rebirth of change

Chapter 1563 One Person's Waiting

In the next few days, the four people in Chen Kangjie's dormitory sneaked into the woods behind the tennis court after school, hoping to ambush the three bad boys.

But for three days in a row, nothing was found. Apart from seeing two couples sneaking inside to make out, nothing was seen. Instead, the four of them were aroused by the two couples.The sad thing is that you can't make a sound to affect people, otherwise they will become bad boys.

"This is not the way to go. It's too uncomfortable. We are almost catching up with the training of snipers by nesting in the woods for several hours every day." Chen Wenjie was the most interested, but he was also the first to be unable to bear it.

"It's really a waste of human resources. Let's divide it into two groups, two groups. Everyone takes turns. One group goes to ambush, and the other group stays in the dormitory. If there is any situation, call for support." Chen Kangjie said in a statement. After being bored in the forest for three days, I also felt aggrieved, so I came up with such a way.

"I agree."

"I also agree." Chen Kangjie's method was approved by his brothers.

After Chen Kangjie's arrangement, Chen Jundong was in a team with Chen Wenjie, and Chen Kangjie was in a team with Ge Zihao.This division is to further deepen the emotional relationship between Chen Jundong and Chen Wenjie. On the other hand, Ge Zihao is relatively weaker, with Chen Kangjie following, the safety factor is higher.

In order to facilitate contact, Chen Wenjie even bought a mobile phone.Otherwise, they found that there was no way to notify Chen Kangjie and Ge Zihao of the situation.

"Jie Shao, why don't we just let us stick to it instead? You go into the woods for a few hours after school, and Yi Shao already has a lot of work waiting for you. We are better at this kind of rough work." At noon, when Chen Kangjie entered the dormitory building, he was summoned by Dong Mingshu from the duty room.

"I know that you are good at it, and I know that you are professional, but this is our business, and you don't need to intervene, understand?" Chen Kangjie rejected Dong Mingshu's kindness. "I believe we can make it happen. As for other things, I will focus on dealing with them after a few weekends."

Seeing Chen Kangjie striding upstairs, Pang Hui shook his head and walked to Dong Mingshu's side, "How? I say no. Master Jie won't listen to you. When did you see that he changed things at will?"

"I'm doing this for his own good. How can he suffer that kind of suffering for such a trivial matter? Didn't you see that there were big mosquito bites on his arms and neck?" Dong Mingshu said dejectedly.

"I'm not blind, why can't I see it? It's just that it's a matter decided by their little brothers. If Master Jie doesn't let go, we can't help. I advise you not to interfere, we will just watch from the outside Be careful, otherwise Master Jie will be unhappy. You should believe in Master Jie's strength, the two of us together are no match for him alone." Pang Hui still knows Chen Kangjie very well.

Indeed, Chen Kangjie did not intend to fake this matter.They want to use their own power to find Chen Jundong back. If Chen Kangjie uses his own personal power, it seems that this matter will change a bit.Young people always have their own persistence and persistence.

But it was as if God wanted to oppose Chen Kang's masterpiece.For the next four days, Chen Kangjie and his two groups worked hard to monitor, but still found nothing, and they didn't see the shadow of those three people at all.

"Could it be that my guess is wrong?" Chen Kangjie who was lying on the bed doubted himself for the first time.

Could it be that those three people were just a temporary prank?If that is the case, it will be really troublesome, and maybe it will never be found.After wandering around in his mind, Chen Kangjie also thought of other correction methods, which was to find a way to call out the videos taken by several surveillance cameras around the school tennis court. The three people most likely appeared in the surveillance cameras. Just do this kind of screening once, you can further narrow the scope, and even directly find out what those three people look like.

However, the only way to do this is to ask Pang Hui and the others to help, and they can get the video of those monitors.However, Chen Kangjie just said a few days ago that they don't need to intervene, and he believes that he can make it happen.Just asking them for help like this, although they would definitely not refuse as subordinates, Chen Kangjie still felt somewhat ashamed.

In the past few days, Chen Wenjie's enthusiasm has become weaker and weaker. They can't see Shuguang's actions, which makes them feel a little bit lost emotionally.Although they didn't say it clearly, it could be seen that they had doubts about Chen Kangjie's idea.

"Hey, wait another day. If you get nothing, then lose face. Losing face in front of Pang Hui and the others is better than losing face in front of roommates." Finally, Chen Kangjie made up his mind.


"Chen Wen, wait for me." As soon as Chen Kangjie and Ge Zihao arrived at the edge of the tennis court, Ge Zihao bowed his waist, frowned and said to Chen Kangjie in discomfort.

"What's wrong?" Chen Kangjie asked concerned.

"Diarrhea, stomach discomfort, wait for me to make it easier." After speaking, Ge Zihao rushed towards the nearest toilet in a panic.

Chen Kangjie had no choice but to find a chair to sit down and wait for him.After 15 minutes, Ge Zihao came back with a look of exhaustion.

"How is it? I think you are not in good spirits, and your face is a little pale. Did you eat something wrong? Or, let me take you to the infirmary first?" Chen Kangjie supported Ge Zihao by his side sit down.

"It's okay, I'm much better now, I don't need to go to the infirmary, I believe I'll be fine after a few minutes of rest." Ge Zihao said with a grin, half of his butt resting on the chair.

As soon as Ge Zihao finished speaking, he rushed out a series of farts.Chen Kangjie was so scared that he quickly jumped away.

"Okay, don't be brave, go back to the dormitory to rest, and take some medicine if you can't." Chen Kangjie said while pinching his nose and winking.

"Chen Wen, I can do it." Ge Zihao stood up and wanted to approach Chen Kangjie, but he pushed him away without hesitation.

"You can be a fart, go back quickly. I'm afraid that if you pull your pants down in the woods, like you, let alone you may not find anyone, even if they come, you will be rushed away by your farts, you go back quickly Well, I can do it by myself today. If you insist on going, I will be fainted by the time, and you have to be responsible for carrying me out, neither of us can afford it." Chen Kangjie said firmly, holding back a smile.

Under Chen Kangjie's firm request, Ge Zihao could only drag his weak body back to the dormitory, leaving the task to Chen Kangjie alone.

Chen Kangjie bypassed the tennis court where there were many students, and went into the woods from a gentle slope without a road.Because the school is located on the forest belt around the city and is closely adjacent to the botanical garden, the vegetation in and around the campus is relatively dense.These green and dense forests bring not only fresh air to the university, but also beautiful scenery and romantic atmosphere.

The school's tennis court is built on a platform, not far below is the school's stadium, next to it is a cafeteria and six or seven apartment buildings.Behind it, there is a hill, which is actually not too small, its appearance is almost equivalent to four football fields.In the campus, there are four or five similar hills, but the difference is that there are pavilions, trails and lighting systems built on the four or five hills.Whether it is day or night, there will be many students wandering in it, reading and studying, chatting and relaxing, or talking about love, it is a good place.It is also because the four or five hills are completely in the campus, there are more students, and there are lighting and landscape systems at night, so they are relatively safe. I have never heard of any unpleasant things happening in those places.Even if there is, it's not a big deal, it's mostly a dispute between classmates.

But the unnamed hill behind the tennis court, because of its denser vegetation, is closely connected with the mountains in the forest belt behind the city, like a hand of the majestic mountains protruding into the campus.Moreover, the range of the school and the range of the national forest land are only separated by a two-meter-high wall, so from the outside, this mountain is part of the big mountain behind.Therefore, the school did not develop this hill, and the number of students who came here became correspondingly scarce.

There was no road in the forest, and it was not yet completely dark. Chen Kangjie used the dim light leaking from the gaps in the leaves to push through the dense branches and walk in.There was silence all around, save for the crunching of dead branches and leaves under his feet.It was also Chen Kangjie who had the guts. If other people wanted to sneak in alone, the quiet and gloomy environment would be a lot of pressure.

Today Chen Kangjie did not go to the place where the sky ambush. In the past, they came to ambush around the place where Chen Jundong was attacked. However, Chen Jundong and Duan Yiqing were only more than ten meters away from the forest, and the place where they ambush was only 21 meters away from the edge of the forest. look.

After repeatedly finding nothing, Chen Kangjie decided to change places and go deep into the forest.He speculated that he hadn't gained anything so many times before, maybe it was because he didn't hide enough and was noticed by others.So he wants to find a new place, a place where no one has been to, and expand the scope, which should be rewarding.

Chen Kangjie observed the surrounding environment in the forest all the way, groped all the way in, and walked for several minutes, and he was almost at the side of the partition wall before he stopped.After confirming that there were no traces of human beings trampled around for a long time, he pushed aside an old bracken and hid himself in it. If he didn't get close to him, he couldn't see him.

The weather has been fine these few days, and the fallen leaves of these coniferous forest belts are soft and dry and comfortable to lie on. Chen Kangjie plans to stick to it and wait for the rabbit.

Hey, if he knew Ge Zihao was going to be in trouble and came alone, he might as well ask them to get a night vision goggle, that way he can see farther and it will be more convenient to observe.It's just that they have already come, so Chen Kangjie can only sigh.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie's eyes were bright enough and his ears were sharp enough. He believed that as long as there was any noise within ten meters, even if it was slight, he would be able to detect it.

After straightening his collar, Chen Kangjie took out a piece of bread and ate it when he looked up at the sky where there was almost no light above his head.

It's just getting dark now, and those who want to do evil should not show up so early.After replenishing some energy, Chen Kangjie lay motionless on the ground to rest.This feeling really meant being a special scout, Chen Kangjie thought to himself, wondering if he would gain anything after making such a big sacrifice.

As the sky grew darker, it was almost impossible to see your fingers in the woods.Waiting alone is very dull and boring. As time goes by, Chen Kangjie believes what Xiong Ziqiang and the others said. They were not afraid of climbing mountains, rivers, seas of fire, or long distances during training. What does it feel like to be afraid of reconnaissance training where you can't move for ten hours?That kind of boring and lonely is the most tormenting, after a long time, it can even make you hallucinate.Other workouts tire the body, but this one, it tires the mind.

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