"Que Weiliang, what do you mean, do you think I'm old and a yellow-faced woman, ah, you came back so late, I didn't tell you it's fine, you still give me face, you really think I'm a bully. Seeing Que Weiliang's attitude, Xue Fanhua, Que Weiliang's wife, felt that she had been underestimated, so she quit immediately and vented her aggressiveness.

Xue Fanhua is not unaware of Que Weiliang's subtle changes in the past year, but under Que Weiliang's courtship, he pretends not to know that's all. She also knows that women only become rich when they become bad, and men become bad when they are rich. Therefore, even if she thinks that Que Weiliang may have some misconduct outside, she will turn a blind eye to it. On the one hand, it is for her son's sake, and on the other hand, her self-knowledge also tells herself that the relationship has become stalemate. It's not good for her at all. Que Weiliang is now powerful and powerful. As long as she wants to, she can't find any kind of woman. Xue Fanhua is different. No matter how much she puts on her face in her forties, she can't hide her age Perishable traces, the years are like flying knives, knives make people old.

But now Que Weiliang's disappointed expression made Xue Fanhua misunderstand that she was being scorned, and the suspicion and unwillingness accumulated in her heart finally burst out.

Facing his wife's almost roaring questioning, Que Weiliang pretended not to hear, lying on the sofa peacefully, and continued to close his eyes.

It is impossible for Que Weiliang not to hear his wife's roar, but Que Weiliang is not interested in arguing with his wife now. In Que Weiliang's heart, there are more worrying things waiting to be thought about. Moreover, he has been busy until midnight, and he has not received many promises that he expected. Personally, he always spoke high-sounding words to him, but he didn't have a single substantive content, which shocked Que Weiliang deeply. Hey, it's really overwhelming. Now you still expect others to help you. It's a bit difficult for others. People don't read their own jokes. That's fine.

"Que Weiliang, get up, I want you to tell me clearly, what exactly do you mean, I can tell you, don't think you can dismiss me easily..." Que Weiliang's indifference made Xue Fanhua unbearable, and was furious Suddenly, he jumped up and grabbed Que Weiliang's arm and pulled him up.

Woman, when you get angry, there is really no reason for it. Xue Fanhua is not like this at ordinary times. From this, it can be seen that she still has a strong sense of crisis in her heart, otherwise she would not be able to respond to Que Weiliang's subtle stimulation. Underneath, it erupted like a tiger descending a mountain.

"Pa", a crisp sound came from Xue Fanhua's cheek.

When the furious Que Weiliang lowered his arm, Xue Fanhua's face suddenly showed a clear red five-fingerprint.

Que Weiliang is already upset enough now, Xue Fanhua not only doesn't understand, but also finds this time to get angry. Isn't this adding fuel to Que Weiliang's heart? What is it? , broke away from Xue Fanhua's arm, and slapped her across the face.

The pain on her face made Xue Fanhua unable to react for a while, and she was confused by the blow.

Since they got married, the two of them, like other families, have had disputes and quarrels, but this is the first time for this kind of hands-on behavior. Xue Fanhua was considered a beauty embryo when she was young, and she had many suitors. The honest Que Weiliang hugged the beauty back. The two had quarrels but they never escalated to the point of fighting. On the one hand, the couple still had feelings for each other, otherwise they would not have maintained it for so many years. On the other hand, Que Weiliang wanted to Considering his identity, he was worried that the out-of-hand quarrel would affect his reputation and hinder his career development.

But now that Que Weiliang, who was so angry and ashamed, couldn't care so much, his future was already in jeopardy, it was really intolerable for this stinky bitch to make trouble so unreasonably.

Xue Fanhua covered her hot face, her unwilling eyes seemed to burst into flames, but she didn't shed tears, but bit her lip stubbornly.

"You're never finished, ah, I can't just be quiet for a while, it's really not enough to make things worse..." After the beating, Que Weiliang didn't lose his temper because of this, he sat down on the sofa and cursed with a sullen face.

"You are heartless, you beat me up and the villain sued first, it's useless for me to follow you for so many years, I became arrogant when I had a mistress, and I moved on. Today...today, my old lady, I will fight with you... ..." Xue Fanhua finally woke up from the silence, and following her yelling and cursing, her body swiftly rushed towards Que Weiliang baring her teeth and claws.

There was a loud noise in the living room of Que Weiliang's house. If you didn't know it, you would think that the couple was having sex in the living room, but the passion was a little too big, and it was even crazier than young people. The couple hugged each other and rolled over. Go, as long as the objects touched by the two of them, they all clattered and fell to the ground.

After a while, with the sound of "boom", Xue Fanhua was kicked on the stomach by Que Weiliang, and his body backed up again and again, until he hit the door and shrank to sit on the ground, the whole body stopped.

"Are you fucking crazy or something? If you want to be crazy, go crazy outside, die outside and die. Don't be an eyesore in front of me. If it weren't for you, would it be my turn to go to this point? Do you want the whole family to die together to be happy? Ah, shit..." Que Weiliang spat bloody saliva, waved his hand, and cursed at Xue Fanhua viciously, ignoring the bloody scratches on his face.

When did Xue Fanhua suffer such a loss? In a rage, she got up with disheveled hair and wanted to rush to Que Weiliang to take revenge, but halfway through her run, her bare feet on the ground stopped, and she couldn't turn back. I was stunned by the smell.

"Wh... what... how far, why did you die together?" Xue Fanhua heard something strange from Que Weiliang's words, stared and asked stupidly.

No matter how angry you are, no matter how much you quarrel and quarrel, as the saying goes, a couple a day is a hundred days of kindness, a wife is worth the price of her husband, and the couple are grasshoppers on the same rope. They can't escape me or you, Xue Fanhua thinks The husband's words and demeanor were different, and he calmed down rationally in surprise. Others didn't know what her husband had done, but she, Xue Fanhua, knew it. Flowers are small things.

"Hmph..." Que Weiliang snorted dissatisfiedly, kicked off the loose leather shoes on his feet, and sat down on the sofa with a big horse.

Xue Fanhua came to Que Weiliang's side in small steps, wiped her messy hair, and sat down next to Que Weiliang, "Old Que, don't scare me, what happened, tell me quickly .”

Que Weiliang did not answer Xue Fanhua's question, but took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, took a deep breath, and then exhaled a puff of thick smoke. Que Weiliang's eyes looked at the scattered smoke in the air, dimmed After coming down, the previous self-confidence and arrogance have disappeared in his eyes at this moment, replaced by a kind of unwillingness and helpless fear.

"Old Que, what happened, tell me, don't be bored, you make me so scared..." Xue Fanhua shook Que Weiliang's shoulders, looking at him expectantly and fearfully.

"Are you afraid, what are you afraid of, weren't you aggressive just now?" Que Weiliang glared at his wife and said impatiently.

"This...it was just now, now is now, don't scare me casually, what happened, my son and I are still counting on you..." Xue Fanhua was speechless for a moment, and was about to explode, but when she thought of Undecided, he softened again and said in a flattering tone.

Que Weiliang slumped on the back of the comfortable sofa, exhaled another puff of smoke into the air, and then quietly said: "I'm about to fall."

"I'm going to fall" Que Weiliang almost choked out the four words from his throat, without any strength or warmth, as if he was sighing silently to himself.

"What, you're going to fall." Xue Fanhua turned pale with shock, all the dissatisfaction with Que Weiliang disappeared with the wind like the smoke he exhaled, and what was left was shock and fear.


Que Weiliang's prediction to himself came true very quickly, and he didn't make him wait too long. The next morning, when Chen Kangjie and the others were traveling around, Secretary Wen Shaoqiang in the Beijing Municipal Committee was very busy and summoned several city leaders in succession. Under Zeng Gaoguo's repeated pleas, he was interviewed again and talked for more than 20 minutes. Before getting off work in the morning, Mao Shaoping came to report to work again and chatted with Secretary Wen for almost an hour.

At 02:30 p.m., the Municipal Party Committee held a temporary meeting of the standing committee. At this meeting, Que Weiliang was removed from the post of district chief due to ineffective work, but he was not appointed to a new position. At this meeting, except for Que Weiliang who was In addition to his dismissal, Mu Feng was appointed as the mayor of Chaoyang District, and his position as Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee was also removed, but he was not mentioned as the director of the Public Security Bureau, which made Mu Feng one of the very few administrative leaders who concurrently served as the public security bureau. The special case of the bureau chief.

This special case made Mu Feng no longer the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, but because he also served as the director of the Public Security Bureau, the new Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee would become a decoration for a period of time, unable to exercise his powers. Although Zeng Gaoguo had not received any punishment , but the appointment of Mu Feng can be regarded as a beating and warning to him.

As a result, the political lives of Que Weiliang and Cai Mingzhi both came to an end. However, it can be seen from the subtleties that the punishment for the two of them has not ended. The key depends on whether the further investigation of the discipline inspection department will make progress. If they If they are all clean, then you can get a cold bench. If there is shit on your butt, then you can only get a career behind bars.

As for the most innocent one, it was that little tiger. Because of his bravery, he was finally arrested as the creator of the riots at the Capital Airport. However, he was also lucky. He got himself a "surrender" reward, and it was precisely because of this surrender that he only had to stay behind bars for two years.

This means that evil committed by heaven is still forgiven, but evil committed by oneself cannot be lived.

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