rebirth of change

Chapter 1644 The principal who values ​​software

Chen Kangjie was not displeased with Loughman's petty thinking, on the contrary, he expressed his understanding and even some appreciation.

Why would you appreciate it?It's very simple, a local official can be regarded as a good official if he is able to deliberate in this way for the benefit of the local area.Chen Kangjie thinks this way because he doesn't completely stand on his own point of view, but considers the problem from the point of view of the locals.If a person only considers issues from his own standpoint, it will appear narrow.

"Mr. Governor, Mayor Hakan, let's do this. The administrators of these universities are the ones who know the university city best. Our scope of work is more or less far from the actual situation. We should listen to their opinions. What do you think?" Chen Kangjie not only didn't think so, but said with a calm smile.

Chen Kangjie said that understanding and appreciation is one thing, but whether he will follow the other party's wishes is another matter.Since it was a well-intentioned intrigue, Chen Kangjie must of course be allowed to play tricks. If he was led by the nose from the beginning to the end, wouldn't it appear that Chen Kangjie was too bad?

Chen Kangjie has said that, so is it possible that Governor Laughman and Mayor Hakan can say "no"?That was tantamount to pushing out the benefits he had obtained, and it was tantamount to blocking Chen Kangjie's friendly gesture with his own hands.

All they could do was nod their heads in agreement, and then see what the university presidents had to say.

Since they didn't get an explanation or reached a tacit understanding in advance, the principals really didn't know what to say. They all stared at Governor Loughman and Mayor Hakan with big eyes.

At this time, Governor Loughman felt his face was a little hot, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

What are you all staring at me for?I have helped you lay the road like this, don't you know what to do next, do you still need me to teach you?Governor Loughman stared and shouted angrily in his heart.

Governor Loughman really made some mistakes. He should understand that although these university presidents are managers, on the other hand, they are also teachers who teach and educate people. They are all professors with certain prestige in the school.If these professors were to cry for alms for poverty in person, or a lot of alms for alms, it would be a bit embarrassing for people to talk about.Don't think that only the ancient literati in China have the character, and there are not many scholars from other regions who are super thick-skinned.

Seeing all the tall and thin scholars and professors staring at each other in embarrassment, Chen Kangjie wanted to laugh a little bit.I don't understand, what is there to say? I brought it up on my own initiative, and it wasn't you who put it up in a brazen manner. How can it be hard to say?These days, only the thick-skinned have food, and the noble, to a certain extent, is poor.Don't you guys who are well educated don't even understand such a simple truth?

Looking at the indifferent scholars and professors, Rafman and Hakan were really anxious in their hearts. They were afraid that they would say: "We are fine and don't need any help". It was for nothing.If they could, they would all wish to help them speak.It's just that they can't do that, it's too ostentatious, and it will look particularly embarrassing.

After holding back for a long time, in the end, the landlord ---Principal Mushardi of Burusaburo University couldn't hold back and had to stand up to smooth things over. We can't let the embarrassing situation continue endlessly like this.

"Long, I am very glad that you can visit our University of Burusaburo, and it is also an honor that you can sit down and talk to us about the difficulties we are facing. As far as our University of Burusaburo is concerned, at present, there is such a Difficulties bother me, but there are some that need to be resolved internally..." Hearing Mushardi talk about difficulties, Rafman and Hakan were both moved with joy and relief. They believed that as long as When someone starts, others will pour out the bitter water violently.Who knew that Mushardi said in a blink of an eye that he could solve it internally, and the hearts of the two of them immediately rose again.

Which one is this song from?Uncle, great god, the game is not as good as you. If we can solve it internally, what else do we need?Aren't you playing against the tune and holding everyone back?Even if there are problems that we can solve internally, you can come and talk to us later, why do we need to emphasize here, pedantic, pedantic!

"Principal Mushardi, look, Long's time is precious, and it's impossible for us to stay in the university town from morning to night. Can you pick up the key points and say that it can be solved internally, and we will discuss it later in a meeting." Study it in detail." Loughman was really afraid that Ms Hardy would say all the useless things, so he hurriedly interrupted his words and gave him a hint.

"Okay, Governor Laughman, long, I'm sorry for wasting your precious time..." Principal Mshardi is really a bit old-fashioned, and Governor Loughman even hinted that he can still Expressed his apology unhurriedly.

"It's okay, you say slowly, since I'm sitting here, I want to know more about the local area. Say what you have, the first thing I can and am willing to do is to contribute my today to Bu Lushabro, even if you don’t need it, I’ve decided to contribute.” Chen Kangjie comforted the other party and said self-deprecatingly.

Chen Kangjie's little joke immediately aroused a burst of laughter. After the laughter passed, the atmosphere on the scene became much more relaxed and harmonious, and everyone was no longer tense.

"Our Bulushaburo University is the largest university in the local area. There are more than 6000 students, including more than 500 graduate students. This scale, to be honest, is not commensurate with our population base. All along, We all want to expand the scale, but our campus and teachers can only accommodate these students. If we expand, we will immediately face three problems: how to get the land? How to replenish the teaching staff and how to ensure the construction funds? At the same time, we I also hope that my students can go out and learn more about the culture and technology of other countries, which is very good for students to broaden their horizons. But we don’t have the funds to do such exchange programs. Long, we know you are a A very caring international person, from my point of view and from your actual situation, do you think it can help us solve the difficulties in communication between teachers and students?" Having said so much, Mushardi finally said this Two questions were raised separately.

In Mshardy's view, it should be the responsibility of the government of Northwest Frontier Province and Burusaburo City to solve the land and funds needed for the expansion of the university, which has nothing to do with Chen Kangjie.As for increasing people-to-people and cultural exchanges, Mushardi felt that they needed it and that Chen Kangjie could do it, so he specifically emphasized it.

Even though Rafman was a little bit dissatisfied with what he said to Mushardi, it was already like this, and what he said would not help the matter.Anyway, it's better to say something than nothing, anyway, it can help solve these aspects, and it's better than nothing.The big deal is that when other school leaders raise difficulties for a while, he just bumps from the side and hints. He believes that not everyone will be as pedantic as Mushardi.

"Principal Mushardi, let me tell you my opinion. I don't think bigger is better in college. If one thousand elites can be cultivated at the same cost, why should we cultivate two thousand mediocre mediocrities?" ?The role and contribution of [-] mediocre talents may not be as good as [-] real college graduates. This is just my personal opinion. Of course, if we have the power to train more young people Of course, the more the better, the more talents, the more hope the country has, and the more powerful force. As for your proposal to solve the difficulties of student exchanges and teachers, so that students can travel more Going out for a while, this is easy to understand, just do exchange students or send more overseas students. I believe I can do some work, at least, let some Pakistani students go to China to continue their studies or exchange visits, I can Do it. In the province where I live, there are some decent universities. I can match up and find a few universities to cooperate with. Of course, most of the cost will not be borne by you. Who made us brothers What about your neighbors? Right, we still need to help. It’s just that I don’t quite understand what you said about solving the problem of teachers. How can I solve your problem of lack of teachers?” Chen Kangjie started from his own understanding, frankly Give a positive response.

"It's like this. The proportion of our teachers with a master's or doctoral degree is low. If it is possible, I mean if it is possible, can it help some of our teachers improve their academic ability?" President Mushardi explained.

"Principal Mushardi, can it be understood that you want me to sponsor some teachers to complete higher-level studies?" Chen Kangjie extracted the key points of the other party and asked.

"Yes, that's it." Mushardi replied with a nod.

From the two questions raised by Mushardi, it can be seen that he is a principal who pays more attention to software capabilities.Whether providing more opportunities for students or providing more opportunities for teachers to improve, this is to improve soft power.It is no exaggeration to say that his understanding is more advanced than that of many university presidents in China.In China, what many principals are pursuing is the luxury and grandeur of the university, and not many of them really devote their energy to students and teachers.In a university, students and teachers are the biggest subjects, they are the direct participants and the biggest beneficiaries.

"Then do you want to support them to upgrade their education at home or abroad?" Chen Kangjie asked very carefully.

"This is all right. If conditions permit, I still hope that our teachers will study abroad. That will help them, help them return to teaching, and benefit our school and students."

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