"Brother Shu, how is it? Is it serious?" There was only a chair fixed on the ground that could not be moved in the iron cage. Chen Kangjie supported Dong Mingshu on the chair and asked with concern.

Dong Mingshu had a bruise on his forehead, his left cheek was a little red and swollen, the corner of his mouth was a little cracked, and his hair was disheveled.Two buttons of the blue shirt on his upper body were missing, and the cuffs were ripped several centimeters long. Through the cracked opening, two eye-catching scratches could be seen on his arms, with blood oozing faintly .No wounds can be seen on the body covered by the clothes for the time being, but there are several footprints on the front and back of the blue pants, and the shirt, back and shoulders all show signs of being cracked by blows.From this, it can be seen that his body should not be injured too lightly.

Liu Deyi, who experienced this kind of martial arts for the first time, stood silently by the side. He looked fine, except that there were eye-catching scratches on his face and the back of his hands.Fortunately, it can't reach the level of disfigurement, and there is no problem with preserving his handsome appearance.

"Master Jie, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm sorry, you should sit down." Dong Mingshu struggled to get up and gave up his seat to Chen Kangjie.

"Just sit down and have a good rest." Chen Kangjie pressed Dong Mingshu's shoulders firmly with both hands, and said in a drawn out voice, "We are all here, so why should we pay attention to those things. I am fine, what does it matter if I stand up?" ?”

"Jie Shao, don't say that, I'm ashamed, I blame myself, I..." Dong Mingshu looked up and saw the marks on Chen Kangjie's cheeks, he couldn't control himself, the feeling of guilt made him feel depressed impulse.I want to vent, but I can't vent, and I feel very uncomfortable.

In fact, Chen Kangjie wasn't doing well either. Although he didn't suffer much damage, the trace left by Long Chaoyang's slap was still very clear.Not only is there some swelling on the cheeks, but bloodshots can also be seen faintly.The force that the gun threw out was not small.

Chen Kangjie shook his head indifferently, and patted Dong Mingshu's broad shoulders, "Brother Shu, what are you talking about? It has nothing to do with you. I told you to restrain yourself. The main reason is that they went too far. Not only do they not act, but they are also lawless." .”

"Master Jie, what shall we do next?" After listening to the conversation between Chen Kangjie and Dong Mingshu, Liu Deyi not only calmed down, but also gained a better understanding of Chen Kangjie, or in other words, a deeper level of admiration for Chen Kangjie. .

Chen Kangjie's attitude is much more open than that of other big celebrities, and he does not shirk or transfer his anger whenever a problem arises.Everything is based on the spirit of seeking truth from facts, and there is no temper tantrum, let alone shirk responsibility.If it were any other celebrity, they would either be yelling or blaming this one and that one. In short, the subordinates would basically be the punching bag.

And Chen Kangjie not only didn't do that, but even when he was injured, he also gave priority to caring for his subordinates.Such a mind is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.Most people who are more successful will feel that they are superior, and the people around them rely on him for food, so they must be treated like stars.Chen Kangjie's achievements are much greater than those of those people, but he has no airs of arrogance at all, especially to those around him.This friendship moved Liu Deyi very much.

Just looking at the thick steel bars in front of him, Liu Deyi felt a little worried, so he asked this question.

Of course, Liu Deyi's worries were not for himself, but for him from Chen Kangjie's perspective.

"Yi Shao, haven't you ever fought like this before? Hehe, look at your messed up look. If your girlfriend sees it, you'll be so sad, hehe." Chen Kangjie didn't answer Liu Deyi's question, but smiled and opened his mouth relaxedly. joked.

Liu Deyi scratched his head embarrassingly, and forced a smile, "I haven't fought before, and I don't have a girlfriend yet."

"Haha, that's a good boy. A man needs to fight once or twice to become a man, otherwise, he's too weak. Fortunately, you made up this lesson today, hehe, how do you feel?" ?" Chen Kangjie was very relaxed and spoke casually.

But if you analyze it carefully, you can also find that there are other meanings in his words.Especially the two words "fortunately", the connotation is still a bit rich.If Liu Deyi hadn't taken the initiative today, hadn't stepped forward to fight this fight, but had chosen to shrink back and be afraid, then not only would he have failed to make up for this lesson, but his impression in Chen Kangjie's heart would indeed have dropped quite a bit. point.

"I was a little nervous at the beginning, but I didn't get nervous later on. I thought it was just that. It wasn't as scary as the elders said before..." Liu Deyi said timidly.

"Yi Shao, you are a good person. To do things with Jie Shao, you must not only be careful, but sometimes you must be courageous. Jie Shao is capable of both literature and martial arts. As a person around him, if you are too weak, it is absolutely impossible. " Dong Mingshu said with an encouraging look at Liu Deyi.

Judging from the length of time spent with Chen Kangjie, Liu Deyi really belongs to the younger generation.His understanding of Chen Kangjie was far less profound than that of Dong Mingshu and the others.Therefore, it is completely normal for Dong Mingshu to praise and mention him like a big brother.

After following Chen Kangjie for so many years, Dong Mingshu and the others would participate in Chen Kangjie's adventures almost every year.Therefore, if Liu Deyi wants to perform competently, this kind of bold and adventurous spirit is indispensable.

"I know, I will definitely pay attention and work hard in the future." Liu Deyi nodded and said with a grateful glance at Dong Mingshu.

Standing aside, Chen Kangjie nodded secretly.I am very satisfied with Dong Mingshu's caring and Liu Deyi's understanding.

"I don't care much, don't worry, this matter will come to fruition, and the place can definitely be found." Now that the atmosphere has completely eased, Chen Kangjie returned to the issue Liu Deyi cared about, "We don't have to do anything now. , Just wait."

Chen Kangjie and the others were taken into the police station and temporarily lost contact with the outside world.But don't forget that Alyosha and the others are still outside. They may not know anyone in the capital, but they will definitely pass the news on to Xiong Ziqiang and Ouyang Zhenhua.As long as these two people know, then I believe they will take appropriate measures.

As soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Cai Ju pushed the door in with two people, one was Xiaohu and the other was the instructor of the police station.Long Chaoyang has been sent to the hospital, and the police station is temporarily in charge of the overall work by the instructor.

It stands to reason that when things have developed to such a point, Xiaohu should go back on his own, since he has nothing to do here.But instead of leaving, this guy took the initiative to follow him to the police station.He said verbally that he knew the origin of the incident and that he was an eyewitness who came to the police station to record a statement and confront him. In fact, this guy's real intention in his heart was to see for himself how unlucky Chen Kangjie and the others were, otherwise he couldn't swallow that breath.

The three of them came in, except for Xiaohu who gave Chen Kangjie and the others a few vicious glances, Ju Cai and the instructor seemed quite calm, just glanced at them casually, and then sat down opposite Chen Kangjie and the others through the iron bars.The instructor offered Cai Ju a cigarette graciously, and even flipped on the lighter obsequiously.After taking care of Cai Ju, he ordered a beautiful one for himself.

Enjoying the stimulation of a few mouthfuls of nicotine, Cai Ju put his right hand holding the cigarette on the table in front of him, and said softly and confidently, "If you admit that your excesses caused today's chaos, then things will be over. It's easy to handle, everything can be done businesslike, and you can get the treatment you deserve."

Bureau Cai did not mention Dong Mingshu's assault on the police, not because he forgot it, but because he did it on purpose.

"Cai Bureau, I thought you brought this Mr. Xiaohu here because you were planning to do business, but it turned out that's not the case. This makes it hard for me to believe your words. This is the so-called listening to what you say It's okay." Chen Kangjie stood upright, acting calmer than the other party.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Cai Ju was stunned for a moment, confused by Chen Kangjie's words, looked at Xiaohu, and then at Chen Kangjie.

If this Mr. Tiger just went home and didn't come here to join in the fun, then maybe he could be more comfortable and stay out of it.Chen Kangjie is not very good at vengeance, he will try every means to trouble him. For such a small person, his tolerance is not so small.

However, if there is a way to heaven, he will not go, but there is no way to hell to run in.It is still forgivable to do evil in heaven, but it is impossible to live in self-inflicted evil.Since he came here with vigorous steps, Chen Kangjie would not be too stingy, the most important thing is to give him some presents, as for whether Mr. Xiaohu would like it, that is another matter.

"It's not interesting. Didn't you find the instigator of this incident? We thought that Mr. Xiaohu surrendered himself, but it turned out not to be. It's a bit regrettable." Chen Kangjie pretended to be regretful, shaking his head and said.

Chen Kangjie's understatement made Xiaohu furious, and he strode forward, his face flushed, "What the hell are you talking about? You are the instigator, I am a witness, and I am here to testify against you, understand? I am free now, Those who were imprisoned were you country bumpkins."

"Why is your mouth so stinky, after eating poop? Do you still learn from Europeans hundreds of years ago, brushing your teeth with urine? If your mouth is so stinky, hemorrhoids may grow on your tongue in a short time. Teeth, not gingivitis, Periodontitis, that is psoriasis. Oh, I suggest you go to Anding Hospital as soon as possible, there is still time to go early, if it is late, you may have hemiplegia, tsk tsk tsk... Fortunately, you met me, you can get it My reminder, and I also have a way to heal..."

"Oh, you can also treat such difficult and miscellaneous diseases? Isn't it too powerful? What can you do?" Dong Mingshu really deserves to be a person who often bickers with Pang Hui. When Xiaohu was so angry that he couldn't speak, he stood up The role of a fan.

"It's very simple, people are not outside, are we inside? It will be fine to change it when the time comes, haha"

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