Chen Kangjie didn't know that because of his petty tricks, the relations of the first family in the United States became tense. Mr. President was in a state of desperation, and his wife was very angry. At this time, he was sitting in a Buick commercial vehicle, speeding on Highway [-], The target location was Loudoun County, Virginia.

Chen Kangjie is not very sure whether President Kld can overcome the sex scandal. Although his action this time was carefully planned, and the information and evidence are relatively sufficient, before he was reborn, Kld finally managed to overcome it. .Since he was able to withstand the concentrated crusade by the government and the public, he also has two brushes.

Faced with such sufficient evidence, President KLD dared to deny it at the press conference, which is also a deep understanding of the essence of thick black theory.In fact, every politician needs to be thick-skinned and dark-hearted, otherwise, how can he rise to a high position in the complicated political struggles.

A scholar once said that all politicians are bad people. This sentence has a profound meaning.No matter how noble a person's character is, his opponent in a struggle is a bad person, especially in a political struggle.Since the opponents are all bad guys, if you want to beat the opponents down, you can only become worse, because the good guys can never beat the bad guys.Bad guys can do everything they can, but good guys are bound by various rules and regulations. A person whose hands and feet are tied up with ropes, how can there be any hope of victory?

Sure enough, after President KLD publicly denied the three articles of having an affair with Jessica Leslie, the president's wife and the president's love appeared in public view hand in hand.Facing the reporters' swarms of questions, the President's wife showed the elegant side of a lady, holding President KLD's arm, with a happy smile: "Thank you, thank you reporters for your concern for our family, I believe my husband is not To do such a disgraceful thing is the slander and slander of someone with a heart. I believe in kld’s character. He is the president, so he should naturally be a role model for the people. The little episode didn't affect our family at all, not only I believe in him, but my daughter also believes in his father... No matter when and where, I will firmly stand by my husband's side..."

Maybe it was to explain her own rhetoric. After finishing speaking, the president's wife held the president's hands tighter, and she gave a deep sweet kiss to the president's confident cheek, which was already Old couples who are over half a century old are still so nasty.

I have to say that the performance level of the president and his wife is not low. It would be a pity not to become an actor. If they were in the entertainment industry, maybe it would not be impossible to win an Oscar for husband and wife.In fact, politicians are all born actors. They are performing all the time. It is impossible to show the most real side of their life in front of others. On their surface, it seems that they will grow naturally. A natural mask is like the face-changing in our Sichuan opera, which can change different faces and expressions in an instant.

The president's wife's ability to maintain a united front with her husband "with a deep understanding of righteousness" has indeed deceived some people.They will think that the people who know the president best are of course his family members. Since the president's family members don't believe it and think it is a rumor of an attack, what else can others say.

It's just that they forgot that the person who knows the president best is probably his family, but the person who cares most about the president should also be his family.Because the president's halo will bring great vanity and benefits to his family, of course they must stand firmly with the president, otherwise they will directly make trouble with themselves.

However, to regain the trust of the American people by relying on such a show, it is undoubtedly an insult to the IQ of the American people.

The United States is a rugby society, and the entire body of the ball represents the three social classes in the United States.The two pointed ends, one side represents the upper elite society, including those top rich people and top politicians, and the other side represents the disadvantaged groups in the United States, or the poor at the bottom of society, with low income, low education, and lack of vocational skills .

However, what really represents American society is the middle class with a huge ball in the middle of rugby. This group of people has a good income, a high level of cultural accomplishment, and their own independent judgment ability.One thing these people have in common is that they have received higher education.

One of the biggest advantages of the rugby society is that the whole society is basically unlikely to go to extremes. Whether the upper class wants to go to the right or the lower class wants to go to the left, it is very difficult, because the backbone of the whole country is the middle part of the neutrals. It is hoped that extreme governance measures will change their peaceful lives, and they also have a strong ability to discern, which is related to their generally well-educated.In some countries, a certain politician can kidnap the citizens on himself by inventing a certain idea or promoting a certain movement to bring himself to the peak of power. However, this clumsy method is unlikely to be used in the United States. in society.In the United States, there is no soil for extremism to exist, and its root lies in the inability to blind the middle class who keep their eyes open.

Therefore, the behavior of the president and his wife is beneficial to their image, but it cannot change the fundamentals. Moreover, they have made a serious mistake because of this.As a political figure, it is indeed serious to have an affair, but it is only a matter of style.The problem of style can be big or small. If you don't have a good style, it will greatly damage your image and cause bad feelings to the public.However, in the provisions of the law, there is no such thing as the responsibility for the consequences because of the style of work.In other words, style issues do not break the law, as long as they are not coercive and deceitful, if there is a style issue, at most it will attract criticism.

But once a lie is told, it is not only a question of morality like a question of style, but it is very likely to involve crime.

Whether it is in the Anglo-American law system or in the civil law system, there is a crime called perjury. Once it is linked to this, it is a crime. A criminal cannot be the head of state or government. Almost all over the world , As long as it is a country ruled by law, this line is a red line.

Ordinary lying, of course, will not be linked to perjury, but as the president of a big country, especially the president of the United States with a strong democratic atmosphere, it is difficult to say.

The Democratic President kld has caused so much trouble and left such a big loophole. If the rival Republicans are indifferent, then they can all sell sweet potatoes.

It is almost certain that if Starr, the independent monitor, investigates this matter, he will not be able to escape the shadow of the Republican Party.Once Starr actually launches an investigation, KLD, who is the person involved, must be questioned.He has already denied his affair with Jessica Leslie at the press conference, so it is impossible to retract his confession in front of Starr and admit that he did have an affair with Jessica Leslie, otherwise it would be tantamount to If you slap yourself in the face, it will immediately lead to greater criticism and rejection.It's just that if he still firmly denies it in the face of the independent supervisor, it's not as simple as lying. , will also face high fines. Although the presidential immunity can save him from prison, his reputation will be no different from a pile of stinky shit.

What makes kld even more troublesome is that this is not the first time he has had an affair. If under the media's excavation and the onslaught of people with serious intentions, if his previous sexual affairs are exposed again, especially if the heroine is willing to stand up and testify , he will be more embarrassed and passive.

In fact, Chen Kangjie really wanted to get Jessica Leslie out to fight President Kld. If Jessica Leslie, who is one of the parties involved, was willing to stand up, then even the president of Kld would be in danger.

But after Chen Kangjie thought about it, he gave up.First of all, even if he is reborn, he still can't figure out what kind of relationship between Jessica Leslie and President KLD is. If there is real love between them, then even if Chen Kangjie doesn't show up, let others It will be counterproductive for people to do work, but it will make kld alert and launch anti-reconnaissance.Secondly, Chen Kangjie felt that stealing other people's information and using a woman was already unkind.Once the sex scandal was exposed, Jessica Leslie was definitely the target of public criticism and her reputation was ruined, so there was no need to rub salt on other people's wounds.It was kld who had conflicts with Chen Kangjie, and it was kld who annoyed him. No matter what kind of woman Jessica Leslie was, at least she had no enmity with Chen Kangjie.It is better to leave the work in this area to the American media. If they can get Jessica Leslie to stand up and testify, that is their job and has nothing to do with Chen Kangjie.If they couldn't, Chen Kangjie wouldn't have much regret.

Anyway, the Republican Party will not let go of such an excellent opportunity. This has changed from a struggle between kld and Chen Kangjie to a political struggle between the two parties. Maybe someone will do the work of Tong Jessica Leslie and ask him to If she kept her mouth shut, someone might threaten or lure her. Chen Kangjie could no longer intervene, and this could only be a small link in the political struggle between the two parties.Chen Kangjie's smart way is to be alone, as long as the negative line of this bomb is ignited, otherwise he will cause a commotion. When the bomb explodes and how powerful it is is not so important.

Chen Kangjie knew that KLD was the decision-maker behind the bombing of the embassy. Maybe it was not his direct order, but it must be related to him.It's just that, as the president, he is closely guarded, and Chen Kangjie can only deal with him in this indirect way.But for the direct participants, or executors, Chen Kangjie was not so polite. This time he came to the United States in secret, his goal was to make the executors pay the price.

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