The people in the ambulance did not expect Chen Kangjie to act so fast. Before they had time to react, several holes appeared on the windshield.

Ambulances are not bulletproof. As an ordinary vehicle, this kind of windshield has no ability to stop even a pistol.Because Chen Kangjie rushed for time, he didn't have time to aim, and he didn't know if all the shots were fatal.Anyway, the driver who drove the car slammed the steering wheel to his left when Chen Kangjie fired the second shot.This is an instinctive evasive action.

When the vehicle is running, the higher the body and the higher the speed of the vehicle, if the vehicle slams the direction at high speed, the biggest threat may not be a collision with an object on the roadside, but a rollover.

The two ambulances drove over at a speed of at least [-] kilometers per hour, and their bodies were relatively high. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, Chen Kangjie immediately heard creaking and screeching friction sounds.The vehicle seemed to want to play a drift but didn't play it out, after the rear tire left a deep scratch on the road.In less than a second, there was a loud bang, and the car body turned sideways and fell to the ground fiercely. Driven by inertia, it rushed towards Dong Mingshu who was standing in the middle of the road.

Dong Mingshu heard Chen Kangjie's shout and didn't realize what was going on. After he fired a few shots, he still didn't realize it.How did Jie Shao shoot at the rescue ambulance?He didn't wake up until the car shoveled straight and ferociously towards him like a bulldozer.

Even if the ambulance fell to the ground, it still maintained a considerable momentum, and its speed was relatively fast.It was when Dong Mingshu was about to be involved that he jumped towards the place where Chen Kangjie was, and escaped the danger.

Chen Kangjie didn't know the effect of his shooting, nor did he know if there were other people in the ambulance compartment, so when the vehicle continued to slide forward in front of him, Chen Kangjie stepped forward and fired a few more shots at the ambulance until He didn't stop until the gun ran out of bullets.

"Master Jie? What's the matter?" Dong Mingshu got up from the ground and ran to Chen Kangjie.

"The people in the car are not the ambulancemen of the hospital. This car is most likely hijacked." Chen Kangjie looked at the ambulance that had stopped due to friction and said, "There is no bullet in the gun. You should quickly help Wang Wei to the hospital over there." Behind the tree."

On the side of the road opposite Chen Kangjie and the others, there were several tall and strong trees, and there were some scattered low-rise residential buildings on the other side of the trees.Considering that there were gunshots from behind, it was difficult to assess the safety of the environment, so Chen Kangjie felt that it would be relatively safer to hide behind the opposite tree first.

"What about you?" Dong Mingshu asked.

"I'll go to the ambulance ahead to see what's going on." Chen Kangjie stepped forward, "Don't worry, I can protect myself."

Dong Mingshu wanted to hold Chen Kangjie back, but after looking at Wang Wei, hearing the gunshots not far away, and sighing, he still decided to follow what Chen Kangjie said, first to help Wang Wei to the other side, so as not to Exposure to an environment where the enemy is prone to attack.

Chen Kangjie observed the stationary ambulance all the way, while walking steadily towards it.He walked all the way to the ambulance, and there was nothing unusual in the ambulance.

However, just when he was about to go around the horizontal car body and check the situation in the driver's cab.The rear door of the ambulance made a crisp "click", and the alert Chen Kangjie hurried around to the rear door.As soon as he came around, he saw that the rear door was opened a crack from the inside, and a bloody hand protruded from the inside.Chen Kangjie didn't know whether this person was a hijacked ambulanceman or a terrorist, so he leaned forward to take a closer look.

However, as soon as he reached the door, a bearded face emerged from the inside.Chen Kangjie looked at his clothes. It was not the professional clothes of rescuers, but a green military uniform without any standard.

Chen Kangjie immediately murmured inwardly, and the man was obviously taken aback when he saw Chen Kangjie's body was covered in blood.This person never imagined that as soon as he opened the door, there would be someone standing at the door to greet him. This treatment surprised him.

However, Chen Kangjie's reaction had to be quicker. When the man was stunned, Chen Kangjie punched him in the face.Chen Kangjie didn't show mercy in this punch, he could feel the frustration of the opponent's nose collapsing with his fingers.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr." Just as Chen Kangjie punched the man in the face, there was another voice in the carriage that he couldn't understand.

Chen Kangjie's heart tightened, there were still people inside.While he is unarmed, the opponent is most likely holding a weapon.Persevering in this situation will not benefit me at all.

When the man fell backwards, Chen Kangjie glanced at the quarter-opened car door, and he immediately made a correct move under a shock.As soon as he dodged, he jumped up and kicked behind him.His foot just hit the edge of the car door, and the door immediately closed upwards.

If there is no accident, this kick can close the door of the ambulance. Just now, Chen Kangjie saw a wrench that was buckled on the outside of the door. To lock it inside, to a certain extent, to win the appropriate time for yourself.

It's a pity that the car door just clicked, and it didn't close, but was pinched by four fingers.

Maybe someone reached out to open another door, and at this moment, Chen Kangjie kicked the other door through.The guy didn't open the door, but let out a heart-piercing scream.Although his four protruding fingers blocked the closed car door, Chen Kangjie's kick was strong, and the door was made of iron, so the closed part was relatively tough.Although the four fingers did not fall off, they were definitely broken, as could be judged from the screams and bloody fingers.

"Papa papa." Chen Kangjie hadn't decided what to do next when a burst of gunshots came from inside the carriage, and the car door suddenly rang.

Chen Kangjie didn't dare to take it too seriously. Although the car door was made of iron, he didn't know if it could stop the bullets. Besides, the door was not closed tightly.So at the moment when the gunshot rang out, Chen Kangjie threw himself on the ground sharply, and then rolled swiftly, avoiding the danger first.

But the danger was really close to him. What he didn't know was that there were more than a dozen people in this ordinary ambulance. In addition to the three people in the driver's cab, there were eleven people in the back compartment.When Chen Kangjie fired suddenly just now, two of the three people in the driver's cab were shot and one was injured, but the eleven in the rear compartment were still intact.These people were just dizzy due to the sudden rollover and swing of the vehicle, plus a little bump and didn't react immediately.Now that he has calmed down, of course he must fight back.Even if Chen Kangjie knocked one out and disabled one, there would still be eleven of them.

"Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring," Chen Kangjie avoided, but immediately someone shouted loudly again, Chen Kangjie still couldn't understand what it was shouting.

In Bulushaburo and some of its surrounding areas, the local people speak either Urdu or Pashto.Chen Kangjie's foreign language ability is very strong, and he knows quite a few foreign languages.But what he knows are all major languages. Chen Kangjie has never been involved in these local languages ​​that are only used in certain places, so it is difficult for him to understand even the general meaning, let alone understand.

However, he understood what he wanted to express, that is, the other party's words contained strong anger and ferocity, which he could judge only from the tone of his voice.

The shouting didn't stop yet, another round of bullets shot out from inside.After two deterrents, there is only one way left for Chen Kangjie, and that is to escape.No matter how good his martial arts are, he will not be an opponent with hot weapons. As long as he is hit, his body will become a hornet's nest.

Without turning his head, Chen Kangjie ran out towards the side of the road.As soon as he rolled to the side of the road, there was a muffled "snap" behind him, and then three young men with leather hats on their heads jumped out of the car.These people couldn't help but ran to the car, raised their guns and fired at Chen Kangjie.

Perhaps their minds are not completely clear, or it may be that Chen Kangjiefu is destined to die, and God did not arrange for him to die here.Chen Kangjie was only about ten meters away from them, and there was no shelter behind him.However, their bullets just kicked up a cloud of dust at Chen Kangjie's feet.

Chen Kangjie was in a panic and crawled and hid behind a tree, but even so, he was not out of danger, and the dull bullets began to drill into the tree trunk behind him.As long as those people surrounded him in a fan shape, Chen Kangjie must be a lamb to be slaughtered.Within the reach of his hand, there is no object to fight back at all, and the fish sausage sword that he sometimes carries on his body is not on him at this time because it is inconvenient.

Chen Kangjie's heart is tightly gripped right now. Don't look at him being handsome or heroic at ordinary times, but he will also be afraid in the face of real danger.Moreover, there is still no way to resolve this danger. Even if Dong Mingshu who is not far away wants to rescue him, there is nothing he can do. He has no weapons at all.Stand up, there is no other choice but to die.

Chen Kangjie huddled tightly, trying not to expose his body as a target.His mind is a little messed up now, did he just die here?There are still many things I haven't done. If I really fall outside the territory, then my family, my friends, my colleagues... Chen Kangjie doesn't want to think about it, but he can't control it.

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