rebirth of change

Chapter 1657: Doubtful

"There are still people in the southwest?" Chen Kangjie was really surprised, mainly because he didn't find the third group of people.

"Yes, they seem to know that we have to turn back and go back to Pakistan, so they adopted such a siege strategy. They surrounded us like this, and we have no way to go except to continue north. However , The actual situation is that we have no way to go north." Xiong Ziqiang said.

"Why do you say there is no way to go north?" Samidov asked.

"Because we go all the way north to the snow-capped mountains. We have no logistical supplies and no suitable equipment. Like us, we have no warm clothes, no food and moisture, and no weapons and ammunition. Just like this, how can we cross the vast snow-capped mountains. Maybe Before we got halfway, we would starve to death, freeze to death, or become the food of snow leopards." Chen Kangjie half-closed his eyes and said solemnly.

Since half of the mountains in the north belong to the territory of China, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang are not unfamiliar with this geography.Samidov had never set foot in this area before, so he asked such a question.

"Yes, we can't go all the way to the north. The natural conditions are too bad. Moreover, there is a disputed area over there. We just drilled in like this. The trouble is not small. If we fail, the local armed forces will treat us as enemies. "Xiong Ziqiang once went to the snow-capped mountains in the border area for training, so he knows more about it.

"So where do we go next?" Samidov asked.

"There is only one way, and that is to continue heading to the northwest, but..." Halfway through the sentence, Chen Kangjie shut up, unable to continue.

"What's wrong? Young Master Jie, is there something wrong?" Chen Kangjie stopped talking, and his brows were still furrowed deeply, and the others felt that the situation was unusual.

"If we go northwest, we will enter Afghanistan, which is an Islamic country ruled by ultra-conservative theologians. We have no diplomatic relations with them, or most countries in the world do not have diplomatic relations with them. , if we go in, the consequences will be unimaginable, they seem to not welcome foreigners all the time. And... I always feel that some places are too strange..." Chen Kangjie shook his head while talking.

One thing that Chen Kangjie and the others don't know yet is that the place they are in at this time already belongs to the territory of Afghanistan.This is mainly because they were not in a straight line when heading north yesterday, but slightly to the northwest.In addition, the border posts in the mountainous area facing Afghanistan are relatively sparse, and it was too dark last night for them to see a boundary marker that they had passed by. This is why they thought they were still in the Pakistan Railway.

"What's strange?" Dong Mingshu asked.

"Why do these people drive us to the northwest? Why does it feel like they have such ideas and measures from the beginning. Moreover, I always feel that their behavior style is very similar to the organization of theologians in Afghanistan." Chen Kangjie hesitated Said intently.

"Jie Shao, do you suspect that the people behind are the army controlled by the theologians?" Xiong Ziqiang's heart began to beat. "We haven't had contact with them before, how do you know?"

"Isn't it doubtful?" Chen Kangjie glanced at Xiong Ziqiang, then turned his head to look at the territory of Afghanistan, which he thought was still far away. "Understanding does not necessarily require direct contact. If so, how can we understand the thoughts of the ancients, how can we understand those who are thousands of miles away. Now is the era of information technology, although the organization of theologians is basically isolated from the outside world However, there are still quite a few people who have studied them who have written articles. Diplomats from a few countries that have diplomatic ties with them also have corresponding descriptions when they are interviewed by reporters from other countries.”

Chen Kangjie didn't know much about theologians, but compared to other people around him, he knew a little more.This is mainly due to the fact that the experience before rebirth has a wide range of information sources after rebirth.Before rebirth, there was a disciplinary film about the organization of theologians in Afghanistan in the West. Although domestic TV stations did not broadcast it, Chen Kangjie still saw it on the Internet in the era of advanced Internet information.Some of the information in it comes from the descriptions of local people, some from those diplomats, and some from the US intelligence department and the US army.In it, an intelligence officer of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency who once lurked in the theologian organization also gave some anonymous descriptions.It's just that Chen Kangjie can't tell them this, because the documentary hasn't come out yet, and it will wait until the war on terror breaks out and the organization of theologians is overthrown and pushed underground.

"But we don't have any grievances with the theologian organization, neither broke their wealth nor stole their people, why would they send someone to do something wrong to you?" Xiong Ziqiang asked wonderingly.

"This is also what I can't understand... But so far, apart from them, I really can't find a more suitable suspect." Chen Kangjie shook his head and said in silence for a while.

"Then let's arrest one or two people and torture them. I believe we can find out something." Originally, this kind of quick temper belonged to Pang Hui's patent, but now that Pang Hui is away, Dong Mingshu has passed it on.

"That can't be done, can't be done..." Chen Kangjie turned around and waved his hands again and again, "Isn't it tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap to catch prisoners at this time? Don't do such stupid things. Our top priority now is not to find out who wants to To harm me, but to get away from the pursuit of the vicious dog behind, and then find a place to treat Alyosha and Wang Wei well. As long as the two of them are well, I believe, we will find out the truth."

"That's fine, Young Master Jie, just tell us what to do. All of us here listen to you, and we will do what you say." Xiong Ziqiang also felt that what Chen Kangjie said made sense, so he stood up straight, Immediately, he made a firm statement like a soldier.

"If you go northwest, you go northwest. When you enter Afghanistan, you enter Afghanistan. It's not a big deal. I don't believe that it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair. It's just that we can only avoid the mainland for the time being and go to remote places as much as possible. It will not be blocked by the front and back. It is best that we can find a suitable place and some medicines to treat the two of them. Moreover, we seem to need to make some supplements, otherwise, as we are, at most we can deal with it It's just a wild wolf." Chen Kangjie was not polite, he didn't feel that he lacked the necessary military literacy, and he evaded it without receiving corresponding training.

As the leader of this group of people, at critical times, you need to make up your mind firmly.Sometimes a wrong idea can do less harm than hesitation and finger-pointing.This is like setting a strategy. If there is a deviation in the strategy, it can be corrected and adjusted through later actions. However, if there is no strategy all the time, discussing and discussing the strategy will miss the opportunity.

After Chen Kangjie made his decision, the others had nothing to say, and no one expressed any objection to his decision.After a simple division of labor, the group set off.Just to take the remote path, they don't completely go northwest, but they will turn to the north at the same time when they go northwest, which is equivalent to walking a stepped curve.

According to the division of labor, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang walked ahead to open the way, while Tan Jun was in charge of breaking the back.Dong Mingshu, like Samidov, continued to be responsible for the care and assistance of the two wounded.

After entering the mountains, although the sky is shining with the sun's brilliance, the temperature still feels not high.It's just because everyone is trekking that they don't feel cold.If this stops, the chill will soon hit the whole body, after all, this is winter in the northern hemisphere.

The mountains here are not the same as those that come out of the rainforest.In the rainforest area, there will always be towering trees and dense shrubs on the mountain. In such a rainforest, although the conditions will still be difficult, at least there will be no shortage of food and water.If he knows how to hunt, he may be able to live a small life eating game and berries.

Here, on the almost rocky desert mountain, there are very few trees, and the trees that can be seen are very low.As for the grass, it is also in the form of dots, and some can be seen from time to time. The situation of clumps or patches is almost invisible.Most of the time, all they can see are cold stones or a yellowish gray color.Standing on a high place, you can even see the snow-covered mountains in the distance.It's just that although those mountain peaks can be seen, it is not a matter of a day or two to really go to them.Wangshan can run a dead horse, let alone a person with two legs.

"Jie Shao, do you think that's a road?" Xiong Ziqiang, who was leading the road with him, became a little excited when he suddenly saw a road because he had been walking on rugged mountainous terrain.It's just that his eyesight is not as good as Chen Kangjie's, so Chen Kangjie needs to confirm it.

"Let me see, where is it?" Chen Kangjie squatted down and looked in the direction pointed by Xiong Ziqiang, "It doesn't seem to be a road, there is no roadbed, and it has not been dug. However, on the muddy ground, Fangfo really has a car." The traces of walking. The distance between the wheelbases is not wide, and it is a bit narrow. Even if there is a car passing by, it is basically a carriage, not a car." Chen Kangjie squatted on the cliff, looking towards a desolate place that extends gently upwards in the distance Podi stared at it for dozens of seconds before making a judgment.

"If there is a carriage passing here, then there should be a family in front of it, otherwise there is no carriage here. We can't do it all the time on the mountain. They are too tired and their injuries can't afford it. See if we are looking for a house, Stop for a while?" Xiong Ziqiang suggested, scanning the surrounding terrain.

"Well... we'll still walk on the mountain. When we get to the front, if there is someone there, then we can borrow it." When Chen Kangjie said that he would borrow it, he was not gentle, but a chill came out of his eyes.It seems that he also knows that the process of borrowing should not be too peaceful.

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