rebirth of change

Chapter 1515 Receiving a request for help

With the passing of campus life after school starts, the entire university campus appears more lively and lively in the silence.I say quiet because the University of Technology and Business is not located in the city center like the Normal University, surrounded by bustling business districts and residential areas.In contrast, the Industrial and Commercial University, which is adjacent to the Botanical Garden, is much quieter, and there are relatively fewer vehicles on the campus.

But even in such a quiet environment in the suburbs, the entire campus has already shown its vitality, especially after school, every aspect of the entire campus is full of vitality and bustling.

Since the start of school, almost all the auditoriums, multi-functional lecture halls, and art activity rooms of the school are full of art lovers who are busy rehearsing programs. There are many small groups who cannot find a suitable venue, so they can only put their rehearsals The auditorium or the vacated cafeteria space.In the school's multiple basketball courts and badminton courts, the competition in full swing will make the cheers of the cheerleaders on the sidelines louder and louder.Even the chess game played simultaneously in the five classrooms was not so quiet, and cheers came from time to time.

As for the school's main roads and teaching buildings, libraries, laboratory buildings, office buildings, gymnasiums, gymnasiums, small squares in the center of the campus, lotus ponds and other places, more students are setting up banners to celebrate the National Day , red flags, ribbons and other items.It seems that the whole campus is going to be dressed up all at once.

Not all of these active figures are Chinese, and many international students are also actively participating.As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, since they have come to study and live in this eastern country, they naturally have to integrate into it.Fortunately, these foreigners have relatively strong adaptability. They are not as shy as the usual Chinese, and they are very enthusiastic about participating in social activities.Although our National Day has no direct relationship with them, it is also a very good way to deepen our understanding of this country through this kind of participation.

All in all, recently, the self-study classrooms of the school and several study rooms in the library seem much deserted than before.

It was rare for Chen Kangjie not to go to the office that day. He was alone in the dormitory using his laptop to surf the Internet and opened the campus bbs when a message caught his attention.

Although the school equipped each dormitory with a computer, Chen Kangjie still took a newly-produced 14.1-inch notebook from coy for his own convenience.The memory is only 512, and the hard disk is only [-]g. Compared with the notebook a few years later, it looks very inferior, but at present, it is already a notebook that is at the forefront of the market.

Since three years ago, coy has devoted himself to the research of his own notebook computer, and free semiconductor company has also started the development of notebook-specific cpu at the same time.At that time, the CPUs of desktop computers were all produced using a 0.8-micron manufacturing process. In order to increase the production process to 0.35 microns and reduce the voltage to 3.3v, Free Semiconductor invested billions of research and development funds. Until the beginning of this year, Free Semiconductor moved The version of the Mercedes-Benz xx-1 processor was successfully put into mass production, a few months later than intel's pii/celeron and amd's mobile k6-2. I have to admit that the technology accumulation of these large companies with decades of history, It is not realistic for Free to completely overtake them in a short period of time, and it is not bad to be able to take a share of their mouths now.Chen Kangjie is rich, so he can invest a lot of money in research and development funds. However, some technological breakthroughs cannot be accomplished with money. There is an objective cycle and accumulation.What's more, from a company's point of view, ensuring profit and loss is also a basic requirement. Chen Kangjie can't just invest money in it without any output, which is against the law of the market.

The advent of Mercedes-Benz xx-1 can at least ensure the domestic market's demand for cpu in notebook computers, and they believe that they will soon be able to enter the international market by virtue of their price advantage.

The price advantage of free semiconductor company is not simply derived from the low domestic labor cost.In terms of research and development, due to the large number of high-end talents introduced, especially foreign talents and high-tech personnel with overseas study background, Chen Kangjie's subordinate companies, including Free Semiconductor, offer international-level salaries.While the salaries of engineers in other similar domestic companies are still calculated in thousands of RMB, these companies under Chen Kangjie have already paid in US dollars according to the standards of the United States and Europe.Therefore, in companies such as coy companies or free semiconductor companies, as long as they have obtained the qualifications of engineers, it is completely normal to get a salary of tens of thousands of yuan. If they get the qualifications of chief engineers or scientists, their annual salary will be at least 50 US dollars. The salary is not lower than that of foreign counterparts.

To attract first-class talents, we must give first-class treatment. In today's economic socialization, it is difficult to compete with foreign high-end counterparts by relying solely on so-called patriotism. Otherwise, tens of thousands of our students go to study abroad every year. Less than [-]% of international students will not come back, especially those high-level talents who have obtained doctoral degrees abroad, and very few come back.It's not that they are not patriotic, but they come back and think that their value will be devalued. The treatment is one thing, and the environment in which they work is another.

Among the major technology companies under Chen Kangjie, both the working environment and salary are first-class, not inferior to their foreign counterparts.It is precisely because of this that these companies not only can introduce a large number of outstanding talents from abroad every year.The best group of people who graduated from various top colleges and universities in China are basically included in them.In the high-tech city, it is quite normal to see a few graduate students from Shuimu University or Capital University walking together.This was completely unimaginable in the past. It is unlikely that these people would work in such a province deep in the interior after graduation.

The reason why Chen Kangjie's subordinate enterprises have a cost advantage is also because they have subsidies.A long time ago, Chen Kangjie asked Bob to buy a large number of stocks in many high-tech companies that would later become brilliant. With the continuous appreciation of these companies, Chen Kangjie naturally also made a lot of money from them. Dividends are included as a subsidy, which makes the cost of his domestic enterprises lower than that of foreign counterparts.Even if the same profit margin is maintained, there are still considerable advantages.

Moreover, since it has the status of major shareholder of many companies, it is also easy to grasp the research and development direction and progress of those companies.Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles.

When Chen Kangjie came to the dormitory with this laptop, the three roommates didn't raise much eyebrows.Although it is still a rare and extravagant thing for laptops to enter the campus, they are all used to Chen Kangjie's style of "not short of money", so it is not surprising.Chen Kangjie never showed off his wealthy side on campus, but after a long time, Chen Junping never heard Chen Kangjie mention the slightest embarrassment in terms of living expenses, and gradually got used to it.

The message he saw was sent by a person named "l love long", which meant to call on everyone to call on long, an alumnus, to show up during the National Day and celebrate the birthday of the motherland with everyone.

The corner of Chen Kangjie's mouth twitched, didn't I participate?Not only participated, but also led a part of the work.

What's more, even if Chen Kangjie had the heart to relieve the lovesickness of fans, he didn't have the time.During the National Day, a grand military parade will be held in the capital, and Chen Kangjie is one of the invited guests.

Before rebirth, for this National Day military parade, he not only watched the live broadcast on TV, but also watched the video recording twice.Just receiving the invitation, he still couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.After all, there is a huge difference between watching it on TV and being there in person.For this caring request, Chen Kangjie accepted it wholeheartedly, so he would not stay in the school during the National Day.

Pulling the mouse down, I found that there are quite a few people who are interested in this initiative. In one day, there were more than [-] responses, all of which expressed their approval.It's just that many people lament that they can't find long.

For everyone's enthusiasm and love, Chen Kangjie is inevitably warm in his heart, but he can only disappoint these alumni.

Even though he wouldn't show up, in order not to make a fuss, Chen Kangjie took out his mobile phone and called the principal Guan Mengyu. Anyway, there was no one in the dormitory, so it was not surprising that he called the principal directly.

Guan Mengyu received a call from Chen Kangjie, and after hearing his report, he thought that Chen Kangjie was asking to delete this post, so he agreed on the spot.He knew that Chen Kangjie was going to the capital during the National Day, that's why his name didn't appear in the celebration organized by the school. Some people's proposals that the school invite him to come forward were also rejected by Guan Mengyu and deleted.

"Posts don't need to be deleted, but the information department should pay attention to control them. If the school deletes such posts, I'm afraid it won't do any good. As long as the scope is controlled, it will cool down after a long time." Chen Kangjie was very happy. Know your appeal and know how to deal with public relations in this area.

Just after hanging up the phone, the landline phone in the dormitory rang.

He took down his notebook, got up from the bed, walked over to pick up the phone: "Hi, hello."

"Hello...I want to find Chen Wen." It was a soft female voice who called, but it seemed that she was not very familiar with Chen Kangjie, and she didn't recognize his voice, and she herself seemed a little shy.

The other party did not recognize Chen Kangjie's voice, but Chen Kangjie knew who the caller was.

"Hehe, it's Tao Mi. Hello, I'm Chen Wen. This is the first time I've received a call from you. What's the matter?" Chen Kangjie seemed very enthusiastic in his heartiness.

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