rebirth of change

Chapter 1664 Sentinel Function

"What did you say? Suggest that we capture Haruni post? Did I hear correctly?" Chen Kangjie stopped and asked Jahril in surprise.

It stands to reason that Jahril is a prisoner. Even if Chen Kangjie wants him to be a guide and interpreter, then you can answer all your questions. Why did you suggest that outsiders take over your country's guard post?This sounds more or less inappropriate and unexpected.

"I'm serious, I'm not kidding," Jahril said seriously.

"Jie Shao, I think his suggestion is okay." Xiong Ziqiang, who had already stepped forward, took two steps back and said. He had been listening to the conversation between Chen Kangjie and Jaliel before.

With this vote, Chen Kangjie and the others not only got Jaliel, the translator who understands Chinese, but also got two carriages and the unsatisfactory supplies on the carts.In order to properly set up the two carriages, Samidov and Tan Jun, who have not had much contact with this backward means of transportation, can only act as drivers.Riding a horse-drawn carriage looks easy, but to the uninitiated it is like getting on a bicycle to the uninitiated.Although the carriage generally does not turn over, it is very difficult to let him dictate.At first, Samidov and Tan Jun jumped into the carriage and went to sit, but after experiencing several uncontrollable dangers, they got down strangely and led them away by hand.In ancient times, being a carriage driver was a profession, not everyone could do it. In the ancient army, there was special training for driving a carriage.

The two of them went to drive, so Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang would be free.Originally, Xiong Ziqiang should go to the front to open the way, and if he meets other people, he should send out some warning signals.However, because he was worried that Jaliel, who had just been going anyway, would plot evil and threaten Chen Kangjie, he gave up the action of opening the way and kept a relatively close distance with Chen Kangjie and the others.

"How do you say it's okay? We are not an army, and we have no plans or possibilities to attack the city. Think about it, it is the sentry post of the army of theologians. Why should we attack it? Garrison it? We must be able to defend it. Okay, just a few of us, we can't stand a random army being transferred. Besides, there must be a communication channel between the sentry post and the superior. We have captured their sentry post. Doesn't it mean that we are exposed? Well, do you think a few of us can overthrow the theologians with tens of thousands of troops in their hands? Wishful thinking, what we have to do now is to leave this ghostly place and go back to China." Chen Kangjie teased.

"The Haluni post is on a high mountain, and there is no telephone contact with the superiors. If they want to contact, they can only rely on horses to go back and forth. These few people are delivering supplies to them this time. The supplies of the Haluni post are delivered once a month. As long as If they don’t take the initiative to report it, no one will know for a month,” Jahril explained.

"Look, people's connections are very backward, how could they be exposed so easily?" Xiong Ziqiang objected.

"Then what are we going to do when we attack? Settle down and become the king of the mountain? You can do it and I won't do it. It's okay to live in this place for a day or two. Who can stand it for a long time?" Chen Kangjie said, rolling his eyes.

"What kind of household is An's family? Jie Shao, at least we have a foothold if we capture it. Think about it, do Alyosha and Wang Wei need a place to heal and recuperate? It's not suitable for it to be so cold outdoors." , If you can have two houses, as long as no one can find them for half a month, then it will be fine. We just saw that there are medicines and some simple equipment in the carriage." Xiong Ziqiang said.

Huh!It's true, Chen Kangjie really didn't think of this all of a sudden.It seems that there are still many people.

However, Chen Kangjie became a little suspicious again. The benefits are good, but this wouldn't be Jaliel's plan to lure the king into the urn, right?If he deliberately led Chen Kangjie and the others to a camp with stronger forces for his own escape, then it would be a waste of money.Moreover, in front of him, these people executed and discarded his comrades-in-arms, wouldn't he have a little bit of hatred?Could it be that he used this method to avenge his comrades in arms?

Thinking about it, Chen Kangjie cast a chilling glance at Jahril, startling the expectant Jahril, thinking that he had made some mistake to offend Chen Kangjie.

"The Haluni post you asked us to go to should have a lot of troops stationed there?" Chen Kangjie asked expressionlessly.

"No...this, not too much." Jahril stuttered again.

"Brother Qiang, how many people are enough for the materials on the carriage?" Chen Kangjie turned to Xiong Ziqiang and asked.

"Oh, why didn't I think of this." Xiong Ziqiang patted his head annoyedly, and then pointed at Jaliel, "You boy, you have a really bad heart, I almost fell for you. Mr. Jie , The supplies on the carriage are enough for at least a dozen people, and I think there will be at least one squad of troops stationed at the sentry post he mentioned."

"It's not like this, it's not like this, I didn't mean to harm you, I really didn't think about it that way. If you don't kill me, how could I harm you? I'm purely out of good intentions. Although there are sixteen people in the Haruni sentry post, their combat effectiveness It's not your opponent, and, with me leading the way, they wouldn't think of it at all. If they don't think of it, they won't have any preparations. I hate bachelors of divinity, and you have such a need to make this suggestion. I don't even think about it. I don’t have any thoughts or wishes to harm you.” Jahril was worried that his suggestion would be misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained in a corner.

"Huh? Is that so?" Chen Kangjie snorted.

"That's it, that's it, you have to trust me, trust me." Jahril said urgently.

"Okay... If that's the case, I'll accept your suggestion." Chen Kangjie stared at Jaleel for a while without blinking, and he didn't say the following words until Jaleel's heart was frightened.

Chen Kangjie just wanted to test Jaliel.Going out and facing such a dangerous environment, I have to be careful.If you are not careful, you may lose everything.

Back at the place where they were separated, Wang Wei and Alyosha's mouths were turning purple from the cold.Lack of exercise, lack of food in the body, and under the condition of thin clothes, it is normal to be frozen like this.Samidov and Tan Jun hurriedly took two big leather jackets and put them on, prepared some food and water for them to swallow, and then carried them one by one to the carriage to lie down. feel better.Dong Mingshu was curious about the addition of Jahril, and looked him up and down, until Xiong Ziqiang explained to him, and his worries were dispelled.

It was already dark at this time, and Chen Kangjie and the others were faced with two choices, one was to find a cave to rest for one night, and then make a long-term plan the next day.The second is to approach overnight and use the cover of night to capture the Haruni guard post that Jahril mentioned as a place of cultivation.In fact, the choice of day or night has its own advantages and disadvantages.If you go during the day, everyone can have a night's rest. With warm clothes and food, this night's rest will be much more comfortable. With rest, your energy and body will be much better. At the same time, the possibility of exposure during the day will also increase several times.If you go at night, it will be covered by the darkness, which will help you get confused.Bad situations also exist, that is, the team will not get a rest, everyone will be very tired, and the situation of not being able to see each other at night is not conducive to assault.

Combined with Jahril's description of the situation at Haruni's sentry post, after some discussions and balances, everyone unanimously decided not to rest, but to advance overnight and be caught off guard.

Under Jaliel's lead, Chen Kangjie and the others groped for more than four hours in the dark, and finally saw a faint light on the distant mountain ridge from a distance.

"Long, that's the Haruni sentry post. It's on the mountainside. We have a gentle slope on this side and a cliff on the other side. In front, there is a dirt road dug by ourselves winding up." Everyone stopped, Jia Lear leaned in front of Chen Kangjie and pointed to the lights in the distance to explain.

"I don't understand. There are no towns around here, and it's not close to the border. How could a sentry be set up here?" Chen Kangjie asked after sitting down on a stone wall, taking a sip of water.

"This was set up to monitor the Nuristan people. The surrounding area is sparsely populated, and the people living here are mainly Nuristan people. After taking power, Au Niuer and the theologian have not believed in the Nuristan people, so In addition to sending a lot of troops to Nuristan City, they also set up several sentry posts in these places. Their function is to monitor every move of the Nuristan people. Haruni is the one closest to the mountains. Going forward, basically no one lives," Jahril explained.

"Then why didn't we see the Nuristan villages all the way?" Chen Kangjie asked again.

"They are distinguished by tribes. There is a boundary between tribes. The road we took happened to be the middle line between the two tribes, so there were no people living there. Nuristan is engaged in agriculture. As for, It is also grazing. It is winter, and there is no grass on the mountains, so it is not the season for grazing. When spring comes, you will be able to see herdsmen, cattle and sheep in these mountains." Jahril continued to explain.

"Don't these tribes belong to the theologian organization?" Tan Jun asked.

"No, I have already attached myself. However, since they were pagans in the past, they believed in Vulcanism, and they have only converted to Islam for a hundred years, so no matter who is in power, they are not very reassuring." Jalil continued.

"Oh, so it turns out that this place is still safe. Let's make arrangements and see how we can take down this sentry post?"

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