Chapter 160 Four

A week later, Ouyang Zhenhua brought more than a dozen investment experts from Hongyuan Investment to Liushuipan.

For the investment in Liushuipan this time, Chen Kangjie intends to only use the name of Hongyuan Investment, and then use the name of other established investment companies when making other investments. There must be a distinction here.Just as the so-called big tree attracts wind, Chen Kangjie does not want Hongyuan's investment to attract too much attention at home and abroad, at least it is not the time yet.Although Hongyuan Investment has been well-known by many people in the Mainland, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of other large financial groups in the world.

In fact, Hongyuan's investment team felt that investing in Qianzhou was not a wise move. Ouyang Zhenhua asked them to study the plan brought by Chen Kangjie, and several of them put forward different opinions.They feel that Qianzhou is not a good place to invest in terms of policies, transportation, market environment, human resources, and awareness of openness. They think that investing these funds in the delta area of ​​eastern Guangdong Province will bring more benefits and returns.

However, Ouyang Zhenhua directly vetoed their opinions. What needs to be done now is not whether to invest or not, but how to do it in order to have better returns, and to figure out the direction.

Those experts didn't know the relationship between Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie, so they considered it completely from the market point of view. Their suggestion was indeed relatively good. It was nothing to invest 20 million to tens of millions before, but this time the project involved all With an amount of tens of billions, they believe that Qianzhou is indeed not an ideal investment destination. Even if Liushuipan is already a reform experimental area with many preferential policies, it is still 30 years away from such an ideal investment destination. There is a distance of [-] years, but apart from making profits, Chen Kangjie wants to change the appearance of his hometown and the lives of more people through his own efforts.After being reborn, he felt that he had such a sense of mission and responsibility, and he didn't want to see his hometown still poor and backward more than ten years later.To make these investments, he not only counts economic benefits, but also social benefits and life value.

If it is just to make money, according to his understanding of historical development, then he will get more returns from investing all his funds in the financial markets around the world, and it will not take so much effort.But Chen Kangjie will not do that completely, he will not let go of making money from the financial market, but he will not completely give up his ideas, because Qianzhou is too backward and cannot waste any more time.Now that the global economy and society are undergoing unprecedented changes, he must find a way out and seize every opportunity. Only when the industry develops will it be deeply rooted.Otherwise, no matter how many zeros there are after 1 in the bank, it is just a symbol.

Therefore, Chen Kangjie plans to choose to walk on two legs. On the one hand, he uses his foresight to earn a lot of money in the financial market. level and education level.

Regarding the arrival of Ouyang Zhenhua and his party, the city's top priority was the city's "government" and the city's guest house. Moreover, Secretary Liang Minkuan and Mayor He Baoguo had talks with Ouyang Zhenhua respectively. This is the need for news and publicity. It is impossible to talk like this in actual communication. After they set up the structure, The specific work will be discussed with the following functional departments and experts from Hongyuan Investment.

In the communication with the two main leaders, Ouyang Zhenhua treated Liang Minkuan more in an official way, and most of what he said was a scene. Of course, this has something to do with Liang Minkuan being the secretary. The specific economic work is still the municipal government. In being responsible, Liang Minkuan is expressing an attitude.

With He Baoguo, Ouyang Zhenhua seemed to be much closer, and the conversation was more specific, not only because He Baoguo was the mayor, but more importantly, the relationship between He Baoguo and Chen Kangjie. Although He Baoguo didn't know the specific relationship between him and Chen Kangjie, but for Chen Kangjie Ouyang Zhenhua will take care of the relationship between elders and relatives.

The investment promotion project in Liushuipan City must be reported to the provincial 'government' for approval.Many people in the province feel that the "big money" in Liushuipan City is unrealistic. They think that there will not be many investors who will actually invest in the construction of so many tourism projects and infrastructure in such a backward area, and the funds involved The amount was tens of billions. Apart from being shocked, some people were ready to laugh at it.

Liushuipan has obtained some policies, but compared with the five coastal special economic zones, the policies are not dominant, and the geographical advantages are even more different. There is no border or sea, and the traffic is relatively blocked.In this regard, Liushuipan's capital attraction plan has been discussed in the province for a long time but has not been fully approved. Leaders of various departments are arguing.

It's Huang Zhenhua who is more insistent, otherwise there are some ties who plan to criticize and go back.Secretary Sun Yang's attitude has always been unclear, and it is completely optional. Anyway, if it can be done, the economic data of the whole province will be much better.Anyway, because of that article, He Baoguo was already under a lot of pressure. If this matter still becomes a joke, then many people are thinking about the position of mayor of this prefecture-level city.

Sun Yang is a relatively conservative official, more than enough to defend the city, but not enough to develop. The dogma he has received in the past few decades has imprisoned his thinking to a certain extent.It's just that I have been in the officialdom for many years and know the mean and peace? That's why I haven't made a clear statement.

When Ouyang Zhenhua really brought a team to negotiate in detail, many people who were planning to see jokes shut up, and their attitudes turned into jealousy.Many people intend to obstruct, and they come up with national policies, saying that investment in tourism projects is fine, but private investment in infrastructure such as roads runs counter to the concept of a socialist country.How can highways, as the lifeblood of the country, be in the hands of private capitalists?

Of course, He Baoguo has been prepared for this. This is the same as what Chen Kangjie said to Zhao Zhenbang and Huang Zhenhua before. The road built by the bot model, the company only has the right to operate, and the ownership still belongs to the 'government'. After a certain number of years, the company will also be cancelled. loss of management rights.In case of emergencies such as wartime, roads can be temporarily requisitioned, and these are also explained in detail in the relevant plans.

In fact, although Qianzhou is a backward area, there are still some insightful people who know very well that the reason why Qianzhou is backward is the backward transportation, which is a big bottleneck restricting the development of Qianzhou.Therefore, while some people hope to use the country's socialist nature to label them, many people also took out the recently promulgated "State-owned Land Use Law" to explain that private individuals can also invest, and since the current "government" has no Capacity investment, if foreign-funded enterprises are willing to make such an investment, it is very beneficial to promote the economic and social development of Qianzhou. This is also a livelihood project that benefits the local people. Why not do it?

It was Chen Kangjie's idea that He Baoguo and Ouyang Zhenhua were arguing about themselves in the province.Anyway, it will be done sooner or later, so why wait until after the year.Now the chief has not given a speech on the southern tour, so the progress of reform and opening up is not enough. After the spring of 92, when the chief comes back from the southern tour, investors like Ouyang Zhenhua and others will be warmly welcomed all over the country, and no one will think Use ideology to obstruct.All of these can bring solid political achievements. If you want to improve, without strong political achievements, you will not be able to reach a certain level.

"Brother Ouyang, how did the talk go?" Chen Kangjie slumped on the sofa in his office and casually said to Ouyang Zhenhua with Erlang's legs crossed.

After Ouyang Zhenhua handed over the specific communication matters to his subordinates, he ran back to the six to report the situation to Chen Kangjie. Although Chen Kangjie knew about the general situation, this matter was planned by him in the first place, but when it comes to specific matters, Chen Kangjie is still not very clear, so Ouyang Zhenhua is needed to explain further.

"Jie Shao, to be honest, I have no idea about our investment this time," Ouyang Zhenhua put down the drink in his hand, and said with a worried expression on his face.

Chen Kangjie didn't reply to his words, but motioned him to continue with his eyes.

"Tourism needs tourists. You know the situation in Qianzhou now. If our tourism investment projects do not have tens of millions of tourists a year, it will be difficult to make a profit. The current number of foreign tourists in Qianzhou is It is very insufficient, and it is very unrealistic to rely on local tourists. The local consumption level has not yet reached this level. At least half of the people will not spend such a high ticket price to play. Moreover, even if there are such a large number of tourists who are willing to come , Qianzhou’s transportation capacity and tourism reception capacity cannot meet this demand at all.”

When Ouyang Zhenhua said this, he didn't really want to complain, he just wanted to hear Chen Kangjie's explanation.He believes that apart from his hometown complex, Chen Kangjie should have some ideas, but Chen Kangjie has never explained it to him in detail.

"I actually understand what you said," Chen Kangjie sat up with a smile, and continued to Ouyang Zhenhua, "In the long run, the tourism industry must be a promising and vigorous industry. With rapid development, in a few years or ten years, a large number of people with good economic conditions will go out of their homes to carry out their own tourism and entertainment. The number of this group will be astonishingly large by then.” The number of tourists received by the state has exceeded 2000 million, which is still a situation where transportation, tourist facilities, reception environment and marketing are all behind for many years. If tourism can be made a pillar industry in advance, in that case, [-] million domestic and foreign tourists will receive [-] million people. No problem, the economic output value it brings will be at least [-] billion.

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