rebirth of change

Chapter 1627 Be humble

On the plane to the capital, Chen Kangjie was thinking about the news Yao Zhe broke to him all the way.

According to the verbal agreement, if Yao Zhe wants to be transferred from Hi-Tech City, at least Ouyang Zhenhua should know about it.Now that Chen Kangjie didn't know, it meant that Ouyang Zhenhua hadn't been notified, otherwise, Ouyang Zhenhua wouldn't have kept it from him.

Although Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo, who participated in the oral agreement at the beginning, no longer worked in Qianzhou, they were promoted, not demoted. In this matter, they should still bear certain responsibilities and play a certain role.What's more, Situ Kuo is still there now, and he is already the governor of the second person. Could it be that he intends to ignore it or lose his credibility?

Yao Zhe said that the source of the news is the Provincial Party Committee, so no matter who he listens to, the news itself is about him, he should not slip up and talk nonsense, and its credibility is at least 80.00%.

The current Provincial Party Committee is headed by Liu Hongjun. Since it is said that it originated from the Provincial Party Committee, then this matter cannot be separated from Liu Hongjun.In terms of personnel, he is the secretary in charge, which can be said to be one of Liu Hongjun's greatest rights.If it is a general personnel change, then other deputy secretaries or standing committee members may be able to take a little lead, just like Li Moyan led Xu Shaosi's promotion.However, Yao Zhe is a department-level cadre ranked among the top three in the province in gold content. If such a cadre has a job change, it is not something that the general committee can take the lead.It can be said that without Liu Hongjun's nod and push, no one can move Yao Zhe. The secretary has a veto power. Although such power is not very common, it also shows his leading role.

At the end of the call, Yao Zhe said something that confirmed this guess from the side to a certain extent.Yao Zhe told Chen Kangjie that a real estate developer surnamed Liu approached him some time ago and asked him to acquire two plots of land in the high-tech city to build commercial housing for market sales.Because there was a plan in advance, and the land in the high-tech city had to prioritize the needs of Chen Kangjie and the others, Yao Zhe did not agree.When he inquired about it, the developer named Liu was actually Liu Maohui, the eldest son of Liu Hongjun.

Chen Kangjie knew that the land in the high-tech city had always been coveted by many people.When these barren lands were not developed before, no one was interested in them, but now with hundreds of billions of funds invested, and many innovative technology companies have gathered.This place has become a fragrant bun. All idiots understand that as long as the land can be obtained here, the completed house will not worry about selling, and the price will not be low, which means that the return will be very profitable.It's just that most developers understand that the land in the high-tech city is not open for bidding at all, so they gave up their thoughts.Some bosses who claimed to have some connections also approached Yao Zhe, but they were all rejected by him with righteous words.Unexpectedly, the one who came out to eat a big meal this time would be the eldest son of the first brother in the province. It seems that the temptation of interests has greatly increased the level of peepers.

The High-tech City was established in 1991. If the original agreement is fulfilled, Yao Zhe will have one more year in office, unless Chen Kangjie and the others feel dissatisfied and ask for a replacement.But Chen Kangjie and the others didn't make such a request, which was a bit abnormal.

Does Liu Hongjun know the agreement they reached with the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government? Chen Kangjie is not sure, but he knows one thing. Since there is such news from the Provincial Party Committee, it is enough to show that even if Liu Hongjun knew, he would not abide by it. .Moreover, it is the provincial party committee's right to mobilize the department-level cadres below, which is very legitimate. He can use this as an argument.Since it was a verbal agreement, Chen Kangjie and the others really had nothing to do. Even if they said it, few people would believe it.From a political point of view, the government will not recognize this kind of behavior. For the time being, they will not allow capital to kidnap rights. Even Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo will deny it in public. This is beyond doubt.

But what about Situ Kuo?It was agreed at the beginning, as long as one of the three of them stays in the province, they must do their best to ensure the implementation of this oral agreement.Didn't Situ Kuo hear any of the rumors that Yao Zhe heard?

Chen Kangjie didn't quite believe it. Not only was Situ Kuo the governor, he was also the first deputy secretary. How could the news be so closed?If he was really so muddle-headed, it would be impossible for him to be at the ministerial level today. I am afraid that his position would have been replaced by others long ago.

However, since he had already heard such rumors, how could he remain indifferent and not spread them?It's a bit puzzling.

Chen Kangjie decided that he could have a better understanding of this matter while he was still in the country these few days.In any case, Yao Zhe's position cannot be changed for the time being. The development of the high-tech city is at a critical period. It is not wise to change generals at this time. It is necessary to ensure the orderly and healthy development of the high-tech city until it matures.Taking a step back, even if Yao Zhe was to be moved, the replacement should be appointed by them instead of letting Liu Hongjun randomly insert someone in.

After the special plane landed at Xijiao Airport, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to put Yao Zhe's matter aside for the time being.He had to devote himself to his serious work first, and Yao Zhe could only deal with it in intervals.Chen Kangjie's time in the capital is very limited, and every day's schedule is full.

In order to receive their large-scale crew, Mengting Hotel will not be open to the public from today onwards, so it can be regarded as being completely booked by them.After Chen Kangjie arrived at Mengting Hotel from Xijiao Airport, he put himself in a busy and tense working state.

He first held a long meeting with all the staff to detail all the division of labor and layout. To complete such a large-scale investment in film shooting, it is actually a very detailed system engineering, and all aspects must be Coordinate and cooperate well, otherwise, not only waste of money, but also waste of time.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie's position today makes him an authority, and half of these team members are old buddies who have cooperated several times.Everyone not only has trust in him, but also has a certain tacit understanding.For being able to cooperate with Chen Kangjie again, whether it is Carpenter, Jedika, Cindy, etc. are full of expectations.Because working with him can not only create miracles, but also relatively easy, he always thinks about every problem in detail.

Since the filming was done in the capital, not all the faces of foreigners were in the team, and there were also some local staff.No matter which film studio these people belonged to before, they are now gathered in this team to participate in the shooting of a film with the largest investment at the moment. Everyone is extremely excited.On the one hand, they want to personally participate in learning about Hollywood film shooting methods, on the other hand, of course they have a great relationship with Chen Kangjie.

When these people saw Chen Kangjie, they still admired Chen Kangjie to some extent, even though they were used to seeing celebrities.After all, Chen Kangjie's achievements in the film industry and other fields are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even the biggest directors and actors in the country can only obediently listen to him in front of him and will not casually express contradictory remarks.From another point of view, this is also the tragedy of people like them. If a person hears only passing words, there will be a certain deviation in his view of the outside world.For a normal person, if he can often hear some different views or even critical remarks, it is actually not a bad thing, but it can help this person maintain a good personality.

For these domestic compatriots, Chen Kangjie did not give them special care, and treated them completely the same as the staff from the United States and Hong Kong.Some people think that this is Chen Kangjie's discrimination against them, but this is the real respect for them.What I value is your ability, not your skin color and nationality.

After more than four hours of meetings with the crew, Chen Kangjie had a non-stop meeting with the participating domestic actors.

"I'm really sorry for keeping everyone waiting for a long time. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." As soon as Chen Kangjie entered the door of the reception room, he clasped his hands together to express his apology.

The previous plan was to only have a three-hour meeting with the crew, but there were many details to be discussed, and the time was extended without realizing it.

"It's okay, it's okay, we know you are very busy, and such a large crew needs you to run it. It is conceivable that the burden is very heavy." Zhu Mingde, a national first-class actor who plays the ambassador to foreign countries, stood up with a smile and said.

Zhu Mingde is a well-known actor in China, and many of the roles he played are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Chinese people are familiar with him.There are two factions in the entertainment industry, the idol faction and the powerful faction.Those like Zhu Mingde are really capable. He is not handsome, but his acting skills are extraordinary. Whether it is a costume drama or a modern drama, he can always portray the role he wants to play to the fullest.If you want to laugh, he can immediately laugh heartily, if you want to cry, he can immediately cry sadly, all kinds of emotions and expressions are really at your fingertips.

"Yes, oops, I finally saw a real person today. I saw you on TV before and felt younger. Unexpectedly, you look younger in real life. It's amazing." Xu Youfa also stood up and said with a smile on his face.

Xu Youfa is an actor in the military system, often playing politicians or soldiers.With a burly figure and straight waist, coupled with a loose back, he looks righteous and masculine.

Chen Kangjie has watched many movies or TV series of these two actors. It can be said that Chen Kangjie grew up watching their dramas.Therefore, he is quite familiar with them. This time, Chen Kangjie specially appointed the two of them to play two relatively heavy Chinese roles.When they received the invitation, the two actors who were over half a century old readily agreed without even thinking about it.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Xu, please sit down quickly, please sit down quickly. This time, you can give your full support in your busy schedule. Thank you very much, thank you!" Chen Kangjie took the initiative to take two steps forward, shaking hands with the two performing artists, He behaved very humble and respectful, without the appearance of a big name or a leader.

In terms of fame, Chen Kangjie is much more prominent than them. In terms of power, in this crew, Chen Kangjie is the director, producer and producer. He has the final say on the entire crew and can be regarded as their leader.But in the face of the two artists with both virtue and skill, Chen Kangjie is still very humble.

"Hehe, in front of you, we don't dare to call you teachers. We are teachers with a high degree of learning, and we are upright as a model. In this regard, compared with you, we are ashamed. Besides, if we want to say thank you, we are also thanking you That's right, Old Xu, don't you think so?" Zhu Mingde said with a kind smile.

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