rebirth of change

Chapter 1659 The Darkness Under the Lights

Chen Kangjie, Samidov, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun first followed the traces of the carriage team to catch up with them.Of course, their catching up was only a long way off.After seeing their direction clearly, the four of them walked around from the side.Go to the front to find a suitable place to set up.

The route traveled by the carriage is a dirt road formed by the alluvial rivers in the valley.It was not the rainy season at this time, so the appearance of the river could not be seen, but judging from the intermittent ruts on the barren muddy ground, other carriages had passed before this group of people passed by.

The main reason is that there are no weapons, otherwise, as long as they lie in ambush on the cliffs on both sides, and the carriages pass below, these people can be wiped out.As for the corpse, just find a cave and throw it away, and it's over.It's a pity that they don't have weapons, and the bottom of the valley sandwiched by the mountains on both sides is quite wide, with a width of more than 100 meters in some places.Such a width is not suitable for ambush at all, it is better to lie directly in the middle of the road.

It's just that if there are a few people lying in the wilderness in the wilderness where the cold wind blows, no one will be more vigilant and vigilant.Under the eyes of other people's guns, it is difficult to suddenly explode with manpower alone.Maybe the body was beaten into a hornet's nest just after getting up from the ground, which is not much different from suicide.What's more, Chen Kangjie's appearance and skin color can't be seen as locals. If they are locals and understand the local language, then perhaps the chances of success will be great.

Chen Kangjie and the others walked quickly along the foot of the mountain for several kilometers, but they couldn't find a suitable place.After going forward for another kilometer, after turning a 20-degree bay, a relatively suitable place appeared. The narrowness of the two sides is only more than [-] meters, and there is a water flow on the right hand side A natural stone gate formed by weathering.The height of the stone gate is about ten meters, but the width is only four or five meters.

Seeing such a natural landscape, the four of them gathered under the stone gate.However, they didn't appreciate this fantasy gate with the mentality of tourists or explorers. They wanted to see if it was suitable for ambushes.

"So far, this is the narrowest place, and it is the most suitable place. Everyone, take a closer look and see if you can use it." Chen Kangjie stood on the side of the stone gate away from the mountain, looking up at the gray-brown gatepost and said. .

In fact, without Chen Kangjie's instructions, the other three had already started to investigate from left to right.

"Everyone, come and see." After a while, Tan Jun, who was squatting under the doorpost facing the direction from which he came, called out.

The other three thought that Tan Jun had found something good, so they all surrounded him.

"What are you looking at? There's nothing there, just some loess." Xiong Ziqiang looked left and right, but couldn't figure out what Tan Jun asked them to come and see.

In fact, Chen Kangjie and Samidov didn't see why. In front of Tan Jun, there was a layer of fine gray-brown soil.There is nothing special about it at all. Of course, the soil here may be special, otherwise it would not be so easy to weather such a tall stone gate.However, that only appeals to geologists or geographers, and they don't study this group of people.

"I didn't let you see the soil, I let you see what's on the soil." Tan Jun said.

When he said this, Chen Kangjie and the others noticed that there were some small white-yellow particles scattered on the top of the soil.

"What are those things? What does it explain?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"This should be a kind of shortbread from Central Asia and South Asia. In other words, someone has eaten it here." Tan Jun then pulled it out on the ground with his hands, then grabbed a handful of soil and spread it in the palm of his hand. , "There are such shortbread crumbs on the upper layer, and the lower layer also has such shortbread crumbs, which shows that people who come and go from south to north often rest, eat and replenish water in this place."

It is true that there are also small yellow-white particles on the finely divided soil spread out in Tan Jun's hand.If this is not serious, it is impossible to have such a discovery, and it will be regarded as a substance that exists in the soil itself.Carefulness and insight are indispensable.

"Indeed, although the flying sand falling from the head has played a certain role in covering up, the scattered footprints can still be distinguished. There are some on this side of the wall, and there are also on the other side of the wall." Dong Mingshu said.

"If we want to ambush, this is really a good choice. If the carriage team rests here, they will definitely come from that direction." Samidov stood on the earthen wall under the gatepost and pointed to the direction he came from. , "From the road to here, there are no ruts or horseshoe pits, which means that the passing people and carriages have been left on the road. It's just that pedestrians come here. If this is the case, we can divide into two groups, One group ambushed under the small ridge over there, and then controlled the frightened flattery. The other group ambush behind the earth wall. The earth wall is facing the light, and this side is backlighted. Judging from Tan Jun's discovery, People here like to rest on the side of the light. As long as we are coordinated and move fast enough, we should be able to solve the situation before the other side shoots."

Everyone else felt that what Samidov said had some truth, but they didn't say it out, and collectively looked at Chen Kangjie.

But Chen Kangjie felt that it would not be so easy.This is not an inn or tea house in the past, if it is, the people passing by will almost all take a break.This is just a relatively suitable place to rest, what if people don't stop?Some people stopped here to refill food and rest, which does not mean that everyone will be the same.If the seven or eight people didn't stop here, then Chen Kangjie and the others would be easily spotted. Once they passed the earthen wall, they could be spotted by turning their heads casually.Until then, things will not be easy to handle.

Regarding the possibility of knowledge, Chen Kangjie cannot regard it as absolute.What's more, it is unlikely that they all gather on one side of the earthen wall to sit and rest. If they spread out and arrange one or two people to stand guard, even if they stop, their operations will be in great trouble.

"It's not suitable here. We have to be foolproof, and we can't risk the possibility. If they don't stop or disperse, our effect will be greatly reduced, and there will even be casualties. This is what I don't want to see. The key is that we don't have weapons, and the only thing we can use is the rocks on the ground over there. It's too risky, so let's go ahead and look for it." Chen Kangjie expressed his worries without concealment.

"Jie Shao..." Xiong Ziqiang wanted to say something.

"Okay, we can't take this risk." Chen Kangjie interrupted him bluntly, familiar with each other, Chen Kangjie already knew what Xiong Ziqiang was going to say, "We are difficult, but we can no longer pay for it That's it. Let's go and search again, be more patient, maybe there will be better discoveries."

It stands to reason that among this group of people, Chen Kangjie should be the one who can't bear hardships the most, or who is the most impatient.However, at every critical moment, he was still able to hold on, and did not make hasty decisions easily.

In desperation, everyone could only follow Chen Kangjie's decision and continue to look for a suitable location.Who told him to be the boss who could make the final decision, and what he said was also convincing.

Chen Kangjie's cautiousness really saved them from disaster.People's team is loose, but that doesn't mean that those people are idiots.Not long after they left, the carriage team arrived at Shimen.When one person accidentally discovered fresh footprints on the soft soil, the whole team immediately became alert.Instead of sitting down to rest and eat, they searched around with their guns in hand.If Chen Kangjie and the others were really in ambush here, they would probably become captives before they made a move, unless they were willing to bear the loss of casualties.

It may be luck, or it may be as Chen Kangjie said, as long as you have more patience, you may have better discoveries.

Just as they walked another three kilometers forward, a terrain that seemed unsuitable for an ambush appeared, but Chen Kangjie felt that this was the most suitable place.

The valley in this lot is wide, six to seventy meters wide.However, after the road reached here, I don't know if it was because of the flash floods, but there were subsidences on both sides, and one of them was the most serious, leaving only a width of three or four meters in the middle.

Although this place is very wide, the line of sight is also wide, standing in the middle, you can see the surroundings clearly.But Chen Kangjie still thinks this place is pretty good.

"It's here, it's more suitable than the place just now." Chen Kangjie stopped, walked back and forth twice, and said resolutely.

"Master Jie, is this suitable place? Standing on the ridge, you can see both sides at a glance, where are we going to ambush?" Dong Mingshu was a little surprised by Chen Kangjie's decision.

"It's in the narrowest place in the middle. The carriage can only walk on the dirt ridge here. It is impossible for them to lift the carriage to go below. We lie in ambush on both sides. As long as they pass here, we can suddenly launch from both sides. , the chance of success is relatively high," Chen Kangjie said.

"Jie Shao, the height of this ridge is only 1.5 meters. Standing alone is a problem. How can we ambush people? Others can almost see us from ten meters away." Tan Jun walked to the edge of the ridge and looked down. Said.

"That's it, I said it's the most suitable. They must not have thought of it. It's dark under the lights, so they can be caught by surprise. Come and see, the sunken soil layer is arc-shaped. They came from there, and we huddled and hid Here, unless you come close, you can’t see it. If you don’t believe me, let’s try.” Chen Kangjie jumped down, “Take two steps back and see if you can see me.”

Chen Kangjie's body was tightly pressed against the ridge, his head was dripping down, and his feet were also bent.Xiong Ziqiang and the others, who took two steps back, could not see Chen Kangjie. They could only find out when they got to the edge.

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