rebirth of change

Chapter 1601 Interview with Secretary Ma

"Is this the beginning?" Secretary Ma didn't react for a while, as if the surprise came too fast.

"Hehe, isn't Secretary Ma not ready? If that's the case, we can set another time. We want to get the material quickly, and then send it back to the TV station for editing. It's the end of the year now, and the news everywhere Intensive, the competition will be fierce." Chen Kangjie said politely.

Chen Kangjie didn't really want to reschedule, he didn't have that much time to waste.He said that deliberately because he was sure that Secretary Ma would not reschedule. From Secretary Ma's surprise, it could be seen that he cared about this opportunity very much and would not let it be missed.What's more, Chen Kangjie also used the aggressive method, so Secretary Ma would not delay it.

Most of the good things are that there is no store after this village. If the date is changed, then any accident may happen.

"No, no, no. I don't need to make any special preparations. It should be said that I am always prepared." Secretary Ma rubbed his hands and stood up, "It's just, is my outfit suitable? Do I need to modify it? ?Of course, it’s not for me, I’m worried about affecting the broadcasting effect of the TV station.”

Tuo Peixi was almost amused by Secretary Ma's thick skin.With your obese figure, no matter how you modify it, it will affect the broadcasting effect.The pig has become a fairy, that is, Bajie, who can't get rid of the pig's head.

"Of course you don't need to. This outfit is very energetic, with a neat suit and a dignified temperament. I believe it will have a profound impact on the people of the whole country." Does not show their emotions.

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment. If that's the case, then let's start. We will do whatever you think is suitable." Secretary Ma said with a reserved smile.

It is common for Secretary Ma to be praised by his subordinates, and he himself knows that most of those compliments are false and just flattery.However, Chen Kangjie was not his subordinate, so Secretary Ma benefited from his outsider's praise, and felt that he hadn't enjoyed such a good experience for a long time.

According to relevant regulations, the upper limit of the office area that the principals of county-level organs are entitled to use is [-] square meters.But in today's flood of enjoyment, it is almost difficult to find a county that implements this standard.Even the offices of many county-level leaders in Tiangao Emperoryuan are larger and more luxurious than those of ministerial-level officials.

In Yunzi County, Secretary Ma is a veritable prince, and no one can supervise or restrain him at all.So how could he only use the small office area of ​​[-] square meters.There is even an interesting phenomenon in our country, that is, the poorer the place, the more luxurious the office buildings.Yunzi County is a typical example. In order to create an empty scene of prosperity, office buildings exceeding the standard abound.

Although Secretary Ma is the secretary of the county party committee of a national-level poverty-stricken county, when it comes to enjoyment, he is not far behind.In his current office, the sum of the inside and outside would probably only be more than one hundred square meters, not less than this number.Luxurious carpets, exquisite ceiling lamps, luxurious desks, leather sofas, well-cultivated spider plants and flowers, very stylish bookcases and those full of tomes and classics, no matter how you look at it, it is no worse than the governor's office.

Although the county party committee compound was full of flowers, but with such a good contrasting environment, Chen Kangjie would not look far away.Besides, no matter how good the garden is, it will be shared by the entire county party committee. It is not goal-indicative, and the office is different. This is Secretary Ma's private small world, a place owned by him alone, and the meaning is different. .

"Secretary Ma, let's just be in your office. I think the space here is very suitable, and the main color of brown is also very eye-catching, which matches your outfit..." In order to be able to conduct interviews in Secretary Ma's office, Chen Kangjie came back for free Sent some flattery.

Secretary Ma said with a smile on his face, "Okay then, I'll follow your arrangements, and I'll do whatever you command... Well, shall I sit here or behind the desk?" Secretary Ma pointed to the reception sofa, and then Pointing to the boss leather chair behind the desk.

"These two places are not suitable." Chen Kangjie shook his head.

"Have you ever watched our station's exclusive interview with the secretary of the provincial party committee or the governor? They all have to sit in the middle, with style." Tuo Peixi said cleverly.

Before coming here, Chen Kangjie had communicated with Tuo Peixi, and she also knew what Chen Kangjie was going to do, so there was a certain tacit cooperation.

"As a parent official, one should have the bearing and demeanor of a parent official. What was this called in ancient times... Oh, yes, official authority and decency." Tuo Peixi really carried the deception to the end.

"Yes, yes, if there is no authority, the people are fearless, and the officials have no integrity, the people will not believe it." Secretary Ma really enjoyed himself, shaking his head and tail in agreement with Tuo Peixi's confidant words.

This is simply feudal thinking.Even though we have been liberated for half a century, society has entered a new era, and the political power is still controlled by the gcd.However, I have to admit with regret that in the official system, the feudal ideology of official status is still deeply rooted. This kind of ideology preserved in the official society has spread and affected the entire society, making the whole society follow The principle of official standard.No matter what kind of positive propaganda we have, the official position is actually widespread.

Next, many people became busy in action.Someone helped to find a suitable chair, someone helped to clean the already clean and bright office again, Chen Kangjie and Tuo Peixi were busy setting up related equipment, and Secretary Ma sneaked into the back room to look in the mirror and then carefully groom himself.Minister Zhong of the Propaganda Department arranged for someone to record the interview questions and answers. This is an important material for county news. Maybe the county will start to publicize Secretary Ma's speech before the national TV station broadcasts it, forming a new round of high learning. .tide.

"Secretary Ma, you sit here... yes, move forward... Can anyone of you help me raise the light..." Although it was a temptation, Chen Kangjie, the director, is still very dedicated, not sloppy, standing still Command everyone in the middle of Secretary Ma's office, "Reporter Tuo, when you ask questions later, you can be more competent, so that you can reflect Secretary Ma's confidence from the side, but don't let Secretary Ma answer the questions sonorously and forcefully, but you are soft of."

Chen Kangjie was hinting to Tuo Peixi that he should use the pressing tactics commonly used in debates, and not give Secretary Ma too much room to think.

So far, Secretary Ma doesn't know what question Tuo Peixi wants to ask him, which is very interesting.

It seems that Secretary Ma really wants to show his ability and calmness, or he thinks that this is a recording and broadcasting. After the recording is finished, it will not be broadcast immediately. There is still time and opportunity for revision. If not, it will never be a big deal.He didn't know that Chen Kangjie didn't intend to give him a chance to do it again, otherwise, not only would he not be so confident, but he would also be trembling.

In Secretary Ma's office, everyone was filled with joy. Except for Secretary Fu, he still had doubts at this time, but his doubts could only be kept and could not be expressed, otherwise It is against everyone.

"We will start right away. I warn everyone to wait a while. Except for Secretary Ma and Reporter Tuo, I hope that other people will not make noise so as not to interfere. Each of us has limited and precious time, and we hope to complete this. We all understand Already?" Chen Kangjie stood behind the camera and waved to everyone.

Now, Chen Kangjie has the final say in the office, and Secretary Ma can only obey orders like a marionette.

"Secretary Ma, before we came to interview, we heard that all the work in Yunzi County has achieved good results. Can you tell us what work the county has done in recent years and what achievements it has made? What kind of grades?" Tuo Peixi opened the small notebook, and began to interview pretendingly.

This question is very broad, but very positive. It belongs to a category that can be freely used to boast. As long as it is a leader in a system who often participates in various meetings, not only is it not a problem, but it is not a problem to talk about it for an hour or two. No problem.

Secretary Ma often presides over various meetings and listens to various reports, and his eloquence is also good for chatting. It can be said that such a question is thrown in the right place.He immediately started talking about everything from agriculture to urban construction in the county, from barren slope management to changes in the educational environment, and basically gave him a comprehensive introduction.

If you are not in the real situation and just listen to Secretary Ma's narration, the audience will definitely have the illusion that what Secretary Ma describes is not a poor county, but a thriving paradise where the people live and work in peace and contentment, the officials work hard, and all businesses are thriving. of.

Tuo Peixi pretended to be taking notes in her little notebook, but in fact, she was almost falling asleep after being boasted by Secretary Ma.

After Secretary Ma finished playing, Tuo Peixi continued to ask excitedly, "Secretary Ma, you just mentioned that the county's education has achieved a qualitative improvement, so please tell us how the county party committee attaches importance to education and education. Worked for a generation."

Originally, Chen Kangjie was credited for the certain breakthrough in education in Yunzi County, but Secretary Ma would not give away the credit. He didn't mention the name of Huatang Foundation, and took all the benefits for himself.

"Secretary Ma, we heard that education in your county used to be very backward, but the Huatang Foundation's charitable actions have played a major role in achieving the current results, isn't that true?"

"This... It can be said that they have also made some contributions, but the greater motivation comes from the importance that our county attaches to education." Secretary Ma was a little stunned for a moment, and then said boldly.

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