rebirth of change

Chapter 1526 Don't let go of every gap

The cooperation with Bowen Company went smoothly. On the fourth day after Chen Kangjie participated in the negotiation, Tao Mi and the others got the initial activity fee of 10 yuan from Mr. Zheng.

When Zuo Weisheng learned that the External Relations Department had negotiated such a large amount of sponsorship, he was excited but also a little disappointed.He originally wanted to use this to damage Chen Kangjie's prestige in the student union, but with the dust of this big sponsorship settled, his plan could only come to nothing.I had to forcefully smile and greatly praise the External Relations Department and Chen Kangjie.

Not to mention anything else now, the several departments that Chen Kangjie is in charge of have already shown their heart to submit to him. Under the spread of Tao Mi and others, the students in the external relations department, the sports department, the health department and other departments all know about it. Chen Kangjie is a very capable person, but he doesn't show it easily.Not only that, in order to cooperate with the Outreach Department to implement the cooperation plan, Ding Xiaoyang's dormitory management department is under the command of the Outreach Department to a certain extent.In addition, Zuo Weisheng, the chairman of the student union, also needs to assist the external relations department to actively communicate with the student unions of other schools, and strive to implement this cooperation plan.

Zuo Weisheng really didn't want to show up. It wasn't that he didn't want to help the outreach department, but mainly because he didn't want to get credit for Chen Kangjie.However, Mr. Zheng of Bowen Company has already said that if this cooperation is successful, this plan will continue to be carried out every year in the future. The implication is that there will be 25 yuan in funding next year.In the face of temptation and pressure from below, Zuo Weisheng can only stand up and put the overall situation first.

After the Bowen company was settled, Tao Mi took some time to gather all the cadres of the external relations department, and asked Chen Kangjie to give training to everyone. How to get more sponsorship funds from the company?Chen Kangjie reluctantly participated, but modestly, he changed the training into a seminar.In the past, there would definitely be many people in the external relations department who resisted the arrangement of this event, but now, in the face of the absolute achievements, those officials of the external relations department can't help but admire it.

Although they communicated in an equal manner, Chen Kangjie subtly instilled in them a kind of thinking during the conversation, that is, to create value for the company as much as possible to attract sponsorship.Because they are students of the Industrial and Commercial University, most of the majors that the students learn are related to economics and management, which is a great advantage.At present, domestic small and medium-sized enterprises are very short of intelligence. If everyone can combine the theoretical knowledge they have learned with the actual operation of the enterprise, put forward some constructive development suggestions for the enterprise or help solve some practical problems in the development, it will be Make a win-win situation.Personal ability has been tested and exercised in practice, which broadens personal horizons and thinking and at the same time can win much larger sponsorship for the student union than simple donations. On the other hand, enterprises can also gain part of the benefits and grow with our intellectual support .

This is the experience that Chen Kangjie summed up after personally participating in a practice of seeking sponsorship. He thinks it must be better than merely promoting the meaning and value of unpaid sponsorship.Because the morality of our small and medium-sized entrepreneurs has not yet reached the height we think.Big companies do have a certain budget in this area, but everyone can't just focus on those big companies, it's unrealistic.

After achieving success from Bowen Company, Chen Kangjie and Tao Mi went out again. This time they visited the Zhucheng branch of Master Kong. Coincidentally, it was the company Chen Kangjie first invested in.

For this visit, Chen Kangjie did not notify anyone in the company, and went there completely as a stranger.If Liu Kai knew that Jie Shao was going to the branch to beg for alms, he would definitely come to receive him in person, and it must be Chen Kangjie's asking price.The boss wants money, so how can a subordinate of him have anything to say?Even if Chen Kangjie didn't open his mouth, he would give millions of dollars. No matter how you say it, he should actively support the boss's work, right?

Before they came to Master Kong's Zhucheng branch, the company gave Normal University a sum of 1 yuan in sponsorship.Who told them to live next to each other? It only takes about ten minutes to walk from the gate of the normal university to the office building of the company.

However, when the cadres of the external relations department contacted him, the branch's external propaganda department did not refuse because of this.After a brief meeting, they only agreed to help solve the sponsorship amount of [-] yuan.

The budget in this regard, Zhucheng Branch has 3 yuan per year.The Normal University took 2 in advance, and the remaining [-] was distributed to so many universities. The purpose was to promote the sales of the company's products on campus by building a good relationship with the student unions of each school.Whether it is instant noodles or various beverages, university campuses are a market with great potential.Since so many universities have to share [-] yuan, it would be nice to be able to give Tao Mi and the others [-] yuan.

It's just that Chen Kangjie is Chen Kangjie. As the boss, he knows this company very well.After receiving two thousand and five first, he proposed a plan for cooperation in exchange for funds.The solution is to analyze the promotional policies they should adopt and the attack strategies against competitors by making comprehensive statistics on [-] small stores in Zhucheng retail terminals.

In previous reports, Chen Kangjie had never seen this aspect.Master Kong has its own marketing department, but their research directions are all strategic directions, and the research on terminals has not yet penetrated into small alleys and small shops.Don't underestimate these small shops located in various alleys and surrounding communities. They may not have a large sales volume in a single store, and they are very weak compared with supermarkets.But the advantage lies in the huge quantity. A store sells five boxes of instant noodles and five bottles of drinks every day, which adds up to a very scary number.What's more, there are definitely more than a thousand stores like Zhucheng. It is just to find out some general laws through the statistics of these thousand stores, so as to formulate reasonable policies.

Chen Kangjie's suggestion was very interesting to the head of the International Propaganda Department, but he couldn't make up his mind and reported it to the branch manager.Chen Kangjie, the branch manager, didn't know him either. It was very difficult for such low-level cadres to see Liu Kai, and it was also very difficult for Liu Kai to see Chen Kangjie now.This is doomed that they will not have much intersection.

Fortunately, this branch manager is not a bureaucrat, but is very competent and capable. After discussing with Chen Kangjie for an hour, he agreed with admiration for him, and agreed to allocate 10% of the marketing expenses. Ten thousand yuan, entrust the Student Union of Technology and Business University to complete this plan.

From the beginning to the end, Tao Mi and his classmates enjoyed Chen Kangjie's performance as spectators and learners.Coming out of Master Kong's Zhucheng branch, all the smiling people looked at Chen Kangjie with little stars in their eyes, as if he had the ability to turn stones into gold.

If it is said that he won 10 yuan of funding through his sharp tongue and wisdom, the cadres of the external relations department are very impressed, then they are even more dumbfounded at the small amount of funds he needs to complete this work.

In their view, to get 10 yuan, at least 2000 to 500 yuan must be invested to complete the plan assigned by others, but Chen Kangjie only arranged [-] yuan.This is still out of the consideration of taking care of the poor students in the school, otherwise, if you have to rely on the market price, [-] yuan is enough.

Chen Kangjie's arrangement is very simple. He designed a form and listed all the information items that need to be known into the form.Then find ten students from less well-to-do families who are participating in the school’s work-study program, and give them 200 yuan each. The requirement is to complete a 50-point questionnaire in the divided area according to the content of the form, which is equivalent to two yuan per questionnaire. .The difficulty is very small, as long as you just scan two or three streets, it's just that the content to fill in is trivial, even so, it can be completed in an afternoon.If it is not for taking care of the students in the school, [-] yuan can find someone who can complete the task.

After the [-] forms are completed, find a few students from the School of Mathematics and Statistics in the student union to conduct statistics and analysis on the data, and Chen Kangjie himself can write a proposal based on the results of the statistics and analysis.

Of course, after Chen Kangjie said it, everyone thought it was very easy, but before he said it, everyone felt that he had no clue and it was difficult.A typical example is that when the external relations department completed the tasks delivered by Bowen Company, problems occurred.

When Chen Kangjie returned to school in the evening, Tao Mi called to find him.The reason was that they couldn't finish it. Even if Zuo Weisheng and her represented the student union, the budget would be as high as 13 yuan.

"If it costs 13 yuan, then we will get less than half of what we get. Didn't you say last time that 5 yuan is enough? Chairman Zuo asked us to come to you." On the bench downstairs in Chen Kangjie's dormitory, Tao Mi brought Tang Yan and Gu Xueqin to complain to Chen Kangjie.

"Why do you want so much money?" Chen Kangjie asked calmly with doubts.

"The main reason is that their asking price is too high. The student union of the normal university asks for [-], and the medical school asks for [-]. The Chinese medicine school is considered low. They say they can't do it without [-]. As for Qianzhou University, He didn't ask for a price directly, and just talked about our request." Gu Xueqin helped explain.

It stands to reason that Gu Xueqin should be complacent and gloat over such a result, after all, he once doubted its feasibility.However, after Chen Kangjie helped get another 10 yuan from Master Kong's Zhucheng branch, he had nothing to say to Chen Kangjie.

"Then what are your thoughts?" Under the soft light, Chen Kangjie was still smiling.He has a way in his mind, but he won't say it all at once.

"We don't have a good solution now. Minister Tao and I went to a few schools this weekend, and they still didn't let go. That's why Chairman Zuo asked you to come. Besides, we don't have 13 to give them now. All the money I got back was basically given to the Arts Department and the Sports Department, I asked about it today, and there is only more than 1 yuan left." Tang Yan said in confusion.Of course she was not willing to give away so much money, but according to her understanding, there was no good way, but when facing Chen Kangjie, she was full of certain expectations.

Chen Kangjie smiled lightly.This Zuo Weisheng, he really doesn't have a good temper and style, he just wants to see his own jokes at such an opportunity, and he doesn't let go of even a small gap.You have divided the money first, so how do you let yourself complete it?

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