The shooting in the capital was originally planned to take three days, but in the end it was 60.00% overtime, and it took five days to get it done.Speaking of it, this is already very efficient. Not only did his team do a lot of preparatory work in the early stage, but also in order to accommodate his time, everyone rushed to work and worked overtime.Every night I have to work until late.

During the filming, especially when shooting exterior scenes on the most important streets, it aroused the attention of many parties and the curiosity of many citizens in Beijing.One day, it attracted a large number of onlookers. Later, thanks to the help of the Beijing police, the filming went smoothly.

Since someone witnessed Chen Kangjie's filming, all kinds of speculations about Long's next movie suddenly spread. Not only the domestic media were curious, but even foreign media reporters stationed in Beijing wanted to know the details.It's just that Chen Kangjie refused all the media's interview requests.He really didn't have time to deal with them, but in order to do a good job of publicity in the early stage, he still allowed Feiyang Entertainment and Miramax to disclose some information appropriately, but the information could not be disclosed all at once.It must be done step by step so that the public can always maintain strong interest and curiosity.This kind of publicity is very good for the film's release, and it will virtually push up the box office by a large amount.

Chen Kangjie himself will only come forward to canvass votes for his first screen debut when the filming task is basically completed.

In order to transport the entire crew and equipment to Pakistan Railway at one time, Chen Kangjie chartered Boeing passenger planes of two international airlines.He doesn't care about spending money. At present, time is the most important thing for him.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie is both familiar and unfamiliar with the country of Batie.Speaking of familiarity, Chen Kangjie knew that this is our brother country before he was reborn. The relationship between the two countries has been good for decades, especially during the earthquake in 08. This relatively backward country gave us selfless assistance , Let hundreds of millions of people move.In addition, a large part of the scenes of this movie will be filmed in this country, so Chen Kangjie also did a lot of work before coming here.He said he was unfamiliar because all his knowledge came from the media and books. He had never set foot in the territory of this country, and he did not have a real intuitive understanding of the people, culture and architecture here.

This time, the filming location of the Pakistan Railway was neither selected in the largest seaport city in the south, nor in its capital, but in Bulushaburo, the capital of the Northwest Frontier Province.

Bulushaburo has a population of nearly one million, and its history is very long. As early as the beginning of the second century AD, a country established its capital here. over here.Because this city is of special significance to the exchanges and friendship between China and Pakistan, Chen Kangjie took the initiative to name it.He also wants to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors and personally visit this city with a long history and splendid culture.It's just that those seniors came on horseback or on foot, but Chen Kangjie did fly from the air.

With the development of the city and economy, the urban area of ​​Bulushaburo is divided into old and new parts. The east is the old city, which retains ancient markets and dozens of mosques of different sizes. This is mainly related to the beginning of Islamic culture in the [-]th century. Gradually here the channel has an important relationship with Buddhist culture.The west is a new city. Like other big cities in the world, there are also high-rise buildings and beautiful gardens here.In addition, there are rare university towns in Pakistan, such as Burusaburo University, Burusaburo Agricultural University, Burusaburo Engineering and Technical University and other institutions of higher learning are located in the university town.For hundreds of years, it has been an important trade center and transportation node between the Central and South Asian continents.

Chen Kangjie's plane flew directly to Bulushaburo International Airport, which is only 10 minutes away from the city center.The terminal building of the airport looks a bit old, but it is still the fourth busiest airport in Pakistan, and millions of people leave or come in through it every year.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, it was already after eleven o'clock at night. Since it was very late, they did not arrange any pick-up activities in advance. Besides, Chen Kangjie didn't want to trouble the local area, but asked the early stage staff to prepare a few tourist buses to wait for the pick-up. That's fine.Moreover, Chen Kangjie also believed that there would be no one else at the airport, and it should be deserted.

However, when the plane Chen Kangjie and the others took landed at Bulushaburo International Airport, the actual situation changed a lot.Not only was the whole airport still brightly lit, but there was actually a pick-up team on the apron, and these teams were not arranged by the staff of Chen Kangjie's team or Feiyang Entertainment.

The cabin door opened, and before Chen Kangjie got up, a clean-shaven South Asian young man walked in.

However, Chen Kangjie's security personnel did not let him approach until he revealed his identity and purpose in English.

"Jie Shao, a person came up. He claimed to be Gulam, and said he was the senior secretary of the Northwest Frontier Provincial Government." Xiong Ziqiang came to Chen Kangjie and said, as for Gulam, he was blocked from the outside .

"Huh? The senior secretary of the provincial government? What is he here for?" Chen Kangjie was a little surprised because he didn't know such a person.

"They said that Governor Loughman was meeting you at the airport, and he came up to let you know." Xiong Ziqiang replied.

Although Pakistan has its own national language and various dialects, English can also be used as a common language in the upper class.Because in local schools, English is a compulsory subject.

"The governor came to meet me?" Chen Kangjie asked suspiciously, then stood up and looked at Gulam behind him.After looking at it for a while, Chen Kangjie waved his hand and asked the staff to let Gulam over.

"Mr. Ghulam, you said that your Governor Rafman greeted me at the airport?"

"Yes, long, our Governor Loughman just came back from a meeting in the capital. I heard that you arrived tonight, so I didn't go back to your apartment and waited to meet you at the airport." Gulam stared at Chen Kangjie with bright eyes and said. .

"Since the governor is at the airport, let's stop dawdling and go down quickly. It's not good to let the governor take a long time."

Since he was so enthusiastic, Chen Kangjie must also give him the necessary attention and respect.In our words, people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

Putting on his coat, Chen Kangjie, surrounded by Xiong Ziqiang and the others and led by Gulam, quickly got off the plane from the hanging ladder.Sure enough, by the hanging ladder, several locals were standing there.The middle-aged man at the front was wearing a gray suit, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and a beard. He looked very scholarly.If there is no accident, this should be Governor Loughman, the local parent officer.

It is very strange, it seems that all the local men have beards, whether this is an environmental factor or a genetic inheritance of the race.

Chen Kangjie had just walked to the middle of the hanging staircase, and halfway down the stairs, the person who guessed it was the governor smiled and waved to him.

People are polite, and Chen Kangjie can't be rude.He also beckoned, and then his pace quickened a little.

"Long, welcome, welcome, I'm glad you can come to our Bulushaburo. I'm Rafman, the governor here." Seeing the right hand that Chen Kangjie offered to stretch out, Rafman also threw out his right hand and held it in Chen Kangjie's hand. Together, and then said politely with a smile.

On the empty airport, the evening wind blows, although this is a subtropical area, it will still be a bit cool.However, Chen Kangjie didn't feel cold at all, and it wasn't just related to his physical fitness.Seeing Rafman whose hair was blown to a mess, and feeling his firm and powerful palm, Chen Kangjie felt a little warmth in his heart.

In the past, I often saw on the Internet that Pakistanis have special feelings and friendly feelings towards Chinese. As long as they are Chinese in Pakistan, they will get a very comfortable feeling from the locals.At that time, Chen Kangjie still didn't believe it, and thought it was a bit exaggerated. After all, not many Ba people came to China, and there were relatively few Chinese who went there.The relationship between the two countries is very strong, but the exchanges between the people are really very few.

However, it was the first time he set foot on this hot land today, and Chen Kangjie believed it.Chen Kangjie didn't think that he would be greeted at the airport just because he was a big star governor. If so, his governor would be too worthless.It must be the sum of many factors that Governor Loughman was able to stay at the airport to wait for him. Among them, it should also have something to do with his being Chinese.

"Mr. Governor, I'm really sorry. I trouble you to greet me at such a late hour. I'm really ashamed, happy and excited. Thank you, thank you." Chen Kangjie said sincerely.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's nothing. Our two countries are brothers and neighbors. If you come, you are at a brother's house. How can I not show it? What's more, your visit this time is a big deal for us, Bulushaburo. Good thing, your movie will be a great publicity and advertisement for our city. Long, you know? People here like you very much. This kind of liking is quite different from those Hollywood stars. We all regard You see it as one of your own. It’s because it’s inconvenient, otherwise, if the news gets out, I’m sure there will be thousands of Bulushaburo citizens welcoming you on this tarmac.” Rafman said enthusiastically.

"Hehe, Mr. Rafman, your words really warm my heart. I really didn't know that the people here would also like me." Chen Kangjie said with a smile, he was indeed in a good mood.

"I believe you will feel it soon, long, you will find the feeling of home here, hehe. Oh, by the way, this is Huck, the mayor of Bulushaburo City, if you need anything here If you want help, you can ask for it at will, and Mayor Harker and I will do our best to provide help within our ability."


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