A middle-aged man who appeared to be 45 or six years old walked in. He was wearing a gray short-sleeved suit shirt. He was neither fat nor thin. He was quite tall, at least 1.7 meters eight. It's not as loud as a bell, nor as intense as hysteria, but it sounds very majestic, especially in conjunction with his upside-down eyebrows, and the deep sound made Director Cai jump.

Cai Mingzhi, quite a good name, elegant and full of meaning, it seems that the ancients entrusted some kind of spirit and ideal. I really don’t know if Cai Mingzhi’s parents have some kind of lofty expectations for him, but one thing may be a normal-minded person Most of the parents will not have it, that is, they don't want their children to become bureaucrats, especially when the children are still very young. Correct values ​​and world views are what the people of the whole country pursue at the beginning of liberation. This state is not like today's materialistic world where everyone pursues money, power and beautiful women.

"Secretary Mu, why are you here? Just leave it to me to deal with it," Director Cai said calmly without turning his head. lay down.

This subtle move shows that Cai Mingzhi is not very convinced by Secretary Mu in terms of attitude.

"Director Cai, can I not come? This place is full of smog. If I don't come again, the responsibility will be placed on my shoulders..." Secretary Mu took a step forward, scanning the room with his eyes, serious There was a displeasure on his face, and what he said didn't sound so comfortable, a little blunt. Of course, this meant that he heard it in Cai Mingzhi's ears.

Cai Mingzhi thought that Secretary Mu came to the scene because he cared about the suffering of the frontline policemen, but he would attack him as soon as he opened his mouth. Moreover, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Secretary Mu is the new secretary of the Chaoyang District Political and Legal Committee from other places. He has only been in office for less than three months. The secretary also serves as the head of the Public Security Bureau. In three months, let alone establish his prestige, he may not even recognize more than half of the police stations below.

If Secretary Mu rushed to the scene to establish his prestige and care about the work of the front-line police, then Cai Mingzhi is still understandable. After all, it is difficult for a secretary of the Political and Legal Committee who only sits in the office to get the following front-line police in the public security system. Respect, maybe in person, in front of the leader's position, you can be cautious and vino, but when you turn around, who knows what people think of you.

The chairman once said that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. This sentence is not only applicable in the war years. It is still not behind when the overall situation is calm today. If a leader does not have a group of sincerely working teams, his ruling philosophy and ideas will be implemented at all. not go down.

It is true that Secretary Mu is the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Speaking of which, he is also the superior leader of the Public Security Bureau. Without cooperation, it is difficult for him to carry out his work smoothly.

In the public security bureau system, the Public Security Bureau has the most personnel, the greatest power, and the widest scope of authority. It can be said that it is the top priority of the public security bureau system. Otherwise, if the Public Security Bureau is not of one mind with him, he will be severely restrained. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a lame secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

What's more serious is that no matter in the officialdom or in the bottom society, the following mentality exists. As long as the Public Security Bureau takes the lead and does not deal with the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the treatment that the secretary receives in the procuratorate, court and judicial bureau will be the same. It’s not a big deal, let alone an outsider, where there are people who are familiar with local snakes, there are many intersections in the work of public security, prosecutors and judicial departments. Over the years, many people here are familiar with each other and have a good relationship of.

"Secretary Mu, you came at the right time. Look at how arrogant and lawless he is. If this kind of person is not severely punished, how can he be worthy of our grassroots police? If he doesn't hit hard, how can he ensure social harmony and stability? It's just that we don't take our political and legal system seriously..." Cai Mingzhi said indignantly, not only did he show righteous indignation, but his words were not low, and he directly labeled him a big hat.

Cai Mingzhi's words imply a mystery. This is clearly digging a hole for Secretary Mu. The meaning is obvious. If Secretary Mu came to head for Chen Kangjie, then so many policemen have been injured now. If he dares to show his attitude , the result is self-evident, if he wants to win the prestige and the respect of the grassroots police, it is almost impossible. A leader who does not make decisions for his own people will really put you in his heart and eyes, so The consequence of doing this is that not only can Secretary Mu fail to establish his prestige, but even the trace of authority brought by his position will be obliterated.

From another perspective, if Secretary Mu really starts from the police's point of view, then he can only use Chen Kangjie as cannon fodder. Anyone who wants to help can give up. Who dares to follow such a leader? It's not that you have to be mentally prepared to be cannon fodder at any time. Only fools will do that.

Cai Mingzhi really deserves to be a bureaucrat who has been shut down in the officialdom for many years. In just a few seconds, a few understatement words formed a small cloth bag, ready to put the wooden secretary in it at any time.

Next, it depends on how Secretary Mu will accept the move.

"Director Cai, I'm a bit puzzled. Aren't these people handcuffed to death? How could they cause such harm? Besides, what did the police officers do there? Also, they were all arrested. Your hands are also handcuffed, and you still have to draw your gun to face each other, isn't it a bit of a fuss?" Secretary Mu looked around the room expressionlessly, and asked in a deep voice.

Secretary Mu was not too timid, he didn't take Cai Mingzhi's words directly, but held on to one point, with a gloomy expression, not only pointing directly to the deepest part of the incident, but also brought Cai Mingzhi into it.

A director of the Public Security Bureau, even if the rank is not too high, he is still at the top level, so mobilizing so many people, so overwhelming, and what's more, there is an implied suspicion of extorting confessions by torture.

It’s no wonder that people in the West always criticize us for not paying attention to human rights. In fact, in our regime and society, there is indeed a lack of respect for human rights. It's a good shield, but it can't cover up our huge shortcomings. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, and this still needs to be dealt with head-on.

"Secretary Mu, you have never stayed at the grassroots level of the political and legal system. You don't know that at the grassroots level, various situations are complicated. Some people are not like thieves on the street. They can be caught easily, and they won't Just three or two strokes to suppress him into obedience, think about it, if the central government was not outraged by someone in the Northeast, and the Ministry of Public Security sent people directly to go around the province to arrest him, would he have been brought to justice? Obviously it's impossible..." Cai Mingzhi is not weak, he really deserved to have fought his way up from the bottom, he also had a few tricks in the struggle, he didn't follow Secretary Mu's words, but bypassed this and changed the subject.

So-and-so in Northeast China back then was a big gangster. Can he compare with Chen Kangjie? This person was cruel and full of crimes. With a wealth of relationships and connections, almost no one can control him in the local area. He walks like a crab --- walking sideways, the common people complain, but there is nothing to do with him.

If this guy hadn't been too complacent, he would not have looked down on the central leaders who went to inspect the local area, and he would not have been directly captured by Thunder's methods, and he would die so badly in the end.

Cai Mingzhi's words are obvious. Not only is he insinuating that Secretary Mu doesn't understand the grassroots, but he also wants to compare Chen Kangjie with the notorious big brother of the Communist Party. Let's find out the situation first, not to mention that several policemen were injured on the scene, and Long Chaoyang was sent to the hospital. This has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the policemen. The police will spread his attitude. At that time, he may be drowned by the saliva in the system like a heavy rain.

Although Secretary Mu came in, he favored Chen Kangjie, but the eyes of the two did not communicate at all. Chen Kangjie didn't know whether Secretary Mu really came to rescue him, or if it was really out of work needs, whether it was Which one, Chen Kangjie could tell, Secretary Mu and Cai Mingzhi were not on the right track, and considering the idea that the enemy of the enemy is an ally, Chen Kangjie decided to help Secretary Mu.

"Director Cai, don't you think it's inappropriate to compare us with that so-and-so person in Northeast China? Are we absconded felons, or are we murdered and set on fire? A bureau chief is not afraid of everyone if he utters such unskilled words. You laughed your ass off," Chen Kangjie said casually, neither humble nor overbearing.

Secretary Mu glanced at Chen Kangjie and saw that not only was he not afraid, but his expression was relaxed, and he could even laugh. He thought, whether this young man is ignorant or a little stupid, and he is still pretending to be relaxed at this time.

"Shut up, you don't have a place to talk here," Cai Mingzhi yelled at Chen Kangjie.

"Why can't I say that it's fine if you insult me ​​and Secretary Mu, but you also insult the IQ of the central leadership, what's your intention?"

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