rebirth of change

Chapter 1452 The secretary commands the police not to move

Cai Mingzhi was dumbfounded, Chen Kangjie was turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain.

Cai Mingzhi compared Chen Kangjie with that so-and-so person in Northeast China who had died long ago, meaning that Chen Kangjie was also a dangerous person, but Chen Kangjie used what he said, and in turn, that so-and-so person compared him, which became Yes, that man is a great man.

This kind of exchange based on different premise results in a 180-degree turn. Comparing Chen Kangjie with that certain person is because that person is guilty, which is already a historical fact. Conversely, it is based on his innocence. In such an analogy, wouldn't that person also become innocent.

Such a subtle change, which seems to be just a small order reversal, has a completely different meaning and connotation, and, on the surface, it seems that there is no difference in any changes.

Regardless of the fact that Chen Kangjie has entered the police station now, but before the case was settled and before the court judged him guilty, he was truly innocent, without any stains. This is an indisputable fact. Cai Mingzhi, who repeatedly wanted to add something exciting to him, had to admit it.

Now Cai Mingzhi's complexion is not to mention how ugly it is, it turns blue and turns white. Chen Kangjie used the method of attacking the shield with the spear of the son, and forced Cai Mingzhi to the point where he was powerless to fight back with one move.

If there were not many subordinates around, Mu Feng would really have applauded Chen Kangjie, but in front of so many people, he couldn't do that, it would be childish to do it, and it would do no harm but no benefit.

"It's unreasonable, are confusing black and white, I don't mean it at all, you are planting and framing, I will kill you with a fucking shot," Cai Mingzhi became angry, and said in one sentence They didn't speak very fluently, and they even drew their guns, as if they wanted to execute Chen Kangjie on the spot in one fell swoop.

"Secretary Mu, this is your subordinate. He is simply a bandit. He told me to say it. Now that I have told the truth, he is so violent. He is simply turning his face and denying others. Such a person can do it." The policeman has become a high-level cadre. I really don’t know how you choose and employ people.” Chen Kangjie will not be intimidated by Cai Mingzhi. As long as this guy is not crazy, give him the courage to He didn't dare to shoot in front of Mu Feng, unless he wanted to die himself.

Chen Kangjie obviously questioned Mu Feng, but in fact the gun was aimed at Cai Mingzhi, and he just didn't pay attention to him.

"Cai Mingzhi, put down your gun. You must know that you made a mistake. Didn't you consider the consequences?" Mu Feng's face changed drastically, and he immediately stopped and reprimanded Cai Mingzhi.

Mu Feng's power did not make Cai Mingzhi succumb.

"Secretary Mu, I hope you don't interfere with the lower-level authorities' handling of the case. I suggest that you go back to the office. If you want to know more about the case, I will give you a report later. If you intervene indiscriminately like this, we will be at a loss as to what to do at the lower level. "Cai Mingzhi was really courageous, he didn't show face face to face, and pushed Mu Feng back with a few words.

Cai Mingzhi is not really bold, nor does he really want to shoot, he is not that stupid, shooting in front of Mu Feng, it is no different from suicide, and a fool would not do that.

Cai Mingzhi's purpose is to try to muddy the water so that everyone will stop paying attention to Chen Kangjie's rebuttal to him. He doesn't want to be caught in the pigtail, even though the pigtail is artificially added, he doesn't want to either.

Cai Mingzhi's strategy was right, when he made such a violent fuss, everyone really stopped thinking about Chen Kangjie's refutation, and all focused their attention on him and Mu Feng.

Of course, everyone just paid attention to it, and no one stood up to mediate, jokes, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and the Chief of the Public Security Bureau are fighting, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals don’t hurry up and stand far away, what else can they do, don’t make gods fight and mortals suffer, then It's asking for trouble. The two leaders, these little shrimps, can't afford to offend anyone. If they offend one side at will, they will die.

"I...I...I don't want your report, I'm just trying to figure it out now," Mu Feng was really annoyed by Cai Mingzhi's domineering, his expression was quite dark and scary, " I order you now, put down your guns . . . this is an order,"

"Secretary Mu, I'm enforcing the law now, you have no right to order me," Cai Mingzhi insisted without flinching.

What Cai Mingzhi said is right or wrong. He is wrong because the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee is his immediate superior and has jurisdiction and supervision over him. He is right because the Political and Legal Committee is generally responsible for the macro For example, according to the party committee's line, guidelines, policies and deployment, unify the thinking and actions of the political and legal organs in the area under its jurisdiction; assist the party committee at the same level to study and formulate the principles and policies of political and legal work, and make overall arrangements for political and legal work within a certain period of time. Organize, coordinate and guide the work of maintaining social stability; support and supervise political and legal departments in exercising their powers in accordance with the law, guide and coordinate political and legal departments to restrict each other in accordance with the law, cooperate closely, organize and promote comprehensive management of social security, and assist discipline inspection and supervision departments to investigate and deal with leading cadres of political and legal agencies For illegal and criminal cases, etc., even if he still supervises and promotes the investigation and handling of major cases, researches and coordinates controversial major and difficult cases, but after all, he has no express power to directly intervene in a specific case.

Of course, things in China are sometimes so difficult to explain clearly. Documentary regulations are one thing, and actual operations are another. The key to implementation lies in people. If a person does not intervene, it will hinder However, if a person wants to intervene in a daze, there are countless appropriate reasons.

Now Cai Mingzhi is going to use regulations to explain matters. As he said, Mu Feng can listen to reports and understand social security trends, but specific cases still have to be handled by the Public Security Bureau, which has a legal basis. The political and legal committee is too busy, and the public security team is too puppet, unless Mu Feng admits that everyone can only acquiesce in power over the law.

Power over the law is a feature of our social and political ecology. The whole society has accepted this fact, but no one will really admit it. This "bad habit" really wants to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway, so hypocritical.

If Mu Feng could really endure such a provocation, then he could go home and sell sweet potatoes, otherwise, what else could he do and continue to embarrass himself.

Mu Feng was already furious, "You guys, put his gun on me. From this moment on, he has been suspended for inspection,"

Mu Feng's prestige is not high, but he still has courage. Jian Cai Mingzhi didn't buy it, so he turned his attention to the few policemen who were still standing there in a daze.

It's a pity that no one listened to him. When Mu Feng looked over, several policemen averted their eyes, and perhaps some of them directly turned their heads to other places, as if there was some important work waiting to be dealt with.

Seeing that none of my subordinates listened to me, Mu Feng's embarrassment was beyond words, especially in front of Chen Kangjie and the others. I originally expected them to pass on some good words to the municipal committee, but now it's all over. , If they pass on no one to obey the command, wouldn't it leave the leader with a mediocre impression of incompetence and lack of means to control the overall situation.

This objectively reflects the situation of Mu Feng, the top political and legal brother. It seems that he still has a long, long way to go to truly control the political and legal power of the whole region. If Chen Kangjie does not appear, Mu Feng will Just say a word and someone will execute it. Basically, it will take about a year. This is basically the case in the officialdom. It is not so easy for newly transferred officials to gain a firm foothold. They only have to do a few things that show their skills. , or make a certain proportion of adjustments in personnel affairs, and support some cronies, so that what is said will not be taken as a deaf ear.

Now that Chen Kangjie's rash appearance saved Mu Feng's half a year's time, it was considered a huge favor to him. Such an opportunity is rare but hard to come by.

Seeing Mu Feng being treated as a wooden man, Cai Mingzhi was a little proud, that was refreshing, like getting a basin of cold water to wash his face on a hot day.

These policemen followed Cai Mingzhi, not to mention all of them were Cai Mingzhi's cronies, at least they were relatively close. Now let them go forward and force Cai Mingzhi's gun. They don't dare to offend people like this. Pick up casually, everyone is a sensible person, and they are not idiots. Whether Mu Feng, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, can gain a firm foothold in the district is another matter, but Cai Mingzhi has already established a firm foothold. Starting from the grassroots police, the deputy The director, the director, the deputy director, and the director have all worked in the public security system of Chaoyang District for more than [-] years, and their relationship with the Procuratorate is also very good, and they also have an irresistible relationship with the district chief Que Weiliang, not to mention their position is as stable as Mount Tai , at least they are more powerful than Mu Feng, how could they go forward to take down the chief's gun after listening to an order? Neither is impossible.

As for Secretary Mu, I can only feel sorry, the county magistrate is better off taking care of it now, you guys are fighting, don't involve us in it, we are all innocent spectators.

However, the real spectator is Chen Kangjie, he is the real outsider, although he is in the middle of the game, but the fight between the two of them has nothing to do with him, and when he turned around, he left the capital, and the two of them were just him. I don't know anymore.

Chen Kangjie shook his head somewhat secretly towards Mu Feng, big brother, you are the first brother in politics and law, it’s fine if you can’t control the chief of the Public Security Bureau, but you can’t command ordinary policemen, it’s sad,

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