rebirth of change

Chapter 1533 is related to Foster

If Chinese people who observe carefully in front of the TV are careful, they will notice an imperceptible detail in this live broadcast.Just when the crowd marched to the second phalanx, Zhao Zhibang's secretary appeared behind him, said a few words in a low voice, his expression froze for two seconds, and then the TV screen changed direction. For 3 minutes, there was no picture of the center of the tower on the TV.

The reason for this is that after Chen Kangjie left the viewing stand, he couldn't leave. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the National Day Ceremony, the vehicles behind the main building were not allowed to move while it was in progress. walk back?

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to leave the field in a rude manner.It was mainly because Goodman, one of the three investigators he commissioned before, sent an important message. If this news works well, it can be of great help to the Bandazi incident.The reason why he wants to leave now is because Goodman's next family has to pay at this time, otherwise, the information he wants can only be destroyed in an hour and a half.

As a last resort, Chen Kangjie wanted to leave at this moment in a hurry.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie is using his real face now. The guards in the parking lot know him, and more importantly, he knows Zhao Zhibang's secretary, Secretary Qin.So he could only respond to his request through Secretary Qin. At such an important moment, maybe the head of the office would not be able to do anything. He had to find the most core people.

If someone else made such an untimely request at this time, it would definitely not be approved, and not only would it not be approved, but it would also attract criticism.It's just that Chen Kangjie has a special status after all, especially when Wei Zhonghua heard Zhao Zhibang whisper that Chen Kangjie left because of Bandaqi's affairs, he pondered for a while, and then gave a task to the office director standing behind him, asking him to arrange a small car Send Chen Kangjie away quietly.

On the day of the National Day, the traffic in the capital was very smooth, there were few vehicles on the road, and most of the people who were on holiday were watching the grand military parade in front of the TV.In just half an hour, Chen Kangjie arrived at the top floor of Mengting Hotel unimpeded.The car arranged by the office has the most special pass, which allows you to drive around without worrying about traffic lights. In addition, I heard that Chen Kangjie is in a hurry, so the professional driver with rich experience and excellent skills showed his housekeeping skills.

"Jie Shao, look at this." As soon as Chen Kangjie stepped out of the elevator, Xiong Ziqiang who was waiting at the elevator entrance handed him a piece of paper, which was an encrypted fax.

There is only one simple sentence on this piece of paper: "Find out what's new about the Foster incident."

The so-called Foster incident refers to the fact that after the outbreak of the Whitewater case, the inspection unit launched an investigation, and the person involved, Wins Foster, committed suicide.Due to the sensitive timing, whether Foster's death was suicide or homicide remains controversial.The white water case originated from a land development project called white water in which the kld couple participated.The case involved illegal activities such as tax evasion and benefit transfer. During the initial investigation process, the person involved, Wins Foster, committed suicide again, which led the Ministry of Justice to intervene in the investigation.In the end, the investigation of the Whitewater case found no evidence of the Kld couple's violations of the law, but it led to a series of extra-judicial cases, resulting in the conviction of 15 people, including the Kld couple's business partner McDougall, lawyer colleague Webster Harper, and his governorship Then Lieutenant Governor Jim Tucker.

In KLD's political career, there have been constant scandals, and of course the most influential one is the Jessica Leslie incident.But to say that the most lethal, it should be the Foster incident, after all, it belongs to the category of homicide.Other scandal investigators have not found direct evidence, and even if direct evidence is found, it is difficult to hit it with a single blow, such as the Hubblegate incident, the Golfgate incident, etc., which are nothing more than a certain degree of opacity or abuse of funds It's nothing more than state equipment. As lawyers, the kld couple can handle it calmly.The Foster incident is different. It not only involves a large amount of money, but also involves a human life.

In the original history, this incident was classified as suicide.But Chen Kangjie didn't believe it was suicide. It should be said that many people didn't believe that Foster committed suicide, but they couldn't find any evidence.In the Baishui incident, Foster was just an intermediary. Even if the incident happened, he would not be charged with such serious crimes. At most, he would be imprisoned for a few years. Why did he commit suicide?Moreover, both McDougal and Jim Tucker have been implicated, can the KLD couple stay out of the matter completely cleanly?You can really imagine it with your thumb.

It's just that KLD is the president who holds power and has a lot of autonomy and freedom in the investigation.There was once a Yale University historian who boldly guessed that Foster must have died at the hands of KLD, but the person who implemented it was from CIA, with superb techniques and a special background, the police could not investigate deeply, and the Department of Justice Maybe not willing to investigate deeply.In the end, this matter was left alone, and it was nothing more than a sea of ​​grievances.

Chen Kangjie accidentally saw this text from a secret revealing magazine in 2010 before his rebirth.So after receiving Hassan Roddy's request for help, Chen Kangjie asked the three investigation companies he commissioned in the United States to continue digging and searching for secrets about KLD, and, in this, he focused on the Foster incident.In order to get the bargaining chip, Chen Kangjie increased the remuneration to [-] million US dollars.He believes that there must be a brave man under the reward, and under the temptation of huge money, these people who are already supernatural will definitely do their best.It's just that he wasn't sure if they could find the useful information he needed in such a short time.Now that the fax was received, Chen Kangjie felt an uncontrollable excitement.

Great people also have weaknesses, but their weaknesses are buried deeper, and it depends on whether they have the ability to dig them out.

"Have you contacted Goodman?" Chen Kangjie glanced at him, folded the fax paper and put it in his jacket purse, and asked Xiong Ziqiang as he walked forward.

"I contacted the transfer phone, and he told me that this matter must be done by two o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise the lead will be lost. That's why I had to find you."

The so-called transfer call means that the caller is in China, but there is a relay in the United States, so the phone number shows the United States.The reason why it is so complicated is to hope that they mistakenly think that Chen Kangjie is just a representative of the Republican Party, and it is also a kind of protection for themselves.

Chen Kangjie raised his hand and looked at his watch. The time is now 55:5, and there is one hour and five minutes left.

Xiong Ziqiang helped Chen Kangjie open the door of his office, and the two walked in one after another.

"You use the number of another connection point to dial, and I'll talk to him." Chen Kangjie sat down in front of a pile of instruments, took a cigarette from Xiong Ziqiang, lit it, took two puffs silently, and then told Xiong Ziqiang After thinking for a while, he added: "Turn on the voice recognition system, I want to make sure that the person answering the phone is Goodman."

After a while, after completing all operations, Xiong Ziqiang handed a phone to Chen Kangjie. On a computer in front of him, there was a straight line stretched horizontally in the middle of the screen.

Three seconds later, the call was connected.

"Hello, this is G Advertising Company, what can I do for you?" When the straight line on the computer screen was beating violently, a middle-aged female voice came from the phone.

Looking at the beating straight line, Chen Kangjie felt a little nervous.Because of the beating of the straight line, it means that it was not Goodman who answered the phone.

"Let me ask about a commercial I ordered, is it ready?" Chen Kangjie didn't keep the other party waiting, and said on the phone.

"Sorry, you may have made a mistake. Our company is about to close down, and we have no business for two months." The female voice said.

"Then I may have made a mistake. I thought the fax notification received was from you guys. Sorry..."

"If you received the fax, then you did not make a mistake, hehe." The female voice suddenly changed into a male voice, and the straight line on the computer no longer fluctuated.

"Hehehe, Mr. Goodman, I don't see that you still have such abilities."

"I don't have any skills, I just use a voice changer. There is no way, the situation is very special now, and I am worried that someone who will cause trouble will find me. Sir, is the money ready?" Goodman said in a thick voice .

"No problem, I've prepared it long ago. But I need to know first what kind of information I need to pay 2000 million US dollars immediately. 2000 million is not a small amount." Chen Kangjie is not a fool, he has to distinguish first .

"Sir, it's definitely worth the money, and I'm sure it's what you want. However, what you have to pay before two o'clock is not $2000 million, but $2000 million. The $2000 million is for the next family. Remuneration, the other [-] million dollars is for me. We will leave the United States when we get the money, and I will not come back within a year." Goodman said confidently.

"2000 million U.S. dollars? Does that mean I should pay in advance?" Chen Kangjie was a little puzzled.

"That's right, it is necessary to pay in advance. I have to do it as a last resort. If we can't get the money to leave today and find a hidden corner to hide, I'm afraid we will all die tomorrow." Goodman replied.

Chen Kangjie hesitated a little.2000 million US dollars is not a huge amount, but if you paid the money but didn't get what you wanted, wouldn't you be cheated?It's a trivial matter to cheat money, but the key point is that it's an insult to his IQ. Could it be that he really asked someone to go around to dig Goodman out?This matter is easy and easy to say, but it is also as difficult as climbing the sky.The world is so big, and these people have means and methods. If they really want to find a place to hide, they may not be able to find it for a lifetime.

"You have to disclose some information, otherwise it will be hard for me to believe that it is worth the money." No matter how eager Chen Kangjie is, he must be steady.

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