"You look like a dog in your clothes, I didn't expect it to be... tsk tsk tsk!" It was Tuo Peixi who responded to Tao Yongxiang.

As soon as Tao Yongxiang appeared, Tuo Peixi hated the look in his eyes, coupled with his rude words to Chen Kangjie, this was even annoyed Tuo Peixi.She doesn't care about those people's sophistication and shame, and she will directly say it if she doesn't like it.Although Tuo Peixi didn't clearly say what Tao Yongxiang is, the more he is like this, the more lethal it is, giving people a lot of room for imagination.In this special context, coupled with her three consecutive contemptuous exclamations of "tsk tsk tsk", no one knows that the unspoken part is definitely bad content, as long as it is inserted and associated with bad aspects, it will be Yes.

"You...how did you talk to you?" Tao Yongxiang pointed at Tuo Peixi with angry eyes, his expression ugly.

No one will look good when they encounter such sarcasm.

"President Tao, don't take offense, don't take offense, hehe, girls are straightforward and don't have so many twists and turns." Chen Kangjie stood up and smoothed things over with a smile, "President Tao, the time we met last time was too short, look, when did we meet?" Time for us to talk again?"

"What is there to talk to you..." Said a sentence without thinking, and Tao Yongxiang felt a little regretful. Thinking of what Yu Xiaohua said earlier, he turned around and asked him softly, "Wait, Lao Yu, you said they were reporters just now?"

Yu Xiaohua blamed himself for being unable to hold his breath. People didn't know it, but his worry was shaken out, which was tantamount to setting himself on fire.

Chen Kangjie did not let Yu Xiaohua continue to be in trouble, but generously helped Yu Xiaohua out, "Mr. Tao, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce my work last time. I am a news reporter from the national TV station. This time I came to Yunzi The county made a special trip to interview."

"Are you here for an interview? What are you interviewing? Why doesn't the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee know about it?" Tao Yongxiang asked continuously, frowning.

Under normal circumstances, when the news media above come down, they will contact the local propaganda department, and after informing the propaganda department of their tasks, the local propaganda department will assist and arrange.After the final news interview is over, before the news is broadcast or published, a notification or review is usually given to the local propaganda department.In most cases, the news media will respect the opinions of local propaganda departments, and only in a few cases will they not accept their opinions.

Of course, if you go to a local area for an unannounced interview, you will be less likely to contact the local propaganda department.This is not an unannounced visit if you have to contact them. The local propaganda department will prevent the reporters who come down to interview from the perspective of safeguarding local interests and not completely get the news content they want.What's more, at least nine out of ten unannounced visits were aimed at negative news.

Although Tao Yongxiang is not the leader of the county, nor does he work in the propaganda department of the county party committee.But he has acquaintances in the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, and if Chen Kangjie's interview is related to the upgrading and renovation of twenty primary and secondary schools, he will be notified in the procedure.Tao Yongxiang asked such unlevel questions just because he didn't know anything.

"Mr. Tao, you should know that we don't greet the propaganda department every time we come down for interviews. In special cases, we can do things cheaply and flexibly." Chen Kangjie explained.

Since he wanted to pretend to be a reporter, of course Chen Kangjie had to understand the inside ways.In addition, the number of times he has dealt with reporters is not once or twice, and he has some experience.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, hello reporter Chen, look, you came to such a remote county like ours for an interview, and you actually have dinner in this kind of place, it is really neglected." The identity of "journalist" played a deterrent effect. Tao Yongxiang changed his previous domineering style and suddenly became very humble and polite.

"Mr. Tao, why don't you leave?" At this time, a gentleman in his thirties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a black briefcase under the creaking nest, came to Tao Yongxiang's side, slightly displeased. asked.

"Reporter Chen, excuse me, I'll leave." Tao Yongxiang first greeted Chen Kangjie politely with a flattering smile, and then pulled the man who came forward, "Secretary Fu, where is the boss?"

"The boss is already waiting in the parking lot." Secretary Fu looked at Chen Kangjie, and said angrily to Tao Yongxiang, who didn't respect him so much, "I haven't seen you after staring for almost 2 minutes, I'm a little unhappy. "

"Let's go, let's go, then let's go there quickly." After speaking, Tao Yongxiang didn't care whether Secretary Fu's face was good-looking or not, and walked away by himself.

As the saying goes, the prime minister is a seventh-rank official. Although Secretary Fu himself has no rank, the object he serves is two ranks higher than Tao Yongxiang, so he will show his face to Tao Yongxiang.Under normal circumstances, as long as they are in Yunzi County, the heads of those county-level departments will flatter Secretary Fu, and there are not many people who need Secretary Fu to grovel, at most those few important county party committee members County government leaders.For other people, even if they are the director of a Bureau, Secretary Fu considers them to be on an equal footing. If the Bureau has less real power, Secretary Fu even feels that he is a head above him.

Tao Yongxiang is usually very kind to Secretary Fu, and sometimes he will flatter him.However, this time he ignored Secretary Fu's emotions. On the one hand, Chen Kangjie's sudden appearance as a national TV reporter made him a little flustered. There is only a small difference between the objects that the secretary serves, and he has entered the state a little earlier psychologically.

After Tao Yongxiang and Secretary Fu left one after the other, Chen Kangjie sat down again, still relaxed and without pressure.And Tao Yaoming and Yu Xiaohua could never recover the state of freedom just now.

"Reporter Chen, have you interviewed Mr. Tao before?" Tao Yaoming and Yu Xiaohua cautiously sat down next to each other, and Yu Xiaohua asked tentatively.

"That's not an interview, it's just a test. You don't have to worry too much, nothing big will happen." Chen Kangjie comforted after saying something casually.

Although Chen Kangjie couldn't say anything big, how could Tao Yaoming and Yu Xiaohua put their hearts back in their stomachs because of his light comfort.What they worry about now is Tao Yongxiang's retaliation.

"By the way, Mr. Tao, Mr. Yu, who is that Secretary Fu? He looks quite dignified." Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"I really didn't pay much attention to this. I haven't dealt with him before, Lao Yu, do you know?" Tao Yaoming scratched his head and said.

"It seems to be the secretary of the new Secretary Ma of the county party committee. I have not dealt with it directly. I heard from a friend that Secretary Ma's secretary is named Fu." Yu Xiaohua guessed.

Yu Xiaohua guessed right, Secretary Fu is the secretary of the new county party secretary Ma Wangcaixuan.Since the time is not very long, the people I know are limited to the heads of the government. If the people want to know him, it takes a certain time and process.

When Chen Kangjie and the others were chatting about Secretary Ma and Secretary Fu, Tao Yongxiang walked over accompanied by a middle-aged man with a pot belly, and Secretary Fu followed behind a few meters away.

The middle-aged man seemed to be only 1.7 meters tall, but his weight was at least [-] to [-] kilograms according to visual inspection. The black coat could hardly cover his protruding belly.

When Chen Kangjie and the others were about to eat, Tao Yongxiang sped up a little and walked a little in front of the middle-aged man.

"Secretary Ma, this is Reporter Chen, from the national TV station. This time, he came to interview us specially." Tao Yongxiang stretched out a hand to Chen Kangjie, and introduced that leader, "Reporter Chen, this is Secretary Ma of our Yunzi County Party Committee."

Just say Secretary Ma of the county party committee, that is the top leader, otherwise, he would not be called that in front of several others, and only the secretary of the county party committee can truly represent the county party committee.

"Hello, Reporter Chen, hello, welcome. The national television station has unparalleled influence in our country. On behalf of the county party committee and county government, I would like to extend my sincere welcome to you." When facing Chen Kangjie's status as a reporter from the national TV station, he was actually very respectful.

In fact, in the face of the huge influence and communication power of the national television station, let alone a small county party secretary, even the city party secretary, he had to be polite.Everyone knows that journalists are uncrowned kings. Writing some good news for you is a great political achievement. Even if the actual benefits are not so good, after the deep processing of the reporter's pen and camera, it will bloom brilliantly.But if there is some negative news for you, even if you are conscientious and self-denying, in the end your political achievements may be ruthlessly obliterated because of an inconspicuous incident.The reason is simple, your good side is invisible to the leaders above, but your bad side is openly displayed in front of the people of the whole country.

"Secretary Ma, hello, we also need this for work." Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand to reach out to Secretary Ma, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

As for the image of Secretary Ma, Chen Kangjie looked down on him a bit, not to mention that he was with Tao Yongxiang, so Chen Kangjie's senses were not very good.It's just that as the saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face with your hand. They are so polite, even if Chen Kangjie is pretending, he has to play around.

"Little Tao, this is..." Secretary Ma pointed to Tuo Peixi and asked Tao Yongxiang.

"Well, this...is also a reporter from the national TV station..." Tao Yongxiang has never dealt with Tuo Peixi, and he doesn't know his name. He just saw him sitting with Chen Kangjie, so his words were ambiguous.

"These are reporters Tuo, we are together." Chen Kangjie introduced in a timely manner.

"Oh, reporter Tuo, hello, hello, reporter Tuo should be the host on the national TV station, he is really young and beautiful." Secretary Ma offered his hand to Tuo Peixi graciously.

If Secretary Ma didn't say the latter, then Tuo Peixi might give him a good face, but when he said that, he looked stupid, and Tuo Peixi felt uncomfortable.

"I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be, I'm just an ordinary little reporter." Tuo Peixi said lightly, without shaking hands with Secretary Ma, which made this county's first brother a little bit embarrassed.

"Secretary Ma, Xiao Tuo and I have just arrived at the unit, and we are still training in some aspects, hehe." Chen Kangjie didn't criticize Tuo Peixi for being unkind, but passed it on in a vague sentence.

"Oh, it's really hard and simple to come to such a remote place for interviews just after entering the unit. Young people, there are not many who can do this now. Your spirit is very admirable." Secretary Ma said with all his heart. Pick a good one and say, "Reporter Chen, Reporter Tuo, we in Yunzi County very much welcome the central media to come to us for interviews and inspections. We will provide all the assistance we can for your work. Xiao Fu, you will do it immediately when you get back. Let the County Party Committee Office and the Propaganda Department do a good job in the logistics support of Reporter Chen and Reporter Tuo no matter what. We will provide whatever they need. We must let the two reporters stay in our Yunzi County happily and work easily and happily .” Secretary Ma got the government involved so quickly.

If Chen Kangjie and Tuo Peixi are real reporters, then this is a good opportunity to make a fortune.Not to mention how much money you get, at least it must be good food, drink and entertainment. When you leave, you will take a bunch of so-called special products in large and small bags.Not to mention the reporters of the national TV station, even the media in the province are doing this in various places. The purpose is to buy in disguise and at the same time supervise in disguise.

Chen Kangjie had already chatted with Tang Yaoming, Yu Xiaohua and Zhao Shengli, and had information on the Bai brothers. Since he had the opportunity to directly contact the government, Chen Kangjie didn't mind, anyway, he would not be bribed.

The first release of this book is from Novel.com, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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