rebirth of change

Chapter 1662 Scared Chinese

To Chen Kangjie's surprise, this guy who is still a little bit smart and has good physical fitness recognized Chen Kangjie at a glance.

"Long, long?" This young man of foreign race who looked only 23 or [-] years old, with deep-set eyes and a not-so-thick beard raised his head, his eyes widened, and his surprise was beyond words.He first called out Chen Kangjie's English stage name affirmatively, then hesitated for a moment at random, and adjusted his tone again, turning into an uncertain questioning tone.

"Hehe, you know me? Do you know English?" Chen Kangjie couldn't help being a little happy that he could be recognized at a glance in this remote country.He is not proud that his fame can spread to this barren land, but that someone can recognize him, which means that he can ask for some information.

Considering that the other party might understand English, Chen Kangjie directly used English.However, the other party did not give him a fluent response as expected, but continued to kneel on the ground, with a very confused expression, his eyes rolled around, and he felt quite confused.

Does this guy not understand English?Chen Kangjie made a sudden attack immediately.But he doesn't know English, how can he call his own name?

Worried that he was speaking too fast and it sounded difficult to him, Chen Kangjie said his words slowly again.But the situation is the same, he is still confused and confused.

"Jie Shao, what are you doing? Come and see, we found something good. The two carriages are full of supplies, including ammunition, food, and even some medicines and kerosene. There are quite a few." Xiong Ziqiang strode over from behind, and when he came to the front, he saw a stranger kneeling in front of Chen Kangjie, and he immediately pointed the seized gun at the young man vigilantly.

Xiong Ziqiang's muzzle scared the young man to his knees, he waved his hands in panic, and babbled a lot like a machine gun.Although he didn't understand what words he said, but from his fearful eyes, Chen Kangjie understood that this guy was begging for mercy.

"He can recognize me, so I chatted with him." Chen Kangjie stood up, looked at the young man who was still begging for mercy, and said to Xiong Ziqiang.

"Can he recognize you? This...don't they all speak their own dialect? What did you talk about?" Xiong Ziqiang was also surprised that someone recognized Chen Kangjie here.

"I don't know if he really doesn't understand or if he doesn't understand. He called out my English stage name as soon as he saw me, but after I formally asked him the question, he seemed very dazed again, as if he didn't understand me at all. What you said." Chen Kangjie said.

Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang talked in Chinese, so he was not afraid of him being heard.

"It's normal if they don't understand. I tried others just now, and it's not right. How many of these mountain people can understand English. He can recognize you because you are so famous. , and that English name is like a symbol, anyone who can't speak English can call it casually, as long as they know you." Xiong Ziqiang said disapprovingly.

"That's true." Chen Kangjie nodded in agreement.Just like most young people in China can speak Michael Jackson's English name, but that doesn't mean everyone can communicate in English. "It seems that I'm thinking too much. I really don't know where we are now, and the people here can't understand us. It's really a problem to find someone to ask."

"This problem will be difficult to solve for a while. Now, we have obtained such a batch of supplies, which at least temporarily solves our urgent needs. After we get through the temporary difficult period, I believe we will be able to return to China soon. At present, we will soon The problem is that we take the goods away, but what about these people?" Xiong Ziqiang asked Chen Kangjie after glancing at the young man who was kneeling on the ground and not shouting.

"What to do with people? What to do with people? It's indeed a problem." Chen Kangjie was also scratching his head on this question.

At that time, he couldn't figure out whether these people were enemies or friends, so he asked everyone to show mercy.It's all right now, only one died, the others were just injured, the young man in front of him might even be slightly injured, and the troubles continued.Bring these people on?That was absolutely impossible. Chen Kangjie and the others had two wounded themselves, so it was difficult for them to protect themselves. If they brought these captives with them, and they were wounded captives, wouldn't they be asking for trouble?

However, it seems inappropriate to let them go.Not to mention whether releasing them will incur retaliation, and at the same time reveal their whereabouts.Even if none of these things happen, those prisoners who were seriously injured, even if they were released, would find it difficult to return to their homes, and their warm clothes were stripped, and if they couldn’t move, they would be starved to death. Frozen to death in this wilderness.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be soft-hearted for a moment, but I found myself in big trouble. I really don't know what to do." Chen Kangjie seemed a little embarrassed.

"Jie Shao, there is nothing difficult to deal with. Just now I discussed with Tan Jun and the others. Our suggestion is that these people must not stay. We are not on our own territory now. If we behave like women , it is very likely that tigers will cause trouble, and they will be bitten by snakes instead. Although these people can't tell which country's soldiers they are from, judging from the fact that they all carry weapons, there is no doubt that they are armed forces. Maybe we can't do it It is clear which faction they belong to, but then again, we don’t need to figure it out, we don’t have the time and environment. Therefore, the best way is, for our own safety, they must be sacrificed and must not be let go.” Xiong Ziqiang's hard-hearted analysis said.

"But..." Chen Kangjie understood that what Xiong Ziqiang said was right, but he really couldn't bear it.

Most importantly, Chen Kangjie didn't know who they were.If it is clear that these people are enemies, then Chen Kangjie is not a good man and a believer in women. He rarely acts the kind of kindness of a woman who harms others and himself.But in case these people were not enemies, or even allies, Chen Kangjie felt a little unbearable to deal with them casually.No matter how hard-hearted he is, he is not the kind of person who carelessly disregards human life.

"Jie Shao, don't worry, you don't need to do this, the three of us can finish it. Tan Jun has seen it, there is a small crack in the ground at the foot of the mountain over there, after dealing with it, just throw it into the crack, take some stones and Just cover them with dry grass." It seems that Xiong Ziqiang and the others really have no intention of letting these people go, and they have even thought of a way to deal with the aftermath.

"This... well, if you want to do it, just clean it up and get them to the foot of the mountain first." Chen Kangjie wanted to object, but he couldn't find any reason to object.Coupled with the fact that the current security situation is indeed a bit harsh, Chen Kangjie could only agree in desperation.

"I... I... I won't go, I won't go... Please let me go..." As soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, difficult Chinese rang in their ears.

Um?Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang were stunned for a moment, then cast their eyes on the young man on the ground almost at the same time, and both of them expressed doubts and surprises.Why, this guy doesn't know English but knows Chinese?

"Can you understand us?" Xiong Ziqiang asked viciously, pointing at him with his left hand, and moved the gun in his right hand forward, with his index finger firmly on the trigger, ready to pull it at any time to shoot him dead In front of the preparation.

"Please... you want to kill me... I can only know a little..." The young man murmured fearfully and nervously as if begging for mercy.

He first looked at the vicious Xiong Ziqiang, then thought that Chen Kangjie would be easier to talk to, and then turned to Chen Kangjie, pitifully hoping that Chen Kangjie would show mercy.

Chen Kangjie opened Xiong Ziqiang's muzzle a little, so as not to put pressure on finding a local who could communicate with him.

"What's your name? Where is this place?" Chen Kangjie asked softly after looking at the young man.

"My name is...Jalil Ahmed." In order to clearly state his name in Chinese, Jahlil Ahmed paused and thought for a while, "This is &*%¥".

"What? You have to use Chinese. I don't understand your language." Jahril said a place name, but Chen Kangjie couldn't understand his dialect.

"This... here is... Nu...Ristan." It seems that it is still quite difficult for Jahril to say this place name in Chinese. He hesitated for a long time before saying this place name in Chinese intermittently. out.

"Nurristan? Where is Nuristan?" Chen Kangjie is not omnipotent, and this place name also made him at a loss, and he even asked Yu Xiong Ziqiang to teach him.The three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, he doesn't know and doesn't mean that Xiong Ziqiang doesn't know.

Who knows that Xiong Ziqiang doesn't know even more. After he rolled his eyes, he stared fiercely at Jahril Ahmed. How can you understand."

Xiong Ziqiang wished he could give Jahril two slaps.

"Oh, oh, oh, I said, I said, Nuristan belongs to Afghanistan, it is not a small place, it is the eastern province of Afghanistan." Xiong Ziqiang was frightened, and Jahril Ahmed did not He stuttered, and answered their doubts very smoothly.

As soon as Jaliel said that, Xiong Ziqiang's face turned red. If it weren't for Chen Kangjie, he would have kicked him.People are a province, but he said it is a small place name.Isn't this a satire that Xiong Ziqiang is ignorant?

"Hehe, hehe. Brother Qiang, don't mind, he said that, I also thought Nuristan was a village or a town." Chen Kangjie smiled knowingly, "Those who don't know don't blame it, don't be shy, hehe .”

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