rebirth of change

Chapter 1552 1 Promise to Cash

"We all support Mr. Lu, old man, you are really not kind, you don't even say anything about poaching someone's corner, it's bad, it's bad, haha." Mark Fan joked.

The group returned to the door of the private room chatting and laughing, and happened to meet the two top leaders in the city standing up and pretending to leave. The two may feel that so many people have thrown them down to pick up others, and they are a bit ugly. This shows that the two of them are not as good as the person who is going to pick them up in the eyes of others. Whether it is out of self-knowledge, to vent a little dissatisfaction, or to show their own sensibility, the two of them should not continue to stay brazen. sat down.

"Hey, Secretary Shao, Mayor An, these two are here." Tang Sen, who was in charge of guiding the way, pushed open the door, and was a little surprised to see the two leaders who had left their seats.

The private room they sat in was the hotel's Huangshan Hall, which was the largest and most luxurious, enough for twenty people to sit.

"Boss, thank you for your hospitality. We are the ones who should be blessed. We have already expressed our blessings. We drank what we should drink and eat what we should eat. There is an important meeting of the municipal committee in the afternoon. We are planning to go down and say goodbye to you today. You have a lot of guests here, so if we stay here, not only won’t be of much help, but it will be a bit of a delay, haha.” The secretary Shao who spoke was tall, probably about one meter long, and his hair was not as loose as other officials’, and it was thick and biased. It makes him elegant and stylish.

Secretary Shao spoke in a very gentle tone, without any trace of displeasure, and always had a smile on his face. However, when he was talking to Tang Sen, he glanced behind Tang Sen several times, and his curiosity still made him I really want to know what kind of person this group of people went to greet in person.

Just a few minutes ago, after a bodyguard of Ouyang Zhenhua came in and whispered something in his ear, this rich Hong Kong businessman who everyone didn't quite know how rich he was, stood up swiftly, and just said After saying "Pick up Shao Jie", the others stood up and went out in a file. They just greeted the two of them casually, which was something neither Secretary Shao nor Mayor An had encountered in the past.

What caught Secretary Shao's eyes was a young man, quite young, but wearing this hat, a pair of glasses, and a small beard on his upper lip. He didn't look special. Why are so many people respecting him so much? Well, this group of big entrepreneurs who would be treated as VIPs wherever they went surrounded him in a daze.

"Yes, sir, as a public family, we can't help ourselves, hehe, we sincerely hope that in the future, we will visit our hometown more often when we have free time. Hometown water." Mayor An held Tang Sen's hand affectionately, and his narrow eyes actually glanced at Chen Kangjie from time to time.

"Hehe, I must, I must, thank you two parents very much. For such a wedding of mine, I made you two come here in person. I am very grateful. I will definitely thank you when I have the opportunity in the future. I am a little neglected today. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tang Sen returned to his stance of a strong business man, speaking very politely without being rude, but he didn't show any intention of staying.

Tang Sen could imagine that if these two parents were kept here, they would not be able to let go of chatting, especially with Chen Kangjie present, so he had already decided not to do anything to keep them without asking for instructions. On the contrary, He felt that the two parents and officials were very winking and could make room for them in a relaxed environment.

"Secretary Shao, Mayor An, both of you have jobs, so I won't keep you. As the leaders of millions of citizens, you must forget to eat and sleep. Recently, many places have organized delegations to Hong Kong to attract business. If you have a plan, you can come to me. If you are too busy, you may not be able to help, but you can still do some assistance." Ouyang Zhenhua took two steps forward and stood proudly in front of the two leaders, neither humble nor overbearing, and said humbly.

Ouyang Zhenhua's words can be said to have set the tone for the departure of Secretary Shao and Mayor An, but he also gave something in return. After the return of Hong Kong, as a door for the motherland to open up and connect with the world, Hong Kong It has made an important contribution to the country's economic construction. In the past two years, with the convenience of exchanges between the two places, various provinces and cities have tried their best to go to Hong Kong for investment promotion activities.

There are many reasons why so many places come to Hong Kong to attract investment. Some officials from all over the world want to use their power to visit Hong Kong and have fun. Some countries have higher and higher requirements for economic tasks. In addition, our differential treatment of domestic and foreign capital should be an important factor. Although economics talks about national treatment, national treatment is not common in our domestic economic units. Individuals in the economy are also divided into three classes. Basically, foreign capital comes first, state-owned capital comes second, and private capital can only be at the bottom. Hong Kong’s capital is classified as foreign capital. It can be said that as long as the investment is overseas Capital, then it will be regarded as a big project, and preferential policies in various aspects will emerge in endlessly, and there will be no bottom line release. The local government will fully escort these projects. good.

Chen Kangjie is a very typical example. Almost all of his investments are in the form of Hong Kong capital or foreign capital. Although he has the advantages of geographical location and harmonious people, many people in Qianzhou will buy it. However, if he It is the emergence of domestic capital, and the policy obstacles will actually be much greater, and the efficiency of handling affairs will also be greatly affected. At present, an important indicator for local governments to inspect the economy is the amount of foreign investment, which is even more important than the amount of imported funds. , just like earning foreign exchange through export, has a high gold content.

It is not very easy to analyze and study whether it is considered that the use of foreign capital is a major victory or our inferiority complex has caused this situation.

In addition, everyone likes to go to Hong Kong to attract investment, which is also related to the large stock of funds here. At present, the mainland is still in a state of lack of funds from top to bottom, and Hong Kong, as the financial heart of Asia, is a It is a small but well-developed economy with abundant funds. Quite a few organizations from all over the world who want to enter the mainland economically use Hong Kong as a springboard. Coupled with the same species and the convenience of coordination after the reunification, they come here to attract investment It is much easier than going directly to Europe and the United States to attract investment.

Although it is relatively easy to attract investment here, the size of the results of each investment invitation also has a lot to do with the preparation work and support received by the local governments. Some provinces organize a delegation of hundreds of people to Hong Kong once, and the real money they get back is nothing more than More than one billion, some can be as high as tens of billions. The gap is very huge. We should not believe the so-called agreement amount. Most of this illusory agreement amount is a fig leaf used by local governments to cover their faces. Most of them will not be honored. To put it bluntly, it is to find some people to play the oboe, tell a lie to deceive the superiors, and fool the common people. Therefore, if you see that place announces that a certain place has signed an agreement Hundreds of billions or even trillions, don't believe it, the actual funds in place are the real money, and that is the truth.

Under normal circumstances, when the mainland government attracts investment in Hong Kong, it is assisted by the Trade Development Bureau and the Mainland Affairs Bureau. Although they have a certain effect, the real work still has to be done by the local governments themselves. , The Trade Development Bureau is responsible for too many promotions, publicity, exhibitions and other activities every year. It is impossible for them to do work for a certain government. Therefore, if the government that goes to attract investment can get the support of some financial groups, the effect will be great. will be much better.

A large financial group will have a strong influence in a certain field or a certain group, and they will often look at issues more objectively and accurately from the perspective of the market economy. As long as they are willing to help, they can help from their own group. Find and introduce many people for business matching. Only when the investment promotion plans and projects provided by the mainland government are accurately delivered to those real target customers can they exert their value and achieve really good results. What's more, if a large consortium After looking at a certain place, his appeal itself will drive a group of people to follow up.

Therefore, it can be said that whether a place can obtain a predetermined effect in attracting investment in Hong Kong has a very important relationship with whether the place has extensive contacts in Hong Kong.

As a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, Ouyang Zhenhua has great influence in Hong Kong's economic circles. His statement on the spot is undoubtedly a big gift to Secretary Shao and Mayor An. If they go, they only need to bring the project It wasn't too far-fetched, Ouyang Zhenhua was able to introduce them to many powerful businessmen and large companies, and the effect was of course twice the result with half the effort. Not to mention anything else, Sir Li and Zheng Yutong would both express interest in the projects he was looking at.

"President Ouyang, you are polite, you are polite, hehe, we are preparing a batch of projects at the end of the year and want to attract investment. Oh, with the help of President Ouyang, I believe we will achieve fruitful results. Thank you. On behalf of the Jiangdu Municipal Committee The government and the millions of people in Jiangdu first express their gratitude and respect to President Ouyang for his selfless help." Ouyang Zhenhua's statement really made Secretary Shao very happy and swept away the haze in his heart.

"Yes, if President Ouyang is willing to come forward, it will be a great help. We are really afraid that no one will pay attention to the project we brought. Thank you, thank you, Mr. Ouyang, we still say the same thing, and you are very welcome to lead us at your convenience." Some entrepreneurs from Hong Kong came to Jiangdu for a visit. We will do our best to cooperate. Of course, we also warmly welcome the general manager and all entrepreneurs to visit us and learn more about them. We have many good projects with great potential. "Mayor An's excitement and impatience are greater than that of Secretary Shao. After all, the mayor is the first person responsible for economic development.

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