rebirth of change

Chapter 1422 Goodbye Wenxiu

Ouyang Zhenhua's car drove all the way to the lawn parking lot of Gourmet Zhai. The yard is still the green yard, and the small building is still the white and elegant small building. I haven't been here for several years, and the environment here is still the same.

Chen Kangjie remembered that when he came last time, the waiter at the door asked if they had an appointment.This time, no one asked the last question. Before getting out of the car, someone opened the car door to provide courteous service, and then politely guided Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie to a private room near the window in the innermost room on the second floor .

"Brother Ouyang, it seems that you have become a distinguished guest here?" Chen Kangjie joked to the hospitality along the way as soon as he sat down in the private room.

"Don't make fun of me, it's Xiang Yan's face." Ouyang Zhenhua sat down beside Chen Kangjie, and smiled happily.

The beautiful waiter obviously glanced at Ouyang Zhenhua twice, and then gently placed the exquisite colorful order book in front of Ouyang Zhenhua, "Mr. Ouyang, what would you like to eat today?"

The waiter recognized Ouyang Zhenhua, but did not recognize who Chen Kangjie was, so he asked Ouyang Zhenhua.Of course, the waiter also put an order book in front of Chen Kangjie, which is a must for politeness, and trained waiters in high-end restaurants will not make low-level mistakes of omissions.

Chen Kangjie's influence today has made it impossible for him to go out to eat casually in his true colors.Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will attract onlookers. If that is the case, wouldn't it be a big spoiler?Not to mention that the waiter couldn't recognize Chen Kangjie, even Wenxiu, the proprietress who had met him once, couldn't possibly recognize him.Otherwise, it would be the failure of Chen Kangjie's disguise technique.

"Young Master Jie, what do you want to eat? Order it." Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know what to do, he had to ask Chen Kangjie first, and even if he was familiar with him, the relationship between the upper and lower should not be reversed.

"Whatever you want, just look at it, I have a good appetite now, and I can eat anything." What Chen Kangjie meant was that the injury on his arm no longer affected his eating, and there was nothing to avoid.

The wound on Chen Kangjie's arm bled a lot at the time, but his physique was excellent. After the bandage that day, the wound began to heal within a few days, and he is almost healed now.Although it is still applying medicine, it only plays a promoting role.

When he came back this time, Chen Kangjie sent several of his subordinates to the hospital—a private hospital, prepared by Ouyang Zhenhua in advance.Today, only Dong Mingshu and the others came along and sat in the private room next door.

Ouyang Zhenhua didn't refuse Chen Kangjie either. Since Mr. Jie asked him to order, he ordered it, and then he ordered bergamot ribs, crabapple mushrooms, chrysanthemum fish, dragon and tiger fighting, hot and sour shrimp baked eggs, plus a bird's nest and pigeon egg soup .The dishes are not big dishes, and there are only two people eating, which is almost enough.The price is like a few thousand dollars.

Now Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua have already passed the stage of talking about ostentation. Their worth and status today, even if they are squatting on the side of the road eating a bowl of fried rice noodles, it is impossible for anyone to look down on them.It's like being an official. Those who have achieved a certain level of official status will appear approachable. Only the officials who are half-sized and small below will talk about the so-called official prestige. The main reason is that they lack confidence, so they need external things to set off. And national leaders are full of confidence. Not only do they not need the foil of official authority, but they have to return to the basics and make the people feel kind.

There are three realms of being a human being. The first realm is to see mountains as mountains and water as water.The second stage is to see that mountains are not mountains, and water is not water, and the third stage will return to seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water.

When the waiter retreated to prepare the meal, Chen Kangjie chatted with Ouyang Zhenhua without saying a word.

"Dong dong dong", when the two were chatting happily, someone knocked on the door of the private room.

The person who knocked on the door was very self-cultivated, neither serious nor heavy, gentle and gentle one after another.

"Come in", thinking it was a waiter, Ouyang Zhenhua greeted casually without looking up.

"Mr. Ouyang, hello..." As the door opened, a pleasant Cantonese voice came in.

Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie looked up and looked at each other. The lady boss Wenxiu came in.

"Mr. Ouyang, you are serious. When you visit my shop, you should tell me in advance so that I can prepare in advance." Wenxiu is really good at dancing, obviously complaining, but there is no sign of complaining on her smiling face?On the contrary, it suddenly increased a lot of goodwill and kindness among people.

"So it's Ms. Wen, hehe, Ms. Wen is busy with business, how dare you bother me? Besides, you are not an outsider, so why be so polite?" Ouyang Zhenhua stood up, lightly shook hands with Wenxiu and said.

So many years have passed, Wenxiu doesn't seem to have changed much, and she is well maintained.Her hair was tied into a high bun, her face was lightly made up, her brows and eyes were full of style, and she was wearing a long purple dress, swaying gracefully.The jade arm with the cuffs exposed is still so white and tight, it is impossible to tell that she is a woman in her 40s. I dare not say that compared with girls in their twenties, most women who are at least ten years younger than him are There will be no such demeanor as him.

In Hong Kong, many women in their 50s and [-]s also have the habit of calling Miss, as long as her children are not around.Anyway, women like others to think they are young, so this kind of address is polite on the one hand, and easy to bring pleasure to people on the other.

"Mr. Ouyang, don't make fun of me. What is there to be busy with in my business? You are the boss of a big business. You manage a lot of things every day. Compared with you, I am not worth mentioning. Hehe, Mr. Ouyang hasn't been here for a long time , should be earning a lot of money again, it seems that you didn't order any wine, what do you drink? I'll get it." Wenxiu's communication skills are really superb, her flattery is colorless and tasteless, and she is very human, listen to her tone , to give Chen Kangjie and the others drinks.

"Miss Wen, we won't drink today, thank you." Chen Kangjie stood up at this moment.

It wasn't that Chen Kangjie was praising him, but that Wenxiu didn't greet him, so he was happy to sit by and admire.

In fact, as soon as Wenxiu came in, although Wenxiu was smiling and talking to Ouyang Zhenhua, her eyes actually fell on Chen Kangjie several times intentionally or unintentionally.It's just that Ouyang Zhenhua didn't introduce her, and she didn't know her well, so she couldn't be too enthusiastic.

Now that Chen Kangjie stood up to speak, Wenxiu turned to him with a cooperative smile.Just hearing Chen Kangjie's voice, Wenxiu was slightly stunned for a moment, and then quickly recovered, "Hello, hello, it's rare that sir can know me, it's really a pleasure to meet you."

"Miss Wen doesn't know me?" Chen Kangjie asked happily with a smile on his face.

Wenxiu looked at Chen Kangjie's bright smiling face and hesitated a little, "The voice is a little familiar, but... it seems that I have never met my husband before."

As expected of a woman with deep internal strength in the social arena, she is really careful.After so many years, it is not easy for her to say that the voice is familiar.

People who are good at sociability, like old people in officialdom, have one thing in common, that is, they are meticulous and careful, and they have a good memory.Generally, people who have dealt with them will remember them, otherwise if they meet again next time, if they act as if they have forgotten the other party, it will be a loss of points.Conversely, if you can recognize the other party at the first time, you can gain a greater favor.Everyone likes to deal with people they like. With this foundation, doing business can be smooth and smooth, and being an official can be lucky and prosperous.

After Wenxiu finished speaking, she looked at Ouyang Zhenhua, asking him to give some hints or reminders.

It's a pity that Ouyang Zhenhua didn't have that kind of consciousness. He folded his arms and smiled without saying a word.

Just when Wenxiu was in embarrassment, the waiter brought in the dishes ordered by Chen Kangjie and the others.The speed is really fast enough, and everything is ready in ten minutes.

Seeing the presence of the boss, the two waiters carefully arranged the plates of exquisite dishes, said hello and left.The presence of the boss means that the guests are very honorable, and there is no need for them to be courteous. You just need to stand at the door of the private room and be a good guest at all times or the boss is there when you need it.

"Miss Wen, have you eaten yet?" Chen Kangjie asked meaningfully before sitting down.Before Wenxiu opened his mouth to answer, he went on to say: "If you haven't, then sit down and have some food together. Anyway, this is your restaurant, and you should trust the dishes in front of you, ha ha."

Chen Kangjie's words immediately blocked Wenxiu's polite refusal.Not to mention that there was Ouyang Zhenhua next to him, who even Xiang Yan wanted to curry favor with, just based on Chen Kangjie's last sentence, it was hard for her to refuse.If you don't sit down, why, you can't trust the food in your own restaurant?The boss can't trust it, so can the guests trust it?

"It shouldn't be, but since my husband invited me, if I don't sit down and accompany me for a while, I will look too alien." After sitting down, Wenxiu called out to the door again, "Amei, let the kitchen make another mandarin duck ointment." Here comes the crab."

Both Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua were noncommittal about Wenxiu's move to add food.A dish doesn't cost much, not to mention that Ouyang Zhenhua said at the beginning that he is not an outsider, if they refuse, it will not be good for the next topic.

Although no wine was served, there were still some drinks. As a landlord, Wenxiu toasted Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua first, and then ate a few mouthfuls of food, and the topic began to come alive.

"Miss Wen, don't you remember who I am?" Wenxiu's smile was always frowning when she was speaking, and Chen Kangjie knew what she was thinking, so he simply quoted.

"I'm ashamed to say, I always feel that we've met before, and your voice is very familiar, but I still don't remember it no matter how much I think about it." Wenxiu was not hypocritical, and told the truth openly.

"Hehe, it's right that Ms. Wen can't remember it. If you remember it, it will be my turn to be surprised." Ouyang Zhenhua laughed from the side.

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