rebirth of change

Chapter 1428 It's a bit cliche

Dong Mingshu stared at Xiao Liu for a long time with Ling Lie's eyes, until he felt guilty after seeing Xiao Liu, he said: "If you want to know, just ask your boss, if your boss doesn't tell you, then I will I have no obligation to tell you anything."

Xiao Liu choked on Dong Mingshu's words, not angry, not smiling, mixed feelings, very uncomfortable.

Standing up angrily, Xiao Liu walked out without saying hello to Dong Mingshu and the others.

What's the big deal, the fox pretends to be a tiger, and he made 500 million, so he really thinks of himself as a big shot.After stepping out of the room, Xiao Liu cursed inwardly.

Walking to the door of Jackie Chan's office, Xiao Liu wanted to open the door and go in, but stopped after thinking about it, and still didn't do that.Eldest brother didn't call, so he went in so rashly, it would lose face for elder brother, and he would not like it.

When Xiao Liu was hesitating at the door of the office, Chen Kangjie and Jackie Chan, the two most dazzling stars in the Chinese world today, started a real negotiation in a substantial sense.

"Long, take a look at this script. It is by far the most satisfying to me. Some time ago, I read no less than [-] scripts, all of which are well-known screenwriters in Hong Kong. I think the plot setting here is more suitable for you and My collocation...but you have to read it first, in the end it’s still up to your opinion.” While speaking, Jackie Chan handed Chen Kangjie a beautifully printed script with a red cover.

Chen Kangjie put down the teacup, took the script, and the first thing that caught his eyes was the two big Song typeface characters on the script—save.

Seeing such a script title, Chen Kangjie thought it was a disaster movie.In the history of Chinese films, there are very few disaster films. The reason for such a shortcoming is due to various reasons.

The first is cultural factors. Generally speaking, our culture tends to be conservative and lacks enough imagination, so our artworks are either historical or realistic.The soil for future and sci-fi survival is very small, and literati generally do not focus on this.Of course, this does not mean that all Chinese culture tends to be conservative. In history, we have also had outstanding creations in terms of imagination, such as rich and colorful fairy tales, such as "Journey to the West", a great work with obvious fantasy.The reason why our imagination and creativity seem to be weak at this stage has a lot to do with the political system and cultural turmoil in the past half century, especially the catastrophe of ten years, which caused a big crack in our cultural inheritance .

Second is the economic factor.Disaster films are no different from ordinary feature films. If they want to be good-looking and wonderful, they need huge investment.In the United States, at least tens of millions of dollars will be invested in films in this area, and even hundreds of millions of dollars will not be surprising.And within our scope, whether it is a Hong Kong movie or a mainland movie, investing two to thirty million Hong Kong dollars is already considered a big production.Regardless of whether it is a private production company or a state-owned studio, it will not be difficult to spend hundreds of millions of RMB or Hong Kong dollars to invest in a film.In a word, we lack that consortium-style film company.

Economic factors can be divided into two, input is one aspect, and output is another important aspect, which is related to the market.At present, the number of our market-oriented theaters is still very small, and the legitimate distribution channels for families are severely impacted by piracy. Therefore, it is good to recover the cost of investing tens of millions to make a film. In the current market situation, it is lucky to be able to keep the capital. So far, there has not been a Chinese film with a box office of more than 2 million yuan. Of course, the films made by Chen Kangjie can only be regarded as imported foreign blockbusters. After all, the investors are foreign companies, and the actors are also Almost all foreigners.

In terms of output, there are two key points that are very restrictive, one is movie ticket prices, and the other is movie exports.The ticket price is internal. So far, no domestic movie (including Hong Kong movies) has a ticket price of more than ten yuan, which is more than 80 million U.S. dollars.According to this kind of ticket price, the box office of a movie wants to reach hundreds of millions of dollars, unless one-tenth of the Chinese people go to the movie theater.This is obviously unrealistic. Only the popular "Shaolin Temple" in the [-]s can reach this figure. Since then, no movie has attracted hundreds of millions of people to pay for tickets to watch movies.As for film export, that is external.Due to complex reasons in ideology, social system and international relations, domestic films rarely go abroad.Even if some movies go out, it is difficult to create a strong appeal.The first is that the movie is not suitable for Western tastes, and the second is that the promotion has not kept up.

Again for technical reasons.Everyone knows that shooting disaster films can only impress and attract people if they show the magnificent and shocking disaster scenes vividly and vividly. If the audience feels that the scenes they see are too fake, it will make everyone lose interest.However, to truly present the shocking disaster scenes on the screen, not only superb shooting skills are required, but also super special effects and post-processing capabilities are required.In this respect, very professional and special talents are needed, and it is precisely in this respect that we are lacking.Not only are there no such people in major film companies, but film teaching institutions have also failed to train such professional and technical personnel.

Relatively speaking, the equipment is relatively easy to solve and can be imported.Movie equipment is not on the Western embargo list, and you can get it for money.

Another point must be admitted that we cannot make disaster movies, and there is a political factor that everyone is not aware of.If there is a disaster in our movie, whether it is a tsunami or a volcanic eruption, it will be stuck in the review process.Because this will be considered to imply that our early warning mechanism is not perfect enough to protect the lives and property of the people in advance.Even if the time shown in our movies is the future, it is estimated that the people can only live and work in peace and contentment, and the society is peaceful, and our future will not be any different from the current propaganda.How could the audience spend money to buy tickets to watch this kind of boring story of "left hand touching right hand"?

Chen Kangjie opened the script with a drum in his heart. No matter whether we have the history and experience of shooting disaster films before, since someone dares to write such a script, it doesn't hurt to read it.

Chen Kangjie glanced at the text on the script.Quick browsing does not mean that Chen Kangjie's attitude is perfunctory, but that he himself has a very fast reading speed, and coupled with his super memory, he does not need to read every word carefully.

After reading the first page and turning the page, Chen Kangjie realized that this script was not a disaster movie script at all, but a real gunfight movie.

In other words, what Jackie Chan is best at is not martial arts movies, but gunfight movies. From this perspective, the script he chooses is certainly not too far from his own expertise.If you really want him to act in a disaster movie, you really don't know what it's like.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Kangjie finished the script with more than 30 pages.

As soon as Chen Kangjie finished watching, Jackie Chan and his executives stared at Chen Kangjie expectantly, waiting for his opinion.

Putting the script lightly on the coffee table, Chen Kangjie looked solemn and did not express his personal opinion first, but picked up the teacup and took another sip slowly.

The people around him knew that Master Jie was probably thinking about something, so they didn't bother him, just stared at him.

"Brother, this script has merits. The scenes are relatively large, the plot is fairly compact, and there is a certain amount of technological content and room for imagination..." Just hearing Chen Kangjie say this, I thought he would approve of this script very much.But judging from his tense face and soothing tone, it shouldn't be that simple.Just like the leader's speech, don't look at the previous praise, but once there is a "but", the joy of those who are happy may be lost.

Sure enough, Chen Kangjie first expressed his approval, and then his voice changed, "But... I don't think it's very suitable."

"Ah..." Jackie Chan, who was satisfied in his heart, was immediately taken aback by Chen Kangjie's conclusion, "Long, can you tell me where it doesn't fit? This script is already the closest to an American blockbuster that I have found in recent years. The script is good, the scene is huge, and the requirements for shooting and special effects are very high. If it can be shot, it should be a very good commercial film."

"Brother, be safe and don't be impatient, hehe, indeed, this script should be a big step forward compared with the scripts of ordinary Hong Kong movies, but it still hasn't deviated from the clichés of Hong Kong movies. It should be in line with their It has a lot to do with the limitations of the movie, and we still can’t let it go. If it’s just a Hong Kong movie that breaks past records, then that’s enough. But if you want to hit the international market, there are still many shortcomings.” Chen Kangjie The awe-inspiring expression relaxed, and he said with a smile on his face.

"I would like to hear the details." Jackie Chan calmed down.

"First of all, the protagonists in the script are two Hong Kong policemen. Hehe, I guess the older one is you, and the other one who just graduated from the police academy should be me. It seems that I didn't agree to play the role myself..." Chen Kangjie said in a very tone Relaxed, without any angry meaning, "The protagonists are two policemen, and they are dealing with an arms dealer in a certain Southeast Asian country. It’s just a drug lord. Let’s talk about the scene again. The story takes place mainly in Hong Kong and the capital of a certain country in Southeast Asia. It looks like a good scene, with all kinds of firearms appearing, as well as helicopters, shoulder-mounted missiles and some armored vehicles. On the surface, it’s a bit American. It tastes like a blockbuster movie, but it still seems a bit stingy. Let’s talk about the plot again, because the place where the arms trade is in Hong Kong, he was beaten to death by two patrolling policemen, and the protagonist was sent to Southeast Asia to investigate. To be honest, such a plot The attraction is really not too great... There are also fighting scenes in it. There are too many hand-to-hand combats, which in turn condenses the big scenes, making the helicopters and armored vehicles disappear after just showing their faces. This has returned to the ordinary The category of Hong Kong shootout films..."

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