"Mr. Bennett, your asking price is too high. That's not what we talked about at the beginning."

Chen Kangjie's face was serious, his eyes were straight, and he didn't even blink.A crisp man's voice came from the phone.Yes, generally speaking, a man's voice cannot be described as crisp, but this voice is indeed crisp.To Chen Kangjie's ears, it was like the sound of a glass being flicked.

What also made Chen Kangjie feel a little puzzled and surprised was that the person who made the crisp voice should not be a native of the United States.Chen Kangjie travels between China and the United States all the year round, and has come into contact with not a few Americans.Moreover, whether he is making music or filming, he needs to have a certain understanding of American language and culture.It's not that this person doesn't speak English well, but that his voice is slightly raised, which is very characteristic of the Japanese island country.

The reason why Chen Kangjie feels this way is because he knows both English and Japanese, and his attainments are not shallow.

This is also the case, if he didn't have two brushes, he wouldn't be able to have such a proud achievement.What's more, Chen Kangjie's hearing is very keen, as long as there is a little gap, he can catch it.

For language learning, in addition to diligence, talent is also required.Take Chinese as an example. Many foreigners have learned Chinese for many years, and may have lived in China for many years, but once they speak, they can clearly tell that they are not Chinese.There is a Canadian named Dashan in Chinese who studied cross talk with a cross talk master in the capital, cross talk is a language art.Under the careful teaching of this master, and through Dashan's own hard study, his Chinese has reached a very high level.Many people admit that he is the Westerner who has the best command of spoken Chinese, and even his pronunciation of Mandarin is more standard than that of many Chinese.Even so, there are still many people who can tell that he is a foreigner from his accent without seeing his appearance.

No way, he can easily master the speaking skills of the tongue, but the oral muscles cannot be trained casually.The same is true for English. American English requires slightly different oral muscles than British English. This is the result of years of practice and has nothing to do with skills. It is a natural result of years of training.Of course, if this person has lived in the American environment since childhood, his language will of course be localized naturally.

Chen Kangjie is also considered to have a talent for languages, but he also knows that ordinary people may not be able to distinguish the difference in the English he speaks, but those Americans who study languages ​​can still distinguish the difference.

"Mr. Okamoto, yes, I admit that the asking price is indeed different from the conditions we negotiated at the beginning, but there is no way to do it. I have already paid a high price, shouldn't I make up for it?" Bennett The voice came into Chen Kangjie's ears.Although Bennett's voice sounded relatively calm, in terms of tone, it seemed a little reckless, and even had a bit of a sense of control.

"Mr. Bennett, we believe that you are a man of credibility. Before we act, we have already paid you 100 million US dollars in advance. According to the agreement, we only need to pay another 50 US dollars. Obviously you suddenly asked 250 million US dollars, which has greatly exceeded our conditions." The man named Okamoto spoke softly while speaking crisply.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was listening seriously, Samidov and Alyosha didn't bother, and sat down in a chair beside them.There is no way, there is only a pair of headphones, neither of them knows what the other side is talking about.Since you don't know, it's better to take a break by yourself.

"Of course you need to be creditable, but you also lied to me back then, and didn't tell me that Long was there..."

Chen Kangjie didn't expect to hear his own name here, his brows furrowed deeply, and his expression became more serious. He pressed his hands on the earpiece of the earphone, afraid that if he relaxed, the sound would leak out and affect the quality.

"Are you an admirer of Long? Or do you have any relationship? Whether Long is at the scene or not has nothing to do with this operation. All we want is the bombing of the embassy, ​​but we haven't considered who will be inside. "Mr. Okamoto said lightly.

"Hehe," Bennett chuckled, "I'm not his admirer, and I have no direct relationship with him, but he is at the scene, which is beyond the scope of political significance. If it weren't for his presence, I will not be fired at all, if I am fired, I will lose almost all sources of income, of course I have to seek some protection for my future life, doesn’t Mr. Okamoto think this should not be?”

"You were fired because it was the result of a political compromise. China's backlash was very strong. Naturally, the authorities in your country have to deal with the person involved, or it will be difficult to explain. When you accepted the task, you should have known the result. Abandoning the little people is always the inevitable choice of the big people. To use an old Chinese saying, it is to lose the car and keep the handsome, which has nothing to do with us.” Mr. Okamoto is still talking about the facts, and his purpose is still to The lion against Bennett opened his mouth wide.

"Of course it has something to do with it. If Long wasn't there at the time, would China's reaction be so strong? More importantly, would the reaction in the United States be so unexpected? It's not the first time we've done something like this. The CIA basically The superiors will not pursue it. If something goes wrong and the people below are used to cover the tank, then the CIA will not be able to develop today. It is the consensus of everyone to maintain internal interests. If Long was not there at the time and wanted to make a fuss, then It is only a domestic disturbance in China, and it is impossible to spread to the United States and Europe. I know our government better than you. If it is not a major threat to the vital interests, it is impossible to find a scapegoat from the CIA, because we are the best. People. I believe my explanation is clear enough... If you didn't hide it from me, I would not have accepted this deal if I knew the inside story. It’s not a small fortune, so don’t worry about it.” There was the sound of footsteps on the floor, it should be that Bennett who was speaking was pacing.

"We didn't even know Long was there!" Okamoto sighed.

"Do you think I will believe it? Mr. Okamoto." Bennett teased, and even Chen Kangjie could faintly hear the air of disdain coming from her nose.

"..." Okamoto didn't reply immediately, but was silent for seven or eight seconds, "Mr. Bennett, I can only give you an additional $50 at most, which is already my maximum authority."

Okamoto did not directly answer Bennett's question, but chose to jump over it directly. More importantly, he also showed a backward attitude.This is tantamount to the default.

Chen Kangjie's heart was ups and downs, he was gnashing his teeth now, his eyes were wide open, and he felt as if he was about to spew fire.

Unexpectedly, the Japanese were involved in this matter. Chen Kangjie wanted to kick a hole in the wall, rushed over and grabbed the man named Okamoto by the neck, and forced him to ask him why?

Although Chen Kangjie has always disliked the Japanese, there are historical and practical reasons for this.Not only was Little Japan inferior to pigs and dogs when it invaded, but it was also bloodthirsty, causing the Chinese nation to be filled with mourning and blood.After surrendering, they didn't even think about repenting. Not only did they not recognize the historical facts of their aggression and brutal methods, but they also found some high-sounding reasons to cover it up.Not only that, Little Japan has the audacity to eat our inherent territory in reverse, which is really deceiving.

Speaking of it, we can't unilaterally blame the little Japanese for looking down on people.In their eyes, whoever has a hard fist is the boss. They have been occupied by the United States for so many years, and they have not seen much complaints from them. They just feel that they were defeated by the Americans during World War II, so they are convinced, not defeated by us. So unconvinced.In addition, we have always adopted a conservative foreign policy. We shouted fiercely, but we didn't really stretch out our fists a few times, especially when it came to dealing with Japan. I always feel that if people have money, they should please them, thinking that if they please them, they are willing to share some.For such a country, it is strange that Little Japan will reflect on it.

We have always claimed to be a state of etiquette and a great country. The huge war reparations back then were written off with a generous wave of the hand, thinking that this would win the favor of others and make them grateful.In fact, this is the idea of ​​a good old man, and the good old man in reality is usually the target of being bullied.

We are still living in the glorious cradle of past history, and we have not had a good understanding of today's world at all.Americans have a short history and have never regarded themselves as a country of etiquette. Instead, based on their solid strength, they regard themselves as the world's police. In this way, they still have more friends than us, and the world respects them far More than us who want to uphold justice.Why?It is because Americans dare to show their swords for their own interests, because their interests are paramount, and they do not seek fame but reality.Such a person makes people feel that it is easy to deal with, and it is nothing more than an exchange of interests, which comes and goes.It is easier to accept than we always talk about morality.

Anger is nothing but anger, Chen Kangjie is not so impetuous and indiscriminate.If he intervenes now, it will be a bad thing.

Samidov and Alyosha also saw Chen Kangjie's angry face. They thought that Chen Kangjie was about to express something, so they hurriedly stood up from the sofa.

Suppressing the flames of anger burning in his heart, Chen Kangjie continued to hold his temper, and waited to see what other important things the other party would talk about.

"250 million dollars, this is my bottom line." Bennett insisted without giving in.

"I can't decide this." Okamoto was also a little displeased.

"Mr. Okamoto, if you can't make the decision, then pass on my opinion to someone who can make the decision...and tell them that if this matter gets out, the loss may be as many as 250 million..." Benny Te didn't get angry, but what he said was very threatening.

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