Chapter 14 People from Hong Kong (this chapter is free)

"Xiaojie, come on, call godfather, godfather has a gift for you"

After going back that day, Chen Kangjie told Ma Fangqin about He Baoguo's desire to recognize Chen Kangjie as his adoptive son. Ma Fangqin was not happy at first, but Chen Kangjie said, "Mom, no matter whose adopted son I am, you are my most beloved mother. I will be filial to you in the future" resolved its doubts.

In fact, Ma Fangqin also knew that having such a godfather for her son would benefit both the child and Chen Qigang in the future, but she suddenly felt that her youngest son had to share with others, and felt a little unbearable.Maternal love is the greatest love in the world.

Hearing that my younger brother has an extra godfather who will be the director, the older sisters and older brothers are all very happy.Especially the third brother, Chen Yuchang, even joked, "Lao Wen, you have a director godfather, and you will never work as a black worker in the ventilation team in the future, haha"

Today, He Baoguo's family visited Chen Qigang's house for a return visit. Because Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin had already agreed, after a brief communication, the decision to recognize Chen Kangjie as his adopted son was decided. That's why He Baoguo teased Chen Kangjie.

"Godfather, what gift is it?", after Chen Kangjie called out loudly, he showed his little fortune again.

"Xiaojie, godmother and sister also have presents." Zhao Yuexiang took out a gift box and shook it in her hand, and said to Chen Kangjie with a smile.

Of course Chen Kangjie knew what to do at this time, and sweetly called "godmother" and "sister".

Chen Kangjie's voice made He Baoguo's family of three very satisfied.Immediately, the three of them took out their presents to Chen Kangjie respectively.

What He Baoguo gave him was a gold-tipped Hero brand fountain pen, what Zhao Yuexiang gave him was a Guanyin jade pendant, and what He Wanrong gave him was a children's watch.All three things were worth a lot to the average family in the 80s.

"Director Chen, thank you, Xiaojie has an extra godfather, godmother, and a sister. This kid is very lucky." Ma Fangqin said with satisfaction seeing that the three of them were very kind to their son.

"Fangqin, look, I'm Xiaojie's godfather now, so don't call me Director He and Director He anymore, that's too outlandish, I'm two years older than Qi Gang, so just call me Big Brother He Well, you and Yuexiang can also be called sisters."He Baoguo smiled and pretended to blame.

Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin hadn't adjusted their relationship for a while, and they still thought that he was more of a bureau chief than his son's godfather, so they nodded in agreement.

At this time, Chen Kangjie also introduced this extra cheap sister to Chen Mei and the others.

They have actually met He Wanrong in school, but they are not familiar with them. Although He Wanrong has just been an intern for more than a month, after all, there are not many such beautiful young teachers in school.

After the girls got acquainted with each other, they all pulled He Wanrong and asked a lot of questions. The third brother, Chen Yuchang, saw He Wanrong's beauty and elegance, and his eyes lit up.However, he is also clear about his own conditions and the current relationship, and behaves relatively well.

"Qigang, last time we chatted at my house, we knew that you are still very capable. I heard from Mine Manager Zhang that your Section Chief Ding is going to retire and wants to add more burdens to you. What do you think?"

He Baoguo's sudden words made Chen Qigang a little stunned and a little happy. He knew it was because He Baoguo wanted to take care of him in his career. Otherwise, why would mine manager Zhang report to a deputy director about the retirement of the little labor and management section chief for no reason? , He Baoguo estimated that no one even knew the name of the labor and management section chief of the Dizhong Mine.

"Hehe, it is my responsibility to do more things for the mine, and I also follow the arrangement of the mine party committee."

After all, Chen Qigang has been working for many years, and he knows the elegance of the piano, and he also plays an official tune. Chen Kangjie appreciates this very much, and he can't be too naked.

Sure enough, in October, Chen Qigang was indeed promoted to be the chief of the section.On the way back from get off work, Chen Qigang went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of vegetables, and it was a little celebration for his own family.

Along the way, many colleagues who knew the situation called "Section Chief Chen, Section Chief Chen", which made Chen Qigang very happy, and hurriedly greeted colleagues, expressed kindness, and established a good relationship.

The whole family was very happy when they found out that Chen Qigang had been promoted.Ma Fangqin also knew that this was the result of Chen Kangjie's godfather's care, and the family of three went to He Baoguo to thank him again.

Since then, Chen Qigang's house has frequent guests.The labor and management department is a very important department, especially the mine recruits workers every year. Many employees want to introduce relatives from the countryside to work as contract workers in the mine.Every guest who comes will not come empty-handed, basically they will bring two bottles of wine or two cigarettes.Most of them are Dongjiu, Xijiu, Zhenjiu, Zhucheng Daqu, Zhucheng Erqu, etc. The cigarettes are also mid-range cigarettes such as Shenghuo, Long March, Zunyi, and Chipai.

But Chen Kangjie couldn't be happy at all, why?Because these are not what he values ​​most, this is the starting point, Chen Kangjie doesn't want his father to be satisfied with this progress.

The reason why he can't be happy is that the letter sent to Hong Kong has never been answered, just like a stone sinking into the sea.So the enthusiasm for learning in the past few days has been affected to some extent.

On October (No.), Chen Kangjie was in class, the head teacher came to the classroom and asked Chen Kangjie to go, saying that someone was looking for him in the office.

Chen Kangjie thought it was his family who was looking for him, so he followed the class teacher to the office calmly.

In Teacher Chen's office, Chen Kangjie saw a middle-aged man in his early thirties, wearing a black suit and tie, and his hair was mossed, which was very shiny.A pair of glasses cannot hide the shrewdness of the eyes.

Chen Kangjie was still wondering, he didn't know this person.Class teacher Chen Hongmei saw that Chen Kangjie didn't seem to know this person, and was still thinking about whether he had met a liar, but a sentence of introduction brought Chen Kangjie a surprise.

"This is Comrade Ouyang who came to Hong Kong. He came to the school and said that he had something to look for you." The reason why Mr. Chen brought this stranger to find his students was that Mr. Ouyang got an introduction from the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the province. letter.

"I am Ouyang Zhenhua from Hong Kong Rolling Stone Records. Are you Chen Kangjie's classmate? We have received your letter." Ouyang Zhenhua got up and said enthusiastically to Chen Kangjie.

Ouyang Zhenhua, 32 years old, native of eastern Guangdong Province, is a director of Rolling Stone Records in charge of the mainland region, and usually stays in Guangzhou. When he saw that the person he was looking for was such a child, he was a little surprised, but he was lucky After many years, I quickly returned to normal and introduced myself.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie didn't drink any water at this time, otherwise he would have spewed out.Why isn't this Ouyang Zhenhua the niche that he often saw on TV in his previous life?

It turned out that the two Ouyang Zhenhua had the same name and surname.

"Mr. Ouyang, hello. I am Chen Kangjie. I sent the letter. Look, are we talking outside? This is the teacher's office, so don't interfere with the teachers' work."

A few teachers who didn't have a class originally wanted to see what this big man from Hong Kong was talking about with Chen Kangjie, but who knew that Chen Kangjie didn't cooperate and even gave such a high-sounding reason.

In their view, Hong Kong is a foreign place, an international metropolis, and those who come from Hong Kong are big shots.As a result, their wishes were in vain, and they all rolled their eyes at Chen Kangjie's "politeness".

The two came to the 'playground' and sat down next to it.

"Mr. Ouyang, what can I do for you?"

Chen Kangjie asked knowingly.

Ouyang Zhenhua also found out that Chen Kangjie was not easy. From the time he met to now, he has behaved so calmly, not at all like a child, and feels like an old Jianghu.

"Little Chen Kangjie, we received your letter. I came here to ask you, who wrote those songs you sent, can you introduce me?"

The reason why Rolling Stone Company was willing to send representatives to Qianzhou to look for Chen Kangjie was that they found that those songs were all very classic, and the person who sent the letter also stated in it that at least dozens of similar songs could be written, so the company said With great interest, he ordered Ouyang Zhenhua to recruit this musical genius to the company, and also gave him a very generous treatment.Such a music genius is a cornucopia. Any company that can own it can create huge wealth and make a large number of singers popular.

But there is one thing, that is, neither Rolling Stone Records nor Ouyang Zhenhua thought that these high-quality products came from a child.

"I wrote the lyrics, and my sister mainly composed the music. I provided some advice, how? Do you think those songs are passable?"

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