The Secretary Wen mentioned by Chen Kangjie was Wen Shaoqiang, Secretary of the Capital Municipal Party Committee. He and Wen Shaoqiang had never met face-to-face, but the two still had a long history.

Wen Shaoqiang was only the mayor of the capital at the ministerial level two years ago. Usually, the mayor wants to go further. In many cases, he is transferred to other places to serve as the secretary of the provincial party committee.The secretary of the capital city party committee has a high position and authority, and non-politburo members cannot serve. This is a deputy state-level national leader.

For such a key position, it is not so difficult to come up on the spot.Historically, half of the mayors of the capital have stepped into higher-level careers through this platform, while the other half have sunk in this way and never made any major achievements.And among those comrades who took up higher leadership positions, half of them obtained promotion in a roundabout way, and only a few of them stepped directly into the ranks of national leaders by taking two steps in place.

Two years ago, Wen Shaoqiang was still trying his best to become the secretary of the provincial party committee of a certain province in the Central Plains. In his opinion, the best result would be to serve as the secretary of the provincial party committee for one term, and then move up to the Politburo.The competition for the position of party secretary in the capital city was too fierce, and he didn't have much confidence.

However, his plan was completely disrupted by an accident by Chen Kangjie. Of course, for Wen Shaoqiang, this accident made him satisfied and elated.The former secretary of the municipal party committee, Chen Kangjie, was overthrown by Chen Kangjie when he was about to expire, and was sentenced to 16 years in prison for corruption and bribery.The resignation of Secretary Chen not only cleared the biggest obstacle for Zhao Zhibang to succeed him, but also gave Wen Shaoqiang a golden opportunity.

Wen Shaoqiang quickly adjusted the direction of operation. After a lot of hard work, with the support of the background, he finally overcome all difficulties and succeeded smoothly. He didn't need to go to a certain province in the Central Plains to be the secretary of the provincial party committee for another term.

As one of the backup successors of a certain faction, it should be said that Wen Shaoqiang entered the Politburo sooner or later, but the effect of being able to climb in place is much better than other routes.The most direct point is that he saved the first four or five years of time.For ordinary people, four or five years is not a big deal, but for people in the officialdom where age is a treasure, four or five years is enough to rewrite their entire political life.In the officialdom, a one-year gap may become a high threshold that cannot be jumped, let alone four or five years.

If Wen Qiang really went through the experience and detours of the secretary of the provincial party committee in other places, the consequences would be a bit unpredictable.If he only survives one term, then his career peak will basically stop at the level of a member of the Politburo—jump to eastern Guangdong Province to serve as secretary for one term, then serve as vice premier for another term, and then he can retire.If you are affected by unforeseen factors and serve two terms directly in the position of secretary of a certain province in the Central Plains, then you can only settle for the next best thing and get a vice-level retirement: it is less likely for the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to serve as a vice-chairman or secretary-general big.

However, the sudden and excellent opportunity allowed him to omit the external transfer experience, and what lay before him was a vast expanse of ocean.He has already stepped into the deputy national level, and he still has more than ten years of political life, so he can completely seek a higher development space, and what is in front of him can completely compete for the throne of those giants on the altar.How could this not make Wen Shaoqiang rejoiced?

Que Weiliang said that he would report to the municipal party committee, and the municipal party committee would help them seek justice.This in itself was a probing and threatening cliché. If he really wanted to do that, why did he come to the Capital Airport Police Station in person?Just forward Nie Hai's phone information to the municipal party committee and Wen Shaoqiang. Why bother to show off by being thankless?

Que Weiliang thought that his calm and big talk would put pressure on Nie Hai and the others.If it really came to the point where the municipal party committee came forward, not to mention Nie Hai, a small regiment commander, even the commander of the capital garrison would have to be treated with caution.There is no other reason, because Wen Shaoqiang is a member of the Politburo, and the commander of the capital garrison is only a member of the Central Committee, both in terms of party status and administrative rank, they are all one level lower.

What Que Weiliang didn't expect was that the other party not only didn't lose his momentum because of this, and just accepted it when he saw it, but he seemed even more arrogant. He didn't worry about the pressure from the municipal party committee at all, and even moved out the secretary.I don't understand, what kind of support does the other party have, and how can they be so confident?Is it a bluff?Doesn't look like much, but if it's not a bluff?How do you understand that Chen Wen's young man is so swearing?

As the district chief at the departmental level, Que Weiliang thinks much more deeply than Cai Mingzhi, and he also has his own set of discernment and analysis methods.

First of all, Que Weiliang guessed that Chen Kangjie was a child of a central leader.But when he arrived at the scene, saw Chen Kangjie, and had a verbal confrontation, Que Weiliang overturned his conjecture.Among the leaders of the Central Committee, there was only one surnamed Chen, but after observation, Que Weiliang found that Chen Kangjie was nothing like that leader, and his accent was completely different.More importantly, he realized that if it was the family member of the central leader, it should not be the army, but a leader of the municipal party committee or a phone call from the Ministry of Public Security.

So could this Chen Wen be a senior officer in the garrison or a family member of a general from the Military Commission?Under Que Weiliang's careful identification, this Chen Wen, first of all, could not be a soldier, neither his behavior nor his speech skills could be that of a soldier. Since he is not a soldier, he cannot be a high-ranking officer.As for the family members of a certain general of the Military Commission, it is somewhat possible.But then this idea was rejected by him. On the one hand, none of the generals in the Military Commission had a surname of Chen, and there were one or two senior generals in the military region of other lieutenants surnamed Chen. The army, and the capital garrison will not oppose the capital municipal party committee and government for such selfish desires. After all, their training and life are on the border of the capital, and they will still give them three points of face.Otherwise, the city would cut off their water and electricity, and they couldn't bear it at all.

After all these possibilities were ruled out, not only did Que Weiliang fail to figure out who Chen Kangjie was, but he became even more confused and couldn't find the direction to recruit.

"Okay, since you are stubborn, I will ask the leaders of the municipal party committee to judge and uphold justice." The big words have been uttered, even if Que Weiliang doesn't want to really do that, he can only go down this road.

What's more, after his own careful analysis, Que Weiliang has concluded that Chen Kangjie is not a relative of some important person, so there is no need to taboo so much.Although there are still some soldiers here, which means that Chen Kangjie's relationship will not be that simple, but Que Weiliang believes that he should be able to handle it.Moreover, Que Weiliang also left a small space for him to play.

Chen Kangjie was talking about looking for Secretary Wen, and Que Weiliang was talking about looking for the leaders of the municipal party committee.From this point of view, what Que Weiliang was looking for was not Secretary Wen, but his background in the municipal party committee.Wen Qiang can occupy the key position of a district mayor in a capital city. In the city, it is impossible to have no backstage.

Que Weiliang's plan is to find his own backstage and suppress these lawless, unruly and round garrison soldiers, so that big things can be turned into small things, even if the other leaders of the municipal party committee know about it in the end, but It has been satisfactorily resolved, and no one will be too full to pull this matter apart and deal with it again.He believed that those city leaders would not foolishly offend people for no reason.

"Whatever." Chen Kangjie calmly responded to Que Weiliang with two simple words, not taking his words seriously at all.

Que Weiliang was a little hurt by Chen Kangjie's contempt. Why is this guy smelly and hard like a stone in a latrine.He has a deep sense of powerlessness, as if no matter what method he uses, others don't care at all.Like a fast boxer, every punch hits the air, without the slightest sense of accomplishment, but rather aggrieved.

No matter how weak and frustrated, Que Weiliang has no other way to go, and many things that should not be said have already been said.No matter who this confident kid is, he, Que Weiliang, can only bring out his backstage, otherwise, he can only lose face today.

Que Weiliang glanced at Chen Kangjie, turned around and walked outside. Nie Hai knew that the district chief was calling for help, but he didn't stop him, but just signaled his two subordinates to follow with his eyes.Anyway, he was following orders without fear?Moreover, it was not the leaders in the capital garrison who gave the order to mobilize them.

Seeing Que Weiliang walking out of the door, Chen Kangjie expressed some disgust, he is really a bureaucrat who only cares about himself.

"Secretary Mu, do you have the phone number of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee?" Chen Kangjie said calmly.

"Yes, yes...but in the office, I...didn't remember Secretary Wen's office phone number." Hearing that Chen Kangjie really wanted to find Wen Shaoqiang, Mu Feng was delighted at first, but then annoyed.

It is understandable that Mu Feng can't remember the phone number of the secretary of the municipal party committee. At his level, he hardly has the opportunity to report to the secretary of the municipal party committee. Throughout the year, there are also very few opportunities to meet Wen Shaoqiang.It seems that Mu Feng is working under Wen Shaoqiang's subordinates, but their communication is really pitiful.There is no way, the level difference between the two people is too big, the deputy national level and the deputy department level are separated by more than one mountain.

"It's okay, Brother Nie, I'll tell you a number, call it for me, and tell him that I can't support his work after Greece is gone." Chen Kangjie didn't know Wen Shaoqiang's phone number from Mu Feng. do not mind.He immediately thought of an alternative.

Nie Hai didn't ask any details. After listening to a mobile phone number given by Chen Kangjie, he went out to deliver the message for Chen Kangjie.

Nie Hai now understands that Chen Wen is not so easy to provoke, and so District Chief Que is not so good.That being the case, he had to take a good look at how this fight would end. Anyway, no matter what the result was, he believed that he could carry out the order well and ensure Chen Kangjie's safety.

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