rebirth of change

Chapter 1460 Forcing You to Bow Your Head

After thinking about the situation clearly, Que Weiliang decided not to entangle him anymore, but to find out about this matter as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Comrade, I think this misunderstanding between our military and civilians should be resolved as soon as possible. It is a good thing for both of us to deal with it. If it is delayed, it will be of no benefit to anyone. We should not want our people to The fine and glorious tradition of supporting the army and loving the people has been affected and destroyed, right?" Que Weiliang still felt that Nie Hai, a professional soldier, would be easier to deal with, so he ignored Chen Kangjie and said this specifically to Nie Hai.

"District Chief Que, you are right. The glorious tradition of military and civilian fish and water should indeed be inherited and passed on. This is also the main reason why I called you." Nie Hai nodded and said in agreement.

As professional soldiers, Nie Hai and the others were relatively less affected by society, and the unhealthy atmosphere in society was partly blocked by the high walls and sentry posts in the military compound.In the hearts of these professional soldiers, the people and the people do occupy a lot of place in their beliefs. Just like the country, they still have deep loyalty to the people.Therefore, among the most respected and trusted groups, the People's Liberation Army usually ranks at the forefront.

The people have trust and dependence on the PLA, and the soldiers, in turn, usually have a sense of lofty mission and pride for the people.Although Que Weiliang is not an ordinary person strictly speaking, as a first-level party committee government, it can represent the people here to a certain extent.So when Que Weiliang expressed his position, no matter what political position Nie Hai had, he could only agree with it.What's more, as professional soldiers, under normal circumstances, they are required not to have political stances, they only need to have simple feelings and obey orders.

"After the staff passed your phone information to me, I came here without stopping. As a district chief, I feel quite sad that such a thing happened in the area under my management. To a certain extent , there is also our responsibility for our inadequate management and supervision. Here, on behalf of our comrades in the Public Security Bureau, I would like to express my apologies to you. After this incident, we will definitely ask the public security system to carry out an ideological education campaign to find out The deficiencies and shortcomings that we still have in the process of serving the people should be made up for and corrected seriously. However, we also have to admit that most of our civilian police comrades have a good style and excellent quality. Under the circumstances, it is impossible for the country's economic construction to achieve such a huge achievement..." Que Weiliang quickly corrected his position as the district chief, and spoke out the official and clichés in his daily work in a broad and broad way.

Que Weiliang's attitude is very frank and sincere, which makes people feel that he is completely standing on a fair and reasonable standpoint, not sloppy, not shirking, has a heart for the people, and has a very honest governance philosophy.

Que Weiliang's words are perfectly normal in the official circle of the system. As long as the leadership reaches a certain level, they can basically say it easily and blurt it out.

A joke once happened in the officialdom of a certain city.One day, a college graduate reported to the municipal government office. In order to help the newcomer grow up quickly, the leader arranged for an old staff member to guide the new rookie. Through the help of mentoring, the newcomer can mature as soon as possible Adapt to the needs of the new job.Although this college student is very eloquent in school, he is still very innocent and innocent as a newcomer to society.

After getting acquainted with the old clerk for two days, the old clerk felt that the kid was not bad after eating a meal invited by the newcomer on the third day, so he planned to mention him.

"Young man, do you know what language you should know if you want to make a big progress in working in an institution within our system?" the old clerk asked.

The novice was a little puzzled. Before he came in, he hadn't heard of the language required to work in the agency.I am not in the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, so do I still need to master English?If English skills are needed, I can hardly do it myself, and I have passed CET-[-].

"Is it English? I can barely handle it." Trust tilted his head and thought for a while, then tentatively replied.

The old clerk smiled and said nothing, just shook his head to express his negation of the answer.

"English should be very common. If not, is it Japanese? We have a lot of Japanese-funded enterprises here, so it doesn't mean that we are required to master this skill?" Since English is not, then I trust it based on my own understanding Japanese.

However, the old clerk still shook his head and denied his answer.

"It's not English, and it's not Japanese. Could it be French and German? Recently, the city leaders seem to be leading a delegation to visit these two countries in Europe. Is there a need for cadres who understand French and German?" Seeing that the two answers were rejected, The newcomer was even more puzzled, but seeing the inscrutable look of the old staff member, he felt that this was not a joke, so after pondering for a while, he spoke two foreign languages ​​directly.

"Young man, if you guess like this, you will never guess. In the officialdom, if you want to get higher, you must master four languages. The more proficient you are, the brighter your future will be. If not , you can only serve the leaders at the bottom forever like me." The veteran clerk patted the newcomer's arm and said earnestly.It was as if he was imparting all the experience he had gained in the agency.

"Four languages?" Novices are surprised, why do they need to master four languages?How many people can there be?It seems that the mayor did not know four languages.

"Well, these four languages ​​are empty words, big words, clichés, and official Chinese. As long as you master these four languages ​​perfectly, it will be difficult for you to not develop in the future." The old clerk nodded seriously and said.

After hearing this answer, the novice was dumbfounded.

This sounds like a processed ironic joke, but to a certain extent, it also reflects the reality we are facing.

For Que Weiliang to become the district chief, he must have worked hard all the way through various trials and tribulations. Various meetings, work reports and reporting instructions were faced almost every day.After many years of immersion, the above-board official language is quite fluent, and can be blurted out without going through the brain.

Hearing Que Weiliang's righteous and upright words, how could Nie Hai, who is much more dull in comparison, be an opponent?He couldn't tell which sentence Que Weiliang said was true and which was false, so he could only nod his head to express his approval. He even felt in his heart that this mayor of Que District was actually a good cadre, but he was deceived by the subordinates at work. That's all.

"Major Que, since you have made such a statement, then I can't say anything more, you can uncuff their handcuffs now. As for how to deal with the people and things in your government, I believe you will make overall plans and make overall arrangements. "Since Nie Hai recognized Que Weiliang to a certain extent, he immediately became much more talkative.

"I will, I will." The corners of Que Weiliang's mouth turned up, revealing a smile that was hard for others to detect.

Chen Kangjie smiled wryly and shook his head, this Captain Nie is really dull enough.I saw that he was quite shrewd just now, but he became dizzy after being fooled by this fat man.Hey, it's no wonder he can only stay in the army. The army has relatively few twists and turns. If this guy is in the government officialdom, he will probably be sold by others and help count the money.

Chen Kangjie is not an official cadre, but he has dealt with various leading cadres a lot, and has a certain degree of immunity and discrimination against their words.

Don't look at the Qu District Chief's words so nicely, Chen Kangjie dares to conclude that 80.00% of what this guy said are probably lies, purely for Meng Nie Hai.The more impassioned and righteous the leading cadres speak, the more likely they are to talk empty words.People who don't know the truth may find it quite comfortable, but it would be too naive to expect it to be implemented.

Otherwise, our country would not have the old saying "listen to what one says and observe one's deeds".The ancients were so wise that smart people would not believe the words of these people. Only when actions are implemented will they be counted.

"Cai Mingzhi, you bastard, hurry up and take out your keys and uncuff these innocent people, you're really playing the piano." After speaking to Nie Hai, Que Weiliang yelled at Cai Mingzhi.

Mu Feng stood aside watching Que Weiliang's performance without saying a word.Mu Feng thought to himself, this Fatty Que's acting ability is really good, it seems that to achieve this position, the ability to fool is really not covered.But Mu Feng didn't intervene, he just watched coldly, observing how Chen Wen would respond.

"Major Que, we hope that you can help us open it yourself. Only in this way can you show your sincerity. Otherwise, why did we stay here for so long? We have gone back a long time ago, don't you think so?" Chen Kangjie Said a word calmly and calmly, interrupting Que Weiliang's embellishment.

You old boy, do you think you can get away with it just because of your perfect tongue?No way, Nie Hai can be fooled by you, can I, Chen Kangjie, let you fool me?

"Little comrade, I don't even have a key with me. Besides, I'm very unfamiliar with handcuffs, and I haven't touched them much. It's more suitable for them to open them for you." Que Weiliang smiled, He found an inappropriate excuse for himself and said.

"Major Que, are you kidding us or are you too mediocre? A big man, a leading cadre who claims to be smart and wise, but he can't even open a handcuff. If this is the case, then I don't understand How do you do your usual work? Being superior? Telling others? Do you believe that if you find a five-year-old child outside, he can do this. Are you worse than a five-year-old child?" Chen Kangjie sarcastically and humiliated road.

Chen Kangjie's purpose is very simple, that is to force Que Weiliang to bow his head.

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