rebirth of change

Chapter 1517 Visiting Clients

"Tao Mi, don't be so polite, it's a team for the time being. I've said it just now, if you need me, just ask, I have nothing to say, I will follow your orders and summons. As for what you said Method, to be honest, if I don't understand the situation now, it is impossible to have any panacea." Chen Kangjie said without any hypocrisy, seeking truth from facts.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie had no good solution, Tao Mi felt a little bit disappointed.But she has nothing to say about Chen Kangjie's good attitude. Chen Kangjie has obeyed all orders and summons, so what else can I say?If you have an opinion, you can only swallow it yourself.

"Oh, hehe, I also know that the question was asked abruptly, so don't mind. Now, Chen Wen, we are going to a glasses company tomorrow. Do you have time? If you have time, I would like to ask you to press the ground. After all You are the first vice-chairman of the student union, if you come forward, you will appear to be of a higher class than us, and you will also appear to value others, and the effect may be much better." Tao Mi hid her disappointment very well, and said happily.

"Which glasses company are you going to go to tomorrow?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Tomorrow is Friday, there will be no classes at school, and our appointment is at two o'clock in the afternoon, do you have any other arrangements |?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon..." Chen Kangjie murmured silently. Chen Kangjie really has plans tomorrow afternoon. Ye Tangsen will come to Chen Kangjie at [-]:[-] in the afternoon to report on the work of China Future Metallurgical Group.This was scheduled a week in advance.

Chen Kangjie is a punctual person, usually he will not change the scheduled time at will.Moreover, the content of Ye Tangsen's report this time is also quite critical. In addition to being related to the current rare earth market, there is also the matter of the relocation of the headquarters of the China Future Metallurgical Group.

However, this was the first time Tao Mi asked him for help, and he couldn't say anything if he refused.As for changing the time, it is not very possible. Now they are asking for help, and weekends are when the glasses company’s business is relatively good. If the boss is willing to take the time to meet with him, it is already a great deal of face. It is impolite to ask them to readjust the time. , is also out of date.

Tao Mi sensed Chen Kangjie's hesitation, and said hesitantly: "If you don't have time... forget it, it will be the same next time."

"Oh, no, no, no, no problem, I have time, I will wait for you at the school gate at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow." Gritting his teeth, Chen Kangjie still agreed.Ye Tangsen's work report will be put in next week.

From the perspective of economic interests, Chen Kangjie's adjustment is very uneconomical.He postponed it for a week, and the loss to China Future Metallurgical Group may be several million yuan, or more.And he went to the glasses company, and he didn't know how much he could get.If there are only a few thousand yuan, then the comparison loss will be too great.

Of course, for Chen Kangjie, the account can never be settled like this.If it is purely economic benefits, Chen Kangjie can do business all day long, and the benefits will be much greater.

"Then I thank you first, we will see you tomorrow." Chen Kangjie's change of words brought Tao Mi a touch of happiness.

At [-]:[-] noon the next day, after lunch, Chen Kangjie went to the dormitory to change clothes casually, then went downstairs and walked towards the main entrance of the school.

When there were more than ten meters away from the gate, Chen Kangjie saw Tao Mi's figure from a distance. There were two people beside her, a man and a woman. The girl was Tang Yan, the deputy director of the External Relations Department. do not know who.

"Sorry, I'm late and kept you waiting." Walking up to him, Chen Kangjie greeted with a smile.

"Chen...Chairman, it's not too late for you to come. It's still a minute and a half away from the agreed time." Tao Mi wanted to call "Chen Wen" the same as last night, but thought that there were still people around him. There were two of them, she groaned for a while and gave them out according to the common name.Tao Mi, who kept looking at his watch, knew that Chen Kangjie was not late.

Chen Kangjie smiled, and did not correct Tao Mi's address: "Have you been here for a long time? Well, who is this? I haven't seen it before, can you introduce it to me?" Chen Kangjie asked the boy he had never met before. .

"No, we just arrived. Chairman Chen, this is Gu Xueqin from our external relations department. He is the one who contacted the company we are going to meet today. Gu Xueqin, this is Chen Wen, the first vice chairman of our student union." Tao Mi in the middle introduced Chen Kangjie and Gu Xueqin to each other.

"Hello!" Chen Kangjie took the initiative to extend his right hand to Gu Xueqin. Gu Xueqin was taken aback by Chen Kangjie's actions, and then he stretched out his hand and shook Chen Kangjie lukewarmly.

After saying hello, the four of them walked to the bus station.The main store of the glasses company called Bowen is located on the busiest Zhonghua Road in the center of the main city.On the way to the bus station, Gu Xueqin briefly introduced the company.Bowen Optical Company can be said to be the largest optical chain store in Zhucheng. They have 12 stores in the city, each with an area of ​​more than 150 square meters and more than [-] employees...

Now Chen Kangjie has fewer and fewer opportunities to take the bus, but he is still very adaptable. After all, he took the bus almost every day in his previous life.It is impossible for him to be special when following these classmates to go out to run errands. They are lucky, and there happens to be a car about to leave when they walk to the station.The buses on Friday are not so crowded, and they are the starting point here, and almost everyone on the bus has a seat.

After half an hour of shaking, at 55:[-], a group of four people finally came to the head office of Bowen Optical Company without being late.

The main store of Bowen Glasses Company is located on Zhonghua Road. Next door is a department store run by Malays. In the prime location where every inch of land is expensive, there are not low-grade specialty stores everywhere.

Before entering the door, two clerks in black uniforms stood at the door and greeted him warmly.When I heard that Chen Kangjie and the others didn't want glasses, but made an appointment with their boss for something, the clerk was not enthusiastic.Still smiling, he led Chen Kangjie and the others to a sitting area with two rows of sofas to sit down.After presenting each of them with a glass of water, they left to notify their boss.

After taking a sip from the water glass, Chen Kangjie looked at the store with great interest.When they entered the door, they saw four customers inside. The store seemed to be no less than [-] square meters in size. One-third of the store was made of a simple hollow partition, connected by a huge moon gate in the middle.One side is decorated in Western style and the other side is decorated in Chinese style.The windows were bright and clean under the soft light, and there were seven or eight salespersons standing beside a dozen counters, each of whom was wearing a uniform uniform, looking at Chen Kangjie and their faces with the same warm smiles as the salespersons who greeted them.Opposite Chen Kangjie and them are two glass rooms, one is a mirror room and the other is an optometry room. Four staff members in white coats are busy inside.

From the environment, Chen Kangjie has a preliminary judgment on this store.This company is fairly professional, and the service is good. In the service industry, these two labels are the foundation. If the professionalism is poor and the service is not good, it is unrealistic to develop and grow.He changed his mind and thought again, to be able to develop an optical shop into a chain company, which in itself requires a uniform set of service standards. If the other stores are the same as the main store, then the boss is still very capable.

When Chen Kangjie was making a preliminary judgment on this company, the waiter who poured water for them came out from the right hand side of the big moon gate.

"Sorry, Mr. Zheng is meeting with a more important guest, you have to wait a little longer." The clerk came to the front and said politely.

"It's okay, Mr. Zheng's work is important, it doesn't matter if we wait a while." Chen Kangjie waved his hand gracefully and said.Although this company was contacted by Gu Xueqin, he had the highest position in the student union among the four people, so he spoke up very consciously.

I don't know how long Chen Kangjie hasn't waited for anyone like this.However, he is neither a big boss nor a big star, but an ordinary college student, and he has to wait.

This kind of work of waiting for someone was commonplace when Chen Kangjie was a salesman before his rebirth. He had to wait eight times out of ten times when he went to visit customers.He still understands how to behave in the world. If someone asks you to wait, you can't show displeasure, otherwise, things will be difficult.

After filling up Chen Kangjie's water glasses, the waiter went back to his work.

Since he had to wait, Chen Kangjie didn't plan to sit still.He stood up on his own, and visited the store at close range like a customer.

Along the way, Chen Kangjie chatted with the shop assistants from time to time.

Regarding Chen Kangjie's deeds, Tao Mi didn't say anything, but Tang Yan and Gu Xueqin were somewhat contemptuous and disgusted.When you wait for someone, you should wait for them honestly, wandering around in other people's stores, and disturbing the salesperson from time to time, what's the matter?You don't seem to be polite at all, and you don't deserve glasses, and you still pretend to be garlic. It's a bit embarrassing!They all looked at Chen Kangjie from behind with a hint of disdain.It's just that this is in someone else's shop, and he is the immediate boss, so it's hard for the two of them to talk about it.

Chen Kangjie won't really look boring, he wants to use this place as an exhibition hall.Without affecting his normal business, he wanted to know more about this company.Since you want to get money from others, if you don't know how to do it, it's best to help them a little bit.Otherwise, wouldn't it be childish to let people take money out of empty teeth?

In the past, when Chen Kangjie was working as a salesperson, he would take some time to understand the customers he was going to visit.Only in this way can it be easier to chat with people and gain more favors when meeting them.Every businessman, as long as he is not a liar, likes to cooperate with people who understand himself. This is the experience that Chen Kangjie has summed up over the years.

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