rebirth of change

Chapter 1446 I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it

Gaining a respite, Instructor Lu shook his head, his physical discomfort recovered a bit, and he lay on the ground with his arms propped up, "Assaulting a state employee... and in the police station again, this is a felony, and the crime is aggravated... have to know the consequences."

Chen Kangjie sneered, and squatted down in front of Instructor Lu, making him shrink back quickly in fright.

"Look at you, how can you still have the spirit of a policeman? I know that wronging people has always been a common method for you, but it can't be used for everyone. I think you should understand." Chen Kangjie said contemptuously.

"Then who are you? What is your identity?" Instructor Lu chewed his cheeks a few times, probably after Chen Kangjie's slaps made his jaw feel uncomfortable, and he spit out a mouthful of blood before he asked.

"Hehe, that's interesting. It's only now that I realize that I should ask this question. I think you guys really forgot about the case-handling procedures completely. It's all based on your own temperament. But it's a pity that you're only asking now, and I'm not interested in answering you. "Chen Kangjie continued to sneer.

"Then what do you want?" Instructor Lu was really a little scared at this moment.Chen Kangjie's tough posture was no different from those gangsters, even though he didn't look like a gangster.

"I don't want to do anything. Do I have the final say here? It's not up to you to decide. If you ask me, who do you want me to ask?" Chen Kangjie stood up after speaking, feeling very disgusted Don't even look at Instructor Lu anymore.

"Brother, help... We have no grievances or enmity, ouch, my leg is broken, can you call someone for me, and take me to the hospital quickly." As soon as Chen Kangjie stood up, a call came from the left side A shrill cry of pleading.

The policeman who was about to kick Chen Kangjie was sitting on the ground in embarrassment, with sweat pouring down his forehead, bent down, and tightly hugged his right leg with both hands.

"Wu Yuan Wu Enmity? You also know Wu Yuan Wu Enmity? Wu Yuan Wu Enmity, what are you doing here? To do good deeds and learn from Lei Feng? Tsk, if I hadn't acted first, sitting on the ground at this time might be me How dare you say that we have no grievances or enmities? The bottom line of morality has been lost by people like you." Chen Kangjie not only refused to help, but also criticized him for a while.


"Shut up, don't call me a brother. I don't have a brother like you. You guys are brothers. You're a gangster." Chen Kangjie yelled angrily, interrupting the other party's speech.

The policeman was in pain and embarrassment, and the expression on his face was very dramatic, "Then...I...please, please go outside and call for help, my leg is really broken, please help me, I know I'm wrong , I won’t dare to do it again next time…”

"I'm sorry, I'm a prisoner now, so I don't dare to go out. If you kill me as a fugitive, it won't be worth it. I won't do it." Chen Kangjie shook his head, teasingly but resolutely rejected the other party's request.

In fact, it's not that Chen Kangjie is cruel, but that he can grasp how much effort he has put in.It is impossible for this guy's leg to be broken, at least the bones should not be broken. As for whether there is a fracture or whether the ligament is broken, it is difficult for him to judge accurately.

"If you are ruthless, you will definitely be arrested for assaulting the police, and we will definitely return." Seeing Chen Kangjie resolutely, the other party no longer begged, but changed an angry face.

"Don't add any crimes to me. I didn't assault the police. I just defended myself. It's you who use violence at will, torture to extract confessions, and break the law knowingly. The most important thing is that I don't even have criminal suspects. Not to mention, don't bully me for not knowing anything." Chen Kangjie was not angry, but instead posed with the other party with great interest.

"Dude, don't bother, if you really want to play big, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it." Hearing a slight rustling sound behind him, Chen Kangjie turned around in a firm tone.

Only then did everyone see that Instructor Lu's right hand was placed on his waist, and there happened to be a holster at that position, and a Type 64 police pistol was placed inside.

Chen Kangjie thought that his warning would stop the movement of his hands, but he never thought that not only did he not stop, but he also resolutely pulled out the pistol.

Instructor Lu may have felt that Chen Kangjie was no match just by using hands, so using hot weapons was the best choice.Once the pistol is in hand, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he will be suppressed. If he dares to act rashly, Instructor Lu will not be afraid to shoot.Although since he was a police officer, except for the time of target training, the policemen may not have the opportunity to shoot once in a few years, but he still mustered up his courage.

Shooting inside the police station, Instructor Lu also knew that this was not a trivial matter, but he believed that it could definitely be settled, and he could be charged with whatever crime he wanted.Anyway, the internal practice of the public security is to protect each other and protect each other if you can.It's better than being famous like a dog.

If Instructor Lu didn't move the gun, then things would be easy to handle. His move to grab the gun would have made the incident even more difficult to deal with.

Since the other party is so stubborn, then Chen Kangjie has nothing to say. Chen Kangjie hardly accepts that strange way of being controlled by others.

Before Instructor Lu's gun was raised, Chen Kangjie kicked Instructor Lu's chin with a lingering kick. With a "click", Instructor Lu's mouth was already covered in blood, and blood splattered everywhere, and then his head collapsed. go down.Instructor Lu was kicked unconscious, and the final condition of the mouth and mandible injuries required a doctor to come in for professional evaluation and treatment.

What a shame.

To tell the truth, it has nothing to do with this Instructor Lu, it was Long Chaoyang and Xiaohu who caused the incident, and of course, Ju Cai who fled to the side.Just like what Instructor Lu's companion said, they have no grievances or enmity at all, but he just wanted to stand out and get involved.If he stayed out of the matter, or remained impartial to a certain extent, then even if Chen Kangjie wanted to make trouble, he would not find him.But this kind of person is obsessed with ghosts, only thinking about ingratiating his superiors, he doesn't know what's going on, so he bumps in with his head covered.It's completely life and death without knowing the situation.

It is even more unforgivable to dare to draw a gun in front of Chen Kangjie.So far, none of the enemies who have drawn their guns in front of Chen Kangjie have been able to please them. Whether they did it themselves or used other channels, they all fell down one by one.

If you want to be strong, you must have the confidence to be strong, and you must also bear the responsibility of being strong.If you don’t have that confidence and courage, you’d better be a tortoise with a shrunken head. Otherwise, if you cut down carefully, the tortoise’s shell can’t be broken, but the tortoise’s head can be chopped off.

"You all better shut up. I'm in a bad mood right now. Don't make yourself uncomfortable. Otherwise, you'll be a role model. He won't leave when people pull him, but ghosts run fast, you bastard." Chen Kangjie changed his mind. The gentle tone and attitude were replaced by a menacing face.

The other four people who had seen Chen Kangjie's power, including Xiaohu who peed his pants, were all silent, their eyes widened in fear, and they dared not breathe.

It is rare for Chen Kangjie to show such arrogance, which shows that he is really angry.

Director Cai's timing was very precise. He may have deduced that Chen Kangjie and the others were subdued obediently. Anyway, just after Chen Kangjie finished his domineering words, he opened the door and entered.

To his disappointment, Bureau Cai did not see Chen Kangjie and the others fell to the ground without any resistance. On the contrary, the people on his side were lying on the ground inside the iron cage one by one.

Cai Ju's Adam's apple protruded and was choked, he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Ju Cai, the timing is very good, why don't you come in and sit down, it's very comfortable here, look, they're all here, don't tell me you're not interested?" Chen Kangjie stared at Ju Ju Cai with bright eyes, Immediately, the light dimmed, and was replaced by playful ridicule.

"" Jue Cai stretched out his right hand, wanting to say something in surprise but couldn't.

"Uncle Cai, save me, Uncle Cai, save me, save me..." Seeing Cai Ju, Xiaohu, whose crotch was already in a mess, saw the savior as if he saw Ultraman, grabbed the iron railing of the iron cage with both hands, He kept calling for help.

"Cough cough", Chen Kangjie just coughed twice in a low voice, and Xiaohu was so frightened that he shut his mouth quickly, for fear that Chen Kangjie would kick his ass from behind.If so, how can I sit and go to the toilet in the future?Just thinking about it makes my back feel cold.

"Come on, come on, come on..." Director Cai's thinking was quicker, he didn't want to explore how Xiaohu got into the iron cage where the suspect was held, the first thing he had to do now was to call for help.

Cai Ju yelled loudly at the opened door, Chen Kangjie and the others immediately heard the sound of crackling footsteps outside, and several people ran towards the room they were in.

Within ten seconds, more than a dozen people gathered behind Bureau Cai, including police officers and armed police who were temporarily helping at the police station.

Seeing the situation in front of them, each of them had strange expressions.What's going on here?It's so weird that Instructor Lu and the other three fraternities are locked in the same iron cage as those three people, and the young man who accompanied Cai Ju is also in it.That's not enough, what's even more weird is that the three people who were captured were all fine, but Instructor Lu and the others fell to the ground in disarray, all of them looked seriously injured.

Someone hastily pinched his own thigh, could it be that he was blindsided?How could this happen?dream?The pain in the thigh told the unbelievers that it was real, that it happened.

"Arrest them, arrest them all..." Cai Ju roared hysterically regardless of his appearance.

"Cai Bureau, aren't you adding to the snake? We have been arrested long ago, don't you see that we are locked up here?"

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