rebirth of change

Chapter 1440 You have to think clearly

Tiger?Chen Kangjie almost wanted to laugh, such a nasty name, just like someone's pet dog.Years ago, only parents in rural areas would give their children such a witty name.

Chen Kangjie didn't know that Xiaohu was in very poor health when he was born, so he found a fortune teller to explain this nickname. The fortune teller gave him this nickname, and said that if you use this name, you will be healthy and powerful.It turned out that since this guy used this name, his health has improved a lot. With such a good effect, his parents naturally continued to call him so casually. As a result, his relatives and friends who knew him all called him Xiaohu.

Most people regard fortune-telling as a superstition.It is true that there is a lot of superstition in it, and there are many deceptions, but it is not without reason that it has been going on for thousands of years.Many things that use science and rationality to find reasons and solutions, through this mysterious and illusory method, can give people peace of mind and stability.

All over the country, in every city and town, there are many fortune tellers, and these people do not necessarily have real talents and practical learning.And the people who believe in them include all kinds of people, from high-ranking officials and rich people to the bottom of the petty bourgeoisie.Even when some units build gates, renovate and decorate, they have to find some so-called psychic experts to check it out.

Why is the market so big?On the one hand, it is related to our lack of faith. In the decades after the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially in the 30 years after the turmoil of the Communist Party of China, the people of the whole country lacked faith on a large scale, and the final result was that everyone could only believe in these monsters and ghosts.On the other hand, it is the impetus of material interests, and the entire restless society is full of all the vanity mentality of pursuing material economy.This makes the people pursue wealth in various ways. Fortune tellers earn money through Kenmon abduction, while those who believe in fortune tellers hope that the gods can help them get rich through shortcuts.

Chen Kangjie always believes that as a person, it is better to have some faith.Once a person has faith, he will have a heart of fear, and he will do good deeds.Even if you choose the next best thing, at least it will be easy for you to find peace and comfort in your heart, which is good for your physical and mental health.On the contrary, a person with a blank belief will have no scruples, even bold and unscrupulous, and this kind of person will often cause huge damage to society.

Although our party believes in Marxism-Leninism, it believes in communism.But to be honest, how many of those party members and cadres believe this in their hearts?The so-called proletarian faith is now just a fig leaf.With this fig leaf, many high-ranking party members and cadres can shout slogans casually, each of them is dignified, and the image of Wei Zhengguang is portrayed upright and lifelike, but in fact each of them is practicing self-interest.

Let's get far, let's go back to Xiaohu, Comrade Xiaohu will be unhappy if you leave him for too long.

Judging from Cai Ju's gentle tone and his kind expression, it can be seen that he still cares about this little tiger in front of him.

Xiaohu looked at Chen Kangjie and Liu Deyi arrogantly and meaningfully, and then turned to Ju Cai in a lively and obedient manner, "Uncle Cai, there is nothing wrong, I called at that time just to tell you about the situation at the scene. After all, this area belongs to Within your jurisdiction, wouldn’t it be better if Uncle Cai knew the situation earlier and could take preventive measures and countermeasures earlier?”

This little tiger really doesn't look like an ordinary person. He obviously wants to sue, but he speaks so openly, which is really shameless, making it seem like he is really thinking about working for others.

If it is for this purpose, why not call beforehand?It's really thick skinned.

"Oh, Xiaohu, you're really more sensible. Not bad, not bad, you really are a big man. Now things have calmed down, it's a mess here, Xiaohu, you'd better go home quickly, don't let your parents worry." Cai Ju Soft words make people feel like spring breeze.If this attitude is all put into work, then I believe he will be a good policeman who is loved and loved by the people.

"Uncle Cai, don't you want to be held accountable for such a big mess?" Xiaohu said this intentionally.

"Xiaohu, you don't understand. It's not easy to be held accountable for the time being. These people are all spontaneous, without organizers, and they don't know what the source of the chaos is. How can they be held accountable? Now that there are no dead people, it's pretty good. It's over." Cai Ju is really good-tempered, and now he still has a leisurely chat with Xiaohu, not only has Long Chaoyang been completely thrown aside, Chen Kangjie and the others are even more disregarded, and they have become transparent people. .

Bureau Cai completely ignored the existence of Chen Kangjie and the others, but Long Chaoyang and the helpers he summoned had no intention of letting them go, and still surrounded them vigilantly.

"Uncle Cai, I know why the incident happened. I was there at the time." Xiaohu was good at seizing the timing and said at the right time, not forgetting to gloat at Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Oh? Xiaohu, do you know the reason? Then tell me, how did it cause it?" Although Cai Ju had already planned to turn the big thing into a small thing, but since he could know the cause, it was another matter.

Although no one was killed, there were quite a few injured, and it happened at the Capital International Airport and before the National Day, so the location and time were sensitive, so the impact was not good.In Bureau Cai's previous plan, if the higher-ups wanted to punish someone, they would find the airport police station to take responsibility.

Now that the reason can be found, and the responsibility is likely to be passed on, why not do it?After all, the airport police station is also the subordinate jurisdiction of his Cai Bureau. If it can not be implicated, it is better to take it out.

"It was caused by the three people in front." At this time, Xiaohu was straightforward, pointing at Chen Kangjie and the others, and popped out a sentence neatly.

"Did they cause it?" Cai Ju's face darkened and his pupils closed. Although what he said was questionable, looking at Chen Kangjie and the others, they already had malicious intentions.

"Ju Cai, yes, it's them. They attacked the police just now. They were so daring, they simply couldn't help it." Long Chaoyang winked, seeing that the bad side was pointing at Chen Kangjie and the others. How could he miss this good opportunity to make trouble?

Long Chaoyang's calculations were pretty good. If Cai Ju could make a decision and let Chen Kangjie and the others take the top of the tank, then his own responsibilities would be cleared.Even if the superior blames it, at most it is just a criticism and it is not a big deal.Not only can these people take the blame, but Long Chaoyang also intends to use this opportunity to get back the face he just gained, killing two birds with one stone.

"It was you who caused this tragedy?" Cai Ju didn't look at Xiaohu, and he couldn't bear Long Chaoyang. He stared at Chen Kangjie and the others with radiant eyes, and looked at them imposingly. His attitude towards Xiaohu just now was simply a far cry from heaven and earth. Don't.

"I don't think this is the time to discuss this. I suggest that you save her as soon as possible. This girl is seriously injured and cannot be delayed. If the timing is missed, it may cause even greater harm to her." Chen Kangjie did not answer directly. Instead, he changed the subject without haste.

He asked this question, how would Chen Kangjie answer it?If it was caused by them, it's not bad, these people are all his fans, and they all came to welcome him.If you go back to the source, he is really the source.But even if he is the source, even if it was caused by him, it is impossible for him to admit it, after all, that is not what the other party meant.Obviously, the other party wanted to lure them to the level of breaking the law, and that was the point.

At this time, the girl Chen Kangjie rescued was still lying weakly on the floor. Although her eyes were open, her expression was in pain, her breathing was a little weak, her complexion was pale, and her eyes were scattered.

After hearing what Chen Kangjie said, she looked at Chen Kangjie gratefully, but the pain made him unable to speak a word.

"What is your identity? We need you to teach us how to save people? Hmph, you dare to attack the police. It seems that you are really against you. This is at the feet of the emperor. You don't know? How can this be reasonable?" Cai Ju's voice suddenly rose eight times. It was almost a roar to talk to Chen Kangjie.

"Because it is at the feet of the emperor, I think the principle should be to save people first. Life is more important than everything else. If you don't save, please step aside and I will save you." Chen Kangjie said righteously.

"Md, Ju Cai, don't talk nonsense with him, this kind of person should be arrested and tried carefully, and then they will be honest." Seeing that Chen Kangjie was still talking to Cai Ju in such an indifferent tone at this time, Long Chaoyang was annoyed. Don't call anywhere.

Long Chaoyang's "first trial" did not mean a civilized interrogation. From the way he gritted his teeth, one could tell that the treatment was definitely by force.

Long Chaoyang was really thinking at this moment, when you are in my hands, you will definitely be forced to live or die, and moreover, you will be blamed for this matter, and you will be blamed if you don't.

"Yes, Uncle Cai, don't you know that they are too arrogant. If it weren't for their arrogance, they wouldn't have caused such a big chaos. If they don't punish them severely, they will condone crimes." The firepower was not enough, so Xiaohu jumped out cleverly and added another fire.

In fact, there was no need for Long Chaoyang and the others to throw insults at each other and tell tales.Ever since Xiaohu said that the three of them caused the riot, Bureau Cai had no intention of letting them go.

"Catch it." Cai Ju shouted out three words in a deep voice.

"Who dares?" Dong Mingshu spread his hands and stood in front of Chen Kangjie.

"You really think we're vegetarians? I don't dare to dare. Arrogance has no good fruit." Long Chaoyang took a step towards Dong Mingshu fearlessly.

With his immediate boss around, if Long Chaoyang didn't seize the opportunity to show off, how long would it take?

Chen Kangjie patted Dong Mingshu on the shoulder, and said calmly. "Brother Shu, don't be impulsive, let them go." Then Chen Kangjie took a calm look at Cai Ju, "Cai Ju, it's easy to catch, but hard to let go, you have to think carefully."

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