Chapter 130 Eighth Sister Doesn't Want to Fall Behind

"Father, this question depends on how you look at it first," Chen Kangjie sat down on the rattan chair and said lazily.

"I've been paying attention to the news over there recently, and I think the Soviet Union will be 'chaos', but it's disintegrating...isn't it possible?" Chen Qigang stared at Chen Kangjie, and said slowly, but when it came to the latter, he himself was a little nervous Not sure what will happen.

"Father, there are some situations that you can't see in the news. Moreover, you can't just look at the Soviet Union. You have to observe the Soviet Union in the context of the whole world. What will be the attitude of the United States, what will be the attitude of Europe, and what will be the attitude of the Soviet Union?" What is the attitude, and what is the attitude of neighboring countries such as ours? If you observe in such a large framework and connect all the information you know, you will get some new judgments.” Chen Qigang’s level is still It was a little lower, and a lot of information was not available or incomplete, so Chen Kangjie "pointed out" his father.

Of course, many provincial and ministerial cadres can get relatively complete information, but very few people will really observe the Soviet Union in the context of the world. Not open enough, this is also the greatness of the old chief, known as the chief designer.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's advice, Chen Qigang stared at Chen Kangjie with some surprise. He didn't understand why Chen Kangjie's thinking was so open and divergent, and his vision was so broad, but thinking of Chen Kangjie's past "genius" performance, he lowered his head and meditated.

After Chen Kangjie made such a point, Chen Qigang also became a little enlightened. The United States, Europe, and Japan were no worse than the Soviet Union. The three parties worked together to promote it, using the economy as a weapon, coupled with the dissatisfaction of the people in the Soviet Union, and the republics came to power. The Soviet Union will really collapse because of the ambitions of the demonstrators, as can be seen from a series of parades in the Soviet Union some time ago.

"Actually, this is a great opportunity. If your current predictions come true, it means that you not only have a set of economic construction, but also have a great vision and pattern. From this aspect, you will leave a deep impression on the central leadership. Impressions are of great benefit to your political career, and, according to my observation, Secretary Zhao is very likely to ascend to the altar, and standing on the front line with him at this time, the future will naturally be different." Chen Kangjie saw Chen Qigang thinking He didn't open his mouth for a while, knowing that he was in power? Hesitated, and added fire to him.

"Your analysis makes sense, then I will tell your godfather and Secretary Zhao my opinion later." After thinking it over, Chen Qigang could afford to let it go and immediately made a decision, "But what do you say about Zhao? Will the secretary ascend to the altar?" Chen Qigang was extremely surprised and strange when Chen Kangjie judged Zhao Zhibang's career direction.

"Feeling, it's just a feeling, it's up to you to believe it or not," Chen Kangjie replied indifferently.There is no way to answer this question. It stands to reason that Chen Kangjie has slipped his tongue, so he doesn't intend to entangle this question any longer.

"Feeling? How could there be such a weird feeling?" Chen Qigang murmured to himself after hearing Chen Kangjie's answer.Although this kind of unthinkable thing is not impossible, he still treats it as a child's nonsense, because it can't be analyzed by cleverness. It is not for ordinary people to decide who will take over. At the top of the central government, that is also the result of compromise after struggle, and struggle after compromise.

In fact, He Baoguo was also thinking about the same issue at this time, but he had no one to discuss with. However, he had a more thorough understanding of this issue than Chen Qigang. This was related to his level and the information he had access to, and it also showed He Baoguo's vision. relatively broad.

After chatting with Chen Qigang, Chen Kangjie left him on the phone alone, and went out to go back to his room to write something, but he just walked out of Chen Qigang's room, and his plan was probably about to be shattered, because he was caught by Chen Yufen who just came back .

"Old Wen, you can help me."

"Second Sister, who bullied you? What are you doing for me?" Chen Yufen's first sentence confused Chen Yufen.

"It's fine if I don't bully others. Whoever dares to bully me is of course a business. I don't need your help for the rest. Look, the eldest sister has opened five supermarkets, and the third paging station has also opened. We’ve gone to the four surrounding areas, and it’s just my skating rink, you say..." Pulling Chen Kangjie to the sofa and sitting down, Chen Yufen began to criticize, she might feel that she was too far behind, and she was unwilling.

Chen Yufen's temper is that of a boy, even though she looks pretty, but she is tall and big, she is very fast when doing things, and she is very domineering when speaking.That's not to mention, she is very courageous, and often dares to twist up her sleeves and fight with men. Before Chen Kangjie was reborn, he knew that she had fought with others three times. Fortunately, she did not lose, and finally went to the police station to play with her temper Come on, the police at the police station have nothing to do with it.

"Yes, I know that everyone dares to provoke you, Second Sister, do you plan to open more skating rinks?" Chen Kangjie interrupted her with a smile.

"Yeah, I also plan to open the skating rink to the surrounding counties, what do you think?" Chen Yufen was not annoyed by Chen Kangjie's suggestion, but asked him for his opinion kindly, now No one in the family doubted Chen Kangjie's ability to do business.

"Hehe, second sister, just do it if you like it, it's not a big deal", Chen Kangjie really doesn't think it's a big deal, an ice rink is only 10,000+, although Chen Kangjie thinks that opening an ice rink is not a long-term solution, But I still feel that I should try my best to give full play to my sister's initiative, and let them make their own breakthroughs first, and then go out to correct themselves when they have to.

"Why is it not a big deal? You sound good. I don't have that much money. How can I do it? Am I going to take out a loan like the third child?" Chen Yufen said to Chen Kangjie with some resentment.

"Loans to open a skating rink? You can figure it out", Chen Kangjie doesn't think this is a good idea. The skating rink is different from other companies, and it is difficult to get a mortgage. What's more, Chen Kangjie is not optimistic about this industry in the long run.

"Then what do you say?" Well, the question came back again.

"Old sister, haven't you earned back your capital yet? You haven't paid me back my money," Chen Kangjie said to Chen Yufen with a smile.

"That's not true. I'll be able to earn back my capital in a month or so. Don't mention the repayment of the money. Anyway, you don't need money. That money is not enough for me to break up." Chen Yufen didn't like Chen Kangjie He was "stingy" and overbearingly relied on Chen Kangjie's money and refused to return it.

Anyone who knows Chen Kangjie knows that he is not short of money, and in fact, Chen Kangjie didn't pay attention to 10,000+. He didn't want the second sister to pay back the money at all. He was just joking, and let's take a look at the profitability of his skating rink.Calculated, the profitability is good. It opened on August 89, 8, and it can earn back all the capital in just a little over a year. Chen Kangjie is also quite satisfied.

"Then you can open one first, then won't it become two? After another year, you can open one or two, and that's almost the same." Chen Kangjie was depressed. Isn't this solution already obvious.

"That's so slow. At this speed, I'll always be behind them." Chen Yufen didn't like Chen Kangjie's idea. He wanted to catch up with the two siblings quickly.

"Then how do you plan on helping me? Borrow money or invest?" Chen Kangjie didn't talk to Chen Yufen, and asked her directly about her plan.

"If you borrow money, you have to borrow all your money, and it will take a year or two before you can repay it. Why don't you just invest, you have the big shares and I have the small shares, how about it?" Chen Yufen said with a smile In my own thinking, money is part of it. If Chen Kang could be outstanding, it would be faster to make money.After Chen Kangjie led them on the road, he basically ignored their affairs and was busy writing books and learning foreign languages.

"Second sister, my time is very precious. Are you going to let me do this million-dollar business yourself? Are you wasting talent?" Chen Kangjie really didn't want to spend time and energy on this, he If he wants to do it, he might as well start a big company by himself now. Everything he plans to do now involves billions and tens of billions, and he really doesn't have time to get those millions of gadgets.

"You guy, I know your time is valuable, so what do you say? In short, you want to help me grow my business." Chen Yufen became dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie's "arrogance", and she just threw her hands away, you can figure it out Bar.

"Hey, who told you that you are my dear second sister, can I not help you? But do you think this is good? I will find you a more promising industry, and leave the skating rink to Chen Yuqiang." Chen Kangjie still I feel that the skating rink industry has no future, so I can only do it for ten years. It is no problem to make money, but it is difficult to make it big, especially if I have to be pulled in, so I am even less interested. It is better to introduce a new industry to her. Do.

Now that Chen Kangjie has been caught, he can't favor one over the other. The third brother's career on the street seems to be developing well. If he doesn't really provide something to the second sister, it really doesn't make sense. Besides, if he doesn't appease her, he won't be able to relax Go back and write something.

"What are you doing? I only have so much money now, do you have an idea to make money quickly like that greeting card?" Chen Yufen first had some thoughts about Chen Kangjie's reluctance to join the skating rink, and then thought Chen Kangjie I found a shortcut to make money quickly, so I whispered in his ear.

"Do you think that such ideas can be found casually? It tells you to make shampoo, and you can also make cosmetics in the future. Don't you girls like these?" Chen Kangjie knows that the market for daily chemical products will be huge in the future. The hair water market will reach 00 billion after 300, so this industry is recommended, and girls also prefer this type.

"Shampoo? Like Head & Shoulders?" Chen Yufen was a little pleasantly surprised, then thought of her strength, and asked depressedly, "That seems to cost a lot of money, is my money enough?".

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