someone, even if he doesn't, Then the president of the student union will exist in name only, making sandwich biscuits.

The Youth League secretary is not a vegetarian, why?I said hello to the person I asked you to take care of, but you actually got out of it for me, do you want to challenge me?It would be easy for others to put a curse on him, making him unable to live or die.

Zuo Weisheng played so many tricks, the secretary of the Youth League Committee pretended not to see it, and Zuo Weisheng could only let his flag down.

It's not that the secretary of the Youth League Committee really didn't see it, it's just that he was more clever and didn't meddle indiscriminately. He just reported the situation to Principal Guan on the sidelines. After listening to it, Principal Guan didn't give any further instructions.

Since the leader didn't give instructions, he couldn't meddle indiscriminately, otherwise, he would offend others.

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