rebirth of change

Chapter 1654 Pang Hui is lost

Chen Kangjie and the others headed north aimlessly, crossing a river and entering the mountainous area, only to temporarily avoid the pursuers behind them.

This was also due to luck, if Chen Kangjie and the others could hold out on the spot for an extra 5 minutes, the rescue Pakistani army would have arrived.There is a process for the army to come out of the barracks to perform tasks. It receives orders, organizes assembly, arranges equipment, and goes out to fight.This process takes time.

Because it is close to the border area, there are certain army and air force stationed in Bulusha Buluoba, so there are also special schools for the children of soldiers in the local area.Anti-terrorism is basically not used by the Air Force. It took a marine company stationed in the southern suburbs 10 to [-] minutes from receiving the order to leaving the barracks.They first went to the Burusaburo Mosque Square where the explosion took place, and from there followed the traces of the battle to the north road.However, when they arrived in full armor, Chen Kangjie and the others had already fled, and the terrifying minute who was chasing them also left the local area and headed north after leaving behind an overturned car.

But having said that, if Chen Kangjie and the others stayed, they might not be able to stick to the seemingly short 5 minutes.The main reason was that Chen Kangjie and the others lacked weapons and ammunition, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others almost ran out of bullets after two rounds of fierce firefights.In such a situation, it is very difficult to stick to it for 5 minutes.Maybe when the rescuers arrived, the enemy didn't catch them, and Chen Kangjie and the others died instead.

This small incident also reflects from one aspect that the Pakistan Army still has a lot of room for improvement in its response capability and combat effectiveness.At least, that's the problem with garrisons facing north and west.It may be that the enemies they deal with are not that strong, so they are a little slack.

There is some reason for such speculation. Batie has always regarded their eastern neighbors as their greatest enemy. The two countries have been quarreling for decades over historical issues and the ownership of a large piece of territory. There was once a war.Therefore, Pakistan Railway's most elite army and heavy weapons are deployed eastward, which is their strategic threat direction.Only the elite air force and missile forces are not in deep areas.

Turning over a huge exposed boulder, Chen Kangjie and Dong Mingshu put Wang Wei on the ground, and they also fell down panting heavily.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and they entered a valley, and they could see the bright galaxy when they looked up, and the two mountains in the distance were like two ghosts dressed in black, so deep Can't see through.They didn't dare to listen and rest after running all the way, because the tails behind them followed them until night fell and their vision became dim. Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun behind them used some field methods of camouflage and destroying their tracks to temporarily lure the pursuers. in the wrong direction.

They didn't know how much they had traveled all the way. Anyway, tens of miles should be indispensable.Being driven tens of miles from south to north is not a good feeling.

"Who?" The two had just taken a few breaths when they heard the sound of a stone falling, and Chen Kangjie immediately bounced off the ground, and asked instinctively and cautiously.

"It's me...Samidov..." Two seconds later, Samidov, who was panting heavily, came over from behind the boulder, and got up with a person on his back.

Chen Kangjie hurried up to meet him and helped Samidov put Alyosha off his body.

"Where are the two of them?" Chen Kangjie asked after Samidov also collapsed on the ground.

"They turned to the east... and they will come back to find us when the enemy is lured away." Samidov touched the thick beads of sweat on his forehead and said out of breath.

"Samidov, how is Alyosha? Where is the injury?" Dong Mingshu crawled over and asked closer.

"Now I only know that his back was shot into pieces, and the rest is unclear..." Samidov said with worry and sadness, but under the cover of night, neither Chen Kangjie nor Dong Mingshu looked very good. Get to know his expression.

"In this case, we must find a way to treat it. If it takes a long time, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome." After Chen Kangjie took a few breaths, his breathing became even and smooth.

As he said that, Chen Kangjie took out his mobile phone from his body. He wanted to make a call for help. He believed that whether the call was made back home or to the Pakistani authorities, a rescue force would arrive soon.Trouble would be much easier to solve if military helicopters were used as a means of transportation.

It's a pity that Pakistan's infrastructure is so backward that there is no signal on his mobile phone at all.

It's no wonder that Baguo has not yet achieved full coverage of mobile communication signals in the towns. When making calls in the city, it is best to use a landline, and mobile phones often have blind spots.Not to mention that Chen Kangjie and the others are now in the mountains where there is no village in the front and no store in the back. If there is a mobile phone signal here, it will be really weird.

"Damn it, why is there no signal?" Chen Kangjie changed a few places, but the signal on the mobile phone was all displayed as empty, and Chen Kangjie was so angry that he cursed.

"Master Jie, my mobile phone has no signal, and it's almost out of battery." When Chen Kangjie was looking for a signal, Dong Mingshu was not idle either.However, Chen Kangjie's mobile phone did not capture even a signal, so how could Dong Mingshu's be an exception.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Kangjie jumped off the boulder, "Without reinforcements, we have to rely on our own strength to support it. When Brother Xiong and Brother Tan come back, we will discuss what to do next. I believe that there is no unparalleled road , we have escaped from such a dangerous environment, will it be worse in the future?" The difficult environment has stimulated Chen Kangjie's stubbornness and perseverance in his bones.

"Mr. Jie, I'm very worried about Basyev and Lovsky. I really don't know if they are dead or alive." Samidov still seemed a little disappointed.

Samidov and Basev have been together more than ten years ago. After leaving the Russian territory, they united with Chen Kangjie and depended on each other.With such a deep relationship and emotion condensed, their intimacy has already surpassed that of ordinary relatives, not brothers are better than brothers.

Although Alyosha was seriously injured, at least he is not dead yet, so he is with him.The fate of Basev and Lovsky is uncertain. As Samidov who led them along the way, he will certainly feel heavy and sad.In addition to being disappointed, he even blamed himself a little bit, blaming himself for not being able to bring them out.

Both Chen Kangjie and Dong Mingshu understood Samidov's mood. If any of them were left behind, I believe they would feel better than Samidov.This kind of friendship formed on the edge of life and death is not comparable to ordinary relationships, and it is not easy for ordinary people to understand the kind of life-threatening friendship engraved in their bones.

Chen Kangjie went to Samidov's side and knelt down, put his hands on his shoulders, "I understand your feelings, but don't worry too much, they may have nothing to worry about. Think about it from another angle, Perhaps it was right not to bring them out. They were not lightly injured and could not withstand such torture and bumps. Forcibly bringing them on us would have a huge impact on our actions, and it would not be conducive to the stability of their injuries. They They came with me. There is a list of those left in Pakistan. I believe that after the rescuers find them, they will definitely provide them with the best medical treatment. Maybe they are already undergoing treatment in the hospital now, you said Right? Relax. I promise, no matter what happens to them, we will bring them back, and you won't give them up, and neither will I."

Chen Kangjie was trying to appease Samidov, but this was also his true inner thoughts.For everyone who has paid for him, he will never forget or abandon him. The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring. This is our traditional value all the time.

"Thank you, thank you." Samidov patted Chen Kangjie's arm backhand.

"I should thank you. If it weren't for your selflessness, I might have fallen under the enemy's guns now." Chen Kangjie stood up and said, staring into the dark distance.

"I don't know what happened to John Jimmy and the others." Dong Mingshu interjected.

"I believe they have the ability to protect themselves, if they escape the danger in the explosion." Chen Kangjie said coldly.

It's not that Chen Kangjie doesn't care about the life and death of John Jimmy and the others. The main reason is that he hasn't completely fallen into the abyss yet. It can be said that he is in danger, so how can he think about other things.And what he said made sense. As a person who came out of the seals, Chen Kangjie would never doubt their survivability and combat effectiveness. As long as the first wave of explosions did not hurt them, I believe they can handle the subsequent situation.

"By the way, why didn't I see Pang Hui when I got to the highway?" Dong Mingshu mentioned John Jimmy and the others, but instead gave Chen Kangjie a hint, he turned around and said in a jerk.

"Yeah, why did you forget him, Samidov, you are behind, did you see him?" When Chen Kangjie said this, Dong Mingshu, who had a deep affection with Pang Hui, immediately became worried.

"I didn't see it. It's too messy. I thought he was opening the way for you." Samidov shook his head.

"It's broken, that guy was lost, right? Isn't he helping the queen, why did he come to open the way for us?" Dong Mingshu slapped his thigh and became nervous.

"Don't think badly, he is no worse than you. Wait for Brother Qiang and the others to come back later, and ask him. Even if he is lost, I believe nothing will happen to him. Ordinary people, there is nothing they can do about him." Chen Kangjie even thought He is also worried about being nervous, but as the leader, not only can he no longer create a tense atmosphere at this time, but he should also calm everyone's emotions.Only in this way can we cope with the next difficulties.

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